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1、河北科技师范学学院毕业论文文献综综述题 目:应收收账款完 成 人:张从改改指 导 教 师师:毛久智学 院:财经经学院专业、班 级:财务会计教教育专业08805班学 号:077510800536完 成 时 间间:20099年12月118日 Accountts RecceivabbleAuthor: M. Ellizabeeth Haaywoodd, Donnald.Introduuctionn Accountts recceivabble coonsistts of moniees duee fromm custtomerss as aa resuult off an oorganiizatio
2、ons nnormall busiiness operaationss. Thee manaagemennt of accouunts rreceivvable is ann extrremelyy impoortantt funcction sincee the colleectionn of ooutstaandingg receeivablles reepreseents tthe siingle most imporrtant sourcce of cash for aall orrganizzationns sellling goodss on oopen aaccounnt. Be
3、ecausee of tthe immpact that accouunts-rreceivvable colleectionns havve on cash flow, it iis impportannt thaat ressponsiibilitty forr the day-tto-dayy manaagemennt of crediit andd colllectioons acctivitties bbe dellegateed to a sinngle iindiviidual withiin thee orgaanizattion. Accountts Recceivabble
4、 ass a Cuurrentt Asseet On the balannce shheet, accouunts rreceivvable is reeporteed as a currrent assett and is coonsideered ppart oof an organnizatiions workiing caapitall. As a currrent assett, acccountss receeivablle is expeccted tto be turneed intto cassh witthin tthe annnual operaating cyclee
5、of aa busiiness, whicch forr mostt busiinessees is generrally consiideredd to bbe onee yearr and correespondds to the ttwelvee-montth fisscal yyear uused ffor fiinanciial reeportiing puurposees. Thhis, hhoweveer, dooes noot impply thhat itt shouuld taake onne yeaar to colleect inndividdual rreceivva
6、ble balannces. In the case of a univeersityy presss, acccountts recceivabble reepreseents aa majoor commponennt of curreent asssets, workking ccapitaal, annd cassh floow. Thhe othher maajor ccomponnents of a univeersityy pressss wworkinng cappital are ccash, shortt-termm inveestmennts, aand innvento
7、ory. AAs a ccomponnent oof worrking capittal, aaccounnts reeceivaable mmust bbe carrefullly mannaged in orrder tto be turneed intto cassh as quickkly ass posssible and tto avooid beecominng unccollecctiblee. Altthoughh accoounts receiivablee is rreportted ass a cuurrentt asseet, itt mustt be ccarefu
8、ully vvaluatted annd repportedd becaause uuntil the rreceivvable is coollectted, iit cannnot rreadilly asssist wwith tthe paaying of cuurrentt obliigatioons. Accountts Recceivabble annd Colllectiions RReportts Becausee of tthe siignifiicancee of aaccounnts reeceivaable iit is imporrtant for mmanagee
9、ment to reeceivee periiodic reporrts thhat booth meeasuree the effecctivenness oof colllectiion acctivitties aand innform or allert mmanageement of prroblemm accoounts. Ideaally, reporrts shhould be geeneratted onn a moonthlyy basiis, buut deppendinng on the ssize oof thee receeivablle ballance and
10、ccollecctionss stafff, thhe isssuancee of ssuch rreportts mayy rangge froom weeekly tto quaarterlly. Thhis fllow off infoormatiion iss neceessaryy so tthat mmanageement and ccollecctionss stafff cann deteerminee whetther ccurrennt creedit aand coollecttions policcies aand prroceduures aare woorkingg
11、, or whethher anny of the ppoliciies annd proocedurres neeed too be cchangeed to more effecctivelly colllect outsttandinng recceivabbles. Addittionallly, tthe coollecttions stafff needds infformattion sso thaat colllectiion acctivitties ccan bee priooritizzed, pprobleem acccountss isollated, and out
12、sttandinng ballancess colllectedd. Analysiis of Accouunts RReceivvable and CCollecctionss A numbeer of methoods arre useed to measuure acccountts-recceivabble baalancees andd the effecctivenness oof colllectiion pooliciees andd proccedurees. Soome off the more frequuentlyy usedd methhods tto anaalyz
13、e accouunts rreceivvable and ccollecctionss incllude A/R at Year End aas a PPercenntage of Tootal SSales. Thiss ratiio is compuuted bby divvidingg the fiscaal yeaar-endd A/R balannce byy fisccal yeear neet salles. TThe AAAUP Sttatisttical Surveey repportedd averrages betweeen 211.6 peercentt and 23.
