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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.剑桥商务务英语BEC高级阅阅读真题题PARTT ONNEQuuesttionns 11 - 8 Loook at thee seenteencees bbeloow aand at fivve ppasssagees ttakeen ffromm a boook aabouut ffamoous mannageemennt tthinnkerrs oon tthe oppposiite pagge. Whhichh paassaage doees eeach
2、h seenteencee reeferr too? Foor eeachh seenteencee 1 - 88, mmarkk onne llettter A1 B, C, D oor EE onn yoour Ansswerr Shheett. Yoou wwilll neeed to usee soome of theese lettterrs mmoree thhan oncce.Exxampple:Hee haas ddeveelopped hiss owwn ccomppanyy too prromoote hiss woork.0 A BB C D EE1 Othherss i
3、nn hiis ffielld tthinnk vveryy hiighlly oof hhim.2 Hiss iddeass haave sprreadd beeyonnd tthe bussineess worrld.3 He fellt tthatt peeoplle sshouuld be ablle tto eenjooy ttheiir wworkk.4 Hiss iddeass arre mmoree coompllex thaan ttheyy seeem.5 He didd a varrietty oof iinteeresstinng tthinngs befforee w
4、rritiing hiss boookss.6 Hiss moost succcesssfuul bbookk waas wwritttenn wiith a ccollleaggue.7 He is parrticculaarlyy skkillled at forrecaastiing impporttantt deevellopmmentts.8 Conntacct wwithh thhe mmiliitarry wwas an earrly infflueencee onn hiis tthinnkinng.A Johhn AAdaiirAddairr iss thhe ppionne
5、erringg Brritiish thiinkeer iin tthe theeoryy off leeadeershhip. Hee waas tthe firrst perrsonn inn thhe UUK tto hholdd a proofesssorrshiip iin BBusiinesss LLeaddersshipp annd hhas pubblisshedd a serriess off innfluuenttiall boookss onn thhe ssubjjectt.Deespiite hiss quuiett apppeaarannce, Addairr ha
6、as hhad a ccoloourfful liffe, serrvinng iin aa Beedouuin reggimeent andd woorkiing on an Arccticc fiishiing boaat! Hiss innitiial inttereest in leaaderrshiip ccamee frrom hiss arrmy expperiiencce aand he useed tto llectturee att thhe hhighhly preestiigioous acaademmy wwherre BBrittishh arrmy offfice
7、es aare traaineed. He noww woorkss ass ann innterrnattionnal connsulltannt.B Edwwardd dee BoonoDee Boono is unuusuaal aamonng mmajoor gguruus ffor twoo reeasoons: fiirsttly, hee waas bbornn noot iin oone of thee GRREatt inndusstriial nattionns bbut on thee tiiny isllandd off Maaltaa. SSecoondlly, hi
8、ss iddeass haave reaacheed aa wiiderr auudieencee thhan jusst mmanaagerrs, so thaat hhis boooks havve BBECoome esssenttiall reendiing in manny ddifffereent disscipplinnes.Moost of de Bonno ss woork hass beeen conncerrnedd wiith thee waay hhumaan bbeinngs cann trrainn thhemsselvves to thiink morre cc
9、reaativvelyy. TThiss appparrenttly simmplee iddea hass reesulltedd inn 377 boookss annd aa hiighlly ssucccesssfull caareeer aas aa leectuurerr annd cconssulttantt.C Petter DruuckeerPrrobaablyy noo ottherr siinglle tthinnkerr haas ddonee ass muuch as Druuckeer tto eestaabliish mannageemennt aas aa se
10、erioous areea oof sstuddy. Cerrtaiinlyy, hhis fellloww maanaggemeent thiinkeers connsidder himm onne oof tthe fouundiing fattherrs oof tthe disscipplinne, andd hiis bbookks aand artticlles aree quuoteed mmoree thhan thoose of anyy ottherr maanaggemeent wriiterr.Hiis ffirsst bbookk waas ppubllishhed
11、as farr baack as 19339, yett hee iss sttilll wrritiing andd teeachhingg. HHis greeateest disstinnctiion hass beeen hiss abbiliity to preedicct ccomiing treendss inn buusinnesss annd eeconnomiics. Ass a ressultt, hhis ideeas aree trreatted witth tthe greeateest resspecct aand inttereest.D Freederrick
12、k HeerzbberggAllthooughh reelattiveely feww coonteempoorarry mmanaagemmentt sttudeentss wiill havve rreadd hiis bbookks, Herrzbeerg s nnamee iss innstaantlly rrecoogniisabble to anyyonee whho hhas stuudieed iinduustrriall orrgannisaatioons. Thhis is beccausse tthe Ameericcan psyychoologgistt waas rr
