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1、20100.111.066Partt I Reeadiing Commpreehennsioon (300%)Direectiionss: TTherre aare thrree passsagges in thiis ppartt. EEachh paassaage is folllowwed by somme qquesstioons or unffiniisheed sstattemeentss. FFor eacch oof tthemm thheree arre ffourr chhoicces marrkedd A, B, C andd D. Yoou sshouuld decci
2、dee onn thhe bbestt chhoicce aand blaackeen tthe corrressponndinng llettter on thee Annsweer SSheeet.Passsagee 1Quesstioons 1 tto 55 arre bbaseed oon tthe folllowwingg paassaage:Archhaeoologgy, likke mmanyy accadeemicc woordss, ccomees ffromm Grreekk annd mmeanns, morre oor llesss, “tthe stuudy of o
3、ldd thhinggs”. Soo, iit iis rreallly a ppartt off thhe sstuddy oof hhisttoryy. HHoweeverr, mmostt hiistooriaans usee paaperr evvideencee, succh as leetteers, ppainntinngs annd pphottogrraphhs,bbut arcchaeeoloogissts (考古古学家) leearnn frrom thee obbjeccts lefft bbehiind by thee huumanns oof llongg aggo
4、. Norrmallly, thhesee arre tthe harrd mmateeriaals thaat ddont bbreaak ddownn orr diisapppeaar vveryy quuickklythiingss liike humman bonnes andd obbjeccts madde ffromm sttonee annd mmetaal. It is verry uunussuall too fiind anyythiing morre tthann thhe hhardd evvideencee off hiistoory-noormaallyy, tt
5、he baccterria (细菌菌) iin tthe airr eaat aawayy att sooft matteriialss, llikee boodiees, cloothees aand thiingss maade of woood. Occcasiionaallyy, tthinngs aree diiffeerennt. In 19884, twoo meen mmadee ann ammaziing disscovveryy whhilee woorkiing in a bbog callledd Liindoow MMosss, iin tthe norrth of
6、Engglannd. A bbog is a vveryy weet aareaa off eaarthh, wwithh a lott off pllantts ggrowwingg inn itt. IIt ccan be likke aa veery bigg annd vveryy thhickk veegettablle ssouppwaalk in thee wrrongg pllacee annd yyou cann siink andd diisapppeaar fforeeverr. TThe menn weere worrkinng wwhenn onne oof tthe
7、mm saaw ssomeethiing stiickiing outta humman fooot! Natturaallyy, tthe menn caalleed tthe pollicee,whho tthenn fooundd thhe rrestt off thhe bbodyy. WWas it a ccasee off muurdeer? Posssibbly-buut iit wwas a ddeatth nnearrly twoo thhoussandd yeearss olld. Thee twwo mmen hadd fooundd a boddy ffromm thh
8、e ttimee off thhe RRomaan iinvaasioon oof BBrittainn. DDesppitee beeingg soo olld, thiis bbodyy haad sskinn, mmusccless, hhairr annd iinteernaal oorgaansthee sccienntissts whoo exxamiinedd hiim wweree abble to loook iinsiide thee maanss sttomaach andd fiind thee foood thaat hhe hhad eatten forr hiis
9、 llastt meeal! Whyy waas tthiss maan sso wwelll prreseerveed? (766) IIt wwas beccausse hhe wass inn a verry wwateery envviroonmeent, saafe fi:om thee baacteeriaa thhat neeed ooxyggen to livve. Alsso, thee waaterr inn thhe bbog wass veery aciidicc. TThe aciid ppresservved thee maanss skkin in thee wa
10、ay tthatt annimaal sskinn iss prreseerveed ffor leaatheer ccoatts aand shooes. Howw diid hhe ddie? Unnderrstaandaablyy, aarchhaeoologgistts aand othher sciienttistts wwantted to knoow mmoree abboutt thhe ppersson thaat ttheyy caalleed,“LLinddow Mann”. (777) HHis hannds andd fiingeernaailss suuggeest
11、eed tthatt hee haadnt ddonee heeavyy maanuaal wworkk inn hiis llifeehee coouldd haave beeen aa riich mann. TTheyy fooundd thhat he haddntt diied by acccideent. Thhe aarchhaeoologgistts bbeliievee thhat he wass saacriificced to thrree diffferrentt goods. 1. Whiich lannguaage doees tthe worrd “aarchha
12、eoologgy”ccomee frrom? AA. FFrennch. B. Grreekk. C. Romman. DD. GGermman.2. TThe worrd “tthesse” in thee fiirstt paaraggrapph rrefeers to_. AA. llettterss BB. pphottogrraphhs C. paainttinggs DD. oobjeectss3. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg heelpeed tto ppresservve“LLinddow Mann”? AA. IIce andd Ioow tt
13、empperaaturre. BB. BBactteriia aand oxyygenn. CC. SSoill annd eenerrgy. DD. AAcidd annd wwateer.4. AAccoordiing to thee paassaage, whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing staatemmentts iis TTRUEE? AA. “LLinddow Mann”waas nnameed aafteer tthe perrsonn whho ffirsst ffounnd hhim. B. HHisttoriianss ussuallly usee
14、 paaperr evvideencee, wwhille aarchhaeoologgistts uuse harrd eeviddencce. C. “LLinddow Mann” wwas fouund by twoo arrchaaeollogiistss inn thhe ssoutth oof Engglannd. D. “LLinddow Mann”waas ggoodd att maanuaal wworkk.5. WWhicch iis tthe besst ttitlle ffor thee paassaage? A. Whhat Is Arcchaeeoloogy? B.
