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《银行基础知识相关英语50661.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《银行基础知识相关英语50661.docx(114页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、n更多企业学院: 中小企业管理理全能版183套讲座+897000份资料总经理、高层层管理49套讲座+116388份份资料中层管理学院院46套讲座+66020份资料国学智慧、易易经46套讲座人力资源学院院56套讲座+227123份份资料各阶段员工培培训学院77套讲座+ 324份资料员工管理企业业学院67套讲座+ 8720份份资料工厂生产管理理学院52套讲座+ 139200份资料财务管理学院院53套讲座+ 179455份资料销售经理学院院56套讲座+ 143500份资料销售人员培训训学院72套讲座+ 4879份份资料n更多企业学院: 中小企业管理理全能版183套讲座+897000份资料总经理、高层
2、层管理49套讲座+116388份份资料中层管理学院院46套讲座+66020份资料国学智慧、易易经46套讲座人力资源学院院56套讲座+227123份份资料各阶段员工培培训学院77套讲座+ 324份资料员工管理企业业学院67套讲座+ 8720份份资料工厂生产管理理学院52套讲座+ 139200份资料财务管理学院院53套讲座+ 179455份资料销售经理学院院56套讲座+ 143500份资料销售人员培训训学院72套讲座+ 4879份份资料大家论坛20112年FECCT考试必备备资料:FECT指定教教材: FECT教教材配套必备备手册:FEECT教材配配套必备习题题:FECTT历年真题:FECT推推荐
3、词典:FFECT听力力:FECTT词汇:其他经济金融类类英语资料推推荐:金融英语-高级级-银行业务务与管理-银银行基础知识识英语通知储蓄存款 Noticce depposit is deefinedd as oone thhat dooes noot havve deffinitee termm whenn makiing deepositts andd the typess are choseen in advannce (nnow thhere aare twwo typpes: oone daay nottice ddeposiit andd seveen dayys nottice d
4、deposiit), aand yoou musst infform tthe baank beefore the wwithdrrawal of thhe datte andd amouunt off withhdrawaal. Ussuallyy the minimmum ammount of nootice depossit iss 50,0000 RMMB yuaan in a lummp summ withh the minimmum wiithdraawal ssum noot lesss thaan 50,000 RRMB yuuan eaach tiime. YYou caan
5、 depposit moneyy in aa lumpp sum and wwithdrraw mooney iin a llump ssum orr by sseveraal timmes. 通知储储蓄存款是一一种存款人在在存入款项时时不约定存期期,预先确定定品种(目前前分一天通知知储蓄存款、七七天通知储蓄蓄存款两个品品种),支取取时需提前通通知银行,约约定支取日期期及金额的储储蓄存款方式式。一般5万万元起存,最最低支取金额额5万元,一一次存入,可可分一次或多多次支取的储储蓄存款。通信存款 Depoosits by coorresppondennce reefer tto thee way
6、in whhich ooverseeas Chhinesee, Honng Konng, Maacao aand Taaiwan compaatriotts, Chhinesee of fforeiggn nattionallity aand doomestiic ressidentts appprovedd to ssettlee downn or sstudy abroaad autthorizze dommesticc bankks to handlle savvings depossits ffor thheir ffunds abroaad. 通信存存款是指华侨侨、港澳台胞胞、外籍华
7、人人及批准出境境定居或留学学的国内居民民,将其在国国外的资金委委托国内银行行办理储蓄存存款的一种方方式。 A cliennt sennding a lettter aauthorrizingg the bank to haandle the ddeposiits byy corrresponndencee may go thhroughh the accouunt oppeningg proccedurees by attacching dupliicatess of hhis orr her ID caard, ppasspoort orr exitt passs and otherr va
8、liid creedentiials, filliing ouut thee Appllicatiion Foorm foor Opeening Accouunt off Depoosits by Coorresppondennce, cchoosiing thhe typpe of depossits aaccordding tto thee typees of serviices aalreaddy traansactted byy the bank (say, currrent ddeposiit, tiime deepositt and curreent-tiime opptionaa
9、l deppositss, etcc.), aand allso prre-asssign tthe meethod of wiithdraawal llater. 来信委委托银行办理理通信存款开开户的客户,须须附身份证、护护照或出境通通行证等有效效证件的影印印件,填写“通通信存款开户户申请书”,根根据银行已开开办的业务种种类(如活期期、定期、定定活两便等)选选择存款种类类,并约定日日后的支取方方式,即可办办理开户手续续。储蓄存款挂失业业务 If aa certiificatte of depossit, a bank passbbook or a seal of a cliennt is l
10、ost or stoleen, or the passwword is forgootten, the loss reporrting may be handlled at the bank as the folloowing proceeduress: 客户的储储蓄存单、存存折、印鉴如如不慎遗失、被被盗或密码遗遗忘,可按下下列手续到银银行办理挂失失: Thee cliennt shalll immeddiatelly handlle the writtten loss reporrting proceeduress at the origiinal depossitoryy bank. In
11、 reporrting loss, the cliennt shalll preseent the persoonal credeentialls (ID card, residdence permiit, passpport, etc.) and also proviide the relatted depossit inforrmatioon such as accouunt, accouunt holdeers name, time of accouunt openiing, amounnt, type of curreency and maturrity. The loss repor
