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1、Firmm: AA.T. KeearnneyCasee Nuumbeer:Casee seetupp (ffactts ooffeeredd byy innterrvieewerr):q Yourr clliennt iis aa maanuffacttureer oof bbicyycleesq Theyy haave beeen iin bbusiinesss ffor 25 yeaarsq Theyy maanuffacttureer aand selll tthreee ccateegorriess off biicyccless: Raciing bikkes: Hiigh endd
2、, hhighh peerfoormaancee biikess foor ssophhistticaatedd cyycliistss Mainnstrreamm biikess: DDuraablee, bbut nott ovverlly ccomppliccateed bbikees ffor eveerydday ridderss Chilldreenss biikess: SSmalllerr, ssimpplerr veersiionss off thheirr maainsstreeam bikkes forr chhilddrennq Proffitss att yoour
3、cliientt haave deccreaasedd ovver thee paast fivve yyearrsQuesstioon:q Whatt iss drriviing thee deecliine in oveeralll pproffitss?q Whatt reecommmenndattionns mmighht ccorrrectt thhe ssituuatiion?Sugggestted sollutiionss:The firrst queestiion is to dettermminee whhat hass caauseed ooverralll prrofii
4、ts to deccreaase. Too acccommpliish thiis tthe canndiddatee muust firrst unddersstannd wwhatt haas ttrannspiiredd inn eaach of thee thhreee prroduuct cattegooriees ooverr thhe ppastt fiive yeaars durringg whhichh prrofiitabbiliity hass sllippped. Thhe ffolllowiing aree quuesttionns aand ansswerrs tt
5、hatt woouldd bee prroviidedd inn ann innterrvieew sscennariio.q Whatt arre tthe cliientts marrginns ffor a bbicyyclee inn eaach of thee thhreee seegmeentss?Raciing: Coost = $6000/unnit, Prrofiit=$3000/unnitMainnstrreamm: Cosst = $2250/uniit, Proofitt = $755/unnitChilldreenss: Cosst = $ 2000/unnit, P
6、rrofiit = $550/uunittq Whatt haas hhapppeneed tto tthe marrkett siize of eacch oof tthe thrree seggmennts oveer tthe passt ffivee yeearss?Raciing: Haas rremaaineed cconsstannt aat itss prreseent sizze oof $3000MMMainnstrreamm: HHas inccreaasedd att 2% grrowtth rratee peer yyearr too itts ppressentt
7、siize of $1.0BChilldreenss: HHas inccreaasedd att 3% grrowtth rratee peer yyearr too itts ppressentt siize of $4000MMMq Whatt haas hhapppeneed tto oour cliientts marrkett shharee inn eaach of theese seggmennts?Raciing: Maarkeet ssharre hhas deccreaasedd frrom 60% too 300%Mainnstrreamm: MMarkket shaa
8、re hass inncreeaseed ffromm 0% too 5%Chilldreenss: MMarkket shaare hass inncreeaseed ffromm 0% too 3% q Who aree thhe cclieents mmajoor ccomppetiitorrs in eacch mmarkket seggmennt? Whaat hhas happpenned to theeir marrkett shharee inn eaach seggmennt ooverr thhe ppastt fiive yeaars?Raciing: Thheree i
9、ss onne mmainn coompeetittor andd a hosst oof ssmalll ffirmms. Youur mmainn coompeetittor hass inncreeaseed mmarkket shaare froom 330% to 50%Mainnstrreamm: TTherre eexisst mmanyy, llargge ccomppetiitorrs, nonne oof wwhicch hholdds mmoree thhan 10% off thhe mmarkketChilldreenss: AAs iin tthe maiinstt
10、reaam ssegmmentt, ttherre aare manny ccomppetiitorrs, nonne wwithh moore thaan 110% of thee maarkeetThe aboove infformmatiion prooviddes enooughh innforrmattionn too puut ttogeetheer aa piictuure of whyy prrofiits havve ddecrreassed oveer tthe passt ffivee yeearss : Youur cclieent, wiith a ccommmand
11、dingg poosittionn inn a flaat mmarkket seggmennt (raccingg), exppandded intto nnew seggmennts (maainsstreeam andd chhilddrenns). AAs tthiss occcurrredd, mmarkket shaare deccreaasedd drramaaticcallly iin tthe mosst llucrratiive seggmennt (raccingg), creeatiing an unffavoorabble mixx. The exttentt too
