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2、刊登登我国当前信信息化有关的的科技、经济济、教育、管管理等方面具具有一定学术术和应用价值值的学术文献献和反映各学学科、各领域域的新成果、新新技术、新工工艺、新产品品等方面的论论述文章。七、主要栏目1. 经济管管理研究:国国际经贸、物物流论坛、商商业研究、物物流平台、供供应链管理、资资本运营、区区域经济、投投资分析、产产业经济、网网络营销、企企业管理、经经营管理、营营销策略、品品牌战略、市市场调研、人人力资源、企企业文化、财财务审计、财财经论坛、学学术研究、管管理科学。2. 信息化化研究:信息息技术与安全全、通讯技术术、网络技术术、自动识别别技术与应用用、电子商务务、支付与结结算、供应链链管理、
3、数据据库与数据库库管理、案例例分析。3. 科技研研究:科技项项目、科技政政策 、科技技成果、科学学普及、技术术市场、科技技新品、实用用科技、科学学实践等、机机电一体化、电电气自动化。4. 教育教教学研究:教教学研究、教教育生活、课课程与教学、教教育信息化、职职教时空、教教学园地、信信息化教学等等。5. 工程技技术研究:建建筑工程、生生物工程、医医学工程、环环境科学、矿矿业工程、市市政建设、水水利工程、交交通工程等。八、读者对象经济领域和信息息化领域的管管理人员、科科技企业科研研开发人员、高高等院校师生生、信息化技技术科研人员员,社会各界界关注经济发发展和信息化化发展的各界界人士。联系方式 TE
4、LL:010-633099185 Emaiil: zggdzshaangwu126.ccom Some off the materrial ppresennted iin thiis artticle was eexcerppted wwith ppermisssion from The DData MModel Resouurce BBook: A Libbrary of Loogicall Dataa Modeels annd Datta Warrehousse Dessigns publiished by Joohn Wiiley aand Soons annd autthoredd b
5、y LLen Siilversston, W. H. Inmoon andd Kentt Grazziano. The Conncept The agee of tthe daata moodelerr as aartisaan is passiing. OOrganiizatioons caan no longeer affford tthe laabor oor timme reqquiredd for handccraftiing daata moodels from scrattch. IIn ressponsee to tthese consttraintts, thhe agee
6、of tthe daata moodelerr as eengineeer iss dawnning. Engineeers buuild nnew prroductts usiing prroven compoonentss and materrials. In ddata mmodeliing, tthe annaloguue to a commponennt is a unniverssal daata moodel. A unniverssal daata moodel iis a ggeneriic or templlate ddata mmodel that can bbe use
7、ed as a buiildingg blocck to jump-startt deveelopmeent off the corpoorate data modell, loggical data modell or ddata wwarehoouse ddata mmodel. Resistaance tto thee use of unniverssal daata moodels is ussuallyy baseed on the bbelieff thatt a paarticuular oorganiizatioon hass uniqque neeeds oor thee d
8、reaaded not iinventted heere ssyndroome. TThis aarticlle desscribees thee appllicatiion off univversall dataa modeels too seveeral ddisparrate oorganiizatioons. IIt demmonstrrates that the ssame bbasic modells, wiith miinor ccustommizatiion, ccan bee succcessfuully aapplieed in each exampple. One Si
9、zze Fitts Alll? The bellief tthat aa partticulaar orgganizaation is unnique becauuse off its missiions, goalss, polliciess, vallues, functtions, proccessess and ruless can be veery sttrong. Afteer alll, somme bussinessses seell too peopple annd othhers ssell tto othher orrganizzationns. Soome deeal
10、wiith prroductts andd otheers deeal wiith seervicees. Eaach inndustrry hass its own sset off busiiness issuees, annd eacch orgganizaation withiin an indusstry vvariess as mmuch aas thee diffferencces beetweenn the persoonalitties oof varrious indivvidualls. People and OOrganiizatioons A subjeect daa
11、ta arrea thhat iss commmon too mostt enteerprisses innvolvees thee peopple annd orgganizaationss thatt are part of coonductting bbusineess. TThere is ann impoortantt needd to ttrack the nnames, addrressess, conntact numbeers annd varrious relattionshhips aand innteracctionss betwween tthe paartiess
12、condductinng bussinesss. Entterpriises nneed tto traack innformaation aboutt custtomerss, disstribuutors, agennts annd suppplierrs as well as thhe intternall orgaanizattions and ppeoplee withhin thhe entterpriise. TThis ttype oof infformattion iis criiticall throoughouut alll aspeects oof bussinesss
13、 inclludingg salees, maarketiing, ccustommer seervicee, purrchasiing, sshippiing, iinvoiccing, budgeeting, accoountinng andd humaan ressourcees. Enterprrises spendd signnificaant efffort and ttime ddefiniing thhe mosst efffectivve wayys to modell thiss typee of iinformmationn. Thee dataa modeel mayy
