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1、MBA/MPA/MPACC考试英语真题本试卷满分100分,考试时间为180分钟) PART I STRUCTURE AND VOCABULARY (20%)1. Smith is to study medicine as soon as he _ military service。A. will finishB. haas ffiniisheedC. fiinisshD. woouldd fiinissh2. Hee waas llaidd _ foor ssix weeeks witth wwe bbrokken ribbs。A. innB. ouutC. uppD. doown3. Hee
2、 _ to be afffectted by manny tthinngs。A. foorceedB. peermiitteedC. addvissedD. teendeed4.Diid yyou remmembber to givver Annne tthe monney youu owwn hher。YYes, _ II saaw hher, I remmembbereed.A. moomenntarrilyyB. whhileeC. suuddeenlyyD. thhe iinsttantt4. _ thee foormaatioon oof tthe sunn, tthe plaane
3、tts aand othher staarsbeegann wiith thee coonsiiderratiion of an inttersstelllarr clloudd。A. Itt acccepptedd thhatB. Acccepptedd thhatC. Itt iss acccepptedd thhatD. Thhat is accceptted6. Hee iss a mann _ noo onne hhas a bbettter rigght to speeak。A. whhomB. too whhomC. thhan whooD. thhan whoom7._ woo
4、uldd haave knoown thee annsweer。A. Clleveer aanyooneB. Annyonne cclevverC. Annyonne iis cclevverD. Clleveer iis aanyoone8. Whhy aare youu sttilll smmokiing? Yoou _。A. shhoulld hhavee giivenn upp ittB. shhoulld hhavee giivenn itt uppC. ouughtt too haave givven up itD. shhoulld ggiveen iit uup9. Noo v
5、iisitt toor oor rrelaativve ccan entter thee paatieents rroomm unnlesss_ byy thhe ddocttor。A. thhey aree innvittedB. hee iss innvittedC. innvittedD. beeen invviteed100. TThe sicck _andd thhe llostt _。A. haave curred; haave fouundB. haas ccureed; hass foounddC. haave beeen ccureed; havve bbeenn fooun
6、ddD.hass beeen curred; haas bbeenn fooundd11. Humman behhaviior is mosstlyy a prooducct oof llearrninng, _theebeehavviorr off annimaal ddepeendss maainlly oon iinsttincct。A. whhereeasB. sooC. unnlesssD. thhat122. MMumpps _ a verry ccommmon disseasse wwhicch uusuaallyy afffeccts chiildrren。A. waasB.
7、issC. arreD.werre133. TThe _llarggestt sttatee iss, aand hass beeen sinnce Alaaskaasaddmisssioon iintoo thhe UUnioon, Callifooriaa。A. thhreeeB. thhirddC. fiirstt thhirddD. moost144. _ tthe surrfacce oof mmetaal, butt allso weaakenns iit。A. Noot oonlyy dooes russt ccorrrodeeB. Noot oonlyy ruust corrr
8、oddeC. Ruust, whhichh noot oonlyy coorroodessD. Ruust nott onnly corrroddes155. IItss niice to go forr a wallk _ aa suummeer eevenningg。A. onnB. innC. attD. duurinng166. Aree thhesee twwo iissuues setttleed?NNo, theey sstilll wweree _ coonfllictt.A. duurinngB. onnC. wiithD. inn177. Didd thhe mmediic
9、inne mmakee yoou ffeell beetteer?NNo, _ thhe wworsse II feeel.A. taakinng mmoree meediccineeB. thhe mmostt meediccinee I takkeC. thhe mmoree meediccinee I takkeD. whhen I ttakee moore meddiciine188. HHis heaalthh iss _。A. ass pooor, iff noot ppoorrer thaan, hiss siisteerB. pooor as hiss siisteers if
10、 nott poooreerC. ass pooor as, iff noot ppoorrer thaan, hiss siisteerssD. ass pooor, iff noot ppoorrer thaan hhis sissterrs199. SSusaannee haad wworkked forr thhreee yeearss too bee a commputterannalyyst butt fooundd heer pproggresss _。A. diiscoouraaginng aand unssatiisfiiedB. diiscoouraageaablee an
11、nd ddisssatiisfaactiionC. diiscoouraaginng aan ddisssatiisfaactiionD. unnsattisffacttoryy annd ddisccourragiing200. TThatt deefinnitiion leaavess _ foor ddisaagreeemeent。A. muuch rooomB. a smaall rooomC. grreatt deeal rooomD. noot sso bbig a rroommPASSSAGGE 11 JAAMAIICA Theeres nno pplacce llikee ho
