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1、短学期课课程报告告外 文文 翻翻 译译题 目价格格战的研研究综述述学 院商学学院专 业市场场营销班 级学 号学生姓名名指导教师师审核意见见:指导教师师(签名名) 年年 月 日一、外文文原文(一)标标题:HHow to Figght a PPricce WWar原文:IIn tthe batttlee too caaptuure thee cuustoomerr, ccomppaniies usee a widde rrangge oof ttactticss too waard offf coompeetittorss. Inccreaasinnglyy, ppricce iis tthe w
2、eaaponn off chhoicce annd ffreqquenntlyy thhe sskirrmisshinng ddegeenerratees iintoo a priice warr.Creaatinng llow priice apppeall iss offtenn thhe ggoall, bbut thee reesullt oof oone rettaliiatoory priice slaashiing aftter anootheer iis oofteen aa prreciipittouss deecliine in inddusttry proofitts.
3、Loook at thee aiirliine priice warrs oof 119922. Wheen AAmerricaan AAirllinees, Norrthwwestt Aiirliiness, aand othher U.SS. ccarrrierrs wwentt tooe-tto-ttoe in mattchiing andd exxceeedinng oone anootheerss reeducced farres, thhe rresuult wass reecorrd vvoluumess off aiir ttravvel-andd reecorrd lloss
4、ses. SSomee esstimmatees ssugggestt thhat thee ovveraall losssess suuffeeredd byy thhe iinduustrry tthatt yeear excceedd thhe ccombbineed pproffitss foor tthe enttiree inndusstryy frrom itss inncepptioon.Pricce wwarss caan ccreaate ecoonommicaallyy deevasstattingg annd ppsycchollogiicallly debbiliit
5、attingg siituaatioons thaat ttakee ann exxtraaorddinaary tolll oon aan iindiividduall, aa coompaany, annd iinduustrry pproffitaabillityy. No mattterr whho wwinss, tthe commbattantts aall seeem tto eend up worrse offf thhan befforee thhey joiinedd thhe bbatttle. AAnd yett, ppricce wwarss arre bbecoom
6、inng iincrreassinggly commmonn annd uuncoommoonlyy fiiercce. Coonsiiderr thhe ffolllowiing twoo exxamppless: In JJulyy 19999, Spprinnt aannoouncced a nnighhttiime lonng-ddisttancce rratee off 5 ceentss peer mminuute. IIn AAuguust 19999, MCII maatchhed Sprrintts offf-peeak ratte. Laaterr thhat monnth
7、, ATT & T aacknnowlledgged thaat rreveenuee frrom itss coonsuumerr loong-disstannce bussineess wass faalliing, annd tthe commpanny ccut itss loong-disstannce rattes to 7 ceentss peer mminuute alll daay, eveerydday, foor aa moonthhly feee off $ 5.95. ATT & Tss sttockk drroppped 4.7% tthe dayy off thh
8、e aannoounccemeent. MMCIs sstocck ppricce ddropppedd 2.5%; Sprrintts felll 33.8%. E-Trradee annd ootheer eelecctroonicc brrokeers aree chhanggingg thhe ccomppetiitivve tterrrainn off fiinannciaal sservvicees wwithh thheirr exxtraaorddinaarilly llow-priicedd brrokeeragge sservvicees. Thhe pprevvailli
9、ngg prricee foor ddisccounnt ttraddes hass faalleen ffromm $330 tto $ 155 too $ 8 inn thhe ppastt feew yyearrs.Therre iis aa liittlle ddoubbt, in thee fiirstt exxampple, thhat thee maajorr pllayeers in thee loong-disstannce phoone bussineess aree inn a priice warr. Priice redducttionns pper-seccondd
10、 biilliing, annd ffreee caallss arre tthe priinciipall weeapoons thee pllayeers briing to thee coompeetittivee arrenaa. Theere is litttlee taalk froom aany of thee caarriierss abboutt seerviice, quualiity, brrandd eqquitty, andd ottherr noonprricee faactoors thaat mmighht aadd vallue to a pprodductt
11、 orr seerviice. VVirttuallly eveery commpettitiive movve iis bbaseed oon ppricce, andd evveryy coounttermmeassuree iss a rettaliiatoory priice cutt.Pricce wwarss arre bbecoominng mmoree coommoon bbecaausee maanaggerss teend to vieew aa prricee chhangge aas aan eeasyy, qquicck, andd reeverrsibble act
12、tionnIn tthe seccondd exxampple, thhe ccomppetiitivve ssituuatiion is subbtlyy diiffeerennt annd yyet stiill verry mmuchh a priice warr. E-TTraddess suucceess demmonsstraatess hoow tthe emeergeencee off thhe IInteerneet hhas funndammenttallly cchanngedd thhe ccostt off dooingg buusinnesss. Connseqqu
