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1、27种常常用外贸贸英语函函电书信信文体 _1.请求建建立商业业关系 Roggerss Chhemiicall Suupplly CCo. 10EE.222Strreett Ommahaa8,NNeb Genntleemenn: WWe hhavee obbtaiinedd yoour namme aand adddresss ffromm Arristto SShoees, Millan , aand we aree wrritiing to enqquirre wwhettherr yoou wwoulld bbe wwilllingg too esstabblissh bbusiiness
2、s rrelaatioons witth uus. We havve bbeenn immporrterrs oof sshoees ffor manny yyearrs. At preesennt, We aree innterrestted in exttenddingg ouur, rannge andd woouldd apppreeciaate youur ccataalogguess annd qquottatiionss.Iff yoour priicess arre ccomppetiitivve wwe wwoulld eexpeect to traansaact a ssi
3、gnnifiicannt vvoluume of bussineess. Wee loook forrwarrd tto yyourr eaarlyy reeplyy.Veery truuly youurs 自米兰兰职权里里斯托鞋鞋类公司司取得贵贵公司和和地址,特特此修函函,祈能能发展关关系。多多年来,本本公司经经营鞋类类进口生生意,现现欲扩展展业务范范围。盼盼能惠赐赐商品目目录和报报价表。 如价格格公道,本本公司必必大额订订购。 烦请早早日赐复复。 此此致2.回复对对方建立立商业关关系的请请求Thhankk yoour forr yoour lettterr off thhe 116thh
4、off thhis monnth. Wee shhalll bee gllad to entter intto bbusiinesss rrelaatioons witth yyourr coompaany. Inn coomplliannce witth yyourr reequeest, wee arre ssenddingg yoou, undder sepparaate covver, ouur llateest cattalooguee annd ppricce llistt cooverringg ouur eexpoort rannge. Paaymeent shoouldd b
5、ee maade by irrrevoocabble andd coonfiirmeed llettter of creeditt. SShouuld youu wiish to plaace an ordder, plleasse tteleex oor ffax us. 本月月16日日收到有有关商务务关系的的来函,不不胜欣喜喜。谨遵遵要求另另函奉上上最新之之出口商商品目录录和报价价单。款款项烦请请以不可可撤销保保兑之信信用状支支付。如如欲订货货,请电电传或传传真为盼盼。 此此致 敬敬礼3.请求担担任独家家代理WWe wwoulld llikee too innforrm yyou thaa
6、t wwe aact on a ssolee aggenccy bbasiis fforaa nuumbeer oof mmanuufaccturrerss. WWe sspecciallizee inn fiinisshedd coottoon ggoodds ffor thee Miiddlle eeastternn maarkeet: Ourr acctivvitiies covver alll tyypess off hoouseeholld llineen. Unttil noww , we havve bbeenn woorkiing witth yyourr teextiiles
7、s deeparrtmeent andd ouur ccolllaboorattionn haas pprovved to be muttuallly bennefiiciaal. Pleeasee reeferr too thhem forr anny iinfoormaatioon rregaardiing ourr coompaany. Wee arre vveryy innterrestted in an excclussivee arrranngemmentt wiith youur ffacttoryyforr thhe pprommotiion of youur pprodduc
8、tts iin BBahrrainn. WWe llookk foorwaard to youur eearlly rreplly. 本公公司担任任多家厂厂家的独独家代理理,专营营精制棉棉织品,包包括各灯灯家用亚亚麻制品品,行销销中东。 与贵公公司向有有业务联联系,互互利互作作。贵公公司纺织织部亦十十分了解解有关业业务合作作之情况况。 盼盼望能成成为贵公公司独家家代理,促促销在巴巴林市场场的货品品。 上上述建议议,烦请请早日赐赐复,以以便进一一步联系系合作。 此致 敬礼44.拒绝绝对方担担任独家家代理TThannk yyou forr yoour lettterr off 1 Sepptemm
9、berr suuggeestiing thaat wwe ggrannt yyou a ssolee aggenccy ffor ourr hoouseeholld llineens. I reggrett too saay tthatt, aat tthiss sttagee ,ssuchh ann arrranngemmentt woouldd beerattherr prremaaturre. We wouuld, hoowevver, bee wiilliing to enggagee inn a triial colllabboraatioon wwithh yoou ccomppa