13、espponssiblle ffor inttrodduciing thee coonceept of mottivaatioon iintoo maanaggemeent thiinkiing.Ass a youung mann, HHerzzberrg bbecaame deeeplyy innterrestted in menntall illlneess andd thhe hhumaan nneedd foor mmenttal andd emmotiionaal ssatiisfaactiion. Thhis ledd hiim tto ccritticiise thee appp
14、rooachh off maany commpanniess too joob ddesiign, annd tto aarguue ffor thee neeed forr joob eenriichmmentt too sttimuulatte eemplloyeees efffortts.E Tomm PeeterrsThhe AAmerricaan ss reeputtatiion wass crreatted in thee I 9800s bby tthe speectaacullar succcesss oof oone boook, In Seaarchh off Exxcel
15、llennce, coo-wrrittten witth RRobeert Wattermman. Thhe ttwo werre wworkkingg toogettherr ass maanaggemeent connsulltannts andd noo-onne eexpeecteed ttheiir ffirsst (andd onnly) boook to endd upp seelliing 5 mmilllionn coopiees wworlldwiide!Allthooughh hiis iideaas hhavee beeen criiticciseed, Petters
16、s poopullariity as a sspeaakerr annd wwritter hass coontiinueed tto ggroww. SSo mmuchh soo thhat Petterss haas ccreaatedd hiis oown bussineess to marrkett boookss, vvideeos andd coonsuultaancyy baasedd onn hiis wworkk.PARRT TTWO Quuesttionns 99 - 14 Reead thiis ttextt frrom an artticlle aabouut hhea
17、llth cluubs. Chhoosse tthe besst ssenttencce ffromm thhe ooppoositte ppagee too fiill in eacch oof tthe gapps. Foor eeachh gaap 99 - 14, maark onee leetteer AA - H oon yyourr Annsweer SSheeet. Doo noot uuse anyy leetteer mmoree thhan oncce. Thheree iss ann exxampple at thee beeginnninng (0).Trraveel
18、 sstreess briingss booom to heaalthh cllubssA rappid groowthh inn buusinnesss trraveel hhas proovidded a llucrratiive spiin-ooff forr Brritiish heaalthh cllubss ass coompaaniees ttry to preevennt hhardd-woorkiing exeecuttivees ffromm suuffeerinng ttravvel-rellateed sstreess.Heealtth cclubbs aare ful
19、lly boookedd thhrouughoout thee coominng mmontths alll arrounnd tthe couuntrry aand manny aare plaanniing to exppandd thheirr faacillitiies.0 H AAccoordiing to Gillliee Tuurneer, grooup marrkettingg maanagger forr thhe CChammpneeys grooup of heaalthh cllubss, dduriing thee laast reccesssionn exxecuu
20、tivves losst mmanyy off thheirr exxtraa beeneffitss ass coompaaniees ccut bacck. . 99 Shhe ssayss thhat larrge commpanniess allso seeem tto hhavee deecidded thaat iit iis nno ggoodd seendiing sommeonne tto aa coounttry likke SSpaiin aas aa reewarrd ffor doiing a ggoodd joob, BECCausse ttheyy wiill s
21、immplyy eaat ttoo mucch aand floop oontoo a beaach. . 10Chhamppneyys, thee coompaany ackknowwleddgedd ass thhe mmarkket leaaderr inn thhis fieeld, iss noow pplannninng tto iintrroduuce a sspecciall PProffitiing froom SStreess cooursse, whiich willl rrun oveer tthreee ddayss. . 111 Joonatthonn Sttapl
22、letoon, genneraal mmanaagerr off Chhamppneyys, sayys tthatt mooderrn ccorpporaate liffe bbeinng wwhatt itt iss, mmostt buusinnesss trraveelleers finnd tthatt thhey aree haavinng tto ddo tthe worrk wwhicch - evven a yyearr aggo - waas ddonee byy twwo. 12Too meeet thiis nnew demmandd, ootheer hheallth
23、 cluubs aree allso thiinkiing of inttrodduciing simmilaar sscheemess. CClarre BBranndissh, thee saaless annd mmarkketiing dirrecttor of anootheer hheallth cluub, hass nooticced a mmarkked chaangee inn thhe cclieenteele at herr cllub. . 13Buusinnessses of alll kiindss arre aanxiiouss too reeducce aab
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- 剑桥商务英语 BEC 高级 阅读 英文 15897