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1、新加坡地理经济济文化英语介介绍新加坡共和国RRepubllic off SinggaporeeSingapoore, oofficiially the RRepubllic off Singgaporee, is an issland counttry loocatedd at tthe sooutherrn tipp of tthe Maalay PPeninssula. It liies 1337 killometrres (885 mi) nortth of the eequatoor, soouth oof thee Malaaysiann statte of Johorr and n
2、orthh of IIndoneesiass Riauu Islaands. At 7007.1 kkm2 (2273.0 sq mii), Siingapoore iss one of foour reemainiing trrue ciity-sttates in thhe worrld. IIt is the ssmalleest naation in Sooutheaast Assia. PPrior to Euuropeaan setttlemeent, tthe issland now kknown as Siingapoore waas thee sitee of aa Mala
3、ay fisshing villaage att the mouthh of tthe Siingapoore Riiver. Severral huundredd indiigenouus Oraang Laaut peeople also livedd alonng thee nearrby cooast, riverrs andd on ssmalleer isllands. In 11819 tthe Brritishh Eastt Indiia Commpany estabblisheed a ttradinng posst on the iislandd, whiich waas
4、useed theereaftter ass a sttrateggic trradingg postt alonng thee spicce rouute.44 Sinngaporre wouuld beecome one oof thee mostt impoortantt commmerciaal andd miliitary centrres off the Britiish Emmpire, and the hhub off Brittish ppower in Sooutheaast Assia. TThe ciity waas occcupiedd by tthe Jaapane
5、sse durring WWorld War III, whhich WWinstoon Chuurchilll callled Britaains greattest ddefeatt.5 Singgaporee reveerted to Brritishh rulee immeediateely poostwarr, in 1945. Eighhteen yearss lateer thee cityy, havving aachievved inndepenndencee fromm Brittain, mergeed witth Mallaya, Sabahh and Sarawwak
6、 too formm Malaaysia. Howeever, less than two yyears laterr it ssecedeed froom thee fedeeratioon andd becaame ann indeependeent reepubliic on 9 Auggust 11965. Singaapore joineed thee Unitted Naationss on 221 Sepptembeer thaat samme yeaar. Itt is aalso aa membber off the Commoonweallth off Natiions.
7、Sincee indeependeence, Singaapores staandardd of llivingg has been on thhe risse. Fooreignn direect innvestmment aand a statee-led drivee to iindusttrialiisatioon bassed onn planns draawn upp by tthe Duutch eeconommist AAlbertt Winssemiuss havee creaated aa modeern ecconomyy focuused oon eleectronni
8、cs mmanufaacturiing, ppetrocchemiccals, touriism annd finnanciaal serrvicess alonngsidee tradditionnal enntrept traade.ccitatiion neeeded Singgaporee is tthe 5tth weaalthieest coountryy in tthe woorld iin terrms off GDP (PPP) per capitta.6 Thiss smalll nattion hhas fooreignn exchhange reserrves oof
9、morre thaan US$177 bbillioon.7 The popullationn of SSingappore iis appproximmatelyy 4.844 milllion.2 Thhough Singaapore is hiighly cosmoopolittan annd divverse, ethnnic Chhinesee formm the majorrity oof thee popuulatioon. Ennglishh is tthe addminisstratiive laanguagge of the ccountrry. Thhe Connstit
10、uution of thhe Reppublicc of SSingappore eestabllishedd the natioons ppolitiical ssystemm as aa reprresenttativee demoocracyy, whiile thhe couuntry is reecogniised aas a pparliaamentaary reepubliic.8 The Peoplles AActionn Partty (PAAP) doominattes thhe polliticaal proocess and hhas woon conntrol of
11、Paarliamment iin eveery ellectioon.新加坡自然地理理Naturre Geoographhy 1位于东南亚,是是马来西亚半半岛最南端的的一个热带城城市岛国。面面积为6933平方公里,北北隔柔佛海峡峡与马来西亚亚为邻,有长长堤与马来西西亚的新山相通,南南隔新加坡海海峡与印度尼尼西亚相望。Singapoore phhysicaal geoographhy is locatted att Souttheastt Asiaa, is a Penninsullar Maalaysiia mosst souuth tiip of tropiics ciity issland
12、 counttry. TThe arrea iss 693 squarre killometeers, nnorth separrates the JJohoree channnel aand Maalaysiia is the nneighbbour, has tthe caausewaay andd Malaaysias Johhore iis intterlinnked, southh sepaaratess the Singaapore channnel annd Inddonesiia facces onne anoother新加坡国名由来来How DDid Siingapoore
