奥巴马 就职演说229.docx
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1、奥巴马的的就职演演说英文文全文Myy feelloow ccitiizenns:I staand herre ttodaay hhumbbledd byy thhe ttaskkbefforee uss, ggrattefuul ffor thee trrustt yoou hhavee beestoowedd, mminddfull off thhesaacriificces borrne by ourr anncesstorrs. I tthannk PPressideent Bussh ffor hissserrvicce tto oour nattionn, aas wwelll as
2、s thhe ggeneerossityy annd ccoopperaatioon hhe hhassshowwn tthrooughhoutt thhis traansiitioon.Foortyy-foour Ameericcanss haave noww taakenn thheprresiidenntiaal ooathh. TThe worrds havve bbeenn sppokeen dduriing rissingg tiidess offproospeeritty aand thee sttilll waaterrs oof ppeacce. Yett, eeverry
3、sso oofteen tthe oatthiss taakenn ammidsst ggathheriing clooudss annd rragiing stoormss. AAt tthesse mmomeentss,Ammeriica hass caarriied on nott siimplly bbecaausee off thhe sskilll oor vvisiion oftthosse iin hhighh offficce, butt beecauuse we thee Peeoplle hhavee reemaiinedd faaithhfullto thee idde
4、alls oof oour forrbeaarerrs, andd trrue to ourr foounddingg doocummentts.Soo itt haas bbeenn. SSo iit mmustt bee wiith thiis ggeneerattionn off Ammeriicanns.Thhat we aree inn thhe mmidsst oof ccrissis is nowwwelll uundeersttoodd. OOur nattionn iss att waar, agaainsst aa faar-rreacchinng nnetwworkkof
5、 vioolennce andd haatreed. Ourr ecconoomy is baddly weaakenned, a connseqquennce ofggreeed aand irrrespponssibiilitty oon tthe parrt oof ssomee, bbut alsso oour colllecctivvefaailuure to makke hhardd chhoicces andd prrepaare thee naatioon ffor a nnew agee.Hoomess haave beeen llostt; jjobss shhed; bu
6、usinnessses shuutteeredd. OOur heaalthh caareiis ttoo cosstlyy; oour schhoolls ffaill tooo mmanyy; aand eacch dday briingss fuurthhereeviddencce tthatt thhe wwayss wee usse eenerrgy strrenggtheen oour advverssariies anddthrreatten ourr pllaneet.Thhesee arre tthe inddicaatorrs oof ccrissis, suubjeect
7、tto ddataa annd sstattistticss. LLesss meeasuurabble butt noo leess proofouund is asaappiing of connfiddencce aacrooss ourr laand - aa naaggiing feaar tthatt Ammeriicasdeecliine is ineevittablle, andd thhat thee neext genneraatioon mmustt loowerr ittssiightts.Toodayy I sayy too yoou tthatt thhe ccha
8、lllenngess weefacce aare reaal. Theey aare serriouus aand theey aare manny. Theey wwilll noot bbe mmeteeasiily or in a sshorrt sspann off tiime. Buut kknoww thhis, Ammeriica - ttheyy wiillbbe mmet.Onn thhis dayy, wwe ggathher beccausse wwe hhavee chhoseen hhopee ovver feaar, uniity of purrposse oove
9、rr coonfllictt annd ddisccordd.Onn thhis dayy, wwe ccomee too prrocllaimm ann ennd ttothhe ppettty ggrieevanncess annd ffalsse pprommisees, thee reecriiminnatiionss annd wwornnoutt doogmaas, thaat ffor farr tooo llongg haave strranggledd ouur ppoliiticcs.Wee reemaiin aa yooungg naatioon, butt inn th
10、he wworddsoff Sccrippturre, thee tiime hass coome to sett assidee chhilddishh thhinggs. Thee tiimehhas comme tto rreafffirrm oour endduriing spiiritt; tto cchooose ourr beetteer hhisttoryy;too caarryy foorwaard thaat pprecciouus ggiftt, tthatt nooblee iddea, paasseed oon ffrommgenneraatioon tto ggen
11、eerattionn: tthe Godd-giivenn prromiise thaat aall aree eqquall, aallaare freee, andd alll ddeseervee a chaancee too puursuue ttheiir ffulll meeasuure ofhhapppineess.Inn reeafffirmmingg thhe ggreaatneess of ourr naatioon,wwe uundeersttandd thhat greeatnnesss iss neeverr a givven. Itt muust be earrne
12、dd. OOurjjourrneyy haas nneveer bbeenn onne oof sshorrt-ccutss orr seettllingg foor llesss. IIt hhasnnot beeen tthe patth ffor thee faaintt-heeartted - ffor thoose whoo prrefeer lleissureeoveer wworkk, oor sseekk onnly thee plleassurees oof rrichhes andd faame. Raatheer, ithhas beeen tthe rissk-ttak
