CISCO 银牌认证650-393 题库2701.docx
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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.Question #1Which definition best describes the staff training service component within the implement phase? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:A. immproovinng tthe nettworrk mmanaagemmentt syysteem aand thee peerfoormaan
2、cee annd ffuncctioonallityy off innfraastrructturee opperaatioonsB. prroviidinng aa sttep-by-steep pplann thhat dettaills tthe insstalllattionn annd sservvicee-coommiissiion tassks reqquirred in ordder to creeatee a conntroolleed-iimpllemeentaatioon eenviironnmennt tthatt emmulaatess a cusstommer ne
3、ttworrkC. deevellopiing andd immpleemenntinng aa trrainningg pllan usiing claassees, worrkshhopss, oor cc-leearnningg coourssesD. coompiilinng aa trrainningg maanuaal ffor usee inn onngoiing opeerattionnsE. reeduccingg thhe rriskk off doownttimee duue tto ffaciilittiess-reelatted proobleemsAnsweer :
4、 A (Reeferrencce : wwebssiteebannnedd, exaamwoorx)Questtionn #22In whhichh off thhesee phhasees aare a ccusttomeers tecchnoologgy sstraateggy rrequuireemennts ideentiifieed aand doccumeenteed? Sellectt exxacttly 1 aanswwer(s) froom tthe folllowwingg:A. PllanB. deesiggnC. prrepaareD. opperaateAnsweer
5、 : C (Reeferrencce : paass44surre, weebsiitebbannned)Questtionn #33What is thee keey oobjeectiive of thee pllan phaase? Seelecct eexacctlyy 1 ansswerr(s) frrom thee foolloowinng:A. iddenttifyy thhe aactiivittiess innvollvedd inn innstaalliing andd coonfiigurringg eqquippmennt aat aa cuustoomerrs sit
6、te oor ssitees.B. Deescrribee thhe dday-to-dayy acctivvitiies reqquirred to suppporrt, mannagee, aand monnitoor aa neewlyy immpleemenntedd syysteem.C. Asssesss ccurrrentt neetwoork reaadinnesss, ssitee reeadiinesss, andd opperaatioonall reeadiinesss iin pprepparaatioon ffor dessignningg a sollutiion
7、 proopossal.D. Gaain an unddersstanndinng oof hhighh-leevell buusinnesss annd ttechhniccal reqquirremeent.Answeer : A (Reeferrencce : wwebssiteebannnedd, exaamwoorx)Questtionn #44In whhichh off thhesee phhasees iis aa cuustoomerrs nnetwworkk asssesssedd too deeterrminne iits sysstemm reeadiinesss? S
8、ellectt exxacttly 1 aanswwer(s) froom tthe folllowwingg:A. pllanB. deesiggnC. opperaateD. immpleemenntAnsweer : A (Reeferrencce : wwebssiteebannnedd, exaamwoorx)Questtionn #55In thhe ddesiign phaase, whhichh seerviice commponnentt prroviidess thhe ccusttomeer wwithh a commpreehennsivve ddesiign? See
9、lecct eexacctlyy 1 ansswerr(s) frrom thee foolloowinng:A. Immpleemenntattionn PllanB. Deetaiiledd Deesiggn DDeveeloppmenntC. Prrojeect Kicck-ooffD. Sttagiing PlaanE. Hiigh-Levvel DessignnAnsweer : B (Reeferrencce : paass44surre, weebsiitebbannned, eexammworrx)Questtionn #66Whichh beest desscriibess
10、thhe ccusttomeer bbeneefitt off deevellopiing bussineess reqquirremeentss inn thhe pprepparee phhasee?A. reeducce uunneecesssarry ddisrrupttionn, ddelaays, reeworrk, andd ottherr prrobllemss byy esstabblisshinng ttestt caasess foor uuse in verrifyyingg thhat thee syysteem mmeetts ooperratiionaal, fu
11、nnctiionaal, andd innterrfacce rrequuireemenntsB. immproove itss abbiliity to makke ssounnd ffinaanciial deccisiionss byy deevellopiing a bbusiinesss ccasee baasedd onn itts bbusiinesss rrequuireemennts andd esstabblisshinng aa baasiss foor ddeveeloppingg a tecchnoologgy sstraateggyC. reeducce ooper
12、ratiing cossts andd liimitt chhangge-rrelaatedd innciddentts bby pprovvidiing a cconssisttentt annd eeffiicieent sett off prroceesseesD. immproove thee reeturrn oon iinveestmmentt annd hhastten miggrattionn byy iddenttifyyingg annd pplannninng ffor neccesssaryy innfraastrructturee chhangges andd ree
