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1、MBA英语写作资料第一部分:英语作文经典句式一、图画概概述1. Itt gooes witthouut ssayiing thaat ddrawwinggs aaim at revveallingg a commmonn annd sseriies proobleem iin tthe worrld: hoow tto pprottectt thhe ooceaan rresoourcces. 2. Leetss taake a cclosser loook aat tthe twoo piictuuress. TThe onee onn thhe lleftt shhowss thhe ss
2、tatte oof tthe houusinng bbefoore thee gooverrnmeent impplemmentted itss urrbann reenewwal proojecct, wheereaas tthe onee onn thhe rrighht iilluustrratees tthe sittuattionn affterrwarrds. 3. Ass deescrribeed/pporttrayyed/illlusttratted/shoown in thee piictuure, maany peooplee noowaddayss liike to go
3、 to fittnesss ccentterss too keeep theeir boddiess inn shhapee. 二二、图表表概述11. TThe graaph shoows thaat tthe inccideencee off viioleent criime hass inn faact drooppeed iin mmostt USS ciitiees ooverr thhe ppastt deecadde. 2. As we cann seee ffromm thhe ccharrt, divvorcce iincrreassed pheenommenaallyy up
4、p unntill abboutt 19990, buut hhas sinnce remmainned at a ffairrly connstaant levvel.3. Thhe ssalees ffiguuress foor AA ammounnt tto tthe commbinned salles figgurees ffor B aand C. Thee prrofiits oveer tthe passt ffivee yeearss addd uup tto aan iincrrediiblee 1.2 bbilllionn doollaars.4. Thee fiigurr
5、es fluuctuuatee beetweeen 10000 aand 11000 uunitts pper yeaar. Thee saaless arre eexpeecteed tto ggo uup aand dowwn ooverr thhe nnextt feew mmontths. 5. Thhe nnumbber of panndass inn thhe rreseervee suuddeenlyy roose to oveer 2200. 6. Thhe bbirtth rratee deecreeaseed ssteaadilly aafteer WWorlld WWar
6、 2. Thee nuumbeer oof uuserrs rrosee smmootthlyy thhrouughoout thee deecadde.77. HHoussingg prricees ssoarr whhen theere is a ssuddden inccreaase in demmandd. 88. TTherre wwas a sslummp iin pprodducttionn beetweeen 19880 aand 19885. 9. Thee nuumbeer oof IInteerneet uuserrs sshouuld cliimb froom 220
7、mmilllionn inn 20004 to 50 milllioon iin 220088. 110.Unllesss thhe ssituuatiion chaangees, theere willl bbe aa deecliine froom 220 iin 220066 too 122 inn 20010. 111. JJanuuaryy wiill wittnesss tthe lauunchh off twwo nnew prooduccts, whhichh shhoulld iincrreasse rreveenuee drramaaticcallly. 12. Thhe
8、ppopuulattionn wiill remmainn sttablle tthannks to thee onne-cchilld ppoliicy. 133. TThe perrcenntagge oof yyounng ppeopple atttenddingg unniveersiity reaacheed aa peeak of 47% inn 20003. 144. TThe nummberr off peeoplle wwho couuld nott reead hitt itts lloweest poiint in 20003. 15. Thhe nnumbber of
9、Intternnet useers is on thee riise/inccreaase at thee moomennt.三、图画含含义1. Whhat doees tthe autthorr reeallly wwantt too teell us? Inn myy oppiniion, hiis rreall immpliicattionn iss thhat eveeryoone hass too meeet diffficculttiess inn thheirr liife expperiiencces. 2. Thhe ppurpposee off thhe ppictture
10、es iis tto wwarnn uss thhat duee atttenntioon hhas to be paiid tto tthe deccreaase of oceean ressourrcess. 33. TThe ideea cconvveyeed bby tthe carrtooon iis aappaarennt: thee fiinisshinng ppoinnt iis jjustt a neww sttarttingg poointt. 44. II caannoot hhelpp reelattingg thhesee drrawiingss too reeali
11、ity. Thhey cleearlly sshoww hoow hhumaan iinteerpeersoonall reelattionnshiips havve ddeveelopped. 四、举例例论证11. AA caase in poiint is Wuhhan, whhichh haas aa peedesstriian shooppiing strreett. 22. TTakee thhe rreceent tsuunammi ffor exaamplle. 3. Takke mmy ffathher as an exaamplle. 4. Nummeroous exaamp
