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1、孝感经济开发区区投 资 指 南南Guide tto Invvestmeent inn Xiaoogan Econommic Deeveloppment Zone中国湖北Hubei CChina招商机构:孝感感经济开发区区招商局Investmment ppromottion oorganiizatioon: Innvestmment PPromottion BBureauu of XXiaogaan Ecoonomicc Deveelopmeent Zoone招商热线:07712-233216711、23233437、223257119Investmment ppromottion hhot l
2、iine: 00712-223216771、23223437、223257119传真:07122-FAX: 07712-电子邮箱:xgkfqqzsjmE-mail:xgkffqzsjhotmaail.coom邮编:4320000Postcodde: 4332000地址:中国湖北北孝感市交通通大道3911号Add: 3991, Jiiaotonng Roaad, Xiaoogan CCity,Hubeii,PRC目录Contentt大事记Eventss 投资发展环境 Developpmentaal Envvironmment oof Invvestmeent自然环境 区位交通 生产要素 社会服务
3、Naturall Enviironmeent Locatioon & Commmuniccationns Factorss of PProducction Social Serviices 投资产业发展 Developpment of Innvestmment IIndusttries部分入驻企业 主导产产业 产业园园区Partiall Resiident Enterrprisees Leadingg Induustriees Charactteristtic Paarks 投资商务成本 Cost off Inveestmennt andd Busiiness土地、厂房租赁赁、水、气、电电价格
4、 员工薪金金参考 员工社会会福利费用Prices of laand, wworkshhop reent, wwater, gas and eelectrricityy Referennce off emplloyee payrooll Social welfaare feee of emplooyee投资优惠政策策Preferrentiaal polliciess of iinvesttment 投资服务指南 Servicee guidde to invvestmeent项目审批流程 政务环境境Projectt apprroval proceessGovernmmentall servvice
5、 大事记: Events1989年,孝孝感市新产业业开发开放试试验区成立;In 19899, Xiaaogan New IIndusttry Oppen Deeveloppment Zone was ffoundeed.1997年,孝孝感高新技术术产业开发区区成立;In 19977, Xiaaogan New aand Hiigh-teech Inndustrry Devvelopmment ZZone wwas buuilt.2001年,孝孝感市高新技技术创业服务务中心揭牌;In 20011, Xiaaogan New aand Hiigh-teech Incubbationn Servii
6、ce Centerr was unveiiled.2005年,更更名为孝感经经济开发区;In 20055, thee zonee was renammed Xiiaogann Econnomic Devellopmennt Zonne.2006年,武武汉中国光谷孝孝感产业园揭揭牌。In 20066, Wuhhan Chinaa Opticcs Valleey Xiaoggan Indusstry Park wwas unnveileed.2008年,湖湖北军民结合合产业化示范范基地孝感产产业园奠基In 20088, thee funddationn of XXiaogaan Inddustri
7、ial Paark off Hubeei Milittary-ccivil Indusstriallizatiion Deemonsttratioon Basse wass laidd 2008年,武武汉经济开发发区孝感汽车车零部件产业业园签约In 20088, thee agreeementt of XXiaogaan Aottomotiive Paarts PPark oof Wuhhan Ecconomiic Devvelopmment ZZone was ssignedd投资发展环境境Develoopmenttal Ennvironnment of Innvestmment自然环境Na
8、turaal Envvironmment气候水文文地质大气环境质质量Climatte HydroologyGeoloogyQualiity off the atmosspheriic envvironmment亚热带季风区大大陆性气候Contineental climaate off subttropiccal moonsoonn regiion年平均温度177Mean annnual tempeeraturre: 177年平均相对湿度度78%Mean annnual relattive hhumidiity: 778%年平均降水量11143mmmMean annnual preciipita
9、ttion: 1143mmm全年主导风向为为东南风Southeaasten windd of aannuall prevvailinng 无霜期260天天左右Frost-ffree pperiodd: aboout 2660 dayys地表水位平均值值8m-100m8m-10m of avveragee valuue of surfaace waater llevel海拔高程平均330米30 meteers off averrage aaltituude: 地耐力强,平均均35吨/平方米Good grround endurrance: 35 tton peer sqmm本区地震设防烈烈度为6度
10、,历史上属无无灾害性地震震区域Non-diisastrrous eearthqquake -striicken area with the ffortiffied eearthqquake intennsity of 6 degreees土质以粘土为主主Main sooil: cclay平均大气环境质质量达到国家家二级标准Mean quualityy of tthe attmosphheric envirronmennt reaaches levell 2 off the statee stanndard. 区位优越 Locatioon supperiorrity中国经济地理中中心;Econo
11、miic andd Geoggraphiic Cennter of Chiina;武汉城市圈核心心层;Core off Wuhaan citty cyccle;距武汉市50公公里,与武汉城市市资源共享。50 km ffar awway frrom Wuuhan city aand shharingg its resouurces.方圆500公里里内:可以辐辐射长沙、郑郑州、合肥、南南昌等华中地地区大城市;For 5000 km mmiles arounnd: coonnectting wwith bbig ciities such as Chhangshha, Zhenngzhouu, Hef
12、eei andd Nancchang, and etc. in ceentrall Chinna 方圆1000公公里内:可以以辐射到北京京、广州、上上海、重庆、西西安等国内中中心城市for 1, 000 kkm milles arround: connnectinng witth the doomestiic keyy citiies liike Beeijingg, Guanngzhouu, Shannghai, Chonngqingg and Xiann. 交通发达 Developped trrafficc commmunicaationss铁路:京广铁路路、汉孝城际际高铁纵贯南南北,汉渝
