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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.新加坡地理理经济文化化英语介绍绍新加坡共和和国Reppubliic off SinngapooreSingaaporee, offficiiallyy thee Reppubliic off Sinngapoore, is aan isslandd couuntryy loccatedd at the soutthernn tipp of the Malaay Peeninssula. It liess 1377 killomettres (85 mi) n
2、ortth off thee equuatorr, soouth of tthe MMalayysiann staate oof Joohor and nortth off Inddonessiass Riaau Isslandds. AAt 7007.1 km2 (2733.0 ssq mii), SSingaaporee is one of ffour remaaininng trrue ccity-stattes iin thhe woorld. It is tthe ssmalllest natiion iin Sooutheeast Asiaa. Prrior to EEuroppe
3、an setttlemeent, the islaand nnow kknownn as Singgaporre waas thhe siite oof a Malaay fiishinng viillagge att thee mouuth oof thhe Siingappore Riveer. SSeverral hhundrred iindiggenouus Orrang Lautt peoople alsoo livved aalongg thee neaarby coasst, rriverrs annd onn smaallerr isllandss. Inn 18119 thh
4、e Brritissh Eaast IIndiaa Commpanyy esttabliishedd a ttradiing ppost on tthe iislannd, wwhichh wass useed thhereaafterr as a sttrateegic tradding postt aloong tthe sspicee rouute.4 SSingaaporee wouuld bbecomme onne off thee mosst immporttant commmerciial aand mmilittary centtres of tthe BBritiish EE
5、mpirre, aand tthe hhub oof Brritissh poower in SSouthheastt Asiia. TThe ccity was occuupiedd by the Japaanesee durring Worlld Waar III, whhich Winsston Churrchilll caalledd Brritaiins greaatestt deffeat.5 Sinngapoore rreverrted to BBritiish rrule immeediattely posttwar, in 19455. Eiighteeen yyearss
6、latter tthe ccity, havving achiievedd inddepenndencce frrom BBritaain, mergged wwith Malaaya, Sabaah annd Saarawaak too forrm Maalayssia. Howeever, lesss thhan ttwo yyearss latter iit seecedeed frrom tthe ffederratioon annd beecamee an indeependdent repuublicc on 9 Auugustt 19665. SSingaaporee joiin
7、ed the Unitted NNatioons oon 211 Sepptembber tthat samee yeaar. IIt iss alsso a membber oof thhe Coommonnweallth oof Naationns. SSincee inddepenndencce, SSingaaporees sstanddard of llivinng haas beeen oon thhe riise. Foreeign direect iinvesstmennt annd a statte-leed drrive to iindusstriaalisaationn
8、bassed oon pllans drawwn upp by the Dutcch ecconommist Albeert WWinseemiuss havve crreateed a modeern eeconoomy ffocussed oon ellectrroniccs maanufaacturring, pettrochhemiccals, touurismm andd finnanciial sserviices alonngsidde trradittionaal enntreppt ttradee.ciitatiion nneedeed SSingaaporee is the
9、 5th weallthieest ccounttry iin thhe woorld in ttermss of GDP (PPPP) peer caapitaa.6 Thiis smmall natiion hhas fforeiign eexchaange reseervess of moree thaan USS$1777 billlionn.7 Thee poppulattion of SSingaaporee is apprroximmatelly 4.84 mmilliion.2 TThouggh Siingappore is hhighlly coosmoppolittan a
10、and ddiverrse, ethnnic CChineese fform the majoorityy of the popuulatiion. Engllish is tthe aadminnistrrativve laanguaage oof thhe coountrry. TThe CConsttituttion of tthe RRepubblic of SSingaaporee esttabliishedd thee nattions poolitiical systtem aas a reprresenntatiive ddemoccracyy, whhile the coun
11、ntry is rrecoggniseed ass a pparliiamenntaryy reppubliic.88 Thhe Peeoplees AActioon Paarty (PAPP) doominaates the poliiticaal prrocesss annd haas woon coontrool off Parrliamment in eeveryy eleectioon.新加坡自然然地理Naaturee Geoograpphy 1位于东南亚亚,是马来来西亚半岛岛最南端的的一个热带带城市岛国国。面积为为693平平方公里,北北隔柔佛海海峡与马来来西亚为邻邻,有长堤堤与马来
12、西西亚的新山山相通,南南隔新加坡坡海峡与印印度尼西亚亚相望。Singaaporee phyysicaal geeograaphy is llocatted aat Sooutheeast Asiaa, iss a PPeninnsulaar Maalayssia mmost soutth tiip off troopicss citty isslandd couuntryy. Thhe arrea iis 6993 sqquaree killometters, norrth sseparratess thee Johhore channnel and Malaaysiaa is the nei
