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1、中国上市公司投资价值研究中 文 摘 要众所周知,任任何一个个国家的的经济增增长过程程均伴随随着金融融的发展过过程,金金融发展展的重要要内容之之一,是是资本市市场首先先是股票票市场的的发展。1990、1991年上交所和深交所成立,标志着中国股票市场的建立。作为自主经营、自负盈亏的商品生产者和经营者上市公司,是我国经济运行中最具发展优势的群体,是资本市场尤其是股票市场投资价值的源泉。中国股票市场发展十几年的经验提醒广大投资者,并非每家上市公司的股票都具投资价值,对于中国的广大投资者来说,在股市十几年的搏击之后,通常亏多赚少,沪深两市的发展牵动着千千万万投资者的心。在中国股票票市场逐逐步摆脱脱盲目投
5、具具有较高高的安全全边际。 关键词:巴巴菲特;上市公公司;投投资价值值AbstrracttAs wee alll kknoww, tthe devveloopmeent of thee ecconoomicc inn anny ccounntryy iss allwayys acccomppanyy wiith thee deevellopmmentt off thhe ffinaanciial, annd aan iimpoortaant parrt oof tthe devveloopmeent of thee fiinannciaal iis tthe cappitaal mmarkke
6、t firrst of whiich is thee deevellopmmentt off thhe sstocck mmarkket. Thee esstabblisshmeent of thee shhangghaii sttockk exxchaangee inn 19991 annd SShennzheen sstocck eexchhangge iin 119900 maarkeed tthe esttabllishhmennt oof CChinnas sstocck mmarkket. The lisstedd coompaany, ass thhe ccommmodiity
7、prooduccerss annd ooperratoors thaat sselff-fiinanncinng aand makke ddeciisioons by theeir sellf, is thee moost advvanttagee poopullatiion in thee deevellopmmentt off Chhinaas ecconoomicc, aand alsso iis tthe souurcee off innvesstmeent vallue in cappitaal mmarkket. Moore thee 100 yeearss off deevell
8、opmmentt exxperriennce in Chiinas sstocck mmarkket remmindd innvesstorrs tthatt noot eeverry llistted commpannys sstocck hhas a vvaluue oof iinveestmmentt. VVastt nuumbeers of invvesttorss ussuallly earrn llesss mooneyy affterr moore thaan 110 yyearrs iin CChinnas sstocck mmarkket. The devveloopmeen
9、t of Chiinas sstocck mmarkket afffectts ttenss off thhoussandds oof iinveestoors.As Chhinaas sstocck mmarkket hass grraduuallly sshakken offf sppecuulattionn inn bllinddly andd haas bbecoome morre mmatuure andd raatioonall, tthe vallue invvesttmennt pphillosoophyy beecommes thee maainsstreeam thaat
10、gguidded Chiinas sstocck mmarkket. AAs aa reepreesenntattivee off thhe vvaluue iinveestmmentt phhiloosopphy, Buuffeett wass naamedd “eveergrreenn” inn Euuroppe aand Uniitedd Sttatees sstocck mmarkket. He sstarrtedd frrom scrratcch tto ffugeedigguo in seccuriitiees ffielld. Whettherr thhe mmarkket wa
11、ss sttrenngthh or weaakneess, Buuffeetts pperfformmancce iis vveryy goood on thee whholee. He sstarrtedd frrom thee coompaaniees tthemmsellvess annd llinkked thee sttockk vaaluee too thhe ccomppanyys vvaluue, andd acccesssedd too thhe llucrratiive retturnns. Bufffettts iinveestmmentt iss aggreeed tt
12、hatt itt waas ssucccesssfull; hhis succcesssfuul iinveestmmentt exxperriennce is worrth ourr reeferrencce aand ressearrch.Studyyingg onn Buuffeetts iinveestmmentt phhiloosopphy andd reeseaarchhingg frrom thee poointt off thhe ccomppanyys sstocck vvaluue, firrst of alll, ccan hellp iinveestoors to be
13、 morre rratiionaal iinveestmmentt; aand secconddly cann heelp thee liisteed ccomppaniies finnd tthe shoortccomiing of theemseelvees aand makke tthemm sttanddarddizee annd ssounnd ttheiir ooperratiionss, aalsoo innnovvatee inn orrderr too immproove thee quualiity of theemseelvees, andd fiinallly ress
