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1、分类买卖合同(中英文对照名称买卖合同(中英文对照)(供进口合同用)编号日期No. Datte:买受人:The Buyyers: 电报:传传真:Cabble: FFAX出卖人:The Selllers: 电报:电传:传真:Cabble: Teleex: FAXX本合同由买卖卖双方订立,根根据本合同规规定的条款,买买方同意购买买,卖方同意意出售下述商商品:This CContraact iss madee by aand beetweenn the Buyerrs andd Selllers ,whereeby thhe Buyyers aagree to buuy andd the Sellee
2、rs aggree tto selll thee undeermenttionedd commmodityy accoordingg to tthe teerm annd connditioons sttipulaated bbelow.(1) 货名及规格COMMODIITYANNDSPEECIFICCATIONNS(2)数量(3)单价(4)总价(5)生产国别别和制造厂商商:COUNNTRYOOFORIIGINAANDMAANUFACCTURERRS:(6)装运期限限:TIMEEOFSSHIPMEENT:(7)装运口岸岸:PORTTOFSSHIPMEENT:(8)到货口岸岸:PORTTOFDD
3、ESTINNGATIOON:(9)保险险:INSUURANCEE:由买方投保。To be ccoverdd by tthe Buuyers.(10)包装:PACKIING:须用坚固的新木木箱/纸箱包包装,适合长长途海运,防防湿、防潮、防防震、防锈,而而粗暴搬运。由由于包装不良良所发生的损损失,由于采采用不充分或或不妥善的防防护措施而造造成的任何锈锈损,卖方应应负担由此而而产生的一切切费用和/或或损失。To be ppackedd in nnew sttrong wodenn casee (s) / carrton (s) suuitablle forr longg disttance ocea
4、nn trannsporttationn and well proteected againnst daampensss, mooisturre, shhock, rust and rrough handlling. The SSellerrs shaall bee liabble foor anyy damaage too the goodss on aaccounnt of improoper ppackinng andd for any rrust ddamagee attrributaable tto inaadequaate orr imprroper proteectivee me
5、assures takenn by tthe Seellerss, andd insuuch caase orr casees anyy and all llossess and/or exxpensees inccurredd in coonsequuence thereeof shhall bbe borrne byy the Selleers.(11)唛头:SHHIPPINNGMARRK:卖方应在每件包包装上,用不不褪色油墨清清楚地标刷件件号、尺码、毛毛重、净重、“此端向上”、“小心轻放”“切勿受潮”等字样,并刷有下列唛头:On the surfaacee oof eacch pacck
6、age, the packaage nuumber ,meassuremeents, grosss weigght, nnet weeight, the liftiing poositioons, ssuch ccautioons ass “DONOOTSTAACKUPPSIDEEDOWNN”,“HANDLLEWITTHCARRE”;“KEEPAWAYFROMMOISTTURE”and tthe foollowiing shipinng marrk shaall bee stennciledd legiibly iin faddelesss painnt:(12)付款条条件:TERRMSOFF
7、PAYMMENT:甲、信用证付款款货物装运前前一个月,买买方应由上海海中国银行开开立以卖方为为受益人的不不可撤销的信信用证,凭本本合同第133条甲项规定定的装运单据据交到上海(银银行)后付款款。乙、托收付款:货物装运后后,卖方应将将以买方为付付款人的汇票票连同本合同同第13条甲甲项所列各种种装运单据,通通过卖方银行行寄交买方银银行即上海中中国银行转交交买方,并托托收货款。丙、信汇付款:买方收到本本合同第133条甲项所列列单据后,应应于天内内信汇祭款。A. Paymment bby L/CC: Onee montth beffore sshipmeent, tthe Buuyers shalll
8、 estaablishh withh Bankk of CChina, Shannghai an Irrrevoccable L/C iin favvour oof thee Selllers, to bee avaiilablee agaiinst ppresenntatioon in Shangghai oof thee shippping documments stipuulatedd in CClausee 13 hhereoff.B. Paymment bby Colllectiion: AAfter delivvery iis madde, thhe Selllers shalll
9、 sendd throough tthe Seellerss, bannk draaft drrawn oon thee Buyeers toogetheer witth thee shippping documments apeciified in Cllause 13 heereof, to tthe Buuyers throuugh thhe Buyyers bbank, the BBank oof Chiina, SShanghhai, ffor coollecttion.C. Paymment bby M/TT: Payyment to bee effeected by thhe B
10、uyyers nnot laater tthan dayss afteer recceipt of thhe shiippingg docuumentss speccifiedd in CClausee 13 hhereoff.(13)单据据:DOCUUMENT:甲、卖方应将下下列单据提交交付款银行议议付货款/托托收付款,如如为信汇付款款,下列单据据应径寄买方方:1.全套可议议付的洁净已已装运海运提提单,空白抬抬头,空白背背书。注明“运费到付”,并通知到到货口岸中国国对外贸易运运运输公司。2.由包收据据注明由费/空运提单。3.保险单或保保险证明书注注明投保兵险险,一切险包包括TPNDD。破碎,
11、渗渗漏。无百分分比限制,并并注明货物到到达后倘发现现残破碎,渗渗漏。无百分分比限制,并并注明货物到到达后倘发现现残破碎,渗渗漏。无百分分比限制,并并注明货物到到达后倘发现现残损情况,须须向到货口岸岸之中国商品品检验局申请请检验。4.发票五份份,注明合同同号,唛头。5.装箱单两份份,注明毛、净净重、尺码和和所装货物每每项的品名数数量。6.按照本合同同第18条甲甲项规定由制制造厂签发的的质量和数量量/重量证明明书及检验报报告各两份。A. The Selleers shhall ppresennt thee folllowingg docuumentss to tthe paaying bank f