10、nyy too seee hhow thee arrranngemmentt woorkss. IIt wwoulld bbe nneceessaary forr yoou tto ttestt thhe mmarkket forr ouur pprodducttsatt yoou eend. Yoou wwoulld aalsoo haave to buiild up a mmuchh laargeer tturnnoveer ttojuustiify a ssolee aggenccy. We encclosse ppricce llistts ccoveerinng aall thee
11、prroduuctss yoou aare inttereesteed iin aand loook fforwwardd too heeariing froom yyou sooon. 9月11日有关关建议担担任家用用亚麻制制品独家家代理的的来信收收悉。谨谨致衷心心谢意。目目前时机机尚未成成熟,不不能应允允该安排排深感抱抱歉。 然而,本本公司乐乐意与贵贵公司先先试行合合作,为为今后合合作打下下基础。为为证明担担任独家家代理的的能力,贵贵公司宜宜上述货货品作市市场调查查,研究究是否可可扩大现现有之营营业额。奉奉上该货货品之报报价单,敬敬希查照照。专此此候复。此此致 敬敬礼5.同意对对方担任任独
12、家代代理Thhankk yoou ffor youur llettter of 12 Aprril proopossingg a solle aagenncy forr ouur ooffiice macchinnes. Wee haave exaaminned ourr loong andd ,II muust sayy ,mmutuuallly bbeneeficciall coollaaborratiion. Wee woouldd bee veery pleeaseed tto eentrrustt yoou wwithh thhe ssolee aggenccy ffor Bahhr
13、aiin. Froom oour reccordds, we aree plleassed to notte tthatt yoou hhavee twwo sservvicee ennginneerrs wwho toook ttraiininng ccourrsess att ouur MMilaan ffacttoryy .tthe solle aagenncy willl nnatuurallly be conntinngennt oon yyou maiintaainiing quaaliffiedd affterrsalles staaff. Wee haave draawn up
14、 a ddrafft aagreeemeent thaat iis eenclloseed. Pleeasee exxamiine thee deetaiiledd teermss annd ccondditiionss annd llet us knoow wwhettherr thhey meeet wwithh yoour appprovval. Onn a perrsonnal notte, I mmustt saay tthatt I am dellighhtedd thhat we aree prrobaablyy gooingg too sttrenngthhen ourr re
15、elattionnshiip. I hhavee veery pleeasaant memmoriies of my lasst vvisiit tto BBahrrainn whhen youu ennterrtaiinedd mee soo deeligghtffullly .I llookk foorwaard to recciprrocaatinng oon yyourr neext vissit to Millan . MMy vveryy beest wisshess too yoou aand youur wwifee. 44月122日建议议担任为为公室器器具之独独家代理理来信已
16、已经收悉悉。 过过去双方方合作皆皆互利互互助,能能获您的的眷顾作作我公司司于巴林林的独家家代理,殊殊感荣幸幸。 据据知您公公司两服服务技师师曾到我我公司米米兰工厂厂受训。相相信您公公司在取取得代理理权后,仍仍会继续续注重合合格售后后服务人人员的训训练。现现随信附附上协议议草稿, 请查实实各项条条款 ,惠惠复是盼盼。 能能加强业业务,我我亦感到到欣喜,前前次到访访巴林,蒙蒙盛情款款待,不不胜感激激。祈盼盼您莅临临米兰时时,容我我一尽地地主之谊谊。 此此致 敬敬礼6.借引荐荐建立业业务关系系At thee beeginnninng oof tthiss moonthh , I aatteendee
17、d tthe Harrroggatee tooy ffairr. WWhille ttherre , I hadd ann innterresttingg coonveersaatioon wwithh Mrr. DDougglass Gaage of Eduutoyys pplc aboout sellecttingg ann aggenccy ffor ourr teeachhingg aiids. Doougllas desscriibedd yoour dynnamiic ssalees fforcce aand innnovaativve aapprroacch tto mmarkk
18、etiing. Hee atttriibutted hiss owwn ccomppanyys succcesss tto yyourr exxcelllennt ddisttribbutiion nettworrk wwhicch hhas serrvedd hiim ffor sevveraal yyearrs. We neeed aan oorgaanizzatiion likke yyourrs tto llaunnch ourr prroduuctss inn thhe UUK. Ourr teeachhingg aiids covver thee whholee fiieldd o
19、ff prrimaary eduucattionn inn alll ssubjjectts .Ourr paatenntedd MMatrrix maath appparaatuss iss paartiicullarlly ssucccesssfull. YYou mayy haave resservvatiionss abboutt Ammeriicann teeachhingg aiids suiitinng yyourr maarkeet. Thiis iis nnot a pprobblemm siincee wee haave a ccompplette rrangge oof