13、eers, thhe ddoerrs, thee maakerrs oof tthinngs - ssomeecellebrrateed bbut morre oofteen mmen andd woomenn obbscuure in theeir labbor, whhohaave carrrieed uus uup tthe lonng, rugggedd paath towwardds pprossperrityy annd ffreeedomm.Foor uus, theey ppackked up theeir feww woorlddly posssesssioons andd
14、trraveeledd accrosss ooceaans in seaarchh off a neww liife.Foor uus, theey ttoilled in sweeatsshopps aand setttleed tthe Wesst; enddureed tthe lassh oof tthe whiip aand ploowedd thhe hhardd eaarthh.Foor uus, theey ffougght andd diied, inn pllacees llikee Cooncoord andd Geettyysbuurg; Noormaandyy ann
15、d KKhe Sannh.Tiime andd aggainn thhesee meen aand wommensstruugglled andd saacriificced andd woorkeed ttilll thheirr haandss weere raww soo thhatwwe mmighht llivee a bettterr liife. Thhey saww Ammeriica as bigggerr thhan thee suum oofouur iindiividduall ammbittionns; greeateer tthann alll tthe difff
16、errencces of birrth orwweallth or facctioon.Thhis is thee joournney we conntinnue todday. Weeremmainn thhe mmostt prrospperoous, poowerrfull naatioon oon EEartth. Ourr woorkeers areeno lesss pprodducttivee thhan wheen tthiss crrisiis bbegaan. Ourr miindss arre nno llesssinvventtivee, oour gooods and
17、d seerviicess noo leess neeededd thhan theey wweree laastwweekk orr laast monnth or lasst yyearr. OOur cappaciity remmainns uundiiminnishhed. Buutouur ttimee off sttanddingg paat, of prootecctinng nnarrrow inttereestss annd pputttinggofff unnpleeasaant deccisiionss - thaat ttimee haas ssureely passs
18、edd. SStarrtinng ttodaay,wwe mmustt piick ourrsellvess upp, ddustt ouurseelvees ooff, annd bbegiin aagaiin tthe worrkoff reemakkingg Ammeriica.Foor eeverrywhheree wee loook, thheree iss woork to beddonee. TThe staate of thee ecconoomy callls forr acctioon, bolld aand swiift, annd wwewiill actt - not
19、t onnly to creeatee neew jjobss, bbut to layy a neww foounddatiion forrgroowthh. WWe wwilll buuildd thhe rroadds aand briidgees, thee ellecttricc grridss annddiigittal linnes thaat ffeedd ouur ccommmercce aand binnd uus ttogeetheer. We willlreestoore sciiencce tto iits rigghtfful plaace, annd wwiell
20、d ttechhnollogyys wonnderrstoo raaisee heealtth ccarees quaalitty aand lowwer itss coost. Wee wiill harrnesss tthessun andd thhe wwindds aand thee sooil to fueel oour carrs aand runn ouur ffacttoriies.Andd wee wiill traansfformm ouur sschooolss annd ccolllegees aand uniiverrsittiess too meeettthe de
21、mmandds oof aa neew aage. Alll tthiss wee caan ddo. Andd alll tthiss wee wiill do.Noow, theere aree soome whoo quuesttionn thhe sscalleoff ouur aambiitioons - wwho sugggesst tthatt ouur ssysttem cannnott toolerratee tooo mmanyybigg pllanss. TTheiir mmemooriees aare shoort. Foor ttheyy haave forrgott
22、tenn whhat thiiscoounttry hass allreaady donne; whaat ffreee meen aand wommen cann acchieeve wheenimmagiinattionn iss jooineed tto ccommmon purrposse, andd neecesssitty tto ccourragee.Whhat thee cyyniccs ffaill too unnderrstaand is thaatthhe ggrouund hass shhiftted benneatth tthemm - thaat tthe staa
23、le pollitiicallarggumeentss thhat havve cconssumeed uus ffor so lonng nno llongger appply. Thhequuesttionn wee assk ttodaay iis nnot wheetheer oour govvernnmennt iis ttoo bigg orr tooosmmalll, bbut wheetheer iit wworkks - whhethher it hellps fammiliies finnd jjobss att addeceent wagge, carre ttheyy
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- 奥巴马 就职演说229 巴马 就职 演说 229