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1、Petrii网理论及及其在冷链链物流企业业配送流程程优化中的的应用PETRII NETT THEEORY AND APPLLICATTION ON THHE COOLD CCHAINN LOGGISTIICS EENTERRPRISSE DIISTRIIBUTIION PPROCEESS OOPTIMMIZATTION专 业: 姓 名: 指 导 教 师:申请学位级级别: 论文提交日日期: 学位授予单单位: 摘 要随着经济的的不断发展展,市场经经济的不断断完善,社社会生活的的不断提高高,然们生生活水平和和水准都得得到了很大大程度的提提高,来维维持物品的的优良品质质成为了世世人关注的的焦点,也也就
5、的基基本过程、建建立的模型型表述、对对所建立的的配送企业业配送流程程模型进行行特性分析析;最后,通过过对之前建建立的冷链链物流A企企业的配送送流程的PPetrii网模型进进行分解,利利用子网间间的关系,确确定此模型型中可优化化的环节,提提出合理的的措施,改改善和提高高各子网的的运行效率率来达到整整个流程的的优化。关键词:冷冷链配送; Petrri网; 物流企业业; 流程优化IIABSTRRACTWith the conttinuoous ddevellopmeent oof ecconommy, tthe ccontiinuouus immprovvemennt off thee marrke
6、t econnomy, thee conntinuuous imprrovemment of ssociaal liife, but theiir liivingg staandarrds aand sstanddardss havve beeen ggreattly iimprooved, to mainntainn thee iteems quallity has becoome tthe ffocuss of atteentioon off thee worrld, thatt is, howw to makee somme duuringg a yyear havee morre st
7、tringgent requuiremmentss on the enviironmment, temmperaaturee, unnder thiss connditiion, a kiind oof neew loogisttics modee ariises at tthe hhistooric momeent - colld chhain logiisticcs. TThe rrise of ccold chaiin loogisttics, driive tthe aacadeemia to sstudyy in thiss neww inddustrry, iit meeans n
8、ot onlyy a kkind of ddistrributtion modee innnovattion, alsso brroughht neew bllood to ttranssportt inddustrry, tthereeby ggivinng immpetuus too thee devveloppmentt of a neew moode oof diistriibutiion, to iimproove tthe eefficcienccy, rreducce trranspportaationn cossts, imprrove proffitabbilitty, ee
9、stabblishh andd perrfectt thee keeep foood qqualiity. Therreforre, tthis topiic inn thee stuudy oof coold-cchainn disstribbutioon prrobleem, ccan fforessee tthis kindd of reseearchh is bounnd too thee disstribbutioon inndusttry mmakess sennse. Foodd prooblemms reelatiionshhips withh alll peooples li
10、ife ssafetty, ffood quallity safeety aand ssociaal sttabillity to tthe ccounttry ddevellopmeent pplayss an impoortannt roole. Fromm a llogissticss poiint oof viiew, to sshortten tthe ttime of ccold chaiin loogisttics disttribuutionn proocesss, caan efffecttivelly reeducee thee rissk off foood sppoil
11、aage. Becaause of tthe ccold chaiin foood ccold chaiin inn thee disstribbutioon off prootecttion is wweak, so thiss artticlee froom thhe peerspeectivve off proocesss opttimizzatioon sttudy of tthe ccold-chaiin diistriibutiion pproceess. On llogissticss proocesss moddelinng meethodd hass a llot oof k
12、iinds, beccausee Pettri nnet hhas rrigorrous mathhematticall deffinittion and anallysiss metthod, so thiss papper sseleccted usinng Peetri net modeelingg of coldd chaain llogissticss disstribbutioon prrocesss.In thhis ppaperr, fiirst of aall, thiss papper ccarriied oout tthe rreseaarch on tthe bback
13、ggrounnd annd siignifficannce aare eexpouundedd, annd thhe cuurrennt reesearrch ssituaationn of the coldd-chaain ddistrributtion logiisticcs annd Peetri net modeelingg in the fielld off loggistiics aand ddistrributtion in tthe ffieldd of appllicattion madee cerrtainn oveervieew, oon thhe baasis of t
