大班英语教案:The very hungry caterpillar.docx

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1、大班英语教案:The very hungry caterpillar大班英语教案 caterpillar butterfly ladybug 大班英语教案 caterpillar butterfly ladybug Lesson Plan Teaching content: Words: caterpillar ladybug Sentences: Caterpillar is to be butterfly. Teaching aim: (1) Help the kids learn the new words and sentence. (2) Help the kids review:
2、Words: Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon、fat、thin、hungry Chant: Season ChantA Week Song: Morning Song Teaching aids: (1) Picture cards: caterpillar、ladybug 、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、
3、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon (2) Real object: toy butterfly、yellow board、cotton. Teaching procedure: 1.Greeting: Say hello to all the guest teachers and make the roll-call . 2.Warm up : (1) Song Morning Song (2)Game Simon Says 3.Presentation (1) Talk about the weather、days and t
4、he season (Review the chant),tell the kids that there will be lots of i ects in ring and summer with the warmer and warmer weather, such as ants 、 iders and so on. Guide the kids to find the i ects in the gra . Show and teach them the words: caterpillar and ladybug. Practice the words: whole cla par
5、tindividual Game of the two new words: Listening gameFind your friends eaking gameLondon Bridge is Falling Down (2) Caterpillar makes friends with the ladybug, they have a good time together(play some games). After a while, caterpillar feels a little hungry, he starts to eat: an a le、a pear、a banana
6、、a strawberry、an orange、a cake、a biscuit、a hamburger、an ice-cream、a peach and a watermelon. Now the caterpillar become a fat one, not a tiny one any more. The caterpillar feels sleepy , so he build a small house and go to sleep. (3) Tell the kids that if they can count the 7 days a week for two time
7、s, they will find the magic change of the caterpillar. (Review the days of a week).Show them the butterfly and teach them the new sentence with TPR. 4.Review Today we know two new friends and we have a good time together, now its time to say goodbye (Sing thegoodbye song with the words: caterpillar
8、and ladybug) 大班英语教案 Food 活动目的: 1、孩子通过嬉戏whats in the tray? 学习新词。 meat, fish, juice, pancakes, eggs, bread 。 2、孩子在嬉戏、各个活动中能听懂并理解老师的问题:Do you like fish? What is Lewis eating? 3、孩子在老师引导下通过嬉戏、对话学习用句子回答老师的问题。Yes/No. Yes, I like eggs. No, I dont like eggs. He / she is eating meat. He / She is drinking milk
9、. 4、在老师的指导下初步学习对话增加英语的听说实力。 5、用幽默风趣的表演激发孩子对英语的爱好。 活动打算: 1、全彩闪卡Cards: meat, fish, juice, pancakes, eggs, bread. 2、实物:Object: apron, tray. 3、木偶:Puppet: Lewis the lion. 4、教学挂图:The teaching picture P2 5、磁带:对话Tape: dialogue 6、纸、蜡笔Paper crayon 7、红色和绿色的杯子各一个 8、道具:薄煎饼和鸡蛋 7、爸爸,孩子的头饰 活动过程: 1、孩子通过老师在嬉戏whats in
10、 the tray? (托盘里有什么?) 风趣夸张的表演及各种形象的实物卡片的协作学习新词: meat, fish, juice, pancakes, eggs,bread。再通过嬉戏: Pass food(传递食品)与孩子互动巩固应用新词。 1) 嬉戏Game: Whats in the tray? 老师一边穿上围裙一边说I put on the apron. I am the waitress. 然后手指一指托盘说:There are some food in the tray. 最终做神奇的样子说:Lets look. 老师一边拿出张卡片一边说 Its meat/ fish/ juice
11、/ bread. (它是肉 / 鱼 /果汁 / 面包) T:Children say after me. Ch: Its meat/ fish/ juice/ bread. T: Ok! One more time. Ch: Its meat/ fish/ juice/ bread. 老师走到孩子面前一边出示卡片一边问:Whats this? 引导孩子回答Its meat/fish/ juice/ bread。 用同样的方法学习They are pancakes/ eggs. (他们是薄煎饼 / 鸡蛋) 在孩子初步学习新词的基础上老师进一步用题问的方式引导孩子用Yes, I like- / N