12、or nnegotiiationn/colllectioon, orr to tthe Buuyers in caase off paymment bby M/TT.1. Fulll set of Neegotiaable CClean on Booard OOcean Billss of LLadingg markked “FREIGGHTTOOCOLLLECT”and maade ouut to orderr ,blaank enndorseed,andd notiifyingg the chinaa Natiional Foreiign Trrade TTranspportattion
13、CCorporrationn at tthe poort off desttinatiion. 2. parceel posst Recceipt,indiccatingg posttage/AAir Waay Billl3.Insurrance Policcy or Certiificatte,covveringg War risk and aall riisks iincludding TTPND,BBreakaage annd Leaakage irresspec-ttive oof perrcentaage annd inddicatiing “In thhe eveent off l
14、osss or ddamagee,requuest ffor suurvey upon arrivval off the cargoo at tthe poort off desttinatiion bee madee to tthe Chhina CCommoddity IInspecction Bureaau of that port”.4.Invoiice inn quinntupliicate,indiccatingg conttract numbeer andd shippping mark.5.Packiing Liist inn dupllicatee withh indiica
15、tioon of both grosss and net wweightts,meaasuremments and qquantiity off eachh itemm packked.6.Certiificatte off Quaality and QQuantiity/Weeight and TTestinng Repport,eeach iin dupplicatte isssued bby thee manuufactuurers as sppecifiied inn itemms of Clausse 18 hereoof.7.A truue coppy of cablee to a
16、advisee the Buyerrs of shipmment iim-meddiatelly thee goodds aree loadded onn shipp as sspeciffied iin Claanus 115 herreof.乙、货物装运后后十天内,除除上述装运通通知电报副本本外,卖方应应另外准备各各种单据副本本三套,以空空邮将其中一一套寄交买方方,另外两套套寄交到货囗囗岸中国对外外贸易运输公公司。b. Withhin 100 dayss afreer shiipmentt is eeffectted,thhe Selllers shalll preppare tthree
17、 sets,each comprrisingg one copy each of thhe aboove meentionned doocumennts wiith thhe excceptioon of the ccable shippping aadvicee one set tto be airmaailed to thhe Buyyers aand thhe othher twwo Setts to the CChina Natioonal FForeiggn Traade Trranspoortatiion Coorporaation at thhe porrt of destiin
18、atioon.(14) 技术术资料:TEECHNICCAL DOOCUMENNTS:甲、 每次发货进,卖卖方应将下述述英文技术资资料一整套与与货物一起装装箱,运交买买方:1.基础图2布线说明,电电气及/或气气动及/或液液压接线图3易损零件制制造图4零件目录5本合同第118条甲项规规定的品质证证明书6安装、操作作和维修说明明书a. One compllete sset off the lolloowing technnical documments writtten inn Engllish sshall be paacked and ddepatcchde tto-getther wwith
19、eeach cconsiggnmentt:1. Foundattion ddrawinngs2. Wiriing innstrucctionss,diaggrams of ellectriical cconnecctionss and/of pnneumattic annd/or hydraaulic conneectionns 3. Manuufactuuring drawiings oof eassily wworn pparts4.sparee partts cattaloguues5.Certiificatte of qualiity ass stippulateed in Item
20、a of Clausse 18 hereoof6.Erecttion,ooperattion, serviice annd reppair iinstruuctionn bookks 乙、个月月前,卖方应应将本条甲项项所列1.各种技术术资料2套,以以空邮寄交买买方。b.moonths beforre shiipmentt ,thee Selllers sshall air-mmail tto thee Buyeers twwo commpletee setss of tthe teechniccal doocumennts meentionned inn poinnts
21、1,2,3,44,5andd 6 unnder iitems of thhis Cllause. (F.U.MM.P)(15)装运条条款:TERRMSOFFSHIPPMENT:甲、每次发货如如毛重超过两两公吨,卖方方应于本合同同第8条规定定的装运期六六十天前,将将合同编号、商商品名称、数数量、价值、件件数、毛重、尺尺码以及及货货物在装货口口岸备舀日期期函/电告买买方,以便买方订舱舱。如毛重不不超过两公吨吨,则卖方应应与装货口岸岸的买方超前前享受运代理理人直接联系系装运事宜。a. For each shipmment eexceedding ttwo meetric tons in grross
22、 wweightt, thee Selllers sshall, 60 ddays bbeforee the date of shhipmennt stiipulatted inn Clauuse 8 hereoof, addvise the bbuyerss by ccable/letteer of the ccontraact nuumber name of coommodiity, qquantiity, vvalue, numbber off packkages, grosss weiight aand meeasureementss and date of reeadineess a
23、tt the port of shhipmennt in orderr for the bbuyerss to bbook sshippiing sppace. For eeach sshipmeent noot oveer twoo metrric toons inn grosss weiight, the SSellerrs shaall geet in direcct touuch wiith thhe buyyers sshippiing aggent aat thee loadding pport.乙、每发货毛重重超过两公吨吨时,其订舱舱事宜将由买买方装运代理理人北京中国国租船公司(
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