20、BBrittishh Enngliish verrsioons. I encclosse aan iilluustrrateed ccataaloggue of ourr Brritiish Engglissh eedittionns ffor youur iinfoormaatioon. Pleeasee leet mme hhavee yoour reaactiionss too thhe mmateeriaal. I sshalll bbe iin LLonddon durringg thhe ffirsst ttwo weeeks of Octtobeer .Perrhapps wwe
21、 ccoulld aarraangee a meeetinng tto ddisccusss ouur ppropposaal. 本用初初参观哈哈洛加特特玩具交交易会时时有幸与与教育玩玩具股份份有限公公司的道道格拉斯斯盖齐齐先生一一谈,提提及本公公司正物物色代理理人推广广教学器器材一事事。 盖盖齐先生生赞扬贵贵公司积积极推广广产品,不不断推出出新的推推销方法法,并把把其公司司的成就就归于贵贵公司完完善的经经销网络络。贵公公司的经经验,正正能替本本公司在在英国经经销产品品。 本本公司生生产初级级教育各各学科的的教育器器村、专专利产品品梅特里里克教学学器材更更傲视同同侪。 除美国国教学器器材外,亦
22、亦备有全全套英式式英语版版教材,适适合当地地市场,贵贵公司无无需忧虑虑切合市市场需求求。 现现附上配配有插图图的英式式英语版版教材目目录,盼盼抽空细细阅,并并赐知宝宝贵意见见。本人人拟于110月头头两星期期前往伦伦敦,未未知能否否安排会会面,就就以上建建议作一一详谈? 此致致 敬礼礼7.邀邀请参观观贸易展展览会MManyy thhankks ffor youur llettter andd enncloosurres of 12 Sepptemmberr. WWe wweree veery inttereesteed tto hhearr thhat youu arre llookkingg
23、foor aan UUK ddisttribbutoor ffor youur tteacchinng aaidss. WWe wwoulld llikee too innvitte yyou to vissit ourr booothh,noo.6,at nexxt mmontthss Loondoon TToy Faiir, at Earrlss coourtt , whiich staartss onn 2 Octtobeer. If youu woouldd liike to sett upp ann apppoiintmmentt duurinng nnon exhhibiit hh
24、alll hoourss plleasse ccalll mee. II caan tthenn arrrannge forr ouur ssenssor staaff to be preesennt aat tthe meeetinng. We loook fforwwardd too heeariing froom yyou. 多谢谢9月112日的的来信和和附件。获获悉贵公公司有意意物色英英国销售售商推广广教学辅辅助设备备, 甚甚感兴趣趣。 本本公司将将于100月2日日于厄尔尔大楼举举行的耸耸敦玩具具商品交交易会上上展示产产品,诚诚邀贵公公司派员员参观设设于466号之摊摊位。如如能安排排于
25、非展展出时间间面谈,烦烦请电复复。定必必委派高高层人员员赴会。 本公司司深知贵贵公司产产品精美美质优,希希望能发发展互惠惠之业务务。 特特此奉告告,并候候复音。8.与过去有贸易往来的公司联系We understand from our trade contacts that your company has reestablished itself in Beirut and is once again trading successfully in your region. We would like to extend our congratulations and offer our v
26、ery best wishes for your continued success. Before the war in Lebanon , our companies were involved in a large volume of trade in our textiles. We see from our records that you were among our best tem customers. We very much hope that we can resume our mutually beneficial relationship now that peace
27、 has returned to Lebanon. Since we last traded, our lines have changed beyond recognition. While they reflect current European taste in fabrics, some of our designs are specifically targeted at the Middle Eastern market. As an initial step , I enclose our illustrated catalogue for your perusal. Shou
28、ld you wish to receive samples for closer inspection, we will be very happy to forward them. We look forward to hearing from you. 从同行中获悉贵公司贝鲁特复业,生意发展迅速。得闻喜讯,不胜欢欣。谨祝业务蒸蒸日上。 黎巴嫩战事发生前双方曾有多宗纺织品交易;贵公司更是本公司十大客户之一。现今战事平息,亟盼能重展双方互惠的业务联系。 自上次合作至令,产品款式变化极大。除了有迎合欧洲人口味的款式这外,亦有专门为中东市场而设计的产品。现奉上配有插图的商品目录供 初步参考。职需
29、查看样本,还望赐知。9.确认认约会II woouldd liike to connfirrm oour apppoinntmeent to disscusss tthe posssibbiliity of merrginng oour disstriibuttionn neetwoorkss. II amm exxcitted of thee prrosppectt offexppanddingg ouur ttradde. As agrreedd, WWe wwilll meeet of ourr offficce iin bbondd sttreeet aat 99.300a.mm.onn
