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1、麻醉师个人述职报告(精选多篇)第一篇:麻醉师辞职报告尊敬的院长:您好!我是麻醉科的haoword,进入医院工作,到如今四年多,如今向您提出辞职申请,正式的辞职报告已经递交给人力资源部。关于我的辞职,我感到非常惭愧,辜负医院多年来对我的培养,让我成为在短短几年时间成为一名合格的麻醉师。我上班主要工作主要包括以下三个方面;理解术前病人的情况,预备麻醉及手术中需使用的仪器、设备及物品; 维护麻醉及手术中所需仪器设备的完好及有效运转,操作有关的仪器设备,协助麻醉师施行麻醉,保证病人麻醉及手术中的平安;协助处理麻醉及手术后有关的不良反响及并发症。关于自已的工作量什么的也都能够接受,关于我的辞职纯属个人缘
2、故。原来以为自已能够稳稳妥当的工作、生活,然而如今有了变卦,要回老家开展,实属无奈之举。如今我希望在交接工作这段时间好好再为医院效劳,直到办完辞职手续,我也会尽力做好交接工作。最后希望医院越办越好.辞职申请人:haoword第二篇:美国麻醉师麻醉住院医生的训练目的:? 培养在整个麻醉领域 (entire scope of anesthesiology) 里能胜任工作 (competent )的麻醉医生监管机构(机构简介在末尾):? 全美住院医生注册治理委员会 american accreditation council for graduate medical education (acgme
3、)? 美国麻醉资历评定委员会 american board of anesthesiology (aba)? 美国麻醉医生协会 american society of anesthesiologists (asa)? 住院医生计划评估委员会 residency review committee (rrc)住院医生训练的质量操纵(轮转按月为单位)? 每个月个人导师对住院医生的评价 mentor feedback (monthly) ? 本月内所有主治医生对住院医生的评价 faculty review (monthly)? 临床技能评估委员会住院医生的评价 clinical competence
4、committee (ccc) review ? 每年的全国范围的笔试 annual in-training examinations (aba / asa)? rrc 对整个训练计划的评估 rrc review of the program对住院医生月月评估 ? 所有主治医生都参与 by all faculty members ? 评估工程包括:o 知识水平 knowledgeo 动手才能 skillso 职业标准 professionalism (with patients, colleagues, self)? 不合格着需要重复轮转,留院观察,开除,有违法者按法律程序处理 unsatis
5、factory ratings may lead to repeating of rotations, probation, termination, or prosecution对主治医生年年评估? 所有住院医生都参与 performance of the faculty by residents ? 不记名式 anonymous? 对主治医生工资有一定妨碍 facultys salary is partially influenced? 评估工程包括:o 教学才能 teaching abilitieso 对教学的热心程度 commitment to the educational prog
6、ram o 临床知识水平 clinical knowledgeo 学术才能 scholarly activitiesacgme 和 rrc 对训练医院 年年平估? 评估工程包括:o 主治医生整体质量 assessment of facility qualityo 医院手术量和病种 case volume and varietyo 是否全面开展 (教学,科研,文章,等)comprehensiveness of program (research, teaching, publications)o 是否有违章行为 (如住院医生工作超过每周80小时等)whether acgme rules are
7、followed, e.g. the 80 hr/wk). o 住院医生对本人训练单位的评价 resident response? 不合格的训练计划有可能被留名观察,或取消,失去联邦赞助 unsatisfactory ratings may lead to probation and removal of program, thus loss of federal funding第一年:根底年 cb or pgy-1轮转单位有内科,外科,儿科(包括新生儿),icu等第二到第四年:临床麻醉年ca 1-3, pgy 2-4轮转制,学习根底和高级麻醉 consist of training in b
8、asic and advanced anesthesia一般手术室学习包括有:? 普外 general surgery? 耳鼻喉,口腔外科ent/oral surgery? 骨外,脊柱外科 ortho/spine? 创伤,烧伤 trauma / burn专科学习包括有:? 疼痛,胸心麻醉,小儿麻醉,脑外麻醉,产科麻醉,区域麻醉,术前门诊,术后监护室, icu ,等 pain, cardiothoracic, pediatric, neuro, obstetric, regional, preoperative evaluation, postoperative unit, icu, etc.住
9、院医师学习途径? 日常工作 daily work ? 院外读书 (每年500美元买书经费)at home reading highly encouraged? 科里提供的图书和学习电脑和软件 departmental library and computers? 手术室中学徒式教学 one-on-one teaching ? 每天早上(6点左右)讲课 morning lectures ? 病例讨论 m m (mortality and morbidity) conferences? 每月大查房 grand rounds? 难题讨论 problem-based learning discussi
10、on (pbld)? 每月读书会 journal clubs? 不定期讲习训练班 ,如困难气道,区域麻醉等 workshops, such as difficult airway, regional blocks, ect.? 越来越多的医院开场使用麻醉训练模仿器 increasingly popular: anesthesia simulators麻醉训练模仿器? 模仿真正的手术室,正规的麻醉和监护仪器,模仿人做病人,能够发出锣音,模仿气胸,气道组织能够肿胀,发硬,等,由上级医生扮演外科医生(找岔,出难题)。目的是:? 为住院医生做最坏的预备 prepare residents for th
11、e worst? 模仿罕见的情况,如天灾人祸等 simulate rare clinical cases, environmental, human conditions? 显示违章操作后的坏结果(平时在手术室里不可能出现)demonstrate bad outcome? 训练其他需要麻醉训练的医生,如急诊科等。? 数据显示麻醉训练模仿器能够减少错误 shown to reduce medical errors下面我举例详细谈谈个轮转单位的学习工程(类似教学大纲)全麻 general anesthesia? 麻醉机原理和需检测工程 anesthesia machines,? 手术室仪器 or