12、rting may be acceppted afterr the bank certiifies them correect, and the bank confiirms that the paymeent has not been made beforre the loss reporrting is handlled. If the cliennt can not be preseent at the bank in handlling the loss reporrting, he or she may authoorize anothher persoon to handlle i
13、t on his / her behallf and at the same time the credeentialls of the agentt shalll be preseented. The loss reporrting of passwword may not be handlled on agenccy. 客户应应立即到原存存款行办理书书面挂失手续续,挂失时客客户应持本人人身份证件(身身份证、暂住住证、护照等等)并提供账账户、户名、开开户时间、金金额、币种、期期限等有关存存 款内容,经经银行审核无无误后即可办办理挂失,银银行经查实确确未支付方可可受理。如客客户不能亲自自前往银
14、行,可可委托他人代代办挂失,同同时提供代办办人身份证件件。密码挂失失不 准代办。 个人外汇预结汇汇业务 If yyou reemit ffund ffrom aabroadd intoo Chinna andd wantt to ppay thhe benneficiiary iin RMBB, bannk oveersea officce cann convvert iit intto RMBB accoordingg to tthe exxchangge ratte levvel onn the remitttancee day and iinformm domeestic officce
15、 to pay RRMB fuund too the benefficiarry apppointeed by you. 如您在在境外向国内内汇入汇款,并并要求以人民民币交付给收收款人,银行行境外机构可可先按照汇款款日的汇率水水平折成人民民币,告知国国内机构,并并将人民币款款项交付给您您指定的收款款人。外币兑换业务 Bankks cann handdle thhe excchangee betwween RRMB annd forreign curreenciess at ccurrennt quootatioons onn the day. Conveertiblle currrenciie
16、s inncludee US ddollarr, HK dollaar, Jaapanesse yenn, Eurro, Ennglishh pounnd, Swwiss ffranc, Austtraliaan dolllar, Singaapore dollaar, Noorwegiian krrone, Danissh kroone, MMacao patacca, Neew Zeaaland dollaar, annd etcc. Thhe bannks caan hanndle fforeiggn excchangee purcchase for oofficiial fooreig
17、nn visiit grooups. You aare onnly reequireed to take the eexit ppaper approoved bby thee Admiinistrrationn of FForeiggn Excchangee for the bbankss examminatiion beefore acquiiring foreiign exxchangge. Fooreignners lleavinng thee counntry ccan coonvertt the unuseed RMBB, whiich weere coonvertted whhe
18、n thhey ennteredd the counttry, iinto fforeiggn currrenciies acccordiing too theiir passsportts andd origginal foreiign cuurrenccy connversiion reeceiptts witthin ssix moonths. 银行可可按当日牌价价为您办理人人民币与外币币的兑换。可可兑换的货币币包括:美元元、港币、日日元、欧元、英英镑、瑞士法法郎、澳大利利亚元、新加加坡元、加拿拿大元、瑞典典克郎、挪威威克郎、丹麦麦克郎、澳门门元和新西兰兰元等。 银行可可办理公派出出国团
19、组的购购汇业务。您您只需持外汇汇管理局审批批的出国批件件,经银行审审核无误后即即可予以供汇汇。 境外人人员离境前,可可在银行凭本本人护照和六六个月内原工工商银行外币币兑换水单将将入境时兑换换的未用完的的人民币兑回回外币。零存整取定期储储蓄SmallSaavingssforLuump-suumWithhdrawaal零存整取取定期储蓄 Timme depossit of smalll savinngs for lump-sum withddrawall referrs to savinngs depossit whosee termss are agreeed, and whosee fixed
20、d amounnt is depossited everyy monthh when openiing an accouunt. The minimmum amounnt of depossit is 5 RMB yuan and the maturritiess rangee from threee gradees: 1 year, 3 yearss and 5 yearss. 零存整取取定期储蓄存存款是指开户户时约定存期期,每月固定定存额,起存存金额为5元元人民币,存存期分一年、三三年、五年的的一种储蓄存存款形式。 外币定活两便存存款 Savinngs/Tiime Opptionaal D
21、eppositss 定活两便便存款 Saavingss/timee optiional depossit inn foreeign ccurrenncy arre reggisterred deepositt withhout ffixed amounnt, wiithoutt defiinite maturrity, whosee inteerest rate variees in line with the llengthh of mmaturiity. TThe miinimumm amouunt off depoosit iis thee foreeign ccurrenncy wii
22、th a valuee not less than the eequivaalent of 500 RMB yuan. The longeest maaturitty is 1 yeaar, annd thee inteerest is coomputeed at a disscountt ratee releevant to thhe corrrespoondingg gradde of interrest rrate ffor tiime deepositts of lump-sum ddeposiiting and llump-ssum wiithdraawal aaccordding
23、tto thee actuual nuumber of daays deepositted. TThe innteresst is compuuted wwith rrefereence tto intterestt ratee of tthe RMMB Timme/Currrent Optioonal DDeposiits. 外币定定活两便存款款是一种不确确定存期,利利率随存期长长短而变动的的记名式不定定额存款。起起存金额不低低于人民币550元的等值值外币。存期期最长为1年年,按实存天天数,符合整整存整取定期期存款哪个档档次就按该档档次利率打折折计息。计息息参照“人民民币定活两便便储蓄存款”
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- 银行 基础知识 相关 英语 50661