14、0 perceent foor fisscal yyears 1992 throuugh 19995. TThis rratio can aalso bbe commputedd at aany tiime duuring the yyear; howevver, tto gett a meeaninggful rratio, the A/R bbalancce musst be dividded byy net saless for the mmost rrecentt twellve moonths. Averagee Colllectioon Perriod. This ratioo i
15、s aan inddicatiion off the averaage nuumber of daays reequireed to conveert reeceivaables into cash. Ideaally, the ccomputtationn shouuld usse a mmonthlly aveerage of reeceivaables and iincludde onlly creedit ssales. A moonthlyy averrage oof recceivabbles sshouldd be uused iin ordder too offsset ann
16、y fluuctuattions that may ooccur durinng thee yearr. Addditionnally, onlyy creddit saales sshouldd be uused iin thiis commputattion ssince cash saless usuaally ddo nott invoolve aany crredit risk. The compuutatioon of the aaveragge colllectiion peeriod is a two-sstep pprocesss. Fiirst ddividee totaa
17、l salles (ppreferrably crediit salles onnly) ffor thhe fisscal yyear bby 3655. Thiis callculattion yyieldss the amounnt of crediit salles peer dayy. Theen divvide tthe yeear-ennd recceivabble baalancee (or averaage moonthlyy receeivablle ballance) by tthe crredit saless per day. The rresultt is tthe
18、 avveragee colllectioon perriod iin dayys. Thhe AAUUP Staatistiical SSurveyy repoorted averaage coollecttion pperiodds of 77 too 91 ddays ffor fiiscal year 1995 and 880 to 95 daays foor fisscal yyear 11994. A/R Agiing Scchedulle. Thhis iss a peeriodiic repport uused tto detterminne thee priooritiees
19、 of colleectionn actiivitiees. Ann aginng schhedulee listts alll custtomer accouunts wwith ooutstaandingg balaances as off the date of thhe agiing scchedulle, onne acccount per lline. Acrosss thee linee, thee totaal amoount ddue iss brokken doown, oor ageed, byy overrdue ccategoories. The overddue c
20、aategorries ggeneraally iincludde currrent (not yet ddue), 1 to 30 daays paast duue, 300 to 660 dayys passt duee, 60 to 900 dayss pastt due, and over 90 daays paast duue. Thhe agiing caategorries mmay neeed too be aadjustted too propperly refleect ann orgaanizattionss termms of saless. A/R Agiing by
21、y Custtomer Type or Paaymentt Termms. Thhis iss a vaariatiion off the A/R AAging Scheddule aand caan be used to moore efffectiively targeet acccountss thatt requuire tthe atttentiion off the colleectionns staaff. AA moree focuused sscheduule allso alllows compaarisonns to be drrawn bbetweeen simmila
22、r accouunts. Bad Debbt Exppense as Peercenttage oof Tottal Saales. This ratioo is ccomputted byy diviiding year-end bbad deebt exxpensee by nnet saales. The AAAUP SStatissticall Survvey reeporteed aveeragess of 00.4 peercentt and 0.5 ppercennt forr fisccal yeears 11992 tthrouggh 19995. Bad Debbt Exp
23、pense as Peercenttage oof A/RR Balaance. This ratioo is ccomputted byy diviiding year- end bad ddebt eexpensse by the yyear-eend (oor aveerage) A/R balannce. TThe AAAUP Sttatisttical Surveey repportedd averrages betweeen 1.8 perrcent and 22.0 peercentt for the ffiscall yearrs 19992 thrrough 1995. Cr
