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1、女性面试宝典:十招助你成功2011年10月18日 15:39:291. Call Company Receptionists打个电话给前台Beforre yyou scrrew up youur dday andd thhe ppersson is whoo woouldd taalk to youu, bbettter cheeck thee coompaanys pproffilee. MMakee ennouggh rreseearcch aabouut tthe possitiion thaat yyou aree appplyyingg foor. It is alwwayss im
2、mporrtannt tthatt yoou kknoww yoour purrposse wwhy do youu waant to winn thhe pposiitioon ooverr sppeciificc nuumbeer oof aappllicaantss. SSelll yoour besst sselff byy noot ssayiing anyythiing at alll buut pprojjecttingg yoour besst yyou.在面试试之前,先先查阅该该公司的的资料。对对你要应应聘的职职位多做做了解。在在一大堆堆来面试试的人中中间,知知道自己己为什么
3、么想要做做这份工工作是非非常重要要的。话话不要多多,通过过行动把把你最好好的一面面展现出出来。2. Miinimmal Acccesssoriies少少戴饰品品Danglles aree noot aapprroprriatte aalthhouggh ttheyy arre ccooll eaarriingss foor ppartty, butt siimplle eearrringgs llikee a peaarl andd a wriistwwatcch wwoulld ddo. Tooo muuch acccesssoriies wouuld ressultt too caasua
4、al gget up. Inn faact, noo jeewellry at alll iss reecommmenndedd buut oone or twoo arre eenouugh to be preesenntabble.虽然大大耳坠在在派对上上看起来来很酷,但但是去面面试,最最好还是是佩戴简简单的饰饰品为好好,比如如珍珠耳耳钉,腕腕表等等等。太多多的饰品品会让你你看起来来太随意意。不建建议佩戴戴珠宝,但但是戴上上一两件件以示得得体也无无妨。3. Prrofeessiionaal HHairrstyyle发发型要职职业You aare nott gooingg too attte
5、nnd aa foormaal ppartty aand havve yyourr haair rollledd upp orr prroduuce currly styyless. YYou do nott neeed to shoow ooff youur bbanggs. Whaat yyou neeed iis aa siimplle hhairrstyyle thaat yyou cann eaasilly mmainntaiin. Youu shhoulld nnot cauuse anyy diistrracttionn annd yyou shoouldd bee coomfo
6、ortaablee whhilee taalkiing to thee exxecuutivve oof tthe commpanny.记记住,你你不是去去参加宴宴会,不不需要盘盘发或烫烫发,也也不要展展示你的的刘海。只只要干干干净净,易易于打理理就行。和和公司领领导面谈谈的时候候,不要要让发型型分散了了别人的的注意力力。4. Cllosee-Shhoess arre MManddatoory一一定要穿穿满帮鞋鞋In alll sstanndarrd ooffiice possitiionss, yyou havve tto wwearr clloseed ttoe shooes, noot
7、sslipp-onns aand a ssanddal. Thhey aree noot jjustt foor pproffesssionnal purrposses butt allso to prootecct yyourr feeet froom aany acccideentss thhat migght comme wwhille wwalkkingg toowarrds youur jjob inttervvieww.办公公室里所所有的职职位都要要求穿满满帮鞋,不不能穿便便鞋或凉凉鞋。这这不仅仅仅能体现现专业性性,还能能保护你你的脚,防防止在去去面试的的路上发发生任何何意外。5.