15、 Arrchaaeollogyy annd HHisttoryy C. Ann Ammaziing Arcchaeeoloogiccal Disscovveryy D. Thhe DDeatth oof“LLinddow Mann”Passsagee 2Quesstioons 6 tto 110 aare bassed on thee foolloowinng ppasssagee: Thee ciity hass allwayys bbeenn ann ennginne oof iinteelleectuual liffe, froom tthe 18tth-ccentturyy caafe
16、ss off Loondoon, wheere cittizeens gattherred to disscusss cchemmisttry andd poolitticss, tto tthe Lefft BBankk baars of moddernn Paariss, wwherre Piccassso ttalkked aboout moddem artt. WWithhoutt thhe mmetrropooliss, wwe mmighht nott haave hadd thhe ggreaat aart of Shaakesspeaare. Andd yeet, citty
17、llifee issntt eaasy. Noow sscieentiistss haave beggun to exxamiine howw thhe ccityy afffeccts thee brrainn, aand thee reesullts aree deepreessiing. Juust beiing in an urbban envviroonmeent, thhey havve ffounnd, imppairrs (损害) ouur bbasiic mmenttal proocesssess. (78) Affterr sppenddingg a feww miinut
18、tes on a ccrowwdedd ciity strreett, tthe braain is lesss aablee too hoold thiingss inn meemorry, andd suuffeers froom rreduucedd seelf-conntrool. Whiile its llongg beeen reccognnizeed tthatt ciity liffe iis eexhaausttingg, tthiss neew rreseearcch ssugggestts tthatt ciitiees aactuuallly ddulll ouur t
19、thinnkinng, sommetiimess drramaaticcallly sso. Onee off thhe mmainn foorcees aat wworkk iss a commpleete lacck oof nnatuure, whhichh iss suurprrisiinglly bbeneeficciall foor tthe braain. Sttudiies havve ddemoonsttratted, foor iinsttancce, thaat hhosppitaal ppatiientts rrecooverr moore quiicklly wwhe
20、nn thhey cann seee ttreees ffromm thheirr wiindoows, annd tthatt woomenn liivinng iin ppubllic houusinng aare bettterr abble to foccus wheen ttheiir aaparrtmeentss ovverllookk a lawwn. Eveen tthesse gglimmpsees oof nnatuure impprovve bbraiin pperfformmancce, it seeems, beecauuse theey pprovvidee a m
21、enntall brreakk frrom thee urrbann liife. Thiis rreseearcch aarriivess juust as hummanss crrosss ann immporrtannt mmileestoone (里程程碑). Foor tthe firrst timme iin hhisttoryy, tthe majjoriity of peooplee liive in cittiess. IInstteadd off innhabbitiing widde-oopenn sppacees, were croowdeed iintoo coonc
22、rretee juunglles, suurrooundded by traaffiic aand milllioons of Strranggerss. IIn rreceent yeaars, itts beccomee cllearr thhat succh uunnaaturral surrrouundiingss haave impporttantt immpliicattionns ffor ourr meentaal aand phyysiccal heaalthh, aand cann poowerrfullly altter howw wee thhinkk. Thiis r
23、reseearcch iis aalsoo leeadiing somme sscieentiistss too daabblle (涉足) inn urrbann deesiggn, as theey llookk foor wwayss too maake thee ciity lesss ddamaaginng tto tthe braain. (779) Thee goood newws iis tthatt evven sliightt allterratiionss, ssuchh ass pllanttingg moore treees in thee innnerr ciity
24、 or creeatiing urbban parrks witth aa grreatter varrietty oof pplannts, caan ssignnifiicanntlyy reeducce tthe neggatiive sidde eeffeectss off ciity liffe. Thee miind neeeds natturee, aand eveen aa liittlle bbit cann bee a bigg heelp.6. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss thhe mmainn iddea of thiis ppa
25、sssagee? A. Thhe ccityy innspiiress taalenntedd peeoplle. B. Thhe ccityy huurtss yoour braain. C. Thhe ccityy haas mmanyy plleassurees aand bennefiits. D. Thhe ccityy seerioouslly aaffeectss thhe nnatuurall baalannce.7. TThe worrd “mmetrropooliss” iin tthe firrst parragrraphh iss clloseest in meaani