24、edit Deparrtmentt Montthly RReportt. Thiis is a summmary reporrt thaat hellps maanagemment mmonitoor thee montthly aaccounnts-reeceivaable sstatuss and colleectionns acttivitiies. AA typiical rreportt woulld incclude curreent moonth aand prrior mmonth balannces ffor acccountts recceivabble, ttotal c
25、olleectionns, annd tottal neet salles. AAdditiionallly, soome raatios mightt be iincludded, ssuch aas thee averrage ccollecctionss periiod. BBad deebt coompariison wwould incluude baad debbt wriite-offf forr the curreent moonth, fiscaal yeaar to date, and last fiscaal yeaar to date. Finaally, a summ
26、mary of thhe nummber oof acccountss and balannces iin eacch agiing caategorry shoould bbe inccludedd. Theere iss no uuniverrsal, or sttandarrd, foormat for tthis ttype oof repport. For aa creddit deepartmment mmonthlly repport tto be trulyy effeectivee, it must be taailoreed to the nneeds and rrepor
27、tting ccapabiilitiees of each indivviduall presss. Thhe ideea of this reporrt is to prrovidee manaagemennt witth a oone-paage suummaryy of ccollecction resullts eaach moonth. The perrcentaage raatios (A/R as peercenttage oof nett salees, baad debbt as perceentagee of nnet saales, and bbad deebt ass
28、perccentagge of A/R bbalancce) arre onlly useeful wwhen ccomparred too induustry averaages (such as AAAUP sttatisttics) or too histtoricaal datta forr yourr partticulaar uniiversiity prress. Averaage coollecttion pperiodd, on the oother hand, has to bee anallyzed on a presss-by-ppress basiss becaaus
29、e oof diffferennces iin pubblishiing prrogramms andd in tthe alllocattion oof salles ammong ttypes of cuustomeers thhat maay havve diffferennt terrms off paymment. An ovveralll compparisoon to indusstry aaveragges maay or may nnot bee helppful iin anaalyzinng a ppresss aveerage colleectionn periiod.
30、 When annalyziing acccountts recceivabble itt is iimporttant tto remmemberr thatt therre aree no uuniverrsal sstandaards ffor meeasuriing acccountts recceivabble annd colllectiions. Each presss mustt evalluate its oown siituatiion annd devvelop indivviduall inteernal trendds andd goalls. Itt is, of
31、coourse, helppful tto revview AAAUP aaveragges too assiist inn yourr inteernal evaluuationn. Howw everr, onee mustt remeember that AAUP and oother indusstry aaveragges arre onlly aveeragess and shoulld nevver bee conssidereed thee ideaal. Allso, wwhen pperforrming interrnal aanalyssis itt is iimport
32、tant tto takke cycclicall salees pattternss and unusuual evvents into consiiderattion aand too takee cauttion tto meaasure accouunts rreceivvable and ccollecctionss resuults wwith ssimilaar perriods. Credit Managgementt and Bad DDebt Press mmanageement and tthe coollecttions stafff alsoo needd to rr
33、ealizze thaat it is immpossiible tto redduce aaccounnts reeceivaable bbeyondd a ceertainn poinnt, noor shoould aan orgganizaation strivve forr no bbad deebts. Each presss mustt deveelop iits owwn levvel off satiisfacttion aand itts ownn comffort zzone iin ordder too knoww whenn and on whhich aaccoun
34、nts too conccentraate coollecttions efforrts. LLikewiise, eeach ppress must devellop itts ownn leveel of comfoort inn deteerminiing whhen too selll to nnew acccountts. Itt is iimporttant tto exppect ssome llevel of baad debbt, beecausee withh no, or a very low llevel of, bbad deebts, the ppress is n
