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1、财会职位英语accountting aassisttant 会会计助理 accountting cclerk 记帐员accountting mmanageer 会计部部经理accountting sstall 会计部职员员accountting ssupervvisor 会计主管adminisstratiion maanagerr 行政经理理adminisstratiion sttaff 行行政人员adminisstratiive asssistaant 行政政助理adminisstratiive cllerk 行行政办事员advertiising stafff 广告工作作人员adviserr
2、 法律顾问问airlinees salles reepreseentatiive 航空空公司定座员员airlinees staaff 航空空公司职员applicaation enginneer 应应用工程师assistaant maanagerr 副经理bond annalystt 证券分析析员bond trrader 证券交易员员businesss conntrolller 业务务主任businesss mannager 业务经理buyer 采采购员cashierr 出纳员chemicaal enggineerr 化学工程程师civil eengineeer 土木木工程师clerk ttyp
3、istt2010年会计计实务英语指指导:如何做做开支预算Settingg up aa budgget caan be a dauuntingg taskk. Theere iss no rreasonn to bbe inttimidaated bby thiis proocess. Oncee you have set uup youur buddget yyou caan eassily ssee whhere yyour mmoney is gooing aand hoow mucch youu havee leftt to ssave aand sppend. Just folloow
4、 theese seeven eeasy ssteps. 建立预算让让人心悸,但但不能被困难难吓倒。一旦旦建立了预算算,你就能清清楚地看清你你的钱财流向向、存下了多多少。学会建建立预算,跟跟随下面7步步即可。1. Deetermiine Yoour Inncome 确定你的收收入You nneed tto knoow howw muchh moneey youu willl havee eachh montth to meet your expennses. If yoou aree starrting a neww job you mmay waant too use a payyroll
5、calcuulatorr to ddetermmine hhow muuch mooney yyou wiill brring hhome eeach mmonth. You may bbe surrpriseed at the ffiguree.你需要先知知道你一月能能赚回多少钱钱。刚入职的的话你可能需需要一个薪水水计算器来计计算一下每月月拿回的钱数数。这个数字字可能让你震震惊哦。2、Detterminne Youur Fixxed Exxpensees 确定你你的固定开销销Your fixedd expeenses are iitems that will not cchangee fro
6、mm montth to monthh. Theese ittems ccan inncludee rentt, a ccar paaymentt, carr insuurancee, youur eleectricc billl and your studeent looan. YYou shhould also incluude saavingss in tthis ccategoory ass welll. It is immportaant too pay yoursself ffirst. Ideaally yyou shhould put aat leaast teen perrc
7、ent of yoour inncome into savinngs eaach moonth.固定开销是是指你每个月月都一定要花花不会改变的的支出,可能能是房租、汽汽车贷款、汽汽车保险、电电费和学生贷贷款。你也应应该把每月存存钱书目算进进去,为自己己“付账”理理所应当放在在第一位。是是每月存入收收入的10%为最佳。3、Detterminne Youur Varriablee Expeenses 确定你的可可变开销Afterr you have listeed youur fixxed exxpensees youu willl wantt to ddetermmine tthe ammoun
8、t that you sspend on vaariablle exppensess. Theese ittems mmay inncludee yourr grocceriess, eatting oout, cclothiing annd enttertaiinmentt. Theese arre alsso connsiderred vaariablle beccause you ccan cuut bacck on how mmuch yyou sppend oon theese caategorries iif youu needd to. You ccan deetermiine
9、whhat yoou speend byy reviiewingg the last two oor thrree moonths of yoour trransacctionss in eeach ccategoory.把固定开销销都列好之后后,开始决定定每月的可变变开销。这种种支出包括买买菜、外餐、买买衣服和娱乐乐活动。这些些列为可变是是因为一旦需需要节省开支支,这一类支支出是可以改改变的。你可可以回顾一下下过去两三个个月在每项中中的开销情况况,来确定大大致金额。4、Commpare Your Expennses tto Youur Inccome 将将收支进行比比较Ideallly yo
10、ou shoould ccreatee a buudget wheree yourr outggoing expennses mmatch your incomme. Iff you assiggn eveery doollar a speecificc placce thiis is calleed a zzero-ddollarr budgget. IIf youur amoounts do noot mattch yoou willl neeed to adjusst acccordinngly. You mmay neeed too scalle bacck on your varia
11、able eexpensses. IIf youu havee extrra monney att the end oof thee montth,rewward yyourseelf byy puttting tthat mmoney direcctly iinto ssavinggs. Iff you have cut bback ssignifficanttly onn yourr variiable expennses aand sttill ccan noot meeet youur fixxed exxpensees youu willl needd to ffind wways