13、、长长荆铁路横穿穿东西,拥有有国家二级铁铁路客货运输输站。Railwayy: passsed bby Beiijing-Guanggzhou and HHan-Xiiao raailwayys froom souuth too nortth; crosseed by Wuhann-Chonngqingg and Changgjianggbu-Jiingmenn raillways from east to weest; hhavingg passsengerr/freiight sstatioons off statte levvel 2.公路:京珠、福福银(汉十)、沪沪蓉三条高速速公路,10
14、07、316两条国国道在开发区区交汇。Highwayy: thrree hiighwayys of Beijiing-Zhhuhai, Fuzhhou-Yiinchuaan(Wuhhan-Shhiyan), and Shanghai-Chengdu, and also 2 national highways of 107 and 316 join up in the development zone.航空:距武汉天天河国际机场场32公里,孝孝汉大道直达达。Air: byy the Xiaohhan hiighwayy can reachh to WWuhan Tianhhe Interrnat
15、ioonal Airpoort, 32kmm far away from the zzone.港口:距中国内内陆第一大港港武汉港58公里,有高高速公路直达达。Port: bby higghwayss can reachh to tthe 1sst larrge poort inn the mainlland oof Chiina, Wuhaan Port 508km farr awayy fromm the zone. 生产要素 Factorss of pproducction供水:日供水能能力60万吨。Water ssupplyy: suppplyinng watter600, 0000 t
16、oon daiily.供电:区内1110-5000千伏变电站站9座。Electriicity supplly: owwing 99 trannsformmer suubstattions of 1110-5000kv.供气:年供气能能力3.5亿立方方米。Gas suppply: suppllying naturral gaas of 0.35 billioon cubbic meeters yearlly.通讯:有线通讯讯、移动通讯讯、宽带网络络覆盖全区。telecommmuniccationn: wirre-linne andd mobiile coommuniicatioon andd n
17、etwwork ccoveriing alll thee zonee.排污:雨水、污污水分流排放放处理。Pollutiion diischarrge: ddischaargingg rainnwaterr and polluuted wwater separratelyy.道路:区内形成成完善的道路路网络。Roads: havinng welll-buiilt rooad neets inn the zone.土地资源:规划划面积80平平方公里,建建成区面积338平方公里里。Land reesourcce: pllan arrea off 80 Km2, deveelopedd areaa o
18、f 38 Km2 人力资源:孝感感人口5255万,受过各种种专业技能培培训或有一定定专长的劳动动力约有1000万人。全日制制普通高校33所,中等职业业技术学校222所,在校学生生8万人;全市人才才队伍资源总总量达23.4万人。Human RResourrces: Amongg the totall popuulatioon of 5.25 million iin thee Xiaoogan ccity, aboutt one million havee receeived varioous prrofesssionall skillls trraininng or masteer somme
19、speecialtties. Moreoover, theree are 3 fulll-timme norrmal uuniverrsitiees andd 22 mmiddlee-leveel schhools with 80,0000 stuudentss. It is esstimatted thhat thhe grooss taalent resouurces reachh to 22, 3400, 0000 in tthis ccity. 服务设施 Servicee Convveniennce金融中介Financce andd Agenncy银行票据与武汉汉实现同城结结算;律师、
20、会会计、审计等等中介事务发发达完备、优优质高效。The cleearingg of tthe baank nootes rrealizzes ciity-wiide seettlemment oof acccountss withh Wuhaan citty; aggency serviices ssuch aas laww, acccountaant, aaudit are ffully-develloped with high qualiity annd effficienncy.旅游休闲Tour aand Enntertaainmennt临近有国家森林林公园双峰山山度假区,风光秀美的观观
21、音湖,有宜于疗养养的汤池温泉泉;市区拥有星级级酒店、酒吧吧、网球场、保保龄球道、健健身中心等休休闲娱乐场所所。 At the nearbby, thhere aare thhe Staate Foorest Park & Holliday Resorrt of Shuanngfengg Mounntain, the charmming GGuanyiin Lakke andd the Tangcchi Hoot Sprring; in thhe dowwntownn, theere arre kinnds off leissure aand enntertaainmennt plaaces l
22、like sstar hhotelss, barrs, teennis courtts, boowlingg alleeys, aand ettc.居 住住Resideence紧邻开发区工业业园区建有蔚蔚蓝新都、乾乾坤阳光、乾乾坤名城、航航天花园、福福星城等一批批风格各异的的住宅小区、写写字楼和员工工公寓。Near thhe devvelopmment zzone ,tthere are aa grouup of residdentiaal commmunitties, officce buiildinggs andd stafff apaartmennts wiith vaariouss d
23、iffferentt stylles, ccalledd Weillan Xiindu, Qiankkun Suunshinne, Qiiankunn Minggchengg, Airr Gardden、Fuuxin ttown aand soo on. 投资产业发展 Developpment of Innvestmment IIndusttries 部分投资企业 Partiall Resiident Enterrprisees法国雷诺汽车公公司Renaultt Frannce Auutomobbiles Co.德国西门子电气气公司Simens Electtricitty Co., Ltd日本
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- 孝感 经济开发区 投资 指南 10560