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1、考研英语历年真题例句详解含译文翻译Vision l.visa viizsn.(护照等的)签证;维萨信用卡vt.签证2.visible vizsbla.看得见的,明显的,显著的【同义词】obvious distinct【真题例句】These changes were gradual and at first scarcely visible. ( 2015翻译) 参考译文:这些变化是渐进的,最开始几乎不明显。3.invisible invizabla.看不见的,无形的 4.visual vizjusl a.看的,看得见的;视觉的television Vedio【真题例句】Playing vide
2、o games encourages immediate content. ( 2007 新题 型)参考译文:玩电子游戏会助长即时满足感。2O.vivid vivida.鲜艳的;生动的,栩栩如生的【同义词】telling live【真题例句】The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep - when most vivid dreams occur - as it is when fully awake, says Dr. Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh. (
3、 2005 阅读 3 )参考译文:匹兹堡大学的Eric Nofzinger博士说,在出现鲜活梦境的快 速动眼睡眠中,大脑和清醒时同样活跃。21.dividedivaidV.分,划分分开;分配;(by)除同义词separate真题例句In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggerationto say United we stand, divided we fall. ( 2005 翻译)参考译文:在应付如此大规模挑战的过程中,我们可以毫不夸张地说:合那么立,分那么败。22.individual Jndividjusl,
4、心。1a.个人的,单独的;独特的n.个人,个体【同义词】unity【真题例句】There are some real constraints that are set by the genetic architecture of the individual organism/ 2008 考研英语阅读 Text 3)参考译文:对身高的一些真正的限制是由个体有机体的遗传结构所决定 的。23.dividenddividend n.红利,股息;回报,效益;被除数同义词Benefit bonus真题例句.who had no relation to the rest of the community
5、except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders1 meeting to dictate their orders to the management ( 1996 考研英语阅读Text 3 )参考译文:除了领取红利,偶尔参加股东会议向管理人员发号施令外, 他们与外界几乎没有任何联系24.division divissn n.分分割;部门,科,处;除法;分界线真题例句A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called di
6、gital divide - the division of the world into the info (information) rich and the info poor. ( 2001 考研英语阅读 Test2 )参考译文:今天,人们正在高度重视所谓数字鸿沟世界上信息资源 丰富的地区和信息资源贫乏的地区之间的差异。25 .evident evidanta.明显的,明白的同义词Clear obvious真题例句This tendency in the natural sciences has long been evident in the social sciences too.
7、 ( 2012 翻译)参考译文:除了在自然科学界,这种趋势在社会科学里也一直是显而易 见的。26 .evidence evido nsn.明显;显著;根据;证据;迹象同义词 proof真题例句Although no such evidence was presented, the casino s marketing department continued to pepper him with mailings. (2006新题型)参考译文:尽管他没有提交此类相关证明,赌船的营销部门仍继续不断 地给他寄送大量的宣传材料。27 .provide prauvaidv.供应,供给,准备,预防,规定
8、【同义词】afford define【真题例句】The Spanish case provides arguments both for and against monarchy. ( 2015 阅读 1)参考译文:西班牙的案例都提供了支持和反对君主制的论据。28 .provided pra vaid idconj.倘假设,只要,假如【同义词】if supposing【真题例句】The anticipation of possible shifts in demand provided by this study is significant. ( 2017 翻译)参考译文:该研究对可能发生的
9、需求变化所作的预期具有重要意义。29 .provision prauVissnn.供应,(一批)供应品;预备;条款;(pl)给养【同义词】item preparation【真题例句】On the overturned provisions the majority held that Congress had deliberately occupied the field“ and Arizona had thus intruded on the federal1 s privileged powers. ( 2013 阅读 4 )参考译文:针对被推翻条款,多数票认为国会已故意“侵占该领域,
10、而亚利桑那州也因此而侵扰到联邦政府特权。30 .view vju:n.视野;风景;观察;见解;照片vt.观察;认为【同义词】observation opinion【真题例句】The astonishing distrust of the news media isn t rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers. ( 2001 阅读 3 )参考译文:读者对新闻媒介令人震惊的不信任,其根源不是报道
11、失实或 拙劣的报道技巧,而是记者与读者的世界观每天都发生着碰撞。31 .review rivju:v.回顾,复习n.回顾,复习;评论【同义词】comment retrospection【真题例句】The SBoRE panel will then find external statisticiansto review these manuscripts. ( 2015 阅读 3 )参考译文:这类稿件将由SBoRE寻找外部统计员进行审查。32 .viewpoint vju:pointn.观点【同义词】perspective outlook【真题例句】radical viewpoints ( 2
12、010 阅读 1 选项)参考译文:激进的观点.reveal rivi:lv.展现,显示,揭示,揭露,告诉,泄露【同义词】disclose expose【真题例句】Nor does it reveal how much companies are banking on the halo effect, rather than the other possible benefits, when they decide their do-gooding policies. ( 2016 阅读 3 )参考译文这没揭示公司在制定行善行政策时,他们在多大程度上依赖光 环效应而不是其它可能的有利因素。34.
