Flow cytometric quantitation of immunofluorescence intensity Problems and perspectives.docx
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1、 1998 Wiley-LissI,nc.Cytometry 33:166178(1998)Flow Cytometric Quantitation of ImmunofluorescenceIntensity:Problems and PerspectivesJan W. Gratama, *Jean-Luc Dhautcourt,Frank Mandy, Gregor Rothe, David Barnett,51234George Janossy, Stefano Papa, Gerd Schmitz, and Rodica Lenkei8674for the European Work
2、ing Group on ClinicalCell Analysis1Department of Clinicaalnd Tumor Immunology, Danielden Hoed Kliniek,Rotterdam,The Netherlands2Ho pitalde Warquignies,Boussu,Belgium3NationalLaboratoryforAnalyticaClytology,HealthProtectionBranch,HealthCanada, Ottawa, Canada4Instituftur KlinischeChemie und Laboratori
3、umsmedizin,Klinikum der UniversittaRegensburg,Regensburg,Germany5Department of Haematology, Royal HallamshireHospital,SheffieldE,ngland6Department of ClinicaIlmmunology, Royal Free HospitalSchool of Medicine,London, England7IstitutdoiScienzeMorfologiche,UniversitadiUrbino,Urbino,Italy8CALAB Research
4、,S:t.GoransSjukhus,Stockholm,SwedenReceived8 June 1998;Accepted 10 June 1998Quantitation of immunofluorescenceintensityintensityinto units of antibodies bound per cell.Theuse of antibody-binding capacity as a surrogatemarker for quantification of Ag expression wasaddressed more directly by the devel
5、opment ofantibody-binding standards. The quantitativeindi-serves to estimate the number of defined moleculesexpressed on or in cells.Clinicalapplications of thisdiagnostic tool are increasing,e.g.,aberrant expres-sion of various antigens (Ag) by leukemic blastsorlymphomacells,intensity of CD38 expre
6、ssion byrect immunofluorescenceassay is based on beadsCD8 T-lymphocytes to monitor activation status,labeled with various amounts of CD5 mAb thatcalibratethe binding of the secondary antibody inunits of antibody-binding capacity. Alternatively,goat anti-mouselabeledcalibrationbeads have beendevelope
7、d. Published resultsobtained with the lattercalibratorsshowed an unexpected inaccuracy. Thedifferentways in which calibratorsand cellsunderstudy bind mAb (i.e.F,ab mediated versus Fc medi-ated) may have contributed to this variation.Re-cently,the use of stabilizedcellpopulations express-ing Ag in a
8、specified range of concentrations hasbeen proposed as an Ag-specificcalibrationsystemof mAb binding. We identifyseveral issues on thelevel of instrumentation, reagents, and cellsunderstudy that should be solved to allow standardizationof quantitativeassessments of immunofluorescenceintensity. Cytome
9、try 33: 166178,1998.and intensityof CD62P to detect plateletactivation.In this report we discuss the quality-controlmea-sures required forquantitationof fluorescence inten-sity,and we review seven concepts that have beendeveloped to quantify fluorescence intensityduringthe past 15 years.Initialwork
10、addressed the conver-sion of logarithmic channel numbers into units ofrelativefluorescence. The design and use of calibra-tion beads labeled with predefined amounts of dyeallowed instrument-independent expression of fluo-rescence intensityin units of molecules of equiva-lentsoluble fluorochrome (MES
11、F). This method wasrefined by the combined use of such standards withmonoclonal antibodies (mAb) conjugated 1:1 withphycoerythrin (PE),allowing translationof fluores-cence intensityinto numbers of antibodies boundper cell.Alternatively,the use of 1:1 PE-conjugatedmAb under the assumption that CD4 ly
12、mphocytesreproducibly bind 50,000 CD4 mAb molecules wasproposed to convert units of relativefluorescence 1998 Wiley-Liss,Inc.Key terms: flow cytometry; immunofluorescence;quantitation; instrumentsetup; calibrationThe European Working Group on ClinicaClellAnalysis(EWGCCA) isacollaborativeinitiativoef
