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1、管理会计专业术术语词汇AAbsorpttion ccostinng A pproducct-cosstingmethod that assiggns alll mannufactturinggcosts tto a pproducct: diirect materrials,direct laborr, varriablee overrhead, andfixed ooverheead.Absorpttion-ccostinng (fuull-coostingg) inccomeIncome compuuted uusing afunctioonallyy-baseed staatemennt
2、. Coost offgoods ssold iincluddes alll varriablee manuufactuuringcosts aand a portiion offfixed ffactorry oveerheadd.Accountting rrate oof retturn TThe raate offreturn obtaiined bby divvidingg the averaageaccountting nnet inncome by thhe oriiginallinvestmment (or byy averrage iinvesttment).Activitty
3、 A bbasic unit of woork peerformmedwithin an orrganizzationn. It alsocan be definned ass an aaggreggationn ofactionss withhin ann orgaanizattion uusefullto manaagers for ppurposses off plannning,controllling, and decission mmakingg.Activitty anaalysiss The proceess off idenntifyiing,describbing, and
4、 eevaluaating theactivitties aan orgganizaation perfoorms.Activitty atttributtes Noonfinaanciall andfinanciial innformaation itemss thatt desccribeindividdual aactiviities.Activitty buddgetinng Thee proccess oof esttimatiingthe demmand ffor eaachactivittys ooutputt and assesssing thecost off resoour
5、cess requuired to prroduceethis ouutput.Activitty cappacityy The numbeer oftimes aan acttivityy can be peerformmed.Activitty dicctionaary A list of acctivittiesdescribbed byy speccific attriibutess suchhas namee, deffinitiion, cclassiificattion aasprimaryy or sseconddary, and aactiviitydriver.Activi
6、tty driivers Factoors thhat meeasureethe connsumpttion oof acttivitiies byy prodductsand othher coost obbjectss.Activitty eliiminattion TThe prrocesss ofeliminaating nonvaalue-aadded activvitiess.Activitty fleexiblee budgget Thhe preedictiionof whatt actiivity costss willl be aasactivitty usaage chh
7、angess.Activitty inpputs TThe reesourcces coonsumeedby an aactiviity inn prodducingg itsoutput (theyy are the ffactorrs thaat enaablethe acttivityy to bbe perrformeed).Adminisstratiive coosts AAll coosts aassociiatedwith thhe genneral adminnistraationof the organnizatiion thhat caannot bereasonaably
8、 aassignned too eithher maarketiingor prodductioon.Advancee priccing aagreemments (APAss)Agreemeents bbetweeen thee Inteernal RevennueServicee and a taxxpayerr on ttheacceptaabilitty of a traansferr pricce. Thheagreemeent iss privvate aand iss binddingon bothh partties ffor a speciified perioodof ti
9、mee.Aesthettics AA quallity aattribbute tthat iisconcernned wiith thhe apppearannce offtangiblle prooductss (forr exammple, styleeand beaauty) as weell ass the appeaaranceeof the facillitiess, equuipmennt, peersonnnel,and commmuniccationn mateerialss assoociateedwith seervicees.Allocattion AAssignnm
10、ent of inndirecctcosts tto cosst objjects.Annuityy A seeries of fuuture cash flowss.Appliedd overrhead Overhhead aassignnedto prodductioon usiing prredeteermineedrates.Appraissal coosts CCosts incurrred tto detterminnewhetherr prodducts and sserviccesare connformiing too requuiremeents.BBalanceed Sc
11、oorecarrd (See Sttrateggicbassedresponssibiliity acccounttingsystem.)Base peeriod A priior peeriod used toset thee bencchmarkk for measuuring produuctiviitychangess.Batch-llevel activvitiess Actiivitiees thaatare perrformeed eacch timme a bbatch isproduceed.Benchmaarkingg An aapproaach thhat ussesbe
12、st prracticces ass the standdard fforevaluatting aactiviity peerformmance.Best-fiittingg linee The line that fits a settof dataa poinnts thhe besst in the ssensethat thhe summ of tthe sqquaredd deviiationnsof the data pointts froom thee lineeis the smalllest.Bindingg consstrainnts Coonstraaintswhose