12、ome Herre aare youu , at homme iin JJamaaicaa inn yoour verry oown villla, alll ppasttelss annd pprivvacyy. WWithh Evvanggeliine to spooil youu: sshes ggoinng sshopppinng ssoonn, tto ssurpprisse yyou witth aa loobstter forr diinneer. Maddly exttravvagaant? Noot aat aall. Thheree arre hhunddredds oof
13、 vvilllas forr reent, alll ooverr Jaamaiica. Brringg yoour fammilyy, oor ssharre oone witth yyourr beest friiendds aand thee coost beccomees iinc_ reeasiinglly aattrracttivee. AA d whaat nniceer wway to expperiiencce tthe bouuntiifull woondeers of Jammaicca tthann too haave youur oown speeciaal ppla
14、cce tto rretuurn to e_ achh evveniing wheere youu caan ssit bacck wwithh a ruiin ppuncch, tallk aabouut ttomoo_ rrroww, aand to youurseelf, TTherressno plaace likke hhomee. Makke iit JJamaaicaa. AAgaiin。211. Villla inn thhis advverttiseemennt rrefeers to a _。A. booarddingg hoouseeB. muud hhutC. loog
15、 ccabiinD. smmalll hoousee222. Maddly exttravvagaant inn thhis advverttiseemennt mmeanns _。A. veery cheeapB. faairlly ccheaapC. veery exppenssiveeD. faairlly eexpeensiive233. TThe advverttiseemennt iimplliess thhat youu _。A. ennjoyy siighttseeeingg inn fooreiign plaacessB. doontt haave to speend a l
16、lot of monneyC. maay rrequuiree ennterrtaiinmeent by welll-kknowwn ssinggerss。D. neeed a llot of excciteemennt oon yyourr vaacattionn。244. TThe advverttiseemennt aappeealss too thhe rreadders nneedd foor _。A. quuiett plleassureeB. deelicciouus ffooddC. reelaxxatiionD. alll oof tthe aboove255. Bouunt
17、iifull mmeanns _。A. abbunddanttB. feertiileC. grreattD. prrospperoousPAASSAAGE 2BLL haas ddismmisssed figght worrks firremeen aalleegedd too haave beeen aasleeep at itss Laand-Rovver worrks at Sollihuull wheen ttwo worrks insspecctorrs pp_ aaid an uneexpeecteed vvisiit tto tthe dutty ffireerooom ssh
18、orrtlyy beeforre ddawnn onn Moondaay. Alll fiiremmen on thee niightt shhiftt, iinclludiing thee offficcer in chaargee, aare saiid tto hhavee beeen sleeepiing in chaairss orr sttrettcheed oout on thee flloorr. TThiss iss thhe ssecoond timme iin rreceent yeaars thaat aa grroupp off BLL emmpl_ oyyeess
19、att Soolihhulll haas bbeenn diismiisseed ffor sleeepiing on dutty. Twoo annd aa haalf yeaars agoo 133 niightt shhiftt woorkeers theere werr e fouund a_ sleeep. Thhey hadd brrougght sleeepiing baggs, blaankeets, annd bbuillt mmakeeshiift b_ unkks. Butt itt iss unnderrstoood thaat nno ssuchh prrepaara
20、ttionns hhad beeen mm_ aade by thee fiiremmen. Thhe eeighht wweree brrougght befforee a disscipplinnaryy heeariing on Tueesdaay aand chaargeed wwithh coonduuct in breeachh off thheirr duuty. Thhey werre ssum_ maarilly ddismmisssed. Alll eeighht hhavee giivenn vooicee off thheirr inntenntioon tto aap
21、peeal undder t_ he commpannyss diispuutess prroceedurre. Thee heeariing is exppectted to takke pplacce nnextt weeek witth ooffiiciaals of thee Trranssporrt aand Genneraal WWor_ keers Uniion reppressenttingg thhem。266. AAccoordiing to thee paassaage, innspeectoors paiid aan uunexxpecctedd viis_ it to
22、 thee duuty firrerooom jusst _。A. beeforre tthe mooon ssetB. affterr thhe mmoonn seetC. affterr thhe ssun settD. beeforre tthe sunn roose277. WWhatt weere thee fiiremmen doiing?A. Thhey werre bbuilldinng aa kiind of bedd。B. Thhey werre mmenddingg slleeppingg baags。C. Thhey werre aatteendiing a mmeet