13、 scientistasctivein the eld of clinicalcellanalysisfrom 13 European countries.The goal of thisworking group,which is open to scientistsactive in this eld, is the evaluation,renement, and standardizatioonf new analyticatlechniquesforclinicalcellanalysis.The group is divided into subsectionsaccording
14、to thedifferentasksand types of analyticatlechniques,i.e.o,w and imagecytometryor molecularbiology.The coremembers oftheEWGCCA areG.Schmitz(Regensburg,Germany), coordinatorB;.Autran (ParisF,rance);B.Brando (Milan,Italy)J;.L.Dhautcourt(Boussu,Belgium);J.W. Gratama(Rotterdam,The Netherlands);A. Huber
15、(Aarau,Switzerland)G;. Janossy(London, England);H.E. Johnsen (Copenhagen, Denmark); J.Kappel-mayer (Debrecen, Hungary); R. Lenkei (Stockholm,Sweden); A. Orfao(Salamanca,Spain);S. Papa (Urbino, Italy);M. Papamichail (Athens,Greece);G. Valet(MartinsriedG,ermany); T. Totterman (Uppsala,Swe-den); G. Rot
16、he (Regensburg, Germany); and B. Zupanska (Warsaw,Poland).Contractgrantsponsor:Biomed-2 Programme (DirectoratGeeneral XII,European Commission, Brussels,Belgium);Contractgrantnumber: Con-certedActionContractBMH4972611.*Correspondence to:Jan W. Gratama,M.D.,Department of ClinicaalndTumor Immunology, D
17、aniel den Hoed Cancer Center,P.O. Box 5201,3008 AE Rotterdam,The Netherlands.E-mail:gratamaimmh.azr.nl 167QUANTITATIONOF IMMUNOFLUORESCENCEINTENSITYThe ultimategoal of ow cytometric quantitationofimmunouorescence intensitiysto enumerate thenumberof certainmoleculeson (orin)cellsof a givenpopulation.
18、During the past15 years,a varietyof methods have beendeveloped toapproach thisgoal,allof which arebased onthe detectionof the molecules (antigensAg)of interestusingmonoclonal antibodies(mAb) and thequanticationof mAb binding using a calibratiosnystem.The quantita-tion of severalAg has been shown to
19、provide usefulclinicalinformation.For example, neoplasticB lineagecellscan be distinguishedfrom normal precursor andmature B lymphocytes by overexpressionof CD10 or CD5,respectivelya,nd by underexpressionof CD24 and CD45in some cases (1820);the overexpressionof CD10 byacute B-lymphoblasticleukemia c
20、ellsis even helpfulforthe detectionof minimal residualdisease(8).Recently,themachine for Ag quantitation.This concept has beenintroducedby Schwartz etal.(33,34).Thisconcept willbeusefulin an exchangeable multi-instrumenetnvironment,e.g.,ata largeow cytometryfacilitayn,d/or ifa multitudeofAg have tob
21、e quantitativealnyalyzed.Thisapplicatioinsshown by Lenkei et al.elsewhere in thisvolume (22).Atypicalapplicationwould be, for instance,a generalprocedure forthe quantitativdeescriptionof the antigenicprole of leukemic blastcells.Quality Control of the Flow Cytometerfor Quantitation of Immunofluoresc
22、enceQualitycontrolof the ow cytometer forquantitatioonfimmunouorescenceshould include the assessment ofinstrumentparametersthataffectthe accuracyand preci-sionof data.In thisrespect,two groups ofprocedurescanbe distinguishedT.he rst group of procedures iscarriedout at relativellyarge intervals(e.g.,
23、twice a year) byqualied servicepersonnel and includesexamination ofthe efficiencaynd performance of the lasertube, opticallters,logarithmic(log)and linearampliers, and photo-multipliertubes (PMT). These procedures also includeoptimizationof the opticalalignment of ow cytometersequipped with a cuvett
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- Flow cytometric quantitation of immunofluorescence intensity Problems and perspectives