13、 rresourrces aare fuully uutilizzed.Break-eeven ppoint The ppoint wheree totaalsales rrevenuue equuals ttotal costss;the poiint off zeroo proffits.Activitty outtput TThe reesult or prroducttof an aactiviity.Activitty outtput mmeasurre Thee numbberof timees an activvity iis perrformeed. Itt isthe qua
14、antifiiable measuure off the outpuut.Activitty redductioon Deccreasiing thhe timmeand ressourcees reqquiredd by aan acttivityy.Activitty sellectioon Thee proccess oofchoosinng amoong seets off actiivitieescaused by coompetiing sttrateggies.Activitty shaaring Increeasingg the efficciencyyof neceessar
15、yy actiivitiees by usinggeconomiies off scalle.Activitty vollume vvariannce Thhe cosst ofthe acttual aactiviity caapacitty acqquireddand thee capaacity that shoulld be used.Activitty-bassed coost (AABC) ssystemm Acost syystem that firstt tracces coosts ttoactivitties aand thhen trraces costss fromma
16、ctivitties tto prooductss.Activitty-bassed coostingg (ABCC) A ccostassignmment aapproaach thhat fiirst uusesdirect and ddriverr traccing tto asssigncosts tto acttivitiies annd theen usees driiversto assiign coosts tto cosst objjects.Activitty-bassed maanagemment (ABM) Asystemwwide, integgratedd appr
17、roach thatfocusess manaagemennts aattenttion oonactivitties wwith tthe obbjectiive off imprrovinggcustomeer vallue annd thee proffitachieveed by proviiding this valuee. Itincludees driiver aanalyssis, aactiviityanalysiis, annd perrformaance eevaluaation,and draaws onn actiivity-basedd costtingas a m
18、aajor ssourcee of iinformmationn.Activitty-bassed maanagemment (ABM)accountting ssystemm An aaccounnting systeemthat emmphasiizes tthe usse ofactivitties ffor asssigniing annd mannaginggcosts.Activitty-bassed reesponssibiliity acccounttingA contrrol syystem definned byycenteriing reesponssibiliity o
19、nn proccessessand teaams whhere aactiviity peerformmanceis meassured in teerms oof timme, quualityy,and effficienncy.Actual costiing Ann apprroach that assiggnsactual costss of ddirectt mateerialss,direct laborr, andd overrhead to prroductts.Adjusteed cosst of goodss soldd The costof goodds solld af
20、tter alll adjjustmeentsfor oveerheadd variiance are mmade.G l o ss s a r y68183_gglossaary_8449-8600.qxd 1/22/04 2:27 PMM Pagee 849Budget commiittee A commmitteee ressponsiiblefor settting budgeetarypoliciees andd goalls, reeviewiing annd appprovinngthe buddget, and rresolvving aanydiffereences that
21、 may aarise in thhe buddgetarryprocesss.Budget direcctor TThe inndividdual rresponnsibleefor cooordinaating anddirectiing thhe oveerall budgeetingprocesss.Budgetaary sllack TThe prrocesss ofpaddingg the budgeet by overeestimaatingcosts aand unnderesstimatting rrevenuues.Budgetss Planns of actioon ex
22、ppresseed infinanciial teerms.CCapitall budggetingg The proceess offmaking capittal innvestmment ddecisiions.Capitall inveestmennt deccisionns Theeprocesss of pplanniing, ssettinng goaals anndprioritties, arrannging finanncing, andidentiffying criteeria ffor maaking longtterminvestmments.Carryinng c
23、ossts Thhe cossts off holddinginventoory.Cash buudget A dettailedd plann thatt outllinesall souurces and uuses oof cassh.Causal factoors Acctivitties oor varriableesthat innvoke serviice coosts. Generrally, itis desiirablee to uuse caausal factoors assthe bassis foor alllocatiing seervicee costts.Ce
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