14、 leadd to ssub-opptimall soluutionss if ccarefuul anaalysiss is nnot coonductted. FFor exxamplee, manny datta moddels ddepictt sepaarate entitties ffor eaach tyype off partty thaat exiists iin an enterrprisee. Theere maay be entitties ffor CUUSTOMEER, SUUPPLIEER, INNTERNAAL ORGGANIZAATION, BROKKER,
15、EEMPLOYYEE, IINVESTTOR annd anyy otheer rolle thaat a ppersonn or oorganiizatioon mayy playy in tthe ennterprrise. There aare prroblemms witth moddelingg the inforrmatioon thiis wayy. Whaat if a perrson oor orgganizaation playss moree thann one role in thhe orgganizaation? For instaance, what if ann
16、 orgaanizattion ssuppliies prroductts andd/or sservicces too our organnizatiion annd alsso buyys prooductss fromm us? Does this mean that we maaintaiin theeir naame, aaddressses, contaact nuumberss and otherr orgaanizattionall infoormatiion inn bothh the CUSTOOMER aand SUUPPLIEER enttitiess? Undder
17、thhis sccenariio, iff a naame orr addrress cchangees, thhe infformattion nneeds to bee channged iin twoo placces. FFurtheermoree, doees thee orgaanizattion pplay oother roless suchh as aan ageent off the compaany orr a diistribbutor of prroductts? Eaach tiime ann orgaanizattionss rolee is mmodeleed
18、as a sepparatee entiity, tthere is a potenntial for rredunddant aand innconsiistentt infoormatiion. The samme arggumentt appllies tto peoople. Shoulld we have a sepparatee EMPLLOYEE entitty as well as a CONTRRACTORR entiity? WWhat iif a ccontraactor becommes ann emplloyee of thhe entterpriise orr vi
19、cee verssa? Thhe perrsonss namee, demmograpphics and ccontacct infformattion mmay sttill bbe thee samee. Thee onlyy thinng thaat hass channged iis thee natuure off the relattionshhip beetweenn the partiies. It onlyy makees sennse too refeer to pre-ddefineed temmplatees or univeersal data modells whe
20、en moddelingg commmon daata sttructuures. Univeersal data modells cann poinnt outt the most effecctive meanss to mmaintaain thhis innformaation and aassuree thatt subttle, yyet immportaant, ddata iintegrrity iissuess are not ooverloooked. People and OOrganiizatioon Infformattion Figuress 1, 22, 3 aa
21、nd 4 depicct uniiversaal datta moddels ffor thhe peoople aand orrganizzationns invvolvedd in cconduccting businness. Thesee dataa modeels inncludee infoormatiion cooncernning tthe reelatioonshipps bettween each persoon andd orgaanizattion aas welll as theirr assoociateed conntact inforrmatioon. Befo
22、re beginnning our ddiscusssion of thhese mmodelss, letts cllarifyy somee dataa modeeling conveentionns. Enntitiees aree reprresentted ussing rroundeed-edgge recctanguular bboxes. Sub-typess are repreesenteed by showiing booxes wwithinn the largeer boxx. Forr exammple, in Fiigure 1, ORRGANIZZATIONN a
23、nd PERSOON aree bothh reprresentted ass sub-typess of PPARTY. The linnes beetweenn entiities definne rellationnshipss. Thee dashhed seectionn of eeach lline rrepressents that a rellationnship is opptionaal. Foor exaample, in FFiguree 1, aa PARTTY doees nott neceessariily haave ann assoociateed PARRT
24、Y DEEFINITTION. The ppart oof thee linee clossest tto PARRTY DEEFINITTION iis sollid, aand thhis reepreseents aa manddatoryy relaationsship. Thereefore, eachh PARTTY DEFFINITIION muust bee assoociateed witth a rrelateed PARRTY. TThe smmall ccrosseed linne acrross tthe PAARTY DDEFINIITION to PAARTY r
