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1、The Feaaturres of Advverttisiing Engglissh Absttracct: As thee raapiddly devveloopmeent of commmerrciaal eeconnomyy, aadveertiisemmentt haas iincrreassinggly imppactt onn ouur ddailly llifee. WWe llivee inn a fasst ppaceed ssociietyy thhat is rulled by masss mmediia. Eveery dayy wee arre bbombbardde
2、d by imaagess off, pperffectt boodiees, beaautiifull haair, fllawllesss skkin andd aggeleess facces thaat fflassh aat uus llikee a sliide shoow. Theese ideeas andd immagees aare imbbeddded in ourr miindss thhrouughoout ourr liivess. AAdveertiisemmentts sseleect auddiennce opeenlyy annd ssubllimiinal
3、lly, annd ttargget theem wwithh thheirr prroduuct. Thhey allludee too thhe ffactt thhat in ordder to be likke tthe peooplee inn thhis advverttiseemennt yyou musst uuse theeir prooducct. Thiis iis nnot a nnew appproaach, noor iis iit uuniqque to thiis ggeneerattionn, bbut nevver hass itt beeen as wid
4、delyy ussed as it is todday. Advverttisiing Engglissh, as thee moost impporttantt paartss off laanguuagee inn addverrtissingg, iis rrisiing apppareentlly ffromm thhe ssysttem of Engglissh. Thee coopywwritterss annd tthe linnguiistss arre aattrractted deeeplyy byy itts uuniqque styyle, grreatt immpel
5、llennt aand exccelllentt illlusstraatioon. Advverttisiing Engglissh pposssessses somme llexiicall, ggrammmatticaal aand rheetorricaal ccharractteriistiics. Inn thhis papper, a briief inttrodducttionn iss giivenn too itts mmajoor ffeatturees iin oordeer tto kknoww addverrtissingg Enngliish morre ddee
6、pply. Key worrds: moorphholoogy synntaxx rhhetooriccal feaaturres leexiccal feaaturres of advverttisiing Engglissh AdveertiisinngEnngliish boaastss a ricch aand collorfful voccabuularry. As a mmeanns oof ttrannsmiittiing infformmatiion, brrieff, vviviid aand livvelyy arre hhis mosst bbrillliaant tra
7、aitss.1. New worrds or phrrasees ccreaatedd byy meeanss off immitaatioonIn ssomee addverrtissemeent, soome worrds or phrrasees wwe aare fammiliiar witth aare missspeelleed oor aaddeed tto ppreffix andd suuffiix iin oordeer tto aattrractt ouur aatteentiion andd trranssmitt innforrmattionn off gooodss
8、.1.1 CoinnageeE.g. (aa) tthe oraangeemosstesst ddrinnk iin tthe worrldThiss iss frrom an advverttiseemennt ffor sofft ddrinnk. “orranggemoosteest”= orange +most +est. “most” and “est” in here show that the drink is high quality and high purity. (b) Givve aa tiimexx too alll, to alll a goood ttimeeTh
9、iss iss thhe ttitlle oof aadveertiisemmentt foor “timmex” waatchh. TTimeex = tiime +tiime +exxcelllennt. So thee adds sstreessees oon iits acccuraacy.In aadveertiisinng EEngllishh, “supper” annd “ex” arre aaddeed tto tthe begginnningg orr ennd oof ssomee woordss inn orrderr too emmphaasiss thhe qqua
10、llityy off gooodss. SSuchh ass suuperrcallenddereed, supperccoloossaal, suppereeminnentt, ssupeerfiine, suuperrligght, suuperrnatturaal aand rollex, plleyttex, Klleennex.1.2 MissspelllinngE.g.(a) drrinkka pinnta miilkaa ddayThiss iss ann addverrtissemeent forr miilk. Thhe tthreee wwordds sshouuld be
11、 “driink pinnt mmilkk” annd tthe staandaard senntennce shoouldd bee “driink a ppintt off miilk a dday”. TThe adss noot oonlyy drrawss ouur aatteentiion andd innspiire ourr innterrestts, butt allso hass a beaautiifull rhhythhm oof ppoettry. (b)wwe kknoww egggsaactlly hhow to telll eeggss.“egggsacctly
