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《高一英语MyNewTeachers课件2.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语MyNewTeachers课件2.ppt(100页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、Module 2 My New Teachers Introduction Reading and Vocabulary.速速记单词记单词1.音意音意记忆记忆。serious strictavoidadmitrespect2.形意形意记忆记忆。(1)amusing(adj.)有趣的有趣的;可笑的可笑的_(adj.)被逗被逗乐乐的的;觉觉得有趣的得有趣的_(v.)使使发发笑笑;使愉快使愉快(2)energetic(adj.)精力充沛的精力充沛的;充充满满活力的活力的_(n.)精力精力;活力活力(3)intelligent(adj.)聪聪明的明的_(n.)智力智力;理解力理解力(4)nervous
3、appreciate(vt.)欣欣赏赏;感激感激_(n.)欣欣赏赏;感激感激(10)scientific(adj.)科学的科学的_(n.)科学科学patiencecompleteimmediateappreciationscience.短短语语互互译译1.确定确定;确信确信;查查明明;弄清楚弄清楚_2.取得取得进进步步_3.事事实实上上_4.睡着睡着_5.make mistakes_6.admit doing_7.as a result_8.so that_9.at any time_make suremake progressin factfall asleep犯犯错误错误承承认认做做结结果
4、果因此因此在任何在任何时时候候.完成句子完成句子1.我想她可能就是我想她可能就是这样这样,因因为这为这是她是她给给我我们们上的第一上的第一节课节课。I think perhaps she was,_.(as引引导导原因状原因状语语从句从句)2.她很她很严严格格除非她除非她让让我我们讲话们讲话,否否则则我我们们一句一句话话也不敢也不敢说说。Shes very strictwe dont dare to say a word _.(unless引引导导条件状条件状语语从句从句)as it was her first lesson with usunless she asks usto3.物理物理绝
5、对绝对不是我最喜不是我最喜欢欢的科目的科目,但我想由但我想由陈陈老老师师教我教我,我会考我会考出好成出好成绩绩。Physics will never be my favourite lesson,but I think that Ill do well in the exam _.(with复合复合结结构构)4.我想我想这这是因是因为为他的确喜他的确喜欢欢教中国文学教中国文学实际实际上上,他他热爱热爱中国中国文学文学!I think _ he loves it,in fact!(this is because+从句从句)with Mrs Chen teaching methis is beca
6、use he really enjoys teaching Chineseliterature.语语篇理解篇理解阅读阅读文章文章,选选出正确出正确选项选项。1.The reading passage mainly tells us _.A.my first day at schoolB.my first impression of my new schoolC.my first impression of my new teachersD.the difference between my senior high school and junior high school teachers2.
7、In her first class,Mrs Li was a little nervous,because _.A.she was worried about her students misunderstanding herB.it was her first lesson with her studentsC.she wanted to leave a perfect impressionD.she was lack of confidence and was worried she couldnt teach her students well3.Why are Mrs Chens s
8、tudents always on time in her classes?A.Because she is very strict with her students.B.Because she doesnt smile much and her students are afraid of her.C.Because she has a lot of teaching experience and her students respect her.D.Because she wants her students to respect her.4.Mr Wu is very popular,
9、because _.A.he is very young and only 28 years oldB.he enjoys teaching Chinese literature and always makes his class amusing and interestingC.he is the best teacher of all the students teachersD.he has a very special teaching method5.Whats the writers attitude to his new teachers?A.He likes his teac
10、hers very much.B.He likes Mrs Li and Mr Wu and dislikes Mrs Chen.C.Most of students dont like Mrs Chen.D.Mrs Li is better than the rest of two.【读而后思读而后思】What qualities do you think a good teacher should have?A good teacher should:(1)be strict and patient;(2)know a lot;(3)be good at communicating wit
11、h students;(4)have a sense of humor;(5)have a way to make his/her lessons lively and interesting.1.patient adj.耐心的耐心的 n.病人病人【语境领悟语境领悟】You should be more patient with your family.你你应该对应该对你的家人更耐心一点。你的家人更耐心一点。She was very tough but wonderful with her patients.她很她很严厉严厉,但但对对病人很好。病人很好。【归纳归纳拓展拓展】(1)be pati
12、ent with对对有耐心有耐心(2)patience n.耐心耐心lose ones patience with 失去失去的耐心的耐心have the patience to do sth.有耐心做某事有耐心做某事(3)impatient adj.不耐不耐烦烦的的Hes a good teacher,but he doesnt have much patience with the slower pupils.他是个好老他是个好老师师,但但对较迟钝对较迟钝的学生没多大耐心。的学生没多大耐心。【巧学助巧学助记记】对对待待“病人病人”要要“耐心耐心”The patient doctor is a
13、lways treating her patients with great patience,no matter how impatient her patients grow.那那位位耐耐心心的的医医生生总总是是很很有有耐耐心心地地对对待待她她的的病病人人,无无论论她她的的病病人人变变得多么不耐得多么不耐烦烦。【即学活用即学活用】完成句子。完成句子。Youll have to _ my mothershes going rather deaf.你你对对我母我母亲亲得有耐心得有耐心她的耳她的耳朵朵越来越背了。越来越背了。The doctor is very _ with his _.那位医生