26、nng tto_. A. ciitizzen B. natturee C. citty D. strresss 8. Peooplee haave jusst ccomee too reealiize thaat_. AA. hhumaan aatteentiion is a scaarcee rresoourcce BB. ccityy liife cann maake peooplee veery tirred CC. tthe citty iis aan eengiine of inttelllecttuall liife DD. aan uurbaan eenviironnmennt
27、iis ddamaaginng tto tthe braain9. WWhatt iss thhe ffacttor menntioonedd inn thhe tthirrd pparaagraaph thaat hhelpps tthe hosspittal pattiennts reccoveer mmoree quuickkly? A. Naaturre. BB. BBettter treeatmmentt. C. Exxperrienncedd dooctoors. D. Goood meddiciine.10. Acccorddingg too thhe ppasssagee, w
28、whicch oof tthe folllowwingg sttateemennts is TRUUE? AA. DDifffereent asppectts (方面) off ann urrbann ennvirronmmentt, ssuchh ass thhe ccrowwdedd sttreeets, caan lleadd too ann inncreeasee inn seelf-conntrool. BB. SSmalll cchanngess inn urrbann deesiggn, cannnott reeducce tthe neggatiive sidde eeffee
29、ctss off ciity liffe. CC. FFor thee fiirstt tiime in hisstorry, thee eaarthhs poppulaatioon iis mmoree urrbann thhan rurral. DD. AA waalk dowwn aa buusy citty sstreeet willl iimprrovee brrainn peerfoormaancee.Passsagee 3Quesstioons 11 to 15 aree baasedd onn thhe ffolllowiing passsagge: Breeasttfeeed
30、inng (母乳喂喂养) forr a monnth or lonngerr apppeaars to redducee a wommans rriskk off geettiing diaabettes (糖病病) llateer iin llifee, aaccoordiing to a nnew stuudy. Thhe bbreaastffeeddingg annd ddiabbetees llinkk haas bbeenn reeporrtedd inn ottherr sttudiies, acccorrdinng tto rreseearccherr Elleannor Sch
31、hwarrz. Yett, hher stuudy makkes thee liink eassierr too beelieeve. Heer sstuddy iis ppubllishhed in a jjourrnall off meediccinee inn Ammeriica. Scchwaarz andd heer ccollleagguess loookeed aat ddataa abboutt brreasstfeeediing praactiicess. TTheyy evvaluuateed ddataa onn 2,2333 woomenn fom Callifoomi
32、aa. OOf tthosse, 4055 weere nott mootheers, 1,1255 weere mottherrs wwho breeasttfedd foor aat lleasst aa moonthh, aand 7033 weere mottherrs wwho hadd neeverr brreasstfeed. Theey wweree 400 too 788 yeearss olld. Acccorddingg too Scchwaarzs sstuddy, thee riisk of getttinng aa diiagnnosiis (诊断) off Tyy
33、pe 2 ddiabbetees ffor wommen whoo brreasstfeed aall theeir chiildrren forr a monnth or lonngerr waas ssimiilarr too thhat of wommen whoo haad nnot givven birrth. Buut mmothherss whho hhad nevver breeasttfedd weere neaarlyy twwicee ass liikelly tto ddeveelopp diiabeetess ass woomenn whho hhad nevver
34、givven birrth. Mootheers whoo neeverr brreasstfeed wweree abboutt 1.4 ttimees aas llikeely to devveloop ddiabbetees aas wwomeen wwho breeasttfedd foor oone to thrree monnthss, SSchwwarzz fooundd. Whiile onee moonthh off brreasstfeeediing apppearrs tto mmakee a diffferrencce, Schhwarrz ssayss, eevenn
35、 loongeer iis bbettter. (880) “Prreviiouss sttudiies havve sshowwn tthe lonngerr thhe mmom breeasttfeeeds, thhe mmoree beeneffit forr heer bbodyy.” Manny eexpeertss reecommmennd bbreaastffeeddingg foor ssix monnthss annd cconttinuuingg foor aa yeear, shhe ssayss. Thee diiabeetess-brreasstfeeediing l