13、enntlyy, eevenn buusinnessses succh aas CCharrless Scchwaab, whiich useed tto ccomppetee prrimaarilly oon llow-priice apppeall, aare chaantiing a “qquallityy” mmanttra. MMeannwhiile, Meerriill Lynnch andd Ammeriicann Exxpreess havve rrecoogniizedd thhat thee emmerggencce oof tthe Intternnet willl aa
14、ffeect priicinng aand aree chhanggingg thheirr prricee sttruccturres to inccludde ffreee onnlinne ttraddes forr hiigh-endd cuustoomerrs. Thhesee coompaaniees aappeear to be enggageed iin mmoree foocussed priicinng bbatttless, uunliike thee “gglobbaliizedd” ppricce wwar in thee loong-disstannce phoon
15、e marrkett.Mostt maanaggerss wiill be invvolvved in a ppricce wwar at somme ppoinnt iin ttheiir ccareeerss. Eveery priice cutt iss pootenntiaallyy thhe ffirsst ssalvvo, andd soome disscouuntss rooutiinelly lleadd too reetalliattoryy prricee cuuts thaat tthenn esscallatee innto a ffulll-bllownn prric
16、ee waar. Thhats wwhy its aa goood ideea tto cconssideer ootheer ooptiionss beeforre sstarrtinng aa prricee waar oor rrespponddingg too ann agggreessiive priice movve wwithh a rettaliiatoory onee. Oftten, coompaaniees ccan avooid a ddebiilittatiing priice warr alltoggethher by usiing a sset of altter
17、nnatiive taccticcs. Ouur ggoall iss too deescrribee ann arrsennal of weaaponns ootheer tthann prricee cuuts thaat mmanaagerrs wwho aree enngagged in or conntemmplaatinng aa prricee waar mmay alsso wwantt too coonsiiderr.Takee InnvenntorryGeneerallly, prricee waars staart beccausse ssomeeboddy ssomee
18、wheere thiinkss prricees iin aa ceertaain marrkett arre ttoo higgh. Orr soomeoone is willlinng tto bbuy marrkett shharee att thhe eexpeensee off cuurreent marrginns. Prricee waars aree beecommingg moore commmonn beecauuse mannageers tennd tto vvieww a priice chaangee ass ann eaasy, quuickk, aand rev
19、verssiblle aactiion. WWhenn buusinnesss doo noot ttrusst oor kknoww onne aanottherr veery welll, thee prriciing batttlees ccan esccalaate verry qquiccklyy. Andd whhethher theey pplayy ouut iin tthe phyysiccal or thee viirtuual worrld, prricee waars havve aa siimillar sett off annteccedeentss. By und
20、dersstanndinng ttheiir ccausses andd chharaacteerissticcs, mannageers cann maake sennsibble deccisiionss abboutt whhen andd hoow tto ffighht aa prricee waar, wheen tto ffleee onne-aand eveen wwhenn too sttartt onne.The firrst steep, theen, is diaagnoosiss. Connsidder a ssmalll ccommmodiitiees ssuppp
21、lieer tthatt suuddeenlyy fooundd thhat itss laargeest commpettitoor hhad slaasheed ppricces to a lleveel wwelll beeloww thhe ssmalll ccomppanyys cossts. OOne opttionn thhe ssmalllerr coompaany connsiddereed wwas to lowwer itss prricee inn a titt-foor-ttat movve. Buut tthatt prricee woouldd haave bee
22、en bbeloow tthe supppliiers mmargginaal ccostt; iit wwoulld hhavee suuffeeredd deebillitaatinng llossses. FForttunaatelly, a ffew phoone callls revvealled thaat iits advverssaryy waas aatteempttingg too drrivee thhe ssuppplieer oout of thee loocall maarkeet bby uundeerprriciing itss prroduuctss looc
23、allly butt maainttainningg hiigh priicess ellsewwherre. Thhe ssuppplieer ccorrrecttly diaagnoosedd thhe ppriccingg moove as preedattoryy annd eelecctedd too doo twwo tthinngs. FFirsst, thee maanagger callledd cuustoomerrs iin tthe commpettitoorss hoome marrkett too leet tthemm knnow thaat tthe priic
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