23、tingg。D. Thhey werre ssleeepinng oon nnighht sshifft。288. HHow couuld thee prreviiouss brreacch oof ddutyy att BLL bee beest desscriibedd?A. 133 niightt shhiftt woorkeers werre ffounnd pplayyingg caardss 300 moonthhs aago。B. 133 niightt shhiftt woorkeers werre ffounnd ssleeepinng ssounndlyy 300 moon
24、thhs aago。C. 8 nigght shiift worrkerrs wweree fooundd drrinkkingg allcohhol thrree yeaars agoo/D. 8 nigght shiift worrkerrs wweree fooundd assleeep ttwo andd a hallf yyearrs aago。299. WWe llearrnedd thhat as a rresuult of thiis llateest casse _。A. eiightt fiiremmen werre ssackkedB. tthirrteeen ffire
25、emenn weere dissmissseddC. eiightt fiiremmen werre pprommoteedD. thhirtteenn fiiremmen werre ffireed。300. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg sttateemennt iis ttruee?A. Alll ffireemenn off thhat worrks havve bbeenn diismiisseed。B. Thhe ffireemenn whho hhavee beeen firred werre ggoinng tto lleavve tthe fac
26、ctorry。C. Thhe WWorkkerss Unnionn suuppoort thaat tthesse ffireemenn shhoulld bbe ffireed。D. Thhosee fiiremmen wouuld apppeall。PAASSAAGE 3Prrompptneess is impporttantt inn Ammeriicann buusinnesss, aacaddemiic, andd soociaal ssetttinggs. Thee immporrtannce of punnctuualiity is tauug_ ht to youung chi
27、ildrren in schhooll. TTarddy sslopps aand thee usse oof bbellls ssig_ naal tto tthe chiild thaat ppuncctuaalitty aand timme iitseelf aree too bee reespeecteed. Peooplee whho kkeepp apppoiintmmentts aare connsiddereed ddepeendaablee. IIf ppeopple aree laate to jobb innterrvieews, apppoiintmmentts, or
28、 claassees, theey aare oftten viee_ wwed as unrreliiablle aand irrrespponssiblle. In thee buusinnesss woorldd, timme iis mmoneey andd coompaaniees mmay finne ttheiir eexeccutiivess foor ttarddineess to bussi_ nesss mmeettinggs. Of couursee, iit iis nnot alwwayss poossiiblee too bee puuncttuall. SSoc
29、iial andd buusinnesss ettiquuettte aalsoo prroviidess ruuless foor llatee arrrivvalss. CCalllingg onn thhe tteleephoone if onee iss gooingg too bee moore thaan aa feew mminuute_ s latte ffor schheduule apppoinntmeentss iss coonsiiderred pollitee annd iis oofteen eex_ pecctedd. KKeeppingg a datte oof
30、 aa frriennd wwaittingg beeyonnd tten to tweentyy miinutte_ s iis cconssideeredd ruude. Onn thhe ootheer hhandd, aarriivinng tthirrty minnutees llatee too soome parrtiees iis aacceeptaablee. RResppecttingg deeadllinees iis aalsoo immporrtannt iin aacaddemiic aand proofesssioonall cii_ rrclees. It is
31、 exppectted thaat ddeaddlinnes forr cllasss asssiggnmeentss orr buusinnesss reeporrts willl bbe mmet. Sttudeentss whho hhandd inn asssiggnmeentss laate mayy bee suurp_ riisedd too fiind thaat tthe proofesssorr wiill lowwer theeir graadess orr evven reffus_ e to graade theeir worrk. Wheetheer iit iis
32、 aa quuesttionn off arrrivvingg onn tiime or of meeetinng aa deeadllinee, ppeopple aree cuultuurallly conndittionned to reggulaate t_ imee。311. TThe besst ttitlle ffor thiis ppasssagee iss _。A. PrrompptneessB. TiimeC. DeeadllineesD. Ettiquuettte322. IIn tthe Uniitedd Sttatees tthe chiild whoo muust
33、go to bedd eaarlyy, bbe pprommpt at schhooll, oor bbrinng aa taardyy sllip if he is latte_A. iss leearnningg thhe iimpoortaancee off tiime andd puuncttuallityy inn hiis ccultturee。B. Iss leearnningg too diisobbey hiss paarennts andd teeachherss。C. Iss beeingg puunisshedd foor ddisoobeyyingg hiis mmo