12、 whhichh prrofiits havve ddecrreassed cann bee deeducced froom ssomee quuickk maath : pproffitss haave sliippeed ffromm $660MMM fiive yeaars agoo (=60% x $3000MMM x 33% raacinng mmarggin) too $444MMM toodayy ( = (30% x $3000MMM x 33% raacinng mmarggin) + (5% x $1BB x 23% maainsstreeam marrginn) + (3
13、3% xx $4400MMM xx 200% cchilldreenss maargiin).The draamattic deccreaase in marrkett shharee inn thhe rraciing seggmennt iis aat tthiss poointt sttilll unnexpplaiinedd. QQuesstioons thaat wwoulld hhelpp foormuulatte aan eexpllanaatioon iinclludee:q Havee thheree beeen anyy maajorr chhangges in prood
14、ucct qquallityy inn yoour cliientts raccingg prroduuct? Orr inn itts mmainn coompeetittors rraciing prooducct?Noq Havee thheree beeen anyy maajorr prricee chhangges in youur cclieents rraciing prooducct? Or in itss maain commpettitoorss raacinng pprodductt?Noq Havee thheree beeen anyy maajorr chhang
15、ges in disstriibuttionn ouutleets forr yoour cliientts raccingg prroduuct? Orr foor iits maiin ccomppetiitorrs raccingg prroduuct?Yes. Prreviioussly youur cclieent andd itts mmainn coompeetittor in thee raacinng ssegmmentt soold excclussiveely thrrouggh ssmalll, speeciaaltyy deealeers. Thhis remmain
16、ns uunchhangged forr thhe ccomppetiitioon. Youur cclieent, hoowevver, beegann too seell itss raacinng bbikees tthrooughh maass disstriibuttorss annd ddisccounnt sstorres (thhe ddisttribbutiion outtletts ffor maiinsttreaam aand chiildrrens bbikees) as it enttereed tthe maiinsttreaam aand chiildrrens
17、ssegmmentt.q How do thee maass disstriibuttorss annd ddisccounnt sstorres priice thee raacinng bbikees rrelaativve tto tthe speeciaaltyy sttorees?Pricces at theese stooress teend to be 15 to 20% leess.q Whatt peerceent of youur cclieents rraciing salles occcur in masss ddisttribbutoors andd diiscoou
18、ntt sttorees?Effeectiivelly nnonee. TThiss atttemmpt to selll tthrooughh thhesee diistrribuutorrs hhas faiileddq How hass thhe ddeciisioon tto sselll thhrouugh masss ddisttribbutoorss annd ddisccounnt sstorres afffectted thee immagee off thhe cclieents rraciing prooducct?No sstuddiess haave beeen dd
19、onee. q How hass thhe ddeciisioon tto sselll thhrouugh masss ddisttribbutoorss annd ddisccounnt sstorres afffectted youur cclieents rrelaatioonshhip witth tthe speeciaaltyy ouutleets?Agaiin, no forrmall annalyysiss haas bbeenn peerfoormeed.Althhouggh ssomee annalyysiss annd/oor ssurvvey shoouldd bee
20、 peerfoormeed tto aanswwer morre cconcclussiveely thee laast twoo quuesttionns, a pposssiblle sstorry ccan be putt toogettherr. TTherre hhas beeen nno aapprreciiablle cchannge in eittherr quualiity or priice (orr anny ootheer ttanggiblle ffacttor) off yoour cliientts raccingg prroduuct rellatiive to
21、 itss coompeetittionn. IIt iis nnot thee prroduuct thaat iis tthe proobleem, butt raatheer iits imaage. Ass yoour cliientt caame outt wiith lowwer endd, mmainnstrreamm annd cchilldreenss prroduuctss annd bbegaan tto ppushh thheirr raacinng ssegmmentt thhrouugh masss ddisttribbutoors andd diiscoountt
22、 ouutleets, thheirr reeputtatiion wass coomprromiisedd. AAddiitioonallly, thhe ppressencce oof tthe raccingg prroduuctss inn thhe ddisccounnt ooutlletss haas pput youur hhisttoriic rraciing disstriibuttor (thhe sspecciallty shoops) inn a preecarriouus pposiitioon. Thee sppeciialtty sshopps mmustt no
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- 如何 应付 案例 分析 面试 24953