12、equipment,? 供气系统 gas systems,? 电气系统 electrical system, ? 监护仪 monitoring, ? 药理学 pharmacology,? 生理学 physiology ? 补液理论 fluid management,? 大量输血 massive transfusion ? 气道治理(一般插管,喉罩,纤维镜插管,头颈固定下插管,asa 困难气道操作流程图) airway management (intubation, alternative airway techniques, lma, fiberoptic, in-line fixation,
13、 difficult airway algorithm, etc)? 肌松药的使用和监测 muscle relaxants and monitoring? 非理想情况下麻醉 anesthesia under “unfavorable conditions”? 其他难题,如和外科医生共享气道,激光手术,气道起火,长时间俯卧位,诱导电位监测,腹腔镜手术,机器人手术,极度肥胖,器官衰竭,icu 病人,起搏器和除颤器病人 airway or other intraoperative management: sharing airway with surgeons, laser surgery, air
14、way fire, prone positioning, somatosensory evoked potentials (ssep), laporascopic surgery, robot-assisted surgery, morbid obesity, organ failure, icu patients, pacemakers/aicd? 手术室外麻醉: ct, mri, 胃镜结肠镜室,导管室 gi suite, cath lab remote anesthesia: ct, mri, gi suite, cath lab疼痛专科? 镇痛药理论 drugs and theories
15、 ? 疼痛手术 pain procedures:? 各种封闭技术 lumber and caudal steriods injection, facet joint injection,? 神经结阻滞 nerve plexus blocks? 疼痛综合症 treatment of regional pain syndromes? 神经刺激技术 transcutaneous nerve stimulators? 锥管内和皮下泵植入和使用 intrathecal pumps or intradermal pumps ? 术后疼痛治理 postoperative pain management? 病
16、人自控疼痛治理,药物垫片,硬膜外,patient-controlled analgesia, drug patches, epidurals ? 为肿瘤科,外科,骨科,精神科提供会诊 consultation for oncology, surgery, orthopedics, psychiatry心胸血管? 体外循环理论,生理,抗凝理论 cardiopulmonary bypass physiology, complications, anticoagulation? 术中心肌缺血监护和治疗 intraoperative myocardial monitoring and treatmen
17、t of ischemia ? 单侧通气和双腔管的治理 single-lung ventilation, double-lumen tubes with fiberoptic assessment ? 胸部硬膜外技术 thoracic epidurals ? 纵隔手术 mediastinal surgery? 肺切除手术 lung reduction / resection / lobectomy / pneumonectomoy产科? 妊娠生理 maternal physiology:? 产妇气道特征,循环特征,氧气要求 airway issues, aspiration risks, ca
18、rdiopulmonary systems, oxygen demand ? 无痛分娩及并发症 epidural analgesia and complications? 常规刨宫产 c-section with epidural or spinal ? 紧急刨宫产 ,全麻依然区域麻?emergency c-section: ga vs. regional? 多胎妊娠 twins delivery? 产钳等 instrumental delivery? 对疑难妊娠的认识:脐带压缩,胎心不好,胎盘剥离,粘连,臀位 evaluation for obstetric difficulties: co
19、rd compression, “bad strip,” placental abruption, placenta previa, placenta acreta / percreta, breech儿科? 儿童生理 pediatric physiology ? 儿童及新生儿,气道特征,早产儿大小,器官发育情况,对药物的敏感性,体温操纵,液体治理 airway characteristics, size, organ systems, sensitivity to drugs, temperature control, fluid management, ? 早产儿的特别征询题 issues
20、 with prematurity? 儿科区域麻醉和疼痛治理 regional anesthesia and pain management? 儿童心肺复苏 pediatric resuscitation? 儿童静脉针 ivs and lines? 特别手术:脊柱矫形,额面畸形,神经外科 special cases: scoliosis surgery, congential abnormalities (facial, abdomen, chest, heart), neuro/vp shunts, pedi ortho最低病例数量 (免翻译)? 40 vaginal deliveries?
21、 20 cesarean sections, 4 under general anesthesia? 50 labor obstetric epidurals? ? arterial lines, central lines, and swan-ganz catheters? 100 pediatric cases (children under 12), including 15 infants? 20 cardiopulmonary bypass cases? 20 major vascular cases? 20 intrathoracic (thoracotomy, thoracosc
22、opy)? 20 craniotomies, both vascular and non-vascular? 10 major trauma cases? 50 spinal blocks? 50 peripheral nerve blocks? 25 new pain patients病例纪录备案? 所有手术上 acgme 网登记 electronic records of clinical experience ? 没有纪录的,等于白做 if you didnt write it down you didnt do it? 案例不够的要补做(本院或外院)off-site rotations
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