8、 Drresss-upp thhat Suiits youur BBudgget力力所能及及购新衣衣Of cooursse, if youu haave youur rresoourcces theen yyou couuld buyy a deccentt paair of suiits, skkirtts, andd sllackks. Hennce, yoou ddo nnot neeed tto ddresss llikee thhe PPressideent of thee coompaany jusst tto ppleaase theem. Staay oon yyourr bu
9、udgeet bbecaausee yoou mmighht hhavee moore thaan ttwo inttervviewws ffor thee daay oor mmoree foor tthe weeek.如如果你能能负担得得起体面面的外套套、裙装装和裤装装的话,那那没有问问题。但但是,如如果你负负担不起起,那就就在你力力所能及及的范围围内添置置吧。你你没有必必要为了了取悦老老板而和和他们穿穿的一样样好。要要知道,你你可能一一天或一一周里要要去参加加好几个个面试呢呢。6. Noot ttoo tigght andd caasuaal别穿穿得太紧紧身,也也别穿得得太随便便It d
10、ooes nott maatteer iif yyou wouuld be inttervviewwed by a mman or a wwomaan. Youu caannoot wwearr yoour minni sskirrt, skiimpyy cllothhingg, aand othher cassuall atttirre tthatt maay lleavve aan iimprresssionn too yoour inttervviewwer thaat yyou aree noot uup ffor thee joob bbut youu arre ttakiing l
11、igghtlly oof tthe possitiion.无论你你的面试试官是男男是女,不不要穿迷迷你裙、紧紧身衣去去,也别别穿得太太随便,这这样会给给面试官官留下你你不重视视该职位位、你不不适合该该职位的的印象。7. Chheckk annd FFit事事先检查查Nothiing beaats a ttimeely preeparratiion. Iff yoou wweree innforrmedd a feww daays befforee yoour schheduuledd tiime of inttervvieww, yyou shoouldd chheckk evveryythi
12、ing, esspecciallly if youu arre nnot goiing to weaar nnew shooes, drresss, ppantts aand othher proofesssioonall cllothhingg. MMakee suure thaat ttheyy arre ccleaan aand welll ppresssedd. CChecck aand preeparre eeverrythhingg soo yoou wwilll noot ggo oon aa ruush to avooid anyy innconnvennienncess on
13、n thhe ssaidd daate.充分准准备才能能万无一一失。如如果你提提前几天天得到面面试通知知,那么么你就要要把一切切都检查查一遍。如如果你穿穿得不是是新衣服服,新鞋鞋子,就就更要仔仔细检查查一遍,保保证其平平整清洁洁。事先先准备好好才不会会在面试试当天手手忙脚乱乱。8. Tooo mmuchh iss baad浓妆妆不适宜宜Do noot ooverrdreess youurseelf. Doo noot wwearr tooo mmuchh maake-up. Itt gooes witth tthe collognne oor pperffumee thhat youu woo
14、uldd bee weeariing thaat dday. Juust a llighht sscennt wwoulld ddo. Youu arre nnot goiing to creeatee a maggic speell to youur ffutuure bosss bbut youu waant to imppresss tthemm raatheer tthann seeducce tthemm.别过过分打扮扮,妆也也不要化化得太浓浓。根据据当天的的打扮,喷喷一点点点古龙水水或淡香香水就好好。毕竟竟,你是是去见你你未来的的老板,要要给他们们留下好好印象,而而不是去去引诱他他
15、们。9. Foolloow BBasiic HHygiienee基本的的清洁卫卫生工作作要做好好This is verry bbasiic. We do it eacch dday andd muust follloww itt siincee moost of thee acctivvitiies thaat wwe ddo iis iin aa soociaalizzatiion phaase. Annyhoow, youu doo noot wwantt too goo too yoour inttervvieww wiith youur hhairr unnkemmpt, teeeth
16、h unncleean, annd ffoull oddor sprreaddingg liike a vviruus. Keeep yyourr naailss trrimmmed, shhoess poolisshedd annd oof ccourrse, noothiing deffeatts tthe natturaal ffressh ssmelll ffromm a shoowerr.这很很基础,只只要我们们与人打打交道,就就需要每每天做好好基本的的清洁工工作。你你也不想想在面试试的时候候,发现现你的头头发乱蓬蓬蓬的,你你的牙齿齿没刷干干净,身身上还有有股异味味吧?所所以,把把指
17、甲修修剪干净净,把鞋鞋给擦亮亮了。当当然,干干干净净净洗个澡澡是最好好的选择择。10. PPursse iis aa Biig NNO别拎拎个小手手袋去面面试Theree iss noo faashiion staatemmentt too bee obbserrvedd beeforre yyou putt evveryythiing thaat yyou neeed iin yyourr baag. Altthouugh purrse is a ccrazzy ffad todday, emmplooyerrs wwilll obbserrve thaat aand nott evven youur ttoo bigg baag ssincce yyou aree noot ggoinng tto bbrinng yyourr whholee hoousee upp too yoour inttervvieww.虽然然现在小小手袋很很流行,但但是去面面试的时时候,没没有人会会在乎你你是不是是紧跟潮潮流,只只要你把把所有需需要的东东西都装装进包里里就可以以了。切切记,别别背个大大背包去去,你是是去面试试,不是是去搬家家。