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1、Delphi Delcoo Elecctroniics Syystemss:Global Best Practtice SSharinng & KKnowleedge MManageementIndustrry & Comppetitiive AnnalysiisOveralll Perfformannce annd TreendsThe Autto Parrts inndustrry inccludess origginal equippment partss manuufactuurers (OEM), aftter-maarket partss manuufactuurers, and
2、tire produucers. For an inndustrry facced wiith laayoffss, plaant iddlingss and downwward pprice presssures, Autoo Partts inddustryy stilll maiintainned a fair top-lline ggrowthh ratee duriing laast thheir yyears (see tablee and graphh beloow andd Exhibiit 1). Howeever, theirr proffits aare huurting
3、g acrooss thhe mannufactturingg chaiin (Exxhibitt 1 coont.). The majorr reassons aare a decliine inn vehiicle pproducction and tthe coonstannt cosst-cuttting strattegy oof bigg-threee auttomakeers. Thesse prooblemss let some suppllier tto fille forr bankkruptccy or be shhaken out oof bussinesss.Lead
4、ers Performance in 3 Yr.5.7-48.0489.84ROE (%)-100.9-30847.7Net income growth (%)5.7-7.648.3Sales growth (%)AverageLowHigh3-yr The mosst impportannt treends aare cooncenttratedd on cconsollidatiion annd gloobalizzationn. Inttensiffied ccompettitionn is ppushinng a mmassivve inddustryy conssolidaation
5、. Not only OEMs are rreduciing thheir TTie 1 supplliers, but also thesee firsst Tiee suppplierss are cuttiing thheir oown suupplieers. BBiggerr firmms wouuld haave abbilityy to pprovidde “modulle” insttead oof sinngle pparts, and also couldd spennd morre on reseaarch aand enngineeering. Afteer a dde
6、cadee of ccost ccuttinng preessed by auutomakkers, supplliers have a litttle rroom tto manneuverr in ddomesttic maarket. Insttead, they are eexpandding tto intternattionall markkets. They hope this diverrsifieed marrket pportfoolio wwould have them surviive unnder ssoft UUS ecoonomy. E-Businness iin
7、 Autto Parrts InndustrryAs far as e-commeerce iis conncerneed, Tiier 1 firrms wiill heeavilyy inveest inn elecctroniic bussinesss, andd willl expeect a lot iin retturn. Outsoourcinng, inntensee comppetitiion and moodularr systtems hhave aall coontribbuted to maajor aauto pparts supplliers usingg Web
8、 basedd colllaboraative technollogy oor eveen e-mmanufaacturiing syystemss. They hope that e-bussinesss woulld proovide beneffit ovver a very wide rangee of aactiviities. Hencce cooordinaation will be sttrengtthenedd acrooss muultiplle tieers off suppplierss. So the ee-commmerce will contiinue tto b
9、e prevaalent on thhe OEM andd Tierr one leevel. As a resullt, a lot oof OEMM/Tie11 comppaniess willl requuire nnot onnly thheir sselvess but also theirr suppplierss to bbecomee e-buusinesss cappable crosss a wiide raange oof bussinesss proccessess. Butt the barriiers oof impplemennting e-bussinesss
10、capaabilitty havve nott a coommon underrstandding yyet. TTable 1 exhhibiteed thee E-buusinesss appplicattion iin Autto Parrts Inndustrry in a genneral levell. Thee “Appplicattion RRate” in thhis taable rreferss to hhow maany coompaniies inn Autoo Partts Inddustryy havee alreeady iimplemmentedd a cee
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- 美国 汽车零部件 电子商务 应用 分析 报告 35163