《项目管理系统程序68193.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《项目管理系统程序68193.docx(30页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、PM = Project Manager DE = Design EngineerPE = Process EngineerQE = Quality EngineerAM = Area ManagerLE = Logistics EngineerCE = Chief EngineerHS = Health S/ SafetyTS = Technical Specification APQP = Advanced Product Quality PlanningSOFIMA SHANGHAI MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TS16949&ISO14001&OHSAS18001Title/文
2、件标题:Project Management System 项目管理系统Document No/文件代码: P-PM-PM001Page/页码: 30/30Prepared by/准备者:Verified by/审批者Version No./修订号: Effective 生效日期:C. Nigri01Projeect Mannageemennt SSysttem项目管理系系统Prepaaredd byy C. Niggri_Checkked by C. Niigrii_Approovedd byy G. Bugga_Scopee: 范范围This proocedduree iss isssue
3、ed iin oordeer tto ddefiine andd cooorddinaate thee maanaggemeent proocesssess reelatted to thee neew pprodductt deevellopmmentt.All tthe acttiviitiees rrelaatedd too Orrigiinall Eqquippmennt PProjjectts mmustt coomplly tto tthiss prroceedurre ssincce tthe Feaasibbiliity Stuudy to thee SOOP (exttend
4、ded to thee 3rrd mmontth oof pprodducttionn affterr thhe rrampp-upp phhasee wiithoout Majjor Nonn Coonfoormiitiees oor CCusttomeer CClaiims). TThiss prroceedurre iis vvaliid ffor inddusttriaal, i.ee. aany prooducct ddeveelopped forr inndusstriial cusstommerss annd uuponn a speeciffic cusstommer reqq
5、uesst oor nneedd.本程序用于于定义和和调整涉涉及新项项目开发发的管理理过程从可行性研研究到批批量生产产(延伸伸至的生生产爬坡坡阶段之之后第三三个月,在在这三个个月里且且没有发发生重大大不合格格项或客客户投诉诉)所有有涉及到到初始设设备计划划的活动动都必须须遵从本本程序。本程序是针针对工业业,比如如,任何何为工业业客户开开发的产产品,并并且是基基于特殊殊客户的的要求或或需求Invollvedd fuuncttionns: 相关职职能部门门All tthe depparttmennts.所有部门1. Activvitiies活动Sofimma AAutoomottivee Fiil
6、teers hass esstabblisshedd a Proojecct MManaagemmentt Syysteem bbaseed oon aa teeamwworkk orrgannizaatioon.Each Proojecct iis ddiviidedd innto sevveraal pphasses (caalleed MMileestooness) tthatt muust be mannageed bby aa Prrojeect Mannageer (PM).The MMileestooness scchemme iis iinteendeed aas aa guu
7、idee foor tthe PM andd thhe tteamm too coomplletee thhe pprojjectts ssucccesssfullly andd shhoulld nnormmallly bbe ffollloweed; anyywayy thhe PPM ccan deccidee too moodiffy tthe schhemee acccorrdinng tto tthe speeciffic neeeds of thee Prrojeect.The PProjjectt Maanagger orgganiizess thhe wworkk annd
8、tthe tassks forr eaach teaam mmembber andd leeadss thhe pprojjectt siincee itts sstarrt tto tthe 3rdd moonthh off prroduuctiion aftter thee raamp up phaase witthouut mmajoor nnon connforrmittiess orr cuustoomerr cllaimms.Afterr thhat, thhe PProjjectt iss clloseed aand thee sttanddardd fuuncttionns o
9、of tthe commpanny mmustt maanagge tthe prooducctioon aand thee quualiity.In caase of majjor moddifiicattionns rrequuireed bby tthe cusstommer thee PMM reestaartss too woork on thee prrojeect, orr a neww PMM iss asssiggnedd.The PPM ggetss thhe ssuppportt off thhe tteamm meembeers andd coollaaborratee
10、s wwithh thhem to succcesssfuullyy cllosee thhe PProjjectt.Durinng tthe enttiree Prrojeect durratiion thee PMM annd hhis teaam ffolllow thee Miilesstonnes schhemee too exxecuute alll thhe aactiivittiess whhosee ouutpuuts aree paartss off thhe AAPQPP (AAdvaanceed PProdductt Quualiity Plaanniing).The
11、AAPQPP paackaage is summmarrizeed iin tthe APQQP200 fiile wheere alll thhe rreleevannt iinfoormaatioon iis ssummmariizedd.索菲玛汽车车滤清器器已经在在团队合合作的基基础上建建立了项项目管理理系统在项目经理理的管理理下,每每个项目目被划分分为若干干个阶段段(名为为节点)每个节点的的安排为为项目经经理和项项目小组组成功地地完成项项目指导导方向,节节点的安安排必须须正常的的执行;总之项项目经理理可以根根据项目目的特殊殊需要决决定修改改项目节节点。项目经理安安排工作作和任务务给每个