12、lles cann bee giivenn eaasilly. Butt thhesee wiill suffficce. 5. Anootheer ccasee inn poointt iss thhe mmislleaddingg paackaaginng uusedd onn maany prooduccts. 6. Itt iss thhe ssamee wiith Afrricaan ccounntriies, whhichh haave hugge ddebtts. 7. Perrhapps tthe mosst sstriikinng iinsttancce hhapppenee
13、d tto mme wwhenn I wass a chiild at priimarry sschoool. 8. Thhe llistt off suuch exaamplles cann goo onn annd oon. Exaamplles likke tthesse ccan forrm aa loong lisst. 五、原因因分析11. AA nuumbeer oof ffacttorss caan aaccoountt foor tthe inccreaase in deaathss frrom heaart disseasse. 2. Anootheer iimpoorta
14、ant facctorr iss thhe aavaiilabbiliity of thee Innterrnett. 33. FFinaallyy, tthe creeatiion of morre jjobss iss reespoonsiiblee foor tthe chaangee/ iincrreasse/ deccreaase/ grrowtth. 4. WWhy doees tthiss phhenoomennon apppearr? II thhinkk thheree arre sseveerall poossiiblee reeasoons forr thhis sitt
15、uattionn. 六六、建议议措施11. IIt iis hhighh tiime thaat ppareentss, eeduccatoors andd thhe ggoveernmmentt maade conncerrtedd effforrts to putt ann ennd tto tthiss siituaatioon. 2. Thee beest wayy too soolvee thhis proobleem II thhinkk iss too giive youung peooplee oppporrtunnitiies to do thiingss inndeppen
16、ddenttly. 3. Itt iss immperratiive thaat ddrassticc meeasuuress shhoulld bbe ttakeen tto eend povvertty wworlldwiide. 4. Thhesee arre nnot thee onnly thrree meaasurres we cann taake. Buut iit sshouuld be notted thaat wwe nneedd too taake strrongg acctioon tto eelimminaate thee usse oof iilleegall dr
17、rugss. 55. OOnlyy inn thhis wayy caan wwe ooverrcomme tthiss diiffiicullty, annd .we willl hhavee a briightt fuuturre.第二部分:英语作作文常用用套句一、开头WWhenn itt coomess too ., somme tthinnk . Theere is a ppubllic debbatee toodayy thhat . A is a ccommmon wayy off ., butt iss itt a wisse oone? Reecenntlyy thhe ppr
18、obblemm haas bbeenn brrougght intto ffocuus. 二、提出观观点 Noww thheree iss a groowinng aawarreneess thaat. IIt iis ttimee wee exxploore thee trruthh off . NNowhheree inn hiistoory hass thhe iissuue bbeenn moore vissiblle. 三、进一步步提出观观点 . buut tthatt iss onnly parrt oof tthe hisstorry. Anootheer eequaallyy
19、immporrtannt aaspeect is . A is butt onne oof tthe manny eeffeectss. AAnottherr iss . BBesiidess, ootheer rreassonss arre. 四、提出假假想例子子的方式式 Suuppoose thaat. JJustt immagiine whaat wwoulld bbe llikee iff. Itt iss reeasoonabble to exppectt. Itt iss noot ssurpprissingg thhat. 五、举例 Forr exxampple (innstaa
20、ncee),. . suuch as A, B, C aand so on (soo foorthh) AA goood casse iin ppoinnt iis. AA paartiicullar exaamplle ffor thiis iis. 六、引用 Onee off thhe ggreaatesst eearlly wwritterss saaid . “KKnowwleddge is powwer”, suuch is thee reegarrd oof . “.”. Thhat is howw sbb. ccommmentt (ccritticiize/ prraisse.)
21、. “.”. Hoow oofteen wwe hhearr suuch worrds likke ttherre. 七、讲故事事 (先说故故事主体体), thiis sstorry iis nnot rarre. ., ssuchh diilemmma we oftten meeet iin ddailly llifee. ., thhe sstorry sstilll hhas a rreallisttic siggnifficaancee. 八、提出原原因 Theere aree maany reaasonns ffor . Whhy., foor oone thiing, Thhe a
22、answwer to thiis pprobblemm innvollvess maany facctorrs. Anyy diiscuussiion aboout thiis pprobblemm woouldd inneviitabbly invvolvves . Thhe ffirsst rreasson cann bee obblivviouuslyy seeen. Moost peooplee woouldd aggreee thhat. Somme ppeopple mayy neegleect thaat iin ffactt . OOtheers sugggesst tthat
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- MBA 英语 写作 经典 解析 习题 2490