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1、全新版大学进阶英语综合教程1答案Unit 1Language Qu i z 1-5 B D A B B 6-10 A C D D ATextbook StudyViewing and L i sten i ng 1. hobby 2. happy 3. great 4. sympathy 5. sounds 6. proudWritingMy Dream JobMy dream i s to become an astronaut (宇钟亢员). Sounds a cha I I enge, I know, but, as we I earn from the three dream purs
2、uers we have read about, it i s wi se to reach for the stars. It s just that I want to do so I iteraIIy. It5 smy amb i t ion.I knowthat th i s wiI I requ i re carefuIcho i ceof coursesand end I esshard work, but I havethe mot i vat i onandperseverance to do well in my stud i es. I n the end, it may
3、we I I be that I haveto do justa sma I I parthere onEarth i n ourspace program,butI knowthat thati s the area Iwant towork i n. I m hooked on i t.Andwho knows, one never can pred ict with certa i nty. Hopefu I Iy one day Ill make i t a I I the way and journey i nto space.Anna(请勿完全抄写,否则系统会判0分)Unit Te
4、stPart I: News Reports C A D DPart I I: Banked Cloze I. i nfIuence H. fame B. chaI Ienges D. corporate 0. sympathyF. determi nat i on N. pursuit E. creat i v i ty A. be I i eve J. mot i vat i onPart III: Long Passage GCBAIEFADHUnit 2Language Qu i z 1-5 C A B D A 6-10 B B C C ATextbook StudyViewing a
5、nd L i sten i ng 1. great 2. proud 3. scary 4. hurt 5. ready 6. i independent 7. mi ss 8. happy 9. happ i er 10. Exc i t i ng 11. dream 12. mi ss 13. great 14. proud 15. peace 16. best 17. concernedW r i t i ngDear Mom and DadLove I y to rece i ve your ema i I. As you can guess, I ve been rea I I y
6、busy, what with finding my way around campus and exnI or i ng different courses. We have heen a I I owed to attend Iectures on a range of d i fferent courses before making a final commitment on those we arc going to undertake. No doubt a I I part of mak i ng us begin to take charge of our I earn i n
7、g!I But we have to choose before the end of the week Then it wi I I be gett i ng down to hard work with week I y ass i gnments and semi nars, many on th i ngs comp IeteIy new to me. Don11 worry, Im not comp I a i n i ng. In fact, Im sure I m going to Iove it here and still in d i sbeI ief about my g
8、ood fortune. And I promi se to remember your good adv i ce about everyone mak i ng mi stakes and try to be not too embarrassed when I make them myseIf. My room-mates are great fun. As soon as I set foot i n the dorm I knew that we wou I d a I I get a I ong f i ne. Anyway, I must go now, as some sen
9、i ors are about to put on a performance and we are a I I invited. G i ve my Iove to Aunty when you see her!Lots of Iove,Anna(请勿完全抄写,否则系统会判0分)Unit TestPart I: News Reports B D D CPart I I: Banked Cloze I. F. concerned 2. N. nonetheI ess3. K. mi sgu i dedD. comb i ned4. B ass i onmentsL. mudd I e .5.
10、J. i ssueI. i nev i tab Ie6. G. crush 10. 0. ref I ect i ngPart III: Long Passage GDFBEHAFGDUn i t 3Language Qu i z 1-5 B D A B B 6-10 A C D D ATextbook StudyViewing and L i sten i ng 1.1935 2. perfectJewi sh3. b i rthdayceI ebrat i on4. congratuI at i onsWritingWar causes i mmensc human suffer i ng
11、. Take WorId War I I,for examp Ie. 11 i s cI a i med that worIdwi de it caused a totaI of61 million casua11 i es, including 40 million c i v i I i ans. In ourown res i stance to Japanese aggress i on, Ch i na suffered over35 mi I I i on casualties, with 300 thousand Ch i nese killed i nthe i nfamous
12、 Nanj i ng Massacre a I one. I n Europe, 6 mi I I i onJews per i shed. While some managed to fIee the Ho Iocaust i nt ime, many did not. Chi Idren were not spared. Along withthei r parents they were de I i vered to the sIaughter i n cattI etrucks to serve Hitlers i nsane image of an Aryan master rac
13、e that wouId take controI of the worId. Throughout everycont i nent those who surv i ved the horrors of war had to beardeep emot i onaI scars.(请勿完全抄写,否则系统会判0分)Unit TestPart I: News Reports C B B DPart I I: Banked CIozeF. i nvaded I. origins B. c I aimed J. pretenses E. i dent i ty 0. throughout D. f
14、led K. remarkabIe G. mi racIe N. surv i vedPart III: Long PassageDFGAEIBHFCUnit 4Language Qu i zI-5 B C D A C6-10 ABCCDTextbook StudyViewing and L i sten i ngon Iy respond1. f i ghtput our foot down2. Our emot i onour bra i n3. for many years to comenor s i nee4. to shake h i s handWritingW i nston
15、Church ill, the great British statesman. was not anoutstand i ng student. Qu i te the oppos i te. H i s performance onmany subjects at schooI was so bad that he was enro I I ed i nthe I owest c I ass. Yet he c I a i med that th i s gave him a s ign i f icant benef i t when i t came to h i s career.