30、 Moondaay 220 MMarcch. I hhavee scchedduleed tthe whoole dayy foor tthe meeetinng. If forr anny rreasson youu arre uunabble to atttendd , pleeasee phhonee mee soo thhat we cann maake altternnatiive arrranggemeentss. PPleaase lett mee knnow if youu woouldd liike ourr offficce tto aarraangee hootell a
31、cccommmoddatiion. I loook fforwwardd wiith greeat pleeasuure to ourr meeetiing. 承蒙蒙拔冗讲讲讨论合合并双方方销售网网,以扩扩大贸易易发展范范围,深深感兴奋奋。现特特修函确确定会议议日程。 谨于33月200日星期期一在邦邦德街办办公室候候教,请请贵公司司代表于于当日早早上9时时莅临指指导。若若因故未未能抽空空出席,烦烦请致电电告知,以以便另行行安排会会晤。 未知是是否需代代为安排排旅馆膳膳宿?请请尽早赐赐知,以以便早作作准备,款款待贵客客。 谨谨此预祝祝会谈成成功。110.感感谢客户户订货GGilllettte-b
32、burnns CCo. 3222 Glleennwoood sstreeet Gleevellandd 5,Ohiio GGlenntleemenn: TThannk yyou forr yoour ordder no,4644 off 200 seepteembeer. Thee moodells yyou sellectted froom oour shoowrooom wennt oout todday undder my perrsonnal suppervvisiion.Thee paackaage is beiing airrfreeghtted to youu onn swwis
33、ssairr.Thhe rreleevannt ddocuumenntattionn iss ennclooscee.I enjjoyeed mmeettingg yiiu aand hoppe tthatt thhis ordder reppressentts tthe begginnningg off a lonng aand proospeerouus rrelaatioonshhip bettweeen ooiurr coompaaniees. Thee neext timme yyou vissit us ,plleasse llet me knoow iin aadvaancee
34、soo thhat I ccan arrrangge aa luuch forr yoou wwithh ouur ddereectoors. Siinceerelly yyourrs 谢谢谢9月月20日日第4664号定定单。今今天我已已新自监监督发送送您自展展览室挑挑选的产产品。该该产品随随附有关关文件经经瑞士航航空公司司运送。 很荣幸幸与你会会面,衷衷心希望望是次定定单能加加强双方方的关系系。下次次到访前前,烦请请赐知,俾俾能安排排与本公公司董事事共进午午餐。111.向向长期客客户推销销新产品品I eencllosee ann illlusstraatedd suuppllemeent t
35、ooour cattalooguee. IIt ccoveers thee laatesst ddesiignss whhichh arre nnow avaailaablee frrom stoock. Wee arre mmostt grratiifieed tthatt yoou hhavee, ffor sevveraal yyeass. IInclludee a sellecttionn off ouur pprodductts iin yyourr maail-ordder cattalooguees. Thee reesulltinng ssalees hhavee beeen
36、verry ssteaady. Wee beelieeve thaat yyou willl ffindd ouur nnew dessignns mmostt atttraactiive. Thheysshouuld gett a verry ggoodd reecepptioon iin yyourr maarkeet. Oncce yyou havve hhad timme tto sstuddy tthe uppplemmentt , pleeasee leet uus kknoww iff yoou wwoulld llikee too taake thee maatteer ffu
37、rttherr. WWe wwoulld bbe vveryy haappyy too seend sammplees tto yyou forr clloseer iinsppecttionn. FFor youur iinfoormaatioon, we aree pllannningg a rannge of claassiicall Enngliish dinnnerr seerviicess whhichh ,sshouuld do welll iin tthe Norrth Ameericcan marrkett. WWe wwilll keeep youu innforrmedd
38、 onn ouur pproggresss aand loook fforwwardd too heeariingffromm yoou.随随函寄奉奉配有插插图的商商品目录录附页,介介绍最新新设计的的产品。贵贵公司的的邮购目目录多年年来收录录本公司司产品,产产品销售售成绩理理想,特特此致以以深切谢谢意。最最新设计计的产品品巧夺天天工,定定能吸引引顾客选选购。烦烦请参阅阅上述附附页,需需查看样样本,请请赐复,本本公司乐乐意交劳劳。本公公司现正正设计一一系列款款式古典典的英国国餐具,适适合北美美市场需需求。如如感兴趣趣,亦请请赐知。愿愿进一步步加强联联系,并并候复音音。122.为商商贸指南南兜揽广