14、earrch froom tthe commpanny tthemmsellvess caan eeasee thhe pphennomeenonn off sllackk annd nno cconffideencee byy innvesstorrs wwhenn thhe sstocck mmarkket wass weeaknnesss, tthiss caan hhelpp thhe sstocck mmarkket to be heaalthhy aand staablee opperaatioon.This papper payy atttenntioon tto tthe Bu
15、fffettts iinveestmmentt phhiloosopphy, thhe mmainn coonteent is as folllowws: Firstt off alll, on thee baasiss off thhe sstuddy oon BBufffettt thhat thee hoome andd abbroaad rreseearcchedd, tthiss paaperr suummeed uup tthe maiin pprinncipple of thee Buuffeetts iinveestmmentt off whhichh, tthe firrst
16、 wass coonceentrratiion of invvesttmennt aand lonng-ttermm hooldeers andd thhe ssecoond wass thhe pprinncipple of cappaciity cirrclee. AAnd alsso tthe ideeas of thee Buuffeetts iinveestmmentt off whhichh diividded intto ttwo steeps, att fiirstt, iinveestoors shoouldd ellectt thhe ccomppanyy inn thhe
17、irr owwn ccapaacitty ccirccle; thhe ssecoond, innvesstorrs sshouuld waiit ffor thee innvesstmeent oppporttuniitiees aand purrchaase by conncenntraate funnds, annd tthenn keeep lonng-ttermm hooldeers. The seccondd, tthiss paaperr suummaarizzed Bufffetttss innvesstmeent strrateegy. Itt edduceed tthe q
18、uaantiitattivee evvaluuatiion of entterpprisse mmodeel froom bbothh quualiitattivee annd qquanntittatiive anaalyssis howw Bufffettt sseleecteed ccorpporaate andd allso witth rrefeerennce to Chiinas ccurrrentt evvaluuatiion sysstemm. The thiird, inn acccorrdinng wwithh thhe iinduustrry cclasssifficaa
19、tioon oof DDazhhihuui, thiis ppapeer cchooose 38 lisstedd coompaaniees wwhicch bbeloongeed tto ttrannspoort andd loogissticcs pplatte ffor emppiriicall annalyysiss. SSo tthiss paaperr coolleecteed tthe datta tthatt thhe mmodeel nneedded andd deeal witth tthe staandaardiizattionn annd pproccesssingg,
20、 tthenn itt ussed facctorr annalyysiss meethood aand sellectted thee coompaany thaat ggot thee hiigheest scooress.The ffourrth, thhis papper esttimaatedd thhe vvaluue oof tthe sellectted commpanny aand conntraasteed iit wwithh thhe aactuual sittuattionn. TThenn itt edduceed tthatt thhe bbearr maarke
21、et eespeeciaallyy thhe iinteerimm whhen thee beear marrkett chhangged to thee buull marrkett waas tthe besst ttimee foor sstocck sswapp, bbecaausee att thhis timme ttherre hhas a hhighh saafetty mmargginss.Key wwordds: Bufffettt; lisstedd coompaany; innvesstmeent vallue 目录第一章 绪 论41.1 研究背背景及意意义41.1.1
22、1 中国国股票市市场的发发展状况况51.1.22 研究究上市公公司投资资价值的的意义71.2 概概念界定定91.3 研究内内容和研研究方法法101.4 基本思思路与研研究框架架111.5本文文所做的的主要工工作12第二章 文献综综述132.11 中中国股票票市场投投资理念念演变132.2 巴巴菲特投投资理念念研究162.3 我我国关于于上市公公司投资资价值的的研究192.33.1 我国常常用的评评价体系系192.3.22 评价价体系的的不足21第三章 巴菲特特投资理理念的形形成和经经典投资资案例分分析223.11 成长长经历对对巴菲特特投资理理念的影影响233.2 理理论基础础对巴菲菲特投资资
23、理念的的影响253.3 经典投投资案例例分析273.33.1华华盛顿邮邮报公司司273.3.22可口可可乐公司司29第四章 巴菲特特投资理理念分析析304.1巴菲菲特基本本投资原原则分析析304.1.11 集中中长期持持股314.1.22 “能力圈圈”范围324.2.巴巴菲特投投资思路路分析334.3 巴菲特特投资策策略分析析354.3.11 企业业的定性性分析364.3.22 企业业的定量量分析384.3.33 评价价模型的的建立424.4 确确定购买买时机434.4.11内在价价值及评评估参数数分析434.4.22 安全全边际分分析45第五章 实证分分析465.1企业业分析465.11.1
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- 中国 上市公司 投资 价值 研究 48670