16、For at the t imeaI I the pup i Is i n the h i gher cI asses at h i s schooI were requ i red to spend an enormous proport i on of the i r t imeI earning Lat i n and Greek; th i s was off I imits for the IowestcI ass, wh i ch was made to spend the time on Engl i sh I essons i nstead. Thanks to that th
17、e young Winston deveI oped a deep Iove of h i s I anguage that was to give him an unr i vaI led ability to capture in words the resoIve of the British peop I eto defv Hitler. As he put i t when asked about h i s farous wartime speeches, The nat ion had the I ions hear Iuck to give the roar.(请勿完全抄写,否
18、则系统会判0分)Unit TestPart I: News ReportsCBCBPart I I: Banked CIozeE. careerG. criticalN. visionB. atta i nM. so I ut i onsC. attendsH. demonstrateA. addressF. cooperat i on I. ensurePart III: Long PassageBFDBIHCAGEUn i t 5Language Qu i z 1-5 CCADC 6-10 BADBDTextbook StudyViewing and L i sten i ng 1. do
19、wn 2. s i ze 3. turn i ng i nto desert 4. 50 to 300 5. bread basket 6. wont Iast forever 7. 80 feet 8. fa I I 9. comp IeteIy dry 10. hand over the i r I and 11. Not anymore 12. dr i nk i ng water 13. not a drop 14. oceanWritingThere are many th i ngs we can do to he Ip conserve cIeanwater suppI i es
20、. F i rst, we can he I p keep our water sourcescIean by persuad i ng peopIe not to throw d i rty th i ngs i ntor i vers or we I Is. Bes i des, s i nee a I I of us use water every day, we can stop wast i ng water and I earn to do whatever we canto save water i n our daily I i fe. Rest assured, its no
21、t comp I i cated. For examp Ie. we shouId remember to turn off the water as often as we can when do i ng d i shes or tak i ngshowers. Wc shouId a I so buy toi lets that use I ess water, anduse other water-saving equ i pment. Perhaps, when we foreseea heavy ra i n, we can even try to preserve some ra
22、 i nwater anduse it to water our pI ants I ater. Don t th i nk these etfforts aretoo smaI I. They a I I he Ip to make our water resources IastIonger.(请勿完全抄写,否则系统会判0分)Unit TestPart I: News ReportsCDADPart I I: Banked CIozeF. env i ronmentA. abundantE. d i str i butedI. i ntens i f i edratD. confronte
23、dre I i ab I eH. i nnovat i onsrep I aceJ. outcomePart III: Long PassageFEHGADFBECUn i t 6Language Qu i z1-5 DCBBC6-10 BDACA ,Textbook StudyL i sten i ngthe b i ggest threat1. more than s i x20052. educat i ondrug3. mi I itary tra i n i ngseIf-controIWritingFor my part, 1 am all in favour of a digit
24、al-free vacation. Inthe absence of digital dev i ces, there wouId be no d i stract i ons:no short messages, no constant Iy check i ng on what stuff myfr i ends were post i ng on We i bo or WeChat, no end i ng upread i ng my ema i Is a I I the time. I am sure i t wouId pay off. For I wouId be abIe to
25、 focus a I I my attet i on on marveI i ng ats i ghts, observ i ng and th i nk i ng. IfI wi shed, I couId even att imes wr i te down b i ts and p i eces of what I see and th i nk about i n the oId-fash i oned way, with a pen and a notebook. I am sure that when the vacat i on ended, I wouId have ga i nedaI I had hoped for and come back fee I i ng an altogether happ i er person.Un i t TestPart I: News ReportsCABDPart I I: Banked CIoze4. amaz i ngH. on I i neL. surf i ngN. Un I i keF. med i apub I i shE. i nteractC. cr iticizedJ. re I atedA. absencePart I I: Long PassageCFHJDIAGEB