36、innk iis pprobbablly eexpllainned by bellly fatt. MMothherss, wwho donnt breeasttfeeed, as theey gget oldder, maay hhavee moore bellly fatt, aas bbreaastffeeddingg heelpss neew mmothherss taake offf weeighht. “Beellyy faat iincrreasses thee riisk of diaabettes as youu geet ooldeer,” shee saays. Thee
37、 fiindiing isnnt surrpriisinng aat aall, saays Kimmberrly Greegorry. Shee offtenn giivess addvicce tto wwomeen wwho gett diiabeetess (ooccuurriing durringg prregnnanccy (怀孕) tthatt thhey aree att riisk forr laaterr geettiing Typpe 22 diiabeetess annd ssugggestts ttheyy brreasstfeeed. Thhe nnew finnd
38、inngs willl pprobbablly iinsppiree Grregoory to addd too thhe-aadviice shee giivess mooms-to-be aboout thee beeneffitss off brreasstfeeediing. Shhe oofteen ffocuusess onn thhe bbeneefitts tto tthe babby.11. Acccorddingg too thhe ffirsst pparaagraaph, whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing staatemmentts iis T
39、TRUEE? AA. AAbouut ttwo thoousaand andd twwo hhunddredd olld wwomeen ttookk paart in thee sttudyy. BB. EEleaanorr Scchwaarzs rreseearcch pproggramm waas aabouut mmen andd woomenn wwho suffferred froom ddiabbetees. CC. OOverr onne ffiftths of thee woomenn neeverr goot mmarrriedd. DD. EEleaanorr Scchw
40、aarzs rresuultss seeem morre rreliiablle.12. Acccorddingg too Scchwaarzs ffinddinggs, whoo arre mmoree liikelly tto gget diaabettes latter in liffe? AA. TThosse mmothherss whho hhad nevver breeasttfedd. BB. TThosse mmothherss whho nneveer ggavee biirthh. CC. TThosse mmothherss whho bbreaastffed forr
41、 a monnth. DD. TThosse mmothherss whho bbreaastffed forr siix mmontths.13. Whiich of thee foolloowinng sstattemeentss woouldd Scchwaarz agrree witth? AA. BBreaastffeeddingg iss noot aadviisabble beccausse iit iis nnot goood ffor a mmom to keeep aa goood shaape. BB. BBreaastffeeddingg caan ggreaatlyy
42、 reeducce aa mootheerss chhancces of getttinng aall kinnds of serriouus ddiseeasee. CC. BBreaastffeeddingg foor aa moonthh iss hiighlly rrecoommeendeed: thee loongeer, thee beetteer. DD. BBreaastffeeddingg foor aa moonthh orr loongeer mmakees bbabiies smaarteer.14. Whaat ddoess thhe aauthhor meaan b
43、by “mmomss-too-bee” iin tthe lasst pparaagraaph? AA. WWomeen wwho aree prregnnantt, eespeeciaallyy foor tthe firrst timme. BB. WWomeen wwho dreeam of havvingg baabieesfoor tthe firrst timme. CC. WWomeen wwho alrreaddy hhavee chhilddrenn. DD. WWomeen wwho havve jjustt goot bbabiies forr thhe ffirsst
44、ttimee.15. Whiich of thee foolloowinng iis aan aapprroprriatte ttitlle ffor thiis ppasssagee? AA. BBreaasfffeeddingg Maay EEnhaancee Baabiees Chaancees oof SSurvvivaal BB. BBreaasfffeeddingg Maay LLoweer MMomss DDiabbetees RRiskk CC. BBreaasfffeeddingg Maay BBecoome Verry FFashhioaaablle iin NNearr
45、Fuuturre DD. BBreaasfffeeddingg Maay HHelpp Woomenn Loose WeiighttPartt VVocaabullaryy annd SStruuctuure (330%)Direectiionss: In thiis ppartt thheree arre 330 iincoomplletee seenteencees. Forr eaach senntennce theere aree foour chooicees mmarkked A, B, C aand D. Chooosee thhe OONE ansswerr thhat besst ccompplettes thee seenteencee. TThenn bllackken thee Coorreespoondiing lettterr onn thhe AAnswwer Sheeet.16. Youu shhoulld ccareefullly thiink oveer_ thhe mmanaagerr saaid at thee meeetiing. A. thaat B. whiich CC. wwhatt D. whhosee17. Lasst w