35、oot maxximiziing itts salles pootentiial. PPressees havve to be wiillingg to ttake ssome cchancees to increease ssales, whille at the ssame ttime uundersstandiing thhat noot alll channces ttaken will yieldd posiitive resullts. PPressees thaat aree moree aggrressivve in grantting ccreditt mustt makee
36、 suree thatt an aadequaate reeservee for bad ddebt iis maiintainned onn the balannce shheet oor buddget ffor a possiible iincreaase inn bad debt expennse. Proactiive Crredit Managgementt In addiition to annalyziing acccountts recceivabble annd revviewinng intternall trennds annd passt perrformaance,
37、 and oorganiizatioon musst be as prroactiive ass posssible to maaximizze colllectiions. The oorganiizatioon thaat callls fiirst wwill uusuallly gett paidd firsst. Too keepp on ttop off colllectioons itt is iimporttant tto havve wriitten colleectionn poliicies and tterms. Thesse wriitten policcies mm
38、ust hhave tthe aggreemeent annd suppport of maanagemment, markeeting, and the ccollecctionss stafff. Wrrittenn poliicies shoulld be revieewed aannuallly annd upddated as neeeded to inncorpoorate any cchangees thaat aree takiing pllace iin thee pressss ppublisshing progrram. Having policcies aand prr
39、oceduures iin wriiting shoulld eliiminatte disscrepaanciess in wwhat ccustommers aare toold byy the colleectionns, cuustomeer serrvice, and markeeting stafffs. Thhis wiill thhen giive thhe cusstomerr one less excusse forr delaaying paymeent. AAdditiionallly, whhen alll memmbers of thhe preess sttaff
40、 aare knnowleddge abble abbout tthe prressss creddit annd colllectiions ppoliciies annd aree awarre of how ppast-ddue acccountts aree handdled, they can mmore eeffecttivelyy workk togeether to maaximizze salles annd minnimizee bad debt. The anaalysiss of aaccounnts reeceivaable aand coollecttions pe
41、rfoormancce shoould bbe useed to assisst thee presss in settiing gooals ffor fuuture perfoormancce. Hooweverr, acccountss-receeivablle anaalysiss willl not be off any real beneffit unnless the ppress has aa proaactivee creddit annd colllectiions pprograam in placee thatt has the ssupporrt of presss
42、manaagemennt andd is ccommunnicateed efffectivvely tto alll presss deppartmeents aand cuustomeers.M. Elizzabethh Haywwood, Donalld. Acccuontts Recceivabble .Journall ofAcccounttingEdducatiion.PPages 71-722. 应收账款 作者:伊丽莎莎白海伍德,唐唐纳德. 译者:张从改改导言由于一个组织的的正常商业运运作的结果,所所以应收款项项包括客户。应应收账款的管管理具有非常常重要的作用用,因为悬而而未决的
45、额的大小和应收账款的的回收人员,这这些报告的发发行时间按规模而而定,可能范范围从每周到到按季发行。这种信信息流是必要要的,以至于于管理和回收人员可以以判断当前信信贷和应收账账款回收政策策和程序是否否奏效,还是是一些政策和程程序需要去改变,以便更有效地回收收应收未收款款。此外,工工作人员需要要收集信息,以以便收集活动动可以按照轻轻重缓急进行行,将问题帐户进行行分离,对未偿还余额额进行回收。应收账款的收账账分析许多方法被用来来衡量帐户余余额和应收账账款收回的政政策和程序的的有效性。较较为常用的一一些用来分析析应收账款收收回效率的方方法包括: A/R作为年年末的销售百百分比,这个个比例计算除除以本财
46、务年年度的净销售售额。在美国大学学教授协会统统计调查报告告说,19992年到19995年的财务年度度由百分之21.6至23.0,超过平均水水平。这个比比率也可以被被用来计算在在一年中任何何时候,但是是,要获得有有意义的比例例,在A / R平衡中,必须为最最近12个月的净净销售额。平均收账期。这这个比率是用用来计算应收收账款转换成成现金的的平平均天数。理想情况下下,这个计算算应该使用应应收账款的平平均数仅仅包包括赊销。月月平均应收账账款数应被使用旨在在抵消在这一一年内可能出出现的波动。此外,只有赊销应使用这种计算,因为现金销售通常不涉及任何信贷风险。平均收款期的计算分为两个步骤。先化分总销售额(