14、那位医生对对他的病人十分有耐心。他的病人十分有耐心。be patient withpatientpatients2.organised adj.有有组织组织的的;有系有系统统的的【语语境境领领悟悟】It doesnt matter if a teacher is not organised.如果老如果老师讲师讲得没有条理没有关系。得没有条理没有关系。This article is well organised.这这篇文章篇文章组织组织得很好。得很好。【归纳归纳拓展拓展】organise v.组织组织organisation n.组织组织,系系统统;组织组织性性,条理性条理性We all dec
15、ided to organise a concert for Easter.我我们们一致决定一致决定为为复活复活节组织节组织一一场场音音乐乐会。会。The human body has a very complex organisation.人体有个非常复人体有个非常复杂杂的的组织组织。【即学活用即学活用】用用organise的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。He _(组织组织)us into visiting many famous places last week.Often there is no formally _(有有组织组织的的)system of childcare.She is
16、 brilliant(有才有才华华的的)but her work lacks _(条条理性理性).organisedorganisedorganisation3.avoid v.(故意故意)避开避开;避免避免;逃避逃避【语语境境领领悟悟】She avoids making you feel stupid!她避免她避免让让你感到愚笨你感到愚笨!Are you trying to avoid me?你是不是想避开我你是不是想避开我?I crossed the road to avoid meeting him,but he saw me and came running towards me.我横
17、穿我横穿马马路以便避开他路以便避开他,但他看到了我并朝我跑但他看到了我并朝我跑过过来。来。【想一想想一想】除除avoid外外,还还有有一一些些动动词词或或动动词词短短语语后后接接动动词词作作宾宾语语时时,只只跟跟其其动动名名词词形式形式,你能你能说说出几个出几个吗吗?【参考答案参考答案】enjoy,appreciate,practise,allow,admit,suggest,look forward to等。等。【即学活用即学活用】用所用所给词给词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。The boy avoided _(punish)by running away.We must try to a
18、void _(repeat)the same mistake.punishment/being punishedrepeating4.appreciate v.欣欣赏赏;感激感激【语语境境领领悟悟】Some of our class dont like her,but most of us really appreciate her because her teaching is so well organised and clear.我我们们班班有有的的同同学学不不喜喜欢欢她她,但但我我们们大大多多数数同同学学都都很很欣欣赏赏她她,因因为为她她讲课讲课非常有条理、非常有条理、讲讲得清楚。得清
19、楚。Bruce,I really appreciate your handwriting.Thank you very much.布布鲁鲁斯斯,我很欣我很欣赏赏你的你的书书写。写。多多谢谢。I would appreciate it if you would turn the radio down.如果你能把收音机的声音如果你能把收音机的声音调调小一点小一点,我将不我将不胜胜感激。感激。【归纳归纳拓展拓展】appreciate doing 感激做感激做I would appreciate it if.假如假如我将不我将不胜胜感激感激appreciation n.欣欣赏赏;感激感激I wish
20、to express my appreciation for your kindness.我想我想对对你的好意表示下感激。你的好意表示下感激。【名名师师点津点津】appreciate的基本用法的基本用法(1)appreciate后后可可接接名名(代代)词词、动动名名词词、名名词词性性从从句句等等作作宾宾语语,但但不不能能接接不不定定式式;其其后后只只能能接接“事事”作作宾宾语语,而而不不能能接接“人人”作作宾宾语语。例如:。例如:I appreciate that you have come here so early.感感谢谢你来得你来得这这么早。么早。(2)其其后后不不直直接接跟跟if或或
21、when引引导导的的从从句句,若若语语意意上上需需要要接接这这类类从从句句,需借助需借助it。例如:。例如:We really appreciate it when she offered to help.她来帮忙了她来帮忙了,我我们们十分感激。十分感激。【即学活用即学活用】I greatly _(感激感激)your help.I appreciate very much your _(save)my sons life.appreciatesavingI really appreciate _ this afternoon.A.you to pick me up B.you pick me
22、upC.your picking me up D.you are picking me up【解解析析】选选C。考考查查appreciate的的用用法法。句句意意:我我真真的的非非常常感感激激你你今今天天下下午午让让我我搭搭便便车车。appreciate后后面面接接名名词词或或动动名名词词,故选故选C。Id appreciate _ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.A.that B.it C.this D.you【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定句句型型。句句意意:如如果果你你教教给给我我如如何何使使用用计计算算机机
23、我我将将不不胜胜感感激激。I would appreciate it if.意意为为“假假如如我将不胜感激我将不胜感激”,故选故选B。5.admit v.承承认认;准准许进许进入入;加入加入【语语境境领领悟悟】And a few students even admit liking her!并且一些学生甚至承并且一些学生甚至承认认喜喜欢欢她她!He admitted having stolen the money.他承他承认偷认偷了那笔了那笔钱钱。He admits the report to be wrong.他承他承认认那那报报告是告是错错的。的。Study hard and youll
24、be admitted to/into Beijing University.努力学努力学习习,你会被北京大学你会被北京大学录录取的。取的。He is admitted as a member of the table tennis team.他作他作为乒乓为乒乓球球队队员队队员被接受。被接受。【归纳归纳拓展拓展】admit(doing)sth./having done sth.承承认认(做做)某事某事/已已经经做了某事做了某事admit n.to be承承认认是是admit sb./sth.into/to 允允许许某人某人/物物进进入入be admitted as.作作为为被接受被接受【巧学
25、助巧学助记记】同同词词异异义义admit【即学活用即学活用】完成句子。完成句子。She opened the door and _ me _ the house.她把她把门门打开打开,让让我我进进屋。屋。She immediately came to me to _.她立刻到我她立刻到我这这里来承里来承认认她的她的错误错误。admittedintoadmit her mistakeIf you leave the club,you will not be _ back in.A.received B.admittedC.turned D.moved【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:如如果果你你离离
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