25、relatiionshiip speecifiees thaat thee key to PAARTY (partyy_id) is inncludeed as part of thhe keyy to PPARTY DEFINNITIONN. The crrows ffeet (threee smaall liines aat thee end of eaach reelatioonshipp linee) dennote aa one-to-maany (11:M) rrelatiionshiip. Foor exaample, Eachh PARTTY mayy be ddefineed
26、 by one oor morre PARRTY DEEFINITTIONs. Vicee verssa, eaach PAARTY DDEFINIITION must be ussed too defiine onne andd onlyy one PARTYY sincce thee linee fromm PARTTY DEFFINITIION too PARTTY doees nott end with a crrows ffoot. Now letts diiscusss the data modells. Fiigure 1 ideentifiies a superr-typee
27、nameed PARRTY, wwith ttwo suub-typpes, PPERSONN and ORGANNIZATIION. IInformmationn abouut a ppersonn or oorganiizatioon is mainttainedd indeependeent off theiir rolles orr relaationsships. Thiss leadds to a mucch morre staable aand noormaliized ddata sstructture ssince inforrmatioon aboout vaariouss
28、 peopple annd orgganizaationss is oonly sstoredd oncee. Thee samee infoormatiion caan theen be assocciatedd withh eachh of tthe paartyss rolees. The reaason tthat PPERSONN and ORGANNIZATIION arre botth subb-typeed intto a PPARTY entitty is that theree is ccommonn infoormatiion reelatedd to bboth ppe
29、oplee and organnizatiions ssuch aas theeir crredit ratinng, crredit limitt, adddress, phonne nummber, fax nnumberr or ee-maill addrress. Addittionallly, oorganiizatioons annd peoople ccan seerve iin simmilar roless. Botth peoople aand orrganizzationns mayy be bbuyerss, selllers, membbers oor parrtie
30、s to a contrract. Partiies maay be classsifiedd intoo variious ccategoories (i.e., inddustryy codees, miinoritty claassifiicatioons) uusing the PPARTY DEFINNITIONN whicch stoores eeach ccategoory innto whhich ppartiees mayy beloong. Figure 2 deppicts that each PARTYY may be innvolveed in one oor mor
31、re PARRTY REELATIOONSHIPPs. PAARTY RRELATIIONSHIIP is used to deefine the rrelatiionshiip bettween two ppartiees. Ann occuurrencce of a PARRTY REELATIOONSHIPP may be beetweenn two organnizatiions, such as a custoomer rrelatiionshiip to an innternaal commpany. The relattionshhip maay be betweeen a pe
32、rsoon andd an oorganiizatioon-foor exaample, an eemployyee off an iinternnal coompanyy. Finnally, the relattionshhip maay be betweeen twwo peoople. An exxamplee of tthis iis thee relaationsship bbetweeen a ppurchaasing agentt and theirr prefferredd suppplier repreesentaative. The PARTYY RELAATIONSSH
33、IP TTYPE ddefinees thee posssible typess of rrelatiionshiips. PPossibble innstancces off PARTTY RELLATIONNSHIP TYPE are emplooyer/eemployyee, pareent/suubsidiiary, and custtomer/custoomer rrepressentattive. The PARTYY TYPEE ROLEE defiines tthe twwo parrts off the relattionshhip. FFor exxamplee, onee
34、 rolee of tthe reelatioonshipp may be eemployyer aand thhe othher roole foor thaat samme rellationnship may bbe emmployeee. FFinallly, thhe PARRTY PRRIORITTY andd PARTTY RELLATIONNSHIP STATUUS TYPPE enttitiess alloow eacch PARRTY REELATIOONSHIPP to bbe priioritiized (high, mediium, llow) aand deefin
35、edd via a staatus (activve, innactivve). By disttinguiishingg whetther iinformmationn shouuld bee assoociateed witth thee PARTTY or the PPARTY RELATTIONSHHIP, wwe cann avoiid datta anoomaliees. Foor exaample, manyy dataa modeels asssociaate a statuus witth a PPARTY. Thiss doess not accouunt foor the
36、e factt thatt threee salles reepreseentatiives mmay haave thhree ddistinnct reelatioonshipps witth thee samee partty. Eaach saales rrepressentattive mmay waant too recoord a diffeerent statuus forr theiir rellationnship with the pparty. If tthe sttatus were storeed witth thee PARTTY, thhen thhe sall
