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1、:荟卿体火言S 日八NXii 以付VE 只只51 了丫丫OFF 淞NCE 及EGONNOM ICCS 习此一峰黔铎论文丁HE3 ! S 犷O 尺MAS 丁ER 6 OEEGR 丘题日名一 尿尿艳绒业会落此汁七味人从J 二研究方向 指导教师一20110 年3 月30 学校代码101125 专业业代码1200201 山冠穿财交全大大学硕士学位论文题目我国会计准准则国际趋同同研究姓名床艳绒专业业会计研究方方向财务会计计指导教师张张一贞20110 年3 月30 日日Universsity CCode 110125 Majorr Codee 1202201 Shanxi Univeersityy of
2、FFinancce & EEconommics Thesis for MMasterr 5 Degreee TitleR Name Major AAccounntin 只只Researcch oriientattion Tutor MMarch 30 , 2010 山西财授大学学学位论文原创创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学学位论文,是是本人在导师师的指导下,独独立进行研究究工作所取得得的成果。除除文中已经注注明引用的内内容外,本论论文不包含任任何其他个人人或集体己经经发表或撰写写过的作品成成果。对本文文的研究所做做出重要贡献献的个人和集集体,均己在在文中以明确确方式标明。本本人完全意识识到本申
3、明的的法律结果由由本人承担。学位论文作者签签名:泳栖绒绒日期:夕脾冷冷月日山西时径大学、,学学位论文版权权使用授权书书本学位论文作者者完全了解学学校有关保管管、使用学位位论文的规定定,同意学校校保留并向国国家有关部门门成机构送交交论文的复印印件和电子版版,允许论文文被查阅和借借阅。本人授授权山西财经经大学可以将将本学位论文文的全部或部部分内容编入入有关数据库库进行检索,可可以采用影印印、缩印或扫扫描等复制手手段保存和汇汇编本学位论论文。本学位位论文属于保保密口,不保保密口。在年年解密后适用用本授权书。(请请在以上方框框内打“了”) 学位论文作者签签名:旅衫城城解教师签名:礴礴一奋口期:知加年月
7、完善善我国的会计计准则。从发发展的眼光看看,我们要进进一步加快与与国际财务报报告准则趋同同的步伐。【 关键词】 会计准则国国际趋同经济济后果趋同策策略Abstr3CCt After IInternnationnal Acccountting SStandaards CCommitttee wwas reestruccturedd , thhe devvelopmment oof acccountiing sttandarrds haas beeen thee stagge froom intternattionall harmmonizaation to innternaationaal co
8、nnvergeence . Inteernatiional conveergencce ofaaccounnting standdardshhasbeeenakeyyissueeforacccountting aacademmics iin reccent yyears . Witth thee rapiid devvelopmment oofeconnomicggloballizatiionanddespecciallyythe ggrowthh of iinternnationnal caapitall markkets , inteernatiional conveergencce of
9、 accouuntingg stanndardss has becomme thee inevvitablle andd reallisticc issuue forr counntriess worlldwidee . Sttates are aaddingg to tthe raanks oof proomotinng thee inteernatiional conveergencce of accouuntingg stanndardss . Deevelopping tthe ecconomyy , Chhina mmust mmelt iinto tthe innternaatio
10、naal ecoonomicc tidee and face the ggloball convvergennce off accoountinng staandardds . CChina has aalso aacceleeratedd stepp , annd scoored aa basiical aachievvementt 一proomulgaated tthe neew acccountiing sttandarrds whhich hhas hiigh deegree of coonverggence with Interrnatioonal AAccounnting Stan
11、ddards . Thiis proocess of innternaationaalizattion ffor Chhina 5 acccountting SStandaards tto sayy has an immportaant thheorettical and ppractiical ssignifficancce . WWith tthe isssue oof Chiinese new aaccounnting Standdards , Chiina 5 Acccountiing Sttandarrds ( CASs ) havve fullly coonvergged wiit
12、h Innternaationaal Finnanciaal Repportinng Staandardds ( IIFRSs ) . BBut beecausee of CChinesse speecial econoomic eenviroonmentt , Chhina 5 Acccountting SStandaards ( CASss ) doo difffer frrom Inntemattionall Finaanciall Repoortingg Stanndardss ( IFFRSs ) in mmany aaspectts . AAccorddinglyy , hoow
13、to deal with the ddifferrencess becoomes aa longg 一staandingg and cruciial isssue ffaced by Chhina , Whicch neeeds too be rresolvved ass soonn as ppossibble . Furthhermorre , iin thee enviironmeent offglobaal connvergeence , theiissueoof howw to pprotecct Chiina , 5 intterestts beccomes more and mmo
14、re uurgentt . Thhe papper usses noormatiive reesearcch andd compparatiive meethod and rrelevaant thheoriees . FFirstlly , TThis ddisserrtatioon theeoretiicallyy anallyzes and ddistinnguishhes thhe rellated conceepts oof intternattionall convvergennce off accoountinng staandardds , wwhich helpss to g
15、get a betteer undderstaandingg for acadeemic rresearrch . In chhapterrZ , tthis ddisserrtatioon anaalyzess the necesssity and tthe feeasibiility that Chinaa s Accouuntingg Stanndardss convverge with IFRS . In the eenviroonmentt of ggloball convvergennce , Chinaa s Accouuntingg Stanndardss havee full
16、ly connvergeed witth 仆RSS . Buut beccause of Chhinesee speccial eeconommic ennvironnment , CASSs do diffeer froom IFRRSs inn manyy aspeects . In cchapteer3 , this disseertatiion smmyaticcally analvvzes tthis iissue . Bassed onn the theorry ofiimDacttofecoonollllV ,只llobalcconverr 只encceofacccounttin
17、 只SStandaards mmust hhave tthe ecconomiic ressult . In cchapteer4 , the ddisserrtatioon theeoretiicallyy anallyzes the nnegatiive annd thee posiitive econoomic rresultt of ggloball convvergennce off Chinna , 55 Accoountinng Standarrds . In chhapterrs , bbased on abbove aanalyssis , the pprinciiples
18、we shhould folloow andd the counttermeaasuress we sshouldd takee duriing thhe proocess of Chhina 5 acccountting iintemaationaalizattion aare prrovideed . CConverrgencee ofacccountting sstandaardsinnChinaaisasttep 一bby 一sttepproocess , Wesshoulddbe weeighinng thee pross and cons ofthee situuationn ,
19、too fullly inttegratte Chiina , 5 nattionall condditionns , aactiveely annd steeadilyy pushh forwward tthe innternaationaal connvergeence oof acccountiing sttandarrds . From the sstabillity ppoint of viiew , everyy effoort shhould be maade too conssider the aactuall situuationn in CChina , acccordin
20、ng to Chinaa , 5 polittical , ecoonomicc , leegal ssystemm refoorm annd treends , in pparticcular the llevel of deeveloppment of maarket econoomy annd gloobal eeconommic inntegraation proceess , contiinuoussly reevisinng andd imprrovingg our counttry , 5 acccountiing sttandarrds . From a devvelopmme
21、nt pperspeectivee , wee mustt furtther aacceleerate the cconverrgencee of iinternnationnal acccountting sstandaards aand thhe pacce . Key WWords Acccountiing Sttandarrds Innternaationaal Connvergeence EEconommic Reesult Conveergencce Strrategyy 目录1 引言言. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22、. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 1 . 1 研研究背景及问问题提出. . . . .
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- 我国 会计准则 国际 趋同 研究 山西 财经 10036