13、revelation , revoleijbnn.揭不,揭露,显示,启ZF /新发现/被揭露的事【同义词】exposure message【真题例句】One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom, how little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired how the stories arrived.令人惊讶的真想之一是(2015阅读4 )参考译文:Rebeka
14、h Brooks居然对她的新闻编辑部中所发生事知之甚 少,她几乎没想过询问一下,也从没对新闻的来源做任何的了解。Vice l.vicinity visinatin.邻近,附近2 .vicious visa.恶毒的,凶残的,邪恶的(B )【同义词】severe fallen【真题例句】inevitable but vicious ( 2003 Text2 )参考译文:不可防止的但恶性.victim viktimn.牺牲品,受害者【同义词】sacrificial lamb【真题例句】【同义词】optical Life-like【真题例句】IQ tests ask you to complete v
15、erbal and visual analogies .( 2007 阅读2 )参考译文:IQ测试要你完成文字和视觉类推5.visit vizitn.访问,参观V.访问,参观;视察;降临;闲谈【同义词】stay call【真题例句】There may be more matches in the database; job hunters will have to visit the site again to find them - and they do. ( 2004 阅 读1)参考译文:数据库里可能还有更多的匹配项,于是,求职者只得再次访 问这个网站来找。事实上,求职者真的这样做。Wh
16、at this amounts to, of course, is that the scientist has become the victim of his own writings. ( 1999 阅读 5 )参考译文:当然,这几乎等同说:这位科学家成了自己所写报告的受害 者。Venturel.advent aedvantn.(重要事件等的)到来,来临【真题例句】Even after the advent of widespread social media, a pyramid of production remains, with a small number of people
17、uploading material, a slightly larger group commenting on or modifying that content, and a huge percentage remaining content to just consume. ( 2012考研英语新题型)参考译文:即使出现了传播范围极广的社交网站,仍只有一小局部人上 传资料,稍多一些人对该内容进行评论和修改,而绝大局部人只满足于 浏览该内容,这就好比是一种金字塔型的产量结构。2 .adventure odvent aed- n.冒险,冒险活动,奇遇vt.大胆进行.Avenue aevan
18、ju:n.林荫路,大街;(比喻)途径,渠道,方法真题例句Tourists were surprised to see a woman driving a huge orange tractor down one of Rome smain avenues. (1990 考研英语阅读 Text 2 )参考译文:游客们惊讶地看到一名妇女开着一辆巨大的橙色拖拉机沿着 罗马的一条大街行驶。3 .revenue revsnju: 7 -nu:n.财政收入,税收【同义词】taxes income【真题例句】Then increase it at a higher rate each year and es
19、sentially try to generate additional revenue. ( 2016 阅读 4 )参考译文:那么,就对纸质报纸进行每年涨价,努力从根本上创造额外 收入。4 .convenient 心nvi:njanta.(to)便利的,方便的同义词Commodious expedient5 .convenience korTvi:njans n.便利,方便;(pl.)便利设备.convention kanVenJsn n.大会,会议;惯例,常规,习俗;公约J办定同义词custom真题例句He freed music from hitherto prevailing conv
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