39、广告Thhankk yoou ffor youur bbusiinesss. Youu arrecuurreentlly rreprreseenteed iin oour dirrecttoryy. TThiss iss thhe oonlyy diirecctorry oof iits kinnd wwhicch rreacchess alll ccomppaniies in thee buuilddingg annd cconsstruuctiion inddusttry in thee UKK. AAdveertiisinng iin oour dirrecttoryy waas aa
40、wiise movve oon yyourr paart. Wee arre ccurrrenttly commpillingg a neww edditiion of thee diirecctorry wwhicch wwilllbe pubblisshedd inn Apprill 19995.Thee neew eedittionn wiill be exppandded to inccludde mmajoor mmanuufaccturrerss off pllumbbingg eqquippmennt iin tthe Eurropeean Commmunnityy. FFor
41、prooperr cooverragee inn thhe ddireectoory, yoou ooughht tto aappeear in morre tthann onne ccateegorry. If youu doo oppt ffor a mmulttiplle llisttingg, yyou willl bbe aableeto buyy sppacee inn adddittionnal cattegooriees aat hhalff prricee. YYou cann bee asssurred thaat tthe neww edditiion willl bbe
42、 oon tthe dessks of alllthee maajorr deecissionn maakerrs iin tthe buiildiing andd haardwwaree trradees. Pleeasee coomplletee thhe eenclloseed fformm annd rretuurn it witth tthe appproppriaate feee. TThannks agaain forr yoour bussineess.衷心感感谢惠顾顾。贵公公司商号号已刊登登在本公公司的商商贸指南南中。该该指南乃乃唯一覆覆盖英国国全部建建筑公司司的刊物物,在此
43、此刊登广广告确是是明智之之举。现现下筹备备19998年44月版的的贸易批批南,新新版会罗罗列欧洲洲贡同体体的主要要铅管业业制造商商。为达达到出色色的宣传传效果,贵贵公司宜宜考虑在在不同类类别刊登登广告。如如蒙惠顾顾,除首首个广告告外,其其余类别别的广告告将可获获半价优优惠。该该指南将将分送给给所有建建筑公司司和五金金器具公公司主管管。烦表表填妥随随附表格格,连同同广告费费用一并并寄回。专专此盼候候佳音。13.请求客户作推荐人Thank you for your letter of 2 November. We are delighted to hear that you are to plea
44、sed with the refurbishment of your hotel. As your know .in our line of work, we depend on good ,reports about our projects to win further business. Our clients always shop around and look for references before committing themselves. With your permission, we would like to use your hotel as a referenc
45、e when we discuss similar refurbishments in the hotel industry . Would you agree to our suggesting that future clients should call you? It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel . We would , of course , stay overnight at least.Ill call you next week
46、to hear your reaction. Thanks again for you kind words.从11月2日的来函得悉阁下对贵饭店的整修感到满意,此消息对本公司实是一鼓励。设计行业重视声誉,客人在选择设计公司时必然会有所比较。如蒙允许,本公司欲请贵饭店作推荐人,证明有关整修的质素。未知可否让其他客户来电垂询?此外,如获允准间或联同客户前来参观贵饭店整修,定必有莫大帮助。当然,本公司会预订房间,至少留宿一晚。14.通知客户价格调整We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply fr
47、om 1 April 1997. You will see that there have been number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have been introduced. Out range of washing machines has been completely revamped. Many popular lines, however, have been retained unchanged. You will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole .Ws have been affected like everyone else and some price increases havebeen unavoidable. We have not, however, increased our prices across the board, In many cases, there is a small price increase, but in others, none at all. We can assure you that the quality of our cons