12、y” iss thhe ttrannsfoormaatioon oof eexacctlyy annd ccorrresppondd wiith “eggg” inn paatteern. Thhis is thee wiisdoom iin hhumoor.2 drraw in loaan wwordds oor pphraasessManyy coommoodittiess inn Brritaain andd Ammeriica aree immporrtedd frrom othher forreiggn ccounntriies, orr prroduucedd inn naativ
13、ve ccounntryy, bbut it hass exxotiic ffavoor. So we cann offtenn seee ssomee looan worrds in advverttisiing, whhichh shhow thee diiffeerennt ttraiits andd hiigh quaalitty tthe gooods ownn. TThe folllowwingg iss ann addverrtissemeent of sofft ddrinnk:Ordeer iit iin bbotttless orr inn caanneesPerrrier
14、r wwithh adddedd jee nee saais quooi.“je ne saiis qquoii”is Freenchh, wwhicch mmeanns “II doo noot kknoww whhat”. TThe simmplee Frrencch nnot onlly ddrawws oour curriossityy too thhis sofft ddrinnk, butt allso shoow iits autthennticc Frrencchfllavoor. As we alll knnow, Frrencch iis ffamoous forr itt
15、s ggrappe wwinee, ddeliicioous fooods, coosmeeticcs aand fasshioon ccosttumee. SSo aaddeed ssomee Frrencch wwordds iintoo thhesee, tthe gooods beccomee moore atttracctivve aand valluabble.3 a larrge nummberr off veerbss, mmonoosylllabble verrbs in parrticculaar aand adjjecttivees aare appproppriaate
16、lly eemplloyeed iin aadveertiisinng EEngllishh.3.1 verrbsIn oordeer tto mmakee thhe aads briief, viividd, vvisuual, addverrtissingg Enngliish oftten usee soome monnosyyllaablee woordss, ssuchh ass geet, buyy, uuse ectt. LLookk att thhe ffolllowiing exaamplles:(1) Getttingg pllacees iin tthe bussinee
17、ss worrld is eassierr iff yoour bannkerr iss thheree too meeet youu. -SSecuuritty ppaciificc Assiann baank(2) Makiing liffe aa liittlle ssweeeterr. - MarrsMiilkyy Waay(3) KONEE giivess yoou mmoree inn maaterrialls hhanddlinng. -KKONEE(4) We ccan givve yyou a bbettter vieew oof iinveestmmentt oppporr
18、tunnitiies froom bbothh siidess off thhe ppaciificc. _ciitybbankk(5) We llovee too flly aand it shoows. _Deeltaa AiirliinessAlthhouggh tthesse vverbbs hhavee diiffeerennt mmeanninggs, theey aare useed tto sshoww thhe rrelaatioonshhip bettweeen aadveertiiserr orr coommooditty aadveertiisedd annd ccon
19、ssumeers. Foor eexammplee, “havve, gett, ggivee, bbuy, keeep” iss maainlly sshowwed connsummer ownn thhe ggoodds, andd “takke, usee, hhavee” sshowwed thee prroceess of onee usses somme ggoodds.Thesse vverbbs aare neccesssaryy inn ouur ddailly llifee. IIn oordeer tto llet adss annd ccommmercciall ree
20、ad, heeardd annd rremeembeeredd eaasilly aand natturaallyy, ccopyywriiterrs mmakee goood usee off thhem. 33.2 adjjecttiveesEngllishh addjecctivves andd thhe ccompparaativve aand supperllatiive forrms of somme aadjeectiivess arre mmoree offtenn thhan nott apppliied in advverttiseemennts, beecauuse th
21、eey ddesccribbe tthe speeciaal qquallitiies of thee addverrtissed prooduccts. Thhe mmostt frrequuenttly useed aadjeectiivess arre nnew, goood, beetteer, besst, nicce, freesh, riich, reeal, grreatt, eextrra, delliciiouss ecct. Succh aas,(1) Thiss cllaimms iits ggoodd foor aarthhrittis paiin.Thiss guu
22、araanteees, itts bbettter.Two Meddiprren rellievve mminoor aarthhrittis paiin bbettter thaan ttwo reggulaar aaspiirinn. WWe gguarranttee it _ or youu mooneyy baack. -aan aad ffor Meddiprren Paiin RReliieveer(2) Maybbe yyou shoouldd foor tthiss:New Le Mennu LLighht SStylle eentrreess.Heallthyy aand d
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