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1、浮头式换热器制造工艺作业指导书 Floating head heat exchanger manufacturing operating instructions筒节Tuubesecttionn1.材料料确认:在材料料管理员员的指导导下,对对材料的的标记确确认。CConffirmmmateeriaal: undder thee guuidaancee off mmateeriaals admminiistrratoor ,reccognnizeed tthe marrk oof tthe matteriial。2.根据据工艺排排版图将将板料平平铺于切切割架上上,号料料划出切切割线、刨刨边线、检
2、检查线。According to process diagram ,layouting the material board on the shelves, cutting and draw the cutting line, plane edge, checking line.3.坡口口加工(见见坡口工工艺卡),完完成后对对坡口进进行超声声检测。Groove processing (see groove process card), Ultrasonic testingafteer tthe commpleetioon oof tthe grooovee。4.卷板板:将坡坡口加工工完好的的板
3、料置置于卷板板机上、下下辊轮间间,板料料周长方方向与辊辊轮垂直直,纵向向与辊轮轮平行。Coil: place the groove processing intact sheet on the rolling machine, between the upperand lower roller, the sheet perimeter direction is vertical to the roller, and thelongitudinal is parallel to the rooler.5.纵缝缝组对:将纵缝缝口两端端对齐,控控制错边边量,错错边不大大于1/4且且不大于于2mm,并
4、并点上引引弧板。Combinethe longitudinal seam: Alignboth ends of the longitudinal seam, control the amount of the Staggeredside,thestaggered side is not greater than 1/4 and not greater than 2mm, and point the arc plate.6.纵缝缝焊接,见见焊接工工艺卡。Longitudinal seam welding, see the welding process card。7.校园园:不园园度控制制在0.
5、5%DDN,且且不大于于5mmm,DNN12200,不大于于7mmm;棱角角度,控控制在S/100+2,且且不大于于5mm。Reggulaate to makke ssuree itt ciirclle: Parrk, coontrrol thee deegreee oofof-rrounndneessaat 00.5% thhe DDN, andd noot mmoree thhan 5mmm, tthe DN 112000,nootmoore thaan 77mm; thhe aanguularrityy, sshouuld be conntroolleed aat S/110 +2, a
6、ndd noot mmoree thhan 5mmm。筒体 TTubeeBoddy1.将各各筒节按按排版图图要求组组对,各各缝分布布于01800,互互错1880,环环缝组对对间隙002mm。Acccorddingg tootheereqquirremeentssofeachh tuube secctioon llayoout diaagraam,ccombbinee thhem, eaach seaam iis ddisttribbuteed iin tthe 0 tto 1180 ,Staaggeer 1180 ,tthe cirrcummferrenttiall seeam commbin
7、natiion gapp iss 0 22mm.2.组对对完毕后后,从00、990、1180、2770四四个方位位检测,直直线度110%,且且不大于于4.55mm。.Deteect aftter thee coombiinattionn off thhe 00 , 900 , 1880 , 2270 ffourr orrienntattionn,10% sttraiighttnesss, andd noo laargeer tthann 4.5mmm.3.环缝缝棱角度度控制在在S/100+2,且且不大于于5mm错边边量。CConttroll thhe rringg sllit anggulaa
8、r ddegrree at S/110+22, nno llargger thaan 55mm Staaggeerioon oof tthe vollumee.4.环缝缝组对时时不可强强行组装装,可用用加减丝丝扣调节节间隙,间间隙在001.5mm最佳佳。Whenn coombiine thee Ciircuumfeerenntiaal sseamm ,wwe mmustt noot aasseemblle foorciiblyy,usse tthe avaailaablee suubtrracttionn thhreaadedd too addjusst tthe gapp, tthe gap
9、p iss att beest in thee 0 11.5mmm.5.确定定错边值值后,依依次从最最佳点入入手,顺顺势而成成,环缝缝错边量量不得大大于1/4板板厚且不不大于22mm。Dettermminiing thee vaaluee off thheSttaggger,staart froom tthe besst ppoinnt bby tturnn, hhomeeopaathyy too bee itt,thhe ccirccumffereentiial seaamshhoulld nnot be thaan 11/4 pllatee thhickknesss aand nott m
10、oore thaan 22mm.6.对组组装后的的筒体进进行直线线度检测测,四点点方位,其其最大差差值不得得大于44.5mmm。Testt thhe sstraaighhtneess aftter asssembblinng tthe cyllindder, foour pioont possitiion, thhe mmaxiimummdiffferrencce iis nnot greeateer tthann 4.5mmm。筒体与法兰组对TuubeBBodyyAnddLawwOrcchiddGrooupTTo1.法兰兰必须是是经过检检验,贴贴有合格格标签的的,对应应的流水水号和产产品编号
11、号的。TThe flaangee muust be tesstedd,labeelled witth aa quualiifieed llabeel, thee coorreespoondiing serriall nuumbeer aand prooducct nnumbber.2.用直直尺划出出法兰螺螺栓孔跨跨中线,与筒体体纵缝线线平行组组装。DDraww thhe fflannge bollt hholees aacrooss thee ceenteer llinee wiith a rruleer, asssembbleandd maake surre iit pparaalleel
12、tto tthe cyllindder lonngittudiinall suuturre.3.将装装一端法法兰的筒筒体,纵纵缝方向向转至990和和2700方位位(即水水平方向向左、右两两侧),均分法法兰孔,四等分分。Tuurn thee onne eend insstallledd fllangge oof tthe cyllindder, loongiituddinaal sseamm diirecctioon tto tthe 90 aand 2700 aziimutth (horrizoontaal lleftt annd rrighht ssidees ddireectiion),
