《质量管理表现改善的系统–指南(1)53115.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《质量管理表现改善的系统–指南(1)53115.docx(119页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、ISO 9004:2000(E)Quality management systems Guidelines for performance improvements 1 ScopeThis Innternaationaal Staandardd provvides guideeliness beyoond thhe reqquiremments givenn in IISO 90001 inn ordeer to consiider bboth tthe efffectiivenesss ad efficciencyy of aa quallity mmanageement systeem,
2、annd connsequeently the ppotenttial ffor immproveement of thhe perrformaance oof an organnizatiion. WWhen ccomparred too ISO 9001, the objecctivess of ccustommer saatisfaactionn and produuct quualityy are extennded tto incclude the ssatisffactioon of interrestedd partties aad thee perfformannce off
3、the organnizatiion.This Innternaationaal Staandardd is aappliccable to thhe proocessees of the oorganiizatioon andd conssequenntly tthe quualityy manaagemennt priinciplles onn whicch it is baased ccan bee deplloyed throuughoutt the organnizatiion. TThe foocus oof thiis Intternattionall Stanndard is
4、thhe achhievemment oof onggoing improovemennt, meeasureed thrrough the ssatisffactioon of custoomers and oother interrestedd partties.This Innternaationaal Staandardd conssists of guuidancce andd recoommenddationns andd is nnot inntendeed forr certtificaation, reguulatorry or contrractuaal usee, nor
5、r as aa guidde to the iimplemmentattion oof ISOO 90011.2 Normaative referrenceThe folllowinng norrmativve doccumentt conttains proviisionss whicch, thhroughh refeerencee in tthis ttext, consttitutee provvisionns of this Interrnatioonal SStandaard. FFor daated rrefereences, subssequennt ameendmennts
6、too, or revissions of, aany off thesse pubblicattions do noot appply. HHoweveer, paartiess to aagreemments basedd on tthis IInternnationnal Sttandarrd aree encoourageed to invesstigatte thee posssibiliity off appllying the mmost rrecentt edittion oof thee normmativee docuument indiccated beloww. For
7、r undaated rrefereences, the latesst ediition of thhe norrmativve doccumentt refeerred to apppliess. Memmbers of ISSO andd IEC mainttain rregistters oof currrentlly vallid Innternaationaal Staandardds.ISO 90000:20000, Quualityy manaagemennt sysstems Funndamenntals and vvocabuulary.3 Termss and defin
8、nitionnsFor thee purpposes of thhis Innternaationaal Staandardd, thee termms andd defiinitioons giiven iin ISOO 90000 applly.The folllowinng terrms, uused iin thiis ediition of ISSO 90004 to descrribe tthe suupply-chainn, havve beeen chaanged to reeflectt the vocabbularyy currrentlyy usedd:supplieer
9、 orgaanizattion cusstomerr (intterestted paartiess )Throughhout tthe teext off thiss Inteernatiional Standdard, whereever tthe teerm “pproducct” occcurs, it cca alsso meaan “seervicee”.4 Qualiity maanagemment ssystemm4.1 Mannagingg systtems aand prrocesssesLeadingg and operaating an orrganizzationn
10、succcessfuully rrequirres maanaginng it in a systeematicc and visibble maanner. Succcess sshouldd resuult frrom immplemeentingg and mainttaininng a mmanageement systeem thaat is deignned too conttinuallly immprovee the effecctivenness aand effficieency oof thee orgaanizattionss perfformannce byy con
11、ssideriing thhe neeeds off inteeresteed parrties. Manaaging an orrganizzationn inclludes qualiity maanagemment, amongg otheer mannagemeent diiscipllines.Top mannagemeent shhould estabblish a cusstomerr-orieented organnizatiiona) by ddefiniing syystemss and proceesses that can bbe cleearly underrstoo
12、dd, mannaged and iimprovved inn effeectiveeness a welll as efficciencyy, andd b) by eensuriing efffectiive annd effficiennt opeeratioon andd conttrol oof proocessees andd the measuures aand daata ussed deetermiine saatisfaactoryy perfformannce off the organnizatiion.Examplees of activvitiess to eest
13、abllish aa custtomer-oriennted oorganiizatioon incclude- definning aand prromotiing prrocessses thhat leead too imprroved organnizatiional perfoormancce,- acquiiring and uusing proceess daata annd infformattion oon a ccontinnuing basiss,- direccting progrress ttowardds conntinuaal impprovemment, and
14、- usingg suittable methoods too evalluate proceess immproveement, suchh as sself-aassesssmentss and managgementt reviiew.Examplees of self-assesssmentt and contiinual improovemennt proocessees aree giveen in annexxes A and BB resppectivvely.ISO 9001:2000, Quality management systems Requirements4 Qua
15、lity management system4.1 General requirementsThe organization shall establish, document, implement and maintain a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard.The organization shalla)identify the processes nee
16、ded for the quality management system and their application throughout the organization,b) determine the sequence and interaction of these processes,c) determine criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes are effective,d) ensure the availability of r
17、esources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring o these processes,e) monitor, measure and analyse these processes, and f) implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes.These processes shall be managed by the organizatio
18、n in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard.Where an organization chooses to outsource any process that affects product conformity with requirements, the organization shall ensure control over such processes. Control of such outsourced processes shall be identified within th
19、e quality management system.NOTE Processes needed for the quality management system referred to above should include processes for management activities, provision of resources, product realization and measurement.4.2 DoccumenttationnManagemment sshouldd defiine thhe doccumenttationn, inccludinng th
20、ee releevant recorrds, nneededd to eestabllish, impleement and mmaintaain thhe quaality managgementt systtem annd to suppoort annd efffectivve andd effiicientt operrationn of tthe orrganizzationns proocessees.The natture aand exxtent of thhe doccumenttationn shouuld saatisfyy the contrractuaal, stta
21、tutoory annd reggulatoory reequireementss, andd the needss and expecctatioons off custtomerss and otherr inteeresteed parrties and sshouldd be aapproppriatee to tthe orrganizzationn. Doccumenttationn may be inn any form or meedium suitaable ffor thhe neeeds off the organnizatiion.In ordeer to provii
22、de doocumenntatioon to satissfy thhe neeeds annd exppectattions of innteressted ppartiees mannagemeent shhould consiider- contrractuaal reqquiremments from the ccustommer annd othher innteressted ppartiees,- accepptancee of iinternnationnal, nnationnal ,rregionnal annd inddustryy secttor sttandarrds
23、,- relevvant sstatuttory aand reegulattory rrequirrementts,-deecisioons byy the organnizatiion,- decissions by thhe orgganizaation,- sourcces off exteernal inforrmatioon rellevantt for the ddeveloopmentt of tthe orrganizzationns commpetenncies, and - inforrmatioon aboout thhe neeeds annd exppectatti
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- 质量管理 表现 改善 系统 指南 53115