12、tto chaange yyour ffixed expennses. 理想情况为收支支平衡。严格格按照预先分分配金额支出出,我们叫做做“零元预算算”。(即,预预先确定每项项支出金额,一一旦金额花完完,本月停止止该项消费。)如如果支出与收收入不符你就就需要对可变变开支进行调调整。如果月月底有结余,将将它存起来,作作为对自己的的奖励。如果果你严重缩减减可变开支但但仍旧不能满满足固定支出出,那就需要要想办法节省省固定支出项项。5、Traack Yoour Exxpensees 跟踪开开销情况Afterr you have set uup youur buddget yyou neeed too t
13、racck youur exppensess in eeach ccategoory. YYou caan do this with budgeeting softwware,oon Quiicken or Miicrosooft Mooney oor on a leddger ssheet. You shoulld havve an estimmate oof whaat youu havee in eeach ccategoory att all timess. Thiis willl hellp to preveent yoour frrom ovverspeendingg. If yo
14、u ssit doown foor a ffew miinutess eachh day you wwill ffind tthat yyou sppend lless ttime tthen yyou woould iif youu put it alll offf untiil thee end.一旦建立预预算,你需要要追踪各项支支出情况。你你可以用Quuickenn或Micrrosoftt Moneey这样的预预算软件,或或记录在账簿簿上。你需要要随时对每项项支出余额心心中有数,这这能防止你过过度消费。每每天坐下来观观察几分钟,你你做这件事情情所需要的时时间远比你拖拖到最后一起起做要少得
15、多多。7、Evaaluatee Yourr Budgget 评估估你的预算Afterr you have folloowed yyour bbudgett for a monnth yoou mayy findd thatt you can ccut baack inn a feew areeas,whhile yyou neeed moore mooney iin othhers. You sshouldd keepp tweaaking your budgeet unttil itt workks forr you. You can eevaluaate att the end oof e
16、veery moonth aand maake chhangess accoordingg to tthe exxpensees in the uupcomiing moonth aas welll.按照预算过过了一个月以以后,你可能能觉得有的地地方可以削减减一些开支,有有的地方要多多花一些钱。直直到预算对你你有效,你需需要一直保持持观察调整。你你可以每个月月对你的预算算进行评估,对对下月预算做做出改动。英语之财务管理理英语汇总partnerrship 合伙企业 corpoorate finannce 公司司财务 corpoorate 公司 closeely heeld 私下下公司 publi
17、ic commpany 公众公司 Goldmman Saachs 高高盛银行 pensiion fuund 养老老基金 insurrance compaany 保险险公司 boardd of ddirecttor 董事事会 separrationn of oownersship aand maanagemment 所所有权与管理理权的分离 limitted liiabiliity 有限限责任 articcles oof inccorporrationn 公司章程程 real assett 实物资产产 finanncial assett 金融资产产 securrity 证证券 finanncia
18、l markeet 金融市市场 capittal maarket 资本市场 moneyy markket 货币币市场 invesstmentt deciision 投资决策 capittal buudgetiing deecisioon 资本预预算决策 finanncing decission 融融资决策 finanncial managger 财务务经理 treassurer 司库 contrrollerr 总会计师师 CFO 首首席财务官 princcipal-agentt probblem 委委托代理问题题 princcipal 委托人 agentt 代理人 agenccy cosst
19、代理成成本 inforrmatioon asyymmetrry 信息不不对称 signaal 信号 efficcient markeets hyypotheesis 有有效市场假说说 preseent vaalue 现现值 discoount ffactorr 贴现因子子 rate of reeturn 收益率 discoount rrate 贴贴现率 hurdlle ratte 门坎比比率 opporrtunitty cosst of capittal 资本本机会成本 net ppresennt vallue 净现现值 cash outfllow 现金金支出 net ppresennt va
20、llue ruule 净现现值法则 rate-of-reeturn rule 收益率法则则 profiit maxximizaation 利润最大化化 doingg welll 经营盈利利 doingg goodd 经营造益益hard raationiing 硬约约束 increementaal payyoff 增增量收入 net wworkinng cappital 净营运资本本 sunk cost 沉没成本 sunk-cost fallaacy 沉没没成本悖论 overhhead ccost 间间接费用 salvaage vaalue 残残值 straiight-lline ddeprec
21、ciatioon 直线法法折旧 Interrnal RRevenuue Serrvice 国内税收署署 tax sshieldd 税盾 accellerateed cosst reccoveryy systtem 加速速成本回收折折旧法 alterrnativve minnimum tax 另另类最低税 tax ppreferrence 税收优惠 accellerateed deppreciaation 加速折旧 projeect annalysiis 项目分分析 equivvalentt annuual caash fllow 等价价年度现金流流 margiinal iinvesttment
22、 边际投资 defauult riisk 违约约风险 risk premiium 风险险溢酬 standdard eerror 标准误差 standdard ddeviattion 标标准差 markeet porrtfoliio 市场组组合 markeet retturm (rm) 市市场收益率 variaance 方方差 the lloss oof a ddgree of frreedomm 自由度损损失 Delphhic 德尔尔菲 uniquue rissk 独特风风险 unsysstemattic riisk 非系系统风险 residdual rrisk 剩剩余风险 speciific
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- 国际会计 术语 英汉 对照 2484