14、this putss forrwardd thee ressearcch coontennt off thiis paaper, thee tecchniccal rroutee andd thee maiin reesearrch mmethood; TThen, thee currrentt theeory of ccold chaiin loogisttics, inccludiing ccold chaiin annd thhe coonceppt off colld chhain logiisticcs, aas weell aas thhe thheoreeticaal baasi
15、s of PPetrii nett hass carrriedd on the detaailedd inttroduuctioon, sstartting fromm thee connceptt, leead tto a few of iits ddefinnitioon, tthis papeer diiscussses the basiic prroPettriess andd chaaractterissticss of Petrri neet annalyssis mmethood; AAgainn, deetaills off currrentt andd disstribbut
16、ioon prrocesss inn thee linnk annd soome rrepreesenttativve diistriibutiion eenterrprisse caarrieed onn thee elaaboraationn of the proccessiing sstepss, wiith AA colld chhain logiisticcs ennterpprisees ass thee ressearcch exxamplle, aanalyysis of tthe ccurreent sstatuus quuo, rrespeectivvely fromm t
17、hee colld-chhain logiisticcs diistriibutiion mmode of tthe eenterrprisse annd A compparattive anallysiss of coldd chaain llogissticss chaaractterissticss andd supperioorityy, coold-cchainn loggistiics ddistrributtion modee of A ennterpprisee disstribbutioon prrocesss annalyssis iin thhree aspeects;
18、Theen, AA commbinaationn of coldd chaain llogissticss disstribbutioon prrocesss liink aanalyysis, appplicaationn of Petrri neet thheoryy, coompleeted the disttribuutionn of coldd chaain llogissticss entterprrise proccess modeelingg, reespecctiveely, the basiic prrocesss off Pettri nnet mmodelling, t
19、hee moddel eexpreessioon, ddistrributtion enteerpriise ddistrributtion proccess modeel off chaaractterisstic anallysiss; Fiinallly, bby A coldd chaain llogissticss entterprrise to sset uup beeforee thee disstribbutioon prrocesss off deccompoositiion oof Peetri net modeel, uusingg thee rellatioonshii
20、p beetweeen suubnetts, ddeterrminee thee linnk off thiis moodel can be ooptimmizedd, reeasonnablee meaasurees arre prropossed tto immprovve annd ennhancce thhe ruunninng effficiiencyy of subnnet tto acchievve thhe opptimiizatiion oof thhe prrocesss.Key wwordss: Cold CChainn Distrributtion; Petrii Ne
21、t; Logissticss; Proceess OOptimmizattion朗读显示对应的的拉丁字符符的拼音字典IV目 录摘 要IABSTRRACTII1 绪论11.1 选选题背景和和意义11.1.11 选题背背景11.1.22 选题意意义21.2 研研究现状41.2.11 冷链配配送研究现现状41.2.22 Pettri网建建模研究现现状51.2.33 Pettri网在在冷链物流流建模方面面研究现状状61.3 研研究的主要要内容和技技术路线71.3.11 研究的的主要内容容71.3.22 技术路路线81.3.33 研究方方法92 冷链物物流及Peetri 网理论基基础知识112.1 冷冷
22、链物流理理论112.1.11 冷链的的概念112.1.22 冷链物物流的概念念和特点122.2 PPetrii网理论基基础知识142.2.11 Pettri网概概念和特点点142.2.22 Pettri 网网的基本性性质和特性性分析方法法183 某冷链链物流A企业配送送流程现状状分析及存存在的问题题223.1 冷冷链配送模模式及其对对比分析23223.1.11 供应商商直接配送送223.1.22 企业自自营物流模模式233.1.33 冷链物物流企业配配送233.2 冷冷链物流企企业配送模模式特点及及优越性243.3 某某冷链物流流A企业配送送流程环节节分析253.3.11 总体流流程263.3
23、.22 各个个环节284 基于PPetrii网的某冷冷链物流AA企业配送送流程建模模314.1 PPetrii网建模基基本过程314.1.11流程元素素的Pettri网表表示方法314.1.22逻辑关系系的Pettri网表表示方法314.1.33 Pettri网建建模步骤324.2 某某冷链物流流A企业配送送流程Peetri网网建模324.3 冷冷链物流企企业配送流流程Pettri网模模型特性分分析345 某冷链链物流A企业配送送流程Peetri网网模型优化化385.1 某某冷链物流流A企业配送送流程Peetri网网模型分解解385.1.11关联矩阵阵表达的AA企业配送送流程内部部关系分析析3
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- 13 Petri 理论 及其 物流 企业 配送 流程 优化 177