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1、ContenttsAbstracctIIntroduuctionnEfficieent Acccountting SSystemms1Chapterr 1 Acccountting 111.1 Thee deciision of acccountting 21.2 Thee funcctionss of aaccounnting4Chapterr 2 Acccountting eenviroonmentt772.1 Thee goall of aaccounntant is thhe staartingg poinnt in whichh accoountinng envvironmment
2、aaffectts thee accoountinng infformattion ssystemm92.2 Acccountiing asssumedd reveeals cclose link betweeen acccountting aand itts intterdeppendennt extternall enviironmeent102.3Acccountiing sttandarrds diisclosse thee requuest oof acccountiing ennvironnment to acccountting iinformmationn13Chapterr
3、3 Acccountting ssystemm15Conclussion330Referennces311Thanks332Efficieent Acccountting SSystemmsThe exiistencce andd deveelopmeent off everrythinng are unnder ccertaiin envvironmmentall condditionns. Accoountinng, ass one of thhe mosst impportannt praacticee of hhuman activvitiess is nnot a casess ou
4、tsidde. Acccountting eenviroonmentt havee the base sensee for the ssmoothh condduct oof thee actiivitiees of accouuntingg, whilee variious aaccounnting envirronmenntal ffactorrs willl havve isoolatedd impaact onn totall actiivity of thee accoountinng sysstem. The sttudy oof thee struucturee of tthe
5、acccountting eenviroonmentt systtem annd thee relaationss betwween tthe vaariouss elemments in thhis syystem made us too be mmuch mmore rrealisstic iin thiis areea of accouuntingg theoory annd praacticee, to bbuild a harrmonioous Ennvironnmentaal Sysstem ffor cllear ddirecttion, so ass to ppromotte
6、thee accoountinng cauuse off susttainabble deeveloppment.Chapterr 1 Acccountting1.1 Thee deciision of acccountting Accountting iis onee of tthe faastestt growwing ffieldss in tthe moodern businness wworld. Everry neww shorre, scchool, resttaurannt, orr fillling sstatioon inddeed, any nnew ennterprri
7、se oof anyy kindd incrreasess the demannd forr accoountannts. CConseqquentlly, thhe demmand ffor acccounttants is geenerallly muuch grreaterr thann the supplly. Goovernmment oofficiial offten hhave aa legaal bacckgrouund: ssimilaarly, the mmen annd wommen inn manaagemennt oftten haave a backggroundd
8、 in aaccounnting. Theyy are usuallly faamiliaar witth thee methhodoloogy off finaance aand fuundameentalss of ffiscall and businness aadminiistrattion. Todayss accoountannts arre as diverrse ass theiir jobb assiignmennts. AAccounntantss may be maale orr femaale, ooutgoiing orr consservattive, but tt
9、hey aare alll anaalyticcal. TThey mmay haave baackgroounds in arrt hisstory or coomputeer proogrammming. They come from everyy ethnnic annd cullturall backkgrounnd.The acccountiing baackgroounds can oopen ddoors to mosst linnes off busiiness. In sshort, accoountinng deaals wiith alll faccets oof an
10、organnizatiion purchhasingg, mannufactturingg, marrketinng, annd disstribuution. Thiss is wwhy acccountting pproviddes suuch ann exceellentt basiis forr busiiness experriencee. Acccountiing iss an iinformmationn systtem neecessiitatedd by tthe grreat ccompleexity of moodern businness.1.2 Thee funcct
11、ionss of aaccounntingOne of the mmost iimporttant ffunctiions oof acccountiing iss to aaccumuulate and rreportt finaanciall infoormatiion thhat shhows aan orgganizaations finnanciaal possitionn and the rresultts of its ooperattions to itts intterestted ussers. Thesee userrs incclude managgers, stock
12、kholdeers, bbanks and oother crediitors, goveernmenntal aagenciies, iinvesttment advissors, and tthe geenerall publlic. FFor exxamplee, stoockhollders must have an orrganizzationns finnanciaal infformattion iin ordder too meassure iits maanagemments perrformaance aand too evalluate theirr own holdii
13、ngs. Bankss and otherr credditorss mustt conssider the ffinanccial sstrenggth off a buusinesss beffore ppermittting it too borrrow fuunds. Potenntial invesstors need finanncial data in orrder tto commpare prosppectivve invvestmeents. Also many laws requiire thhat exxtensiive fiinanciial innformaatio
14、n be reeporteed to the vvariouus levvels oof govvernmeent. BBusineesses usuallly puublishh suchh repoorts aat leaast annnuallly. Too meett the needss of tthe exxternaal useers, aa frammeworkk of aaccounnting standdards, prinnciplees andd proccedurees knoown ass “generrally acceppted aaccounnting pri
15、nccipless” havee beenn deveelopedd to iinsuree the relevvance and rreliabbilityy of tthe acccountting iinformmationn conttainedd in tthese exterrnal ffinanccial rreportts. Thhe subbdivission oof thee accoountinng proocess that produuces tthese exterrnal rreportts is referrred tto as finanncial accou
16、untingg.Anotherr impoortantt funcction of acccountting iis to proviide thhe mannagemeent innside an orrganizzationn withh the accouuntingg infoormatiion neeeded in thhe orgganizaations intternall deciision-makinng, whhich rrelatees to plannning, contrrol, aand evvaluattion wwithinn an oorganiizatioo
17、n. Foor exaample, budggets aare prrepareed undder thhe dirrectioons off a coompanyys conntrolller onn an aannuall basiis andd exprress tthe deesiress and goalss of tthe coompanyys mannagemeent. AA perfformannce reeport is suupplieed to help a mannager focuss his attenntion on prroblemms or opporrtun
18、itties tthat mmight otherrwise go unnnoticced. FFurtheermoree, cosst-bennefit data will be neeeded by a compaanys mannagemeent inn deciiding amongg the alterrnativves off reduucing pricees, inncreassing aadverttisingg, or doingg bothh in aattemppt to mainttain iits maarket sharees. Thhe proocess of
19、geeneratting aand annalyziing suuch acccountting iinformmationn for interrnal ddecisiion makingg is ooften referrred tto as managgeriall accoountinng andd the relatted innformaation reporrts beeing ppreparred arre callled iinternnal maanagemment rreportts. Ass conttrasteed witth finnanciaal acccount
20、iing, aa manaagemennt acccountiing innformaation systeem proovidess bothh histtoricaal andd estiimatedd infoormatiion thhat iss releevant to thhe speecificc planns on more frequuent bbasis. And managgeriall accoountinng is not ggovernned byy geneerallyy acceepted accouuntingg prinnciplees.Chapterr 2
21、 Acccountting eenviroonmenttThe groowth oof orgganizaationss, chaanges in teechnollogy, goverrnmentt reguulatioon, annd thee globbalizaation of ecconomyy duriing thhe tweentietth cenntury have spurrred thhe devvelopmment oof acccountiing. AAs a rresultt, a nnumberr of sspeciaalizedd fiellds off acco
22、ountinng havve evoolved in addditioon to finanncial accouuntingg and managgeriall accoountinng, whhich iincludde audditingg, cosst acccountiing, ttax acccountting, budgeetary accouuntingg, govvernmeental and nnot for-pprofitt accoountinng, huuman rresourrces aaccounnting, enviironmeental accouunting
23、g, soccial aaccounnting, inteernatiional accouuntingg, etcc. Forr exammple, tax aaccounnting encommpassees thee prepparatiion off tax returrns annd thee conssideraation of thhe taxx conssequennces oof prooposedd busiiness transsactioons orr alteernatiive cooursess of aactionn. Govvernmeental and nno
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