12、o, I dont like-来回答问题。既应用了句式又巩固了词汇。 T: Do you like eggs? 你喜爱鸡蛋吗? 老师帮助孩子们一边点头一边说: Yes, I like meat/ fish/ juice/ bread / eggs/ pancakes. 或摇头并摇手说No, I dont like meat/ fish/ juice/ bread /eggs/ pancakes. 2) 嬉戏: Pass food (传递食品)(把全部食物闪卡全部正面朝下放在桌子上。) 老师扮演狮子用粗粗的嗓音一边挥手一边说:Hello, boys and girls! 然后用手一指新奇地说:
13、Look, the cards face down. What are they? 请一个孩子到前面来随意翻一张卡片。 L:Help me, please. Whats this? Ch: Its bread. 其次次请两个孩子同时翻卡片,第三次请3到4个孩子。当翻到eggs / pancakes时老师重点强调他们不止一个They are more than one.用They are pancakes/ eggs.来说。最终老师利用桌子上翻过来的卡片和小狮子表演一段对话。 L: (Can you) Pass me the eggs, please. (请把鸡蛋递给我。) T: Here yo
14、u are. L: Thank you. T: Youre welcome. 老师请个别实力强的孩子轮番穿上围裙扮演狮子的角色与其它孩子进行对话。老师帮助孩子完成对话并且对每个表演的孩子赐予掌声和贴花。 2、老师通过有情景的孩子熟识的餐厅场面把新学的词汇应用到实际生活中。通过听磁带,做动作,跟着说,表演等方法初步学习对话。 老师出示教学挂图用开心亲切的口气说:Look. They are eating in a restaurant. 老师依次指着食物和饮料对孩子说: They are eating (meat)。 (他们正在吃肉。) They are drinking (lemonade)。
15、 他们正在喝柠檬汁。然后老师再次一边指图一边反问孩子 T:What are they doing? Ch: They are eating (meat)。 / They are drinking (lemonade)。 老师可以用口型 提示孩子。 老师依据图上内容进一步提问。 T: Show me Lewis the lion. Ch: Here. T: What is Lewis eating? Ch: Lewis is eating pancakes. T: What is Lewis drinking? Ch: He is drinking juice. 老师用吃和喝的动作帮助孩子主动说
16、出狮子Lewis 正在干什么。 2) 通过听磁带,做动作,跟着说,表演等方法初步学习对话。 Time 1: 老师和小狮子用幽默表演展示对话中的主要应用的英语语言部分。 L:Ch: Im hungry! (双手捂着肚子) T:Do you want pancakes or eggs? (老师分别出示做好的实物道具pancakes 和eggs) L:I want (eggs), please. And I want (juice), too. (狮子一边拿走鸡蛋,一边做喝动作说) T:Orange juice or apple juice?(用红色的杯子表示Orange juice用绿色的杯子表示
17、apple juice) L:Orange juice, please. Ahhhhdelicious, delicious.(狮子表演一把抢走红色的杯子,一口气喝完) Time 2: 老师和孩子一起听录音,Lets listen to the tape. 老师每一句话后按暂停,然后复述每一句帮助孩子听清和理解内容。 Time3 孩子和老师边做动作边一起复述对话。T: Repeat the sentences and do the action with me. 对话:Dialogues: Ch: Im hungry! (双手捂着肚子)?Father: Do you want (pancake
18、s) or (eggs)? (伸出左手表示薄煎饼,伸出右手表示鸡蛋。) ?Ch: I want (eggs), please. And I want (juice), too. (双手拇指和食指作鸡蛋状,然后作喝的动作。)?Father: (Orange juice) or (apple juice)? (伸出左手表示橙汁,伸出右手表示苹果汁。)?Ch: (Orange juice), please.?Father: Here it is. ( 伸出双手作给的动作。)?Ch: Mmmm! Thank you! Its delicious. (脸上表示很满足的样子。)?Father: Youre
19、 welcome! (一只手摊开表示欢迎) Time 4 老师和孩子分角色一起表演。T: Lets act together. 老师表演父亲,孩子们表演Ch。I am father. You are children. Time 5 请个别孩子分别戴上父亲和孩子的头饰进行表演。 3) 在TPR活动中激发孩子对英语的爱好:?Dry your hands. (做擦手的动作)?Wipe your face. (做洗脸的动作)?Pass the milk. (做双手作捧着杯子的动作,递过去)?Smell. (鼻子闻) 3、孩子们用蜡笔画出他们最喜爱的食物,然后用学到词汇谈论所画的食物。 T:Draw
20、a kind of food you like best. Talk about your food together. 活动建议: * 活动中可以打算一些做得逼真的食品来吸引孩子的留意力。如:meat, fish,juice, pancakes, eggs, bread 。 * 角色嬉戏: Restaurant (餐厅) 1、打算一些空的食品盒food boxes,一些玩具食品toys of food。 2、孩子们穿上围裙扮演服务员(waitress or waiter)。 3、练习对话:A:Do you want (pancakes) or (eggs)? B:I want (eggs),
21、 please. A:Here it is. B:Thank you! 大班英语教案:Happy Tour 大班英语教案:Happy Tour 教学要求: 1、在情景中,有爱好地学习区分和说出英文单词money、peach,并复习已学单词apple、banana、pear、elephant; 2、喜爱参加英语活动,情愿在听、说、做的过程中,体验学说英语的乐趣。 3、让孩子在活动中体验共享与关爱的欢乐。 设计思路: 秋天是果实丰收的季节,基于本班现开展的主题活动“好吃的水果”,也源于孩子平常生活阅历中所得知的“小猴子喜爱吃桃子”、“大象喜爱吃香蕉”等,再加上我班孩子较为自私、事事不愿和同伴共享,
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- 大班英语教案:The very hungry caterpillar 大班 英语教案 The