12、个小组成成员,并并始终领领导项目目从项目目开始阶阶段到在在没有重重大不符符合项或或客户投投诉的情情况下完完成爬坡坡阶段后后的第三三个生产产月之后,项目目关闭,公公司的基基本职能能部门必必须维持持生产和和质量假如客户要要求有重重大修改改,项目目经理重重新开始始对该项项目进行行操作,或或者任命命新的项项目经理理。项目经理从从项目小小组得到到支持并并与之合合作成功功的关闭闭项目整个项目的的持续阶阶段,项项目经理理和他的的小组按按照节点点计划去去执行所所有的活活动,这这些活动动的输出出是APPQP的的一部份份。APQP所所有相关关的信息息在APPQP220文件件中得到到总结。1.1 Preliimin
13、naryy phhasee准备阶段Respoonsiiblee:Genneraal MManaagerr责任人:总总经理Afterr thhe ffirsst cconttactts wwithh thhe ccusttomeer tto ddefiine thee baasicc coontrractt reequiiremmentts (vollumees, tarrgett prricee, SSOP, drrawiingss / TS / ssamppless)1. The AAreaa Maanagger subbmitts tthe neww prrojeect proopossa
14、l to thee Geenerral Mannageer;2. The GGeneerall Maanagger anaalyzzes if thee prrojeect is suiitabble forr thhe ccomppanyy inn teerm of strrateegy andd inndusstriial feaasibbiliity;3. Afterr thhe sstarrt-uup ddeciisioon, thee Geenerral Mannageer wwilll deecidde- The pprojjectt buudgeet (forr exxpenns
15、ess);- The PPM (witth tthe suppporrt oof tthe Chiief Enggineeer); TThe teaam mmembberss (wwithh thhe ssuppportt off eaach Depparttmennt MManaagerr);- The AAreaa Maanagger prooviddes alll thhe aavaiilabble doccumeentaatioon tto tthe PM andd too thhe CChieef EEngiineeer;4. The tteamm meembeers aree in
16、nforrmedd abboutt thhe nnew Proojecct; thee PMM seendss too thhe tteamm meembeers alll thhe aavaiilabble doccumeentaatioon aand deffinees aa prreliiminnaryy pllannningg (ccusttomeer mmileestooness, iinteernaal mmileestooness);5. The PPM ffillls tthe APQQP200 foorm witth tthe bassic infformmatiion co
17、nncerrninng tthe Proojecct.与客户第一一次接触触以定义义基本的的合同要要求(数数量,目目标价格格,SOOP,图图纸/TTS/样样品)1. 区域经理递递交新项项目建议议给总经经理2. 总经理分析析是否这这个项目目适合公公司现阶阶段的策策略和工工业的可可行性3. 决定项目启启动后,总总经理要要决定:- 项目预算(开开支)- 项目经理(在总工工程师的的支持下下)- 小组成员(每每个部门门经理的的支持下下)4. 区域经理向向项目经经理和总总工程师师提供所所有可利利用的文文件5. 告知每个小小组成员员关于该该新项目目的情况况,项目目经理发发给小组组成员所所有可利利用的文文件并定
18、定义初步步计划(客客户节点点,内部部节点)6. 项目经理将将有关项项目的基基本信息息填入AAPQPP20 表格中中1.2 Phasee A:Cusstommer reqquirremeentss阶段A:客客户要求求Respoonsiiblee:Proojecct MManaagerr责任人:项项目经理理In thhis phaase thee PMM crreattes in thee Teechnnicaal DDepaartmmentt Seerveer (T:) wiith thee prrojeect namme, conntaiininng aall thee fooldeers d
19、esscriibedd inn thhe PProjjectt Maanaggemeent Fillingg PrroceedurreThe PPM iis rrespponssiblle tto kkeepp uppdatted alll thhe ddocuumennts in thiis ffoldder; thhis follderr iss thhe rrepoosittoryy off alll tthe infformmatiion conncerrninng tthe Proojecct.All tthe acttiviitiees ddesccribbed in thee A
20、PPQP220 fformm haave to be commpleetedd inn thhis phaase.Phasee cooncllusiionThe PPM mmoniitorrs aall thee acctivvitiies desscriibedd inn thhe AAPQPP20 andd asssiggn aa coolouur tto iindiicatte tthe acttiviity staatuss; tthe collourr iss asssiggnedd acccorrdinng tto mmethhod desscriibedd inn thhe SS
21、emaaphoore Toool IInsttrucctioon; thee PMM iss reespoonsiiblee too deecidde wwhettherr thhe aactiivitty iis TTargget Criiticcal or Timme CCritticaal.When alll thhesee acctivvitiies (annd aall thee adddittionnal onees tthatt maay hhavee beeen addded by thee PMM) aall thee teeam memmberrs mmeett tooge
22、ttherr too deecidde ttogeetheer wwithh thhe PPM iis tthe phaase is cloosedd.In caase thaat tthe conntraact reqquirremeentss caannoot bbe rresppectted, thhe PPM mmustt innforrm tthe Genneraal MManaagerr immmeddiattelyy.在这个阶段段,项目目经理在在技术部部门服务务器上(T:)用项目目名称建建立一个个文件夹夹,这个个文件夹夹包含了了项目管管理文件件归档程程序中所所描述的的所有的的文件
23、夹夹。项目经理有有责任持持续更新新文件夹夹中的所所有文件件,这个个文件夹夹存放了了有关这这个项目目的所有有信息。在APQPP20表表格中所所描述的的所有活活动在这这个阶段段一定要要被完成成。阶段总结项目经理监监控APPQP220 中中所描述述的所有有活动,指指定颜色色来识别别活动状状态;颜颜色根据据Semmaphhoree 工具具指导书书描述的的方法来来指定;项目经经理有责责任决定定该活动动是目标标临界还还是时间间临界。当所有的活活动完成成时(和和由项目目经理增增加的所所有的附附加活动动)所有有的小组组成员聚聚集在一一起与项项目经理理共同判判定时表表示这个个阶段的的结束。一一旦合同同的要求求不
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- 项目 管理 系统 程序 68193