13、souurcee adddittionns, as welll aas rreduuce depployymennt ccostts bby aanallyziing gapps eearlly iin tthe plaanniing proocesss tto ddeteermiine whaat iis nneedded to suppporrt tthe sysstemmAnsweer : D (Reeferrencce : wwebssiteebannnedd, exaamwoorx)Questtionn #77In Whhichh off thhesee phhasees aare
14、a ccusttomeerss buusinnesss reequiiremmentts iidenntiffiedd annd ddocuumenntedd?A. pllanB. deesiggnC. prrepaareD. opperaateAnsweer : C (Reeferrencce : wwebssiteebannnedd, exaamwoorx)Questtionn #88What is onee keey oobjeectiive of thee opperaatioons reaadinnesss asssesssmeent perrforrmedd inn thhe pp
15、lann phhasee? SSeleect exaactlly 11 annsweer(ss) ffromm thhe ffolllowiing:E. allignn buusinnesss reequiiremmentts wwithh teechnnicaal rrequuireemenntsF. crreatte aa pllan to reccyclle uusedd eqquippmenntG. evvaluuatee thhe rreaddineess of a ccusttomeers currrennt ooperratiionss annd nnetwworkk maana
16、ggemeent inffrasstruuctuure to suppporrt aa neew ttechhnollogyyH. innstaall andd teest sysstemm coompoonennts in a nnon-prooducctioon eenviironnmenntAnsweer : C (Reeferrencce : paass44surre, weebsiitebbannned)Questtionn #99Conduuctiing a pprojjectt kiick-offf inn thhe pplann phhasee prroviidess whhi
17、chh off thhe ffolllowiing cusstommer bennefiits? Seelecct eexacctlyy 1 ansswerr(s) frrom thee foolloowinng:A. ennsurre tthatt itt reeceiivess deetaiiledd neetwoork diaagraamsB. reeducce tthe rissk oof ddownntimme ddue to facciliitiees-rrelaatedd prrobllemssC. ennsurre eend-useer ssuppportt immmeddia
18、ttelyy affterr thhe llaunnch of a nnew sysstemmD. coonfiirm proojecct rrolees aand ressponnsibbiliitiees, as welll aas mmileestoone dattesAnsweer : D (Reeferrencce : Acctuaalessts, wwebssiteebannnedd, exaamwoorx)Questtionn #110Whichh prrepaare phaase serrvicce ccompponeent invvolvves prooviddingg a
19、cusstommer witth aa fiinannciaal jjusttifiicattionn foor aadopptinng aa teechnnoloogy? Seelecct eexacctlyy 1 ansswerr(s) frrom thee foolloowinng:A. Teechnnoloogy Strrateegy DevveloopmeentB. Hiigh-Levvel Dessignn DeevellopmmenttC. Buusinnesss Caase DevveloopmeentD. Prrooff off CoonceeptAnsweer : C (R
20、eeferrencce : wwebssiteebannnedd, exaamwoorx)Questtionn #111Whichh thhreee off thhesee seerviice commponnentts aare in thee deesiggn pphasse? (Chhoosse tthreee.)Selecct eexacctlyy 3 ansswerr(s) frrom thee foolloowinng:A. Acccouunt Quaalifficaatioon aand PlaanniingB. Deetaiiledd Deesiggn DDeveeloppme
21、nntC. Sttafff TrrainninggD. Syysteems Acccepttancce TTestt Pllan DevveloopmeentE. Sttagiing Plaan DDeveeloppmenntF. Siite Reaadinnesss AsssesssmeentAnsweer : B, C, E (Reeferrencce : wwebssiteebannnedd, exaamwoorx)Questtionn #112Whichh off thhe ffolllowiing besst ddesccribbe tthe cusstommer bennefiit
22、 oof aasseessiing forr neetwoork reaadinnesss inn thhe pplann phhasee? SSeleect exaactlly 11 annsweer(ss) ffromm thhe ffolllowiing:A. reeducce uunneecesssarry ddisrrupttionn, ddelaays, reeworrk, andd ottherr prrobllemss byy esstabblisshinng ttestt caasess foor uuse in verrifyyingg thhat thee syystee
23、m mmeetts ooperratiionaal, funnctiionaal, andd innterrfacce rrequuireemenntsB. immproove itss abbiliity to makke ssounnd ffinaanciial deccisiionss byy deevellopiing a bbusiinesss ccasee baasedd onn itts bbusiinesss rrequuireemennts andd esstabblisshinng aa baasiss foor ddeveeloppingg a tecchnoologgy
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- CISCO 银牌认证650-393 题库2701 银牌 认证 650 393 题库 2701