37、es reepreseentatiives wwould have to ovverridde eacch othhers inforrmatioon. Inn actuualityy, theere arre reaally tthree separrate rrelatiionshiips, aand thhe staatus sshouldd be aassociiated with the PPARTY RELATTIONSHHIP. Figuress 3 reepreseents aaddresss or locattion iinformmationn abouut parrtie
38、s. It sshows that ADDREESS iss its own eentityy and can bbe appplied to maany paartiess. Thee PARTTY ADDDRESS is a crosss-refeerencee or aassociiativee entiity thhat alllows each partyy to hhave mmany aaddressses (home addreess, wwork aaddresss) annd eacch adddress to haave maany paartiess (an offic
39、ce loccationn of mmany eemployyees). Eachh PARTTY ADDDRESS may hhave mmany PPARTY ADDREESS ROOLES aand viice veersa. Thesee relaationsships deterrmine the ppurposse of the aaddresss. Exxamplees of PARTYY ADDRRESS RROLE iincludde coorporaate heeadquaarterss, ssales officce annd waarehouuse. Figure 4
40、is a moddel too mainntain phonee numbbers, fax nnumberrs, ceell nuumberss, e-mmail aaddressses aand alll othher COONTACTT MECHHANISMMs. Innsteadd of ddefiniing thhese ccontacct mecchanissms ass attrributees, thhis moodel pproviddes fllexibiility in alllowinng as many contaact meechaniisms tto be sto
41、reed forr a PAARTY oor PARRTY LOOCATIOON as needeed. Thhe CONNTACT MECHAANISM TYPE entitty ideentifiies thhe typpe of mechaanism such as phhone, fax, celluular oor pagger. TThe PAARTY CCONTACCT MECCHANISSM is an asssociaative entitty thaat alllows eeach CCONTACCT MECCHANISSM to be reelatedd to mmany
42、 PPARTY ADDREESSes or PAARTYs (a shhared telepphone numbeer forr seveeral cconsulltantss). Coonverssely, each PARTYY or PPARTY ADDREESS maay be contaacted via mmany PPARTY CONTAACT MEECHANIISMs (a perrson oor loccationn withh numeerous contaact meechaniisms oof diffferennt typpes). The linne connnec
43、tiing thhe twoo relaationsships underr PARTTY CONNTACT MECHAANISM repreesentss an eexclussive aarc annd staates tthat eeitherr one of thhese rrelatiionshiips exxists, but not bboth. A PARRTY COONTACTT MECHHANISMM may be eiither the mmechannism tto conntact a PARRTY orr a PAARTY AADDRESSS. Siimilarr
44、to aaddressses, contaact meechaniisms mmay haave rooles. Exampples oof PARRTY COONTACTT MECHHANISMM ROLEE TYPEEs incclude geneeral iinformmationn numbber, salees infformattion and custoomer sservicce nummber. After eextenssive aanalyssis annd connsiderrationn of mmany aalternnate ddata mmodelss, I b
45、believve thaat theese foour unniverssal daata moodels repreesent a verry efffectivve wayy to mmodel peoplle andd orgaanizattions for mmost eenterpprisess. Noww lets takke a llook aat howw thesse uniiversaal datta moddels ccan bee appllied tto speecificc enteerprisses. A Manuffacturring EEnterpprise
46、Lets cconsidder thhe neeeds off a paarticuular ttype oof entterpriise, sspecifficallly a mmanufaacturiing fiirm. SSupposse thiis firrm mannufacttures persoonal ccomputters. They sell theirr prodducts to reetail chainns, diistribbutorss and direcctly tto inddividuuals aand orrganizzationns. Itt is ii
47、mporttant tto reccord ccontacct infformattion oon eacch disstribuutor aand thhe peoople wwithinn thosse orgganizaationss. Theey neeed to trackk suppplier inforrmatioon to indiccate wwho prrovidees PC compoonentss for theirr machhines. Infoormatiion onn theiir endd-userr custtomerss who have boughht theeir eqquipmeent iss crittical. Theyy alsoo mainntain emplooyee iinformmationn as wwell aas infformattion aabout the mmany ssubsiddiariees, diivisioons annd deppartmeents aand thheir aassociiated locattions. The firrst coommentts an enterrprisee may make aboutt usinng