13、gghbouur, hhas tthe ccauseeway and Malaaysiaas JJohorre iss intterliinkedd, soouth sepaaratees thhe Siingappore channnel and Indoonesiia faaces one anotther新加坡国名名由来Hoow Diid Siingappore Get Its Namee2加坡是一个个城市国家家,原意为为“狮城”。据据马来史籍籍记载,公公元11550年左右右,苏门答答腊的室利利佛逝王国国王子盘那那乘船到达达此岛,看看见一头猛猛兽,当地地人告知为为狮子,遂有有“狮城”之称
14、。新新加坡是梵梵语“狮城城”之谐音音,由于当当地居民受受印度文化化影响较深深,喜欢用用梵语作为为地名。而而狮子具有有勇猛、雄雄健的特征征,故以此此作为地名名是很自然然的事。过过去华侨多称其其为“息辣辣”,即马马来语“海海峡”的意意思,也有有因其小而而将之称为为星洲、星星岛的。图为新加坡坡的标志与与象征鱼尾狮塑塑像和“新加坡坡国父”-李光光耀。Singgaporre iss a ccity statte, tthe oorigiinal inteentioon iss “Siingappore”. Acccordding to MMalayya thhe hiistorricall reccor
15、dss reccord, aboout 11150, Summatraas rroom advaantagge Buuddhaa passsed kinggdom prinnce pplatee thaat too go by bboat to aarrivve att thiis isslandd, saaw a beasst off preey, tthe nnativve too infform for the lionn, thhen hhad “Singgaporre” tthe nname. Sinngapoore iis Paali “Singgaporre” tthe hhar
16、moonicss, beecausse thhe loocal resiidentt is beenn deeep thhe Inndiann cullturee inffluennce, likees taakingg thee geoograpphic namee witth Paali. But the lionn hass, thhe viigoroous ccharaacterristiic fiierceely, therreforre byy thiis acchievvemennt geeograaphicc namme iss thee verry naaturaal maa
17、tterr. Inn thee passt ovverseeas CChineese mmultii-namme itt “thhe Siingappore”, naamelyy Mallay “channnel” meaaningg, allso hhad bbecauuse oof itts sllighttly, but willl be callled SSingaaporee, Siing TTao. The charrt maakes an iidol for Singgaporres symbbol aand tthe ssymboolic - - fishh taiil lii
18、on wwith “thee Sinngapoore ffatheer”-Leee Kuaan Yeew.面积Areea meeasurremennt:为6933平方公里里693 squaare kkilommeterrs t 3首都Cappitall:新加坡坡(Sinngapoore)独立日Inndepeendennce DDay:8月9日日(19665年)官方语言oofficcial langguagee:英语、汉语、马来来语、泰米米尔语Engglishh, Chhinesse, MMalayy, Taamil langguagee行政用语:英语 汉汉语(20006年起起汉语也可可作为政府
19、府行政语言言)Admminisstrattive termminollogy: Engglishh Chiinesee (inn 20006 Chhinesse maay allso ttake goveernmeent aadminnistrratioon laanguaage国家格言:Majuulah Singgapurra(前进进吧,新加加坡” Advaance, Sinngapoore国歌:Maajulaah Siingappura 前进吧,新新加坡Addvancce, SSingaaporee国语Nattionaal laanguaage:马来语Maalay国花nattionaal
20、fllowerr:以一种名名为卓锦万代兰的的胡姬花为国花。东南南亚通称兰兰花为胡姬姬花。卓锦锦万代兰兰是由卓锦锦女士培植植而成,花花朵清丽端端庄、生命命力特强,它它象征新加加坡人的气气质和刻苦苦耐劳、果果敢奋斗的的精神。这这种浅紫红红色的美丽丽兰花有四四个花瓣,象象征各民族族及英语、华语、马马来语、泰泰米尔语44大语系。Take one kindd of nameed ouutstaandinng brrocadde thhrougghoutt thee agees bllue HHu Jiihua as tthe nnatioonal flowwer. Souttheasst Assia g
21、generric tterm orchhid iis Huu Jihhua. The outsstandding broccade bluee is throoughoout tthe aages culttivattes bby Mss. Zhhuo JJin bbecommes, the flowwers simpple aand bbeauttifull sollemn, thee vittalitty iss exttra-hheavyy, itt symmboliizes Singgaporrean perssonss makkingss andd endduress harrdsh
22、iips, the courrageoous sstrugggle spirrit. Thiss kinnd off shaalloww purrple reds beeautiiful orchhid hhas ffour flowwer ppetalls, ssymboolizees vaariouus naationnalitties and Engllish, Chiinesee, Maalay, thee Tammil llanguuage 4 biig laanguaage ffamillies.政要Poolitiicianns 44 内阁资政李李光耀,11965年年新加坡独独立后
23、,长长期担任总总理,19990年111月辞去去总理的职职务,改任任内阁资政政。国务资资政吴作栋栋(Gohh Chook Toong),11990年年11月至至20044年8月任任新加坡第第二任总理理。现任总总理李显龙龙,20044年8月112日宣誓誓就职,成成为新加坡坡第三任总总理,122月当选新新加坡人民民行动党新新一任秘书书长,20006年55月再次当当选新加坡坡总理,55月30日日宣誓就职职总统纳丹丹,于19999年8月月18日当当选为新加加坡共和国国总统,99月1日正正式宣誓就就职,20005年99月连任。Mainn poiints of aadminnistrratioon Pool
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- 新加坡 地理 经济 文化 英语 介绍 Singaporehweh