13、Geet Itss Namee2加坡是一个城市市国家,原意意为“狮城”。据马马来史籍记载载,公元11150年左右右,苏门答腊腊的室利佛逝逝王国王子盘盘那乘船到达达此岛,看见见一头猛兽,当当地人告知为为狮子,遂有“狮狮城”之称。新新加坡是梵语语“狮城”之之谐音,由于于当地居民受受印度文化影影响较深,喜喜欢用梵语作作为地名。而而狮子具有勇勇猛、雄健的的特征,故以以此作为地名名是很自然的的事。过去华华侨多称其为为“息辣”,即即马来语“海海峡”的意思思,也有因其其小而将之称称为星洲、星星岛的。图为新加坡的的标志与象征征鱼尾狮狮塑像和“新加坡国国父”-李光耀。Singaapore is a city s
14、tatee, thee origginal intenntion is “SSingappore”. Accoordingg to MMalayaa the histooricall recoords rrecordd, aboout 11150, SSumatrras rroom aadvanttage BBuddhaa passsed kiingdomm prinnce pllate tthat tto go by booat too arriive att thiss islaand, ssaw a beastt of pprey, the nnativee to iinformm fo
15、r the llion, then had “SSingappore” the nname. Singaapore is Paali “SSingappore” the hharmonnics, becauuse thhe loccal reesidennt is been deep the IIndiann cultture iinflueence, likess takiing thhe geoographhic naame wiith Paali. BBut thhe lioon hass, thee vigoorous charaacteriistic fierccely, there
16、efore by thhis acchieveement geogrraphicc namee is tthe veery naaturall mattter. IIn thee pastt overrseas Chineese muulti-nname iit “thhe Sinngaporre”, nnamelyy Malaay “chhannell” meaaning, alsoo had becauuse off its slighhtly, but wwill bbe callled SSingappore, Sing Tao. The cchart makess an iidol
17、ffor Siingapoores symbool andd the symboolic - - fiish taail liion wiith “tthe Siingapoore faather”-Leee Kuann Yew.面积Area measuuremennt:为693平平方公里6993 squuare kkilomeeters t 33首都Capittal:新加加坡(Sinngaporre)独立日Indeependeence DDay:8月9日(11965年)官方语言offficiall langguage:英语、汉语、马来语语、泰米尔语语Engliish, CChinesse,
18、Maalay, Tamill langguage行政用语:英语语 汉语(22006年起起汉语也可作作为政府行政政语言)Addminisstratiive teerminoology: Engllish CChinesse (inn 20066 Chinnese mmay allso taake goovernmment aadminiistrattion llanguaage国家格言:Maajulahh Singgapuraa(前进吧,新新加坡” Advannce, SSingappore国歌:Majuulah SSingappura 前前进吧,新加加坡Advaance, Singaapore
19、国语Natioonal llanguaage:马来语Mallay国花natioonal fflowerr:以一种名为为卓锦万代代兰的胡姬花为国花。东南亚亚通称兰花为胡姬花花。卓锦万万代兰是由卓卓锦女士培植植而成,花朵朵清丽端庄、生生命力特强,它它象征新加坡坡人的气质和和刻苦耐劳、果果敢奋斗的精精神。这种浅浅紫红色的美美丽兰花有四四个花瓣,象象征各民族及及英语、华语语、马来语、泰米尔语4大语系。Take onne kinnd of namedd outsstandiing brrocadee throoughouut thee agess bluee Hu JJihua as thhe natt
20、ionall flowwer. SSoutheeast AAsia ggeneriic terrm orcchid iis Hu Jihuaa. Thee outsstandiing brrocadee bluee is tthrougghout the aages ccultivvates by Mss. Zhuuo Jinn becoomes, the fflowerrs simmple aand beeautifful soolemn, the vitallity iis exttra-heeavy, it syymboliizes SSingapporeann perssons mak
21、inngs annd enddures hardsships, the couraageouss struuggle spiriit. Thhis kiind off shalllow ppurplee reds beaautifuul orcchid hhas foour fllower petalls, syymboliizes vvariouus nattionallitiess and Engliish, CChinesse, Maalay, the TTamil languuage 44 big languuage ffamiliies.政要Poliiticiaans 44 内阁资政
22、李光耀耀,19655年新加坡独独立后,长期期担任总理,11990年111月辞去总总理的职务,改改任内阁资政政。国务资政政吴作栋(Gooh Chook Tonng),19990年111月至20004年8月任任新加坡第二二任总理。现现任总理李显显龙,2004年年8月12日日宣誓就职,成成为新加坡第第三任总理,112月当选新新加坡人民行行动党新一任任秘书长,22006年55月再次当选选新加坡总理理,5月300日宣誓就职职总统纳丹,于19999年8月188日当选为新新加坡共和国国总统,9月月1日正式宣宣誓就职,22005年99月连任。MMain ppointss of aadminiistrattio
23、n PPolitiicianss cabiinet ppresiddentiaal polliticaal advviser Lee KKuan YYew, aafter in 19965 Siingapoore inndepenndencee, is premiier foor a llong ttime, in 19990 Noovembeer ressignedd fromm premmierss dutyy, chaanged to a new ppost tthe caabinett pressidenttial ppolitiical aadviseer. Sttate aaffa
24、irr pressidenttial ppolitiical aadviseer Gohh Chokk Tongg (Gohh Chokk Tongg), waas apppointeed thee Singgaporee secoond prremierr Noveember, 19900 to AAugustt, 20004. Inncumbeent Prremierr Lee Hsienn Loonng, onn Auguust 122, 20004 wass sworrn, beecomess the Singaapore thirdd premmier, in Deecembeer
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- 新加坡 地理 经济 文化 英语 介绍 Singapore10737