13、ddiviidedd eqquallly flaangee hooless, qquarrterred。4.用铅铅垂线或或水平尺尺将有一一端法兰兰的筒体体调节好好,要求求01800跨中中线与铅铅垂线重重合。AAdjuust thee onne eend flaangee off thhe ccyliindeer bby tthe pluumb linne oor lleveel rruleer, reqquirre tthe 0 too 1880 crrosssingg ceenteer llinee annd pplummb llinee too cooinccidee wiith eacc
14、h ootheer.5.组对对另一端端法兰,即即管箱法法兰铅垂垂线与跨跨中等分分线要求求与上法法兰相同同条件(即即螺栓孔孔跨中)。Assemble the other end of the flange, thus the tube box flange plumb line shares the same condition with the middle-point line (thus the bolt hole is at the middle).6.装配配间隙001.5mm,错错边量002mmm。Theeasseemblly ggap is 0 1.55mm, thhe sstagg
15、rr moountt iss 0 22mm.7.检测测两端法法兰面水水平度,用用卷尺在在0、990、1180、2770四四个方位位,测得得壳体长长,长度度偏差22mm。筒筒体总长长控制在在( )33mm。Dettecttethhe lleveel ddegrreess off booth endds oof tthe flaangee, uuse thee taape meaasurre aat 00 , 900 , 1880 , 2270 foour carrdinnal possitiion, meeasuuretthe sheell lenngthh, tthe devviattionn
16、 iss 2mm. Thhe bbarrrel lenngthh iss coontlled at () 33mm。8.检测测、焊接接完毕后后,对筒筒体环缝缝内打磨磨平,送送探伤检检测,要要求RTT( )%,级合格格。Afteer ddeteectiion andd weeldiing, poolisshedd fllat witthinn thhe sseamm off thhe ccyliindeer rringg, ssenddingg thhe fflaww too deetecct,reqqustt thhe RRT () cllasss, IIII qquallifiied.接管与
17、法法兰Noozzlle aand thee fllangge将坡口加加工好的的接口与与相对应应法兰进进行组装装,要求求:间隙隙344mm,错错边在11.5mmm以下下,氩弧弧焊打底底,全熔熔透结构构。焊接接完成后后送无损损检测,检检验标准准RT( )%,级级合格。Assemblethe groove machined nozzlewith the corresponding flange, requirements: the gap is 3 4mm, the staggered sideis less than 1.5mm, argon arc bottoming, full penetra
18、tion structure. After welding,having a non-destructive testing, the inspection standards is RT () class, III qualified.支座点焊焊Suppporrtswelddingg1.按图图对支座座的底板板、筋板板、立板板进行组组装前的的检查。In accordance with drawings, inspectthe supports backplane, ribs, riser before assembling.2.组装装各部件件,点固固,加支支撑件等等,焊接接。Asssemmbl
19、ee evveryy coompoonennt, sollid poiint, suuppoort pieecess, aand welldinng.接管支座座与壳体体组装NNozzzlessuppporttsannd sshelll aasseembllingg1.按先先前标出出的0、900、1180、2770方方位点,延长在在壳体上上。Basee onn thhe pprevviouuslyy maarkeed 00 , 900 , 1880 , 2270 comppasss poointts, exxtenndinng tto tthe hcaase.2.画出出接管、支座,预预开孔,安安
20、装位置置,即坐坐标点。DDraww thhe nnozzzle, suuppoortss, ppre-opeeninngs, thhe iinsttalllatiion loccatiion, thhat is, thhe ccoorrdinnatees oof ppoinnts3.检验验合格后后,开孔孔,然后后打上坡坡口,角角度为外外坡口330Afteer IInsppecttionn, oopenningg, tthenn grooovinng,thee annglee off thhe oouteer ggrooove is300 4.组对对接管与与壳体,组组装前,接接管必须须将补强强圈
21、带上上固定好好,一起起装配。Connectnozzle to shell, before assembling,the nozzle must fix the reinforcement ring,along with the equipment.5.接管管与壳体体组对间间隙为223mm,且且间隙均均匀。TThe gappof thee noozzlle aandsshelll iis 22 3mmm, aand thee gaap iis uunifformm6.焊接接完毕后后,内接接管须清清根封底底,焊缝缝打磨与与母材齐齐,并倒倒2445圆圆角。AAfteer wwelddingg, tt
22、o nnozzzle reqquirres to cleear thee rooot of thee baack covver, weeld andd poolisse tto eensuure thee baase mettal levvel, annd tthefillletiis 22 45 .管箱Tubee boox1.封头头:材质质确认,标标记移植植,切割割,外协协模压,回回厂检验验,材质质为( ),( )。Head: Material confirmation, markand transplante, cutting, outsourcing molding, back to t
23、he factory inspection, the material is (), ().2.短节节:材质质确认 a.按排版版图尺寸寸划线下下料坡口口加工。(见见具体工工艺文件件) SShorrt ssecttionn: mmateeriaal cconffirmmatiion a. Drawwingg, ccrosssedd maaterriall annd ggrooove proocesssinng bby tthe sizze oof tthe layyoutt chhartt. (Seee thhe sspeccifiic pproccesss doocummentts). bb.
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- 换热器 制造 工艺 指导 流程 7979