
《商务英语课程课件Unit1幻灯片课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语课程课件Unit1幻灯片课件.ppt(46页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、商务英语课程课件Unit1We need to discuss some questions about what we are going to learn in this unit.Sure,thatll help us understand better about what we are asked to do.Everyone sees life through their job.To the doctor,the world is a hospital.To truck drivers,its a road system.Starting UpStarting Upa Scott
2、ish writer and artist Alasdair Gray 1.1.Listasmanyjobsasyoucanandthentellwhatisyourfavoritejobandwhy.Forexample:teacherlawyeraccountantathletebusinessman2.Whichofthefollowingwouldyoulikeornotlikeinajob?1)alotoftelephonework2)writinglotsofreports3)workingwiththesamepeople4)workingwithlotsofdifferentp
3、eople5)sharinganoffice6)usingEnglishatwork7)travelingalot8)workingflexiblehours9)casualdress10)uniforms11)workingonyourown12)workingonthecomputer2.Read the following tips for job interview.Tips for Job InterviewTips for Job Interview1)Learn about the company.1)Learn about the company.2)Have a specif
4、ic job or jobs in mind.2)Have a specific job or jobs in mind.3)Prepare answers to broad questions about yourself.3)Prepare answers to broad questions about yourself.4)Prepare questions of your own.4)Prepare questions of your own.5)Practice an interview with a friend or relative.5)Practice an intervi
5、ew with a friend or relative.6)Arrive before the scheduled time of your interview.6)Arrive before the scheduled time of your interview.7)Make a good first impression.7)Make a good first impression.8)Relax and answer each question concisely.8)Relax and answer each question concisely.9)Be positive and
6、 enthusiastic.9)Be positive and enthusiastic.10)Thank the interviewer for their time and shake hands firmly.10)Thank the interviewer for their time and shake hands firmly.3.Discuss the following questions:3.Discuss the following questions:1)Whichdoyouthinkarethefivemostimportantinterviewtips?Why?2)W
9、ience.Acompanymayalsoask_tocompleteastandard_.Thecompanys_willthenselectthemostsuitableapplicationsandpreparea_ofcandidatesor_,whoareinvitedtoattendan_.4.KeyvocabularyCan you complete the passage with right words or phrases?recruitadvertisepositionapplyforcurriculumvitaeletterofapplicationcandidates
11、inthepastandfuturepotentialJobdescription&jobtitleNewproductsandservicestheyaredevelopingEmployeebenefitsGeographiclocationINTERVIEW PREPARATIONINTERVIEW PREPARATION Memorizethenameofthepersonwhowillinterviewyou.Nothingcouldbemoreembarrassingthanforgettingtheirnameorcallingthembythewrongname!Decidew
12、hatyouwillwear.Getagoodnightssleep.Arrive15minutesearly.Thisnotonlyshowsthatyouarepromptitalsogivesyouachancetogainyourcomposure.Befriendlytothereceptionist/secretary.theyoftenareaskedtheiropinion!DURING THE INTERVIEW DURING THE INTERVIEW Start it off like a winner.Be comfortable.Listen attentively.
13、Avoid nervous mannerisms.Speak clearly.Be positive and enthusiastic.Ask pertinent questions.When it is over,stand up,thank the interviewer for their time and shake hands firmly.Be sure to find out the next step.A FTER THE INTERVIEWA FTER THE INTERVIEW Thenextdaywritetheinterviewerabriefnotereiterati
15、erviewer.Often,throughpersistence,youmaybeofferedapositionatalaterdate.ChinUp.Gearupforyournextinterview.Afterallthemoreinterviewsyoutacklethemorepolishedyoubecome.Youmaywanttocontacttheinterviewerwhorejected youandseeifyoucangetanypointersonwhattoimprovebeforeyournextinterview.THE INTERVIEWERS HIDD
16、EN AGENDATHE INTERVIEWERS HIDDEN AGENDA The following are some typical concerns interviewers have,which you need The following are some typical concerns interviewers have,which you need to address when answering questions.Be sensitive to these concerns,to address when answering questions.Be sensitiv
17、e to these concerns,answering all questions in the most positive way to build psychological answering all questions in the most positive way to build psychological leverage and position yourself for the offer.leverage and position yourself for the offer.Does the applicant have the ability to do the
18、job?Does the applicant have the ability to do the job?Can he or she manage people?Can he or she manage people?How does he or she relate to people?How does he or she relate to people?What kind of a person is this?A leader?What kind of a person is this?A leader?What strengths does he or she have that
19、we need?What strengths does he or she have that we need?Why has there been a number of job changes?Why has there been a number of job changes?In what areas is he or she weak?How will this affect performance?In what areas is he or she weak?How will this affect performance?What contribution has the ap
20、plicant made?What contribution has the applicant made?What are his or her ambitions?Are they realistic?What are his or her ambitions?Are they realistic?Does she or he have growth potential?Does she or he have growth potential?How will other interviewers react?How will other interviewers react?Should
21、 this person get an offer?Should this person get an offer?INTERVIEW DRESSINGINTERVIEW DRESSING DOSDOS Dress conservatively.Check out what management wears and dress similarly without overkill.Practice good grooming.Do have clean,neatly styled hair.Do have clean hands and trimmed nails.Do bring a cle
22、an notepad and pen that works.Do wear shoes you can walk easily in.INTERVIEW INTERVIEW DRESSING DRESSING Donts Dont wear torn,soiled,wrinkled clothing.Dont dress casual.Dont wear a lot of jewelry(Men should avoid earrings).Dont wear athletic shoes.Dont eat spicy,offensive smelling foods prior to the
23、 interview.Dont wear sexy clothing.Dont wear cutesy ties(i.e.a flashing Mickey Mouse tie).Dont chew gum or smoke.Dont wear a mini-skirt.Dont wear heavy make-up.In this part you will listen to a passage and a dialogue about job interviews.Try to finish the exercises while listening.Are you ready?Are
24、you ready?1)Whyisitsuggestedthatoneshouldconcentrateonwell-knowncompanieswhenlookingforajob?2)Whatarethethreewaystocontactthecompaniesyouareapplyingfor?3)Whydoyouusethesewaystocontactthecompanies?4)Whyisthejobinterviewcrucialforgettingagoodjob?5)Whatisthecompanyconcernedwithinajobinterview?1.1.1 Lis
25、ten to the passage and answer the following questions.Becausewell-knowncompaniesareusuallylargeand,therefore,frequentlyhirenewpeople.Thefirstwayistocallthemuponthetelephone.Anotherwayistowriteacoverletterandsendittothecompanywitharesume.Thethirdwayistogodirectlytothecompanywithoutfirstwritingorcalli
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- 商务英语 课程 课件 Unit1 幻灯片