34、thher andd scchoool ooffiiciaals。D. Iss beeingg puunisshedd foor pplayyingg tooo mmuchh。333. IIf aa peersoon iis llatee foor aa buusinnesss meeetiing, hee maay bbe _A. crritiicizzedB. fiireddC. maade to payyD. giivenn a payy riise344. SSociial etiiqueettee inn thhe UUnitted Staatess alllowws ppeoppl
35、e_A. too bee a feww miinuttes latte ffor inttervviewws aand bussineess meeetinngs。B. too coome earrly to parrtieesC. too bee upp too a hallf-hhourr laate forr soome parrtiees。D. too caall a ddatee whhen he is thiirtyy miinuttes latte。355. TThe lasst ssenttencce mmeanns _A. peeoplle eeverrywhheree re
36、egullatee tiime in thee saame wayy。B. Coondii tiionss deecidde hhow peooplee sppendd tiime。C. Reegullar timmetaablee iss immporrtannt iin eeverry ccultturee。D. Diiffeerennt ccultturees hhavee diiffeerennt ccusttomss coonceerniing timme。PAASSAAGE 4Urrbann liife hass allwayys iinvoolveed aa baalanncin
37、ng oof ooppoortuunittiess annd rrewaardss aggainnst danngerrs aand strresss; iits mottivaatinng fforcce iis, in thee brroaddestt s_ ennse, mooneyy. OOppoortuunittiess too maake monney meaan ccomppetiitioon aand commpettit_ ioon iis sstreessfful; itt iss offtenn att itts mmostt inntennse in thee laar
38、geest cittiess , wheere oppporttuniitiees aare greeateest. Thhe ppressencce oof hhugee nuumbeers of pe_ opple ineevittablle iinvoolvees mmoree coonfllictt, mmoree trraveelinng, thee ovverlloaddingg off puubliic sservvicees aand expposuure to thoose devviannts andd crrimiinalls wwho aree drrawnn too
39、thhe rrichh piickiingss off grreatt ciitiees. Criime hass allwayys fflouurisshedd inn thhe rrelaativve aanonnymiity of urbban liffe, butt toodayys easse oof mmoveemennt mmakees iits conntrool mmoree diiffiicullt tthann evver; thheree iss muuch eviidennce thaat iits exttentt haas aa diirecct rrelaati
40、oonshhip to thee siize of commmunnitiies. Ciity dweelleers mayy beecomme ttrapppedd inn thheirr hoomess byy thhe ffearr off crrimee arrounnd tthemm. AAs aa deefennse agaainsst tthesse ddeveeloppmennts citty ddwelllerrs ttendd too usse vvarii_ oous strrateegiees tto ttry andd reeducce tthe preessuure
41、ss uppon theemseelvees: conntacc_ tts wwithh ottherr peeoplle aare genneraallyy maade briief andd immperrsonnal; dooorss arre kkeptt loockeed; tellephhonee nuumbeers mayy bee exx-diirecctorry; jouurneeys outtsidde tth_ e hhomee arre uusuaallyy huurriied, raatheer tthann a souurcee off plleassuree. T
42、Therre aare othher strrateegiees ttoo, whhichh arre pposiitivvelyy haarmfful to thee inndivviduual; f_ orr exx ammplee, rreduucinng aawarreneess thrrouggh ddruggs oor aalcooholl. FFurttherrmorre, a_ ll theese deffenssivee foormss off beehavviorr arre hharmmfull too soocieety in genneraal; theey ccau
43、sse wwideesprreadd loonellineess andd deestrroy thee coommuunittyss coonceern forr itts mmembberss. LLackk off innforrmall soociaal cconttactt annd iindiiffeerennce to thee mii_ ssforrtunnes of othherss, iif ttheyy arre nnot perrsonnallly kknowwn tto oonesselff, aare a_ monngstt thhe mmajoor ccausses of urbban criime。366. AAccoordiing to thee auuthoor, livvingg inn a citty ccausses strresss beecauuse thee_ rre aare so manny ppeopple whoo arre _。A. annxioous to succceeedB. inn neeed of hellpC. naaturrallly aaggrresssiveeD. liikelly tto ccommmit criime377. TThe autthorr thhinkks tt