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1、2023年谈勇气演讲稿7篇 我们在撰写演讲稿的时候务必要保证逻辑严谨,演讲稿的好坏干脆确定了演讲的成败,写演讲稿之前肯定要明确自己演讲的主题,以下是我细心为您举荐的谈志气演讲稿7篇,供大家参考。 谈志气演讲稿篇1 敬重的老师,敬爱的同学们: 大家好! 志气是一种奇妙的力气,有志气再难的事情都可以胜利。假如没有志气存在,海伦凯勒不行能会胜利。张海迪也不行能被人敬重,同时,她们都来源于自己志气。 我的弟弟曾在某一些事情上,连我自己都不敢尝试,她却都敢。前年暑假,家里人去杭州宋城玩,有一个简洁水上乐园,一个海绵垫铺在池在上,有一个木桩,还有一个独木桥。 弟弟没有玩木桩,海绵垫他玩的次数最多,而且,很
2、轻不会像别的人把垫子沉下去。唯独独木桥没人敢玩,妈妈提议让弟弟试试,弟弟竟然不费事的顺当过去。还有一位游客向妈妈说:“那个是你的孩子吧?”“嗯,”“真棒。”游客夸弟弟,妈妈则笑而不语。间或,弟弟为了显摆自己能行玩水上乐园,还想去宋城玩呢。 去年暑假,家中有一个滑板,买了很久,我和弟弟却都不会玩。弟弟一次来了爱好,炎炎的夏日里,弟弟不怕吃苦在外面练,没过几天。在夜晚漫步的时候,弟弟就在公园滑。而我还得妈妈扶着,也没有学会。 今年,弟弟又见别人滑平衡车,他又想出来点子:他也要玩。弟弟很仔细,爸爸妈妈没方法,先向同事借了一个玩玩。当天下午,拿回来以后,弟弟迫不及待的试试,他一上都能走,令我惊异不已。
3、 志气是基本,有志气,什么事情都可以胜利! 谈志气演讲稿篇2 敬爱的老师、同学们: 志气,是每一个人都应当具备的。通过一次与狗的“赛跑”,让我体会到志气的含义。 有一次我和家人去姑姑家玩。过了一会儿,我和妹妹逃出了家,逃离了家人的视线范围,出去和别人玩。 我和妹妹玩得兴奋不已,汗流浃背,就在我们停下来休息时,我看到了对面有家养了一只小狗。那狗看起来洁白洁白的,像一团白毛球;眼睛水汪汪的,看上去还挺和顺。我和妹妹对这只狗产生了爱好,便不由自主地朝对面走去。刚起先,我还站在一米外的地方和小狗玩耍,后来我越走越近,甚至摩挲着它。我和妹妹笑呵呵地玩着狗,可那狗竟不识抬举,直朝我翻白眼。我的兴意更浓了,
4、竟还想抱它。 有一句诗说:“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。”过了一会儿,那只乖巧的小狗竟生气地看着我,然后站起来。胆小的我忽然被吓傻了,心想:它该不会是想杀人灭口吧?我还小,书没读完,零食也还没吃够呢。我胆怯极了,立即拔腿就跑。可是我这只“猪”,怎么可能跑得过一只狗呢?就在一米内,我差点跪下请求道:“狗弟弟,不,狗哥哥,下次我再也不敢玩弄您了,请你放我一条生路吧。”这句话,使惊惶失措赶来的家人们笑得都给趴下了。可那狗不知好歹,反而叫得更猛了。我想,这招不行,那就实行攻击的方式吧。我赶忙蹲下,假装找石头,想让它胆怯,可是它竟然不怕。我这次是来真的,我把石头扔了过去,可那狗很简单就避开了。我手脚
5、并用,它竟然犹如跳芭蕾舞一样翩翩起舞。我恼羞成怒:“嗬,好狗子,别以为你会跳舞就欺压人,我告知你,你别这么傲慢自满,当心有一天你会变成跛子。”那狗好像有灵性,听得懂,声音如天空中传来的声声巨雷,并快速向我扑来。我心脏都要跳出来了,急连忙忙地向家跑去,并快速地关上了门。 这时,狗的主子才把它领回去,而且满怀歉意地向我赔罪。我大步流星地走向家人,骄傲地夸耀自己:“这次我虽然被狗追,历程还有点艰辛,有一点儿惊慌,但是,我也英勇地搏击了,你们说我英勇吗?”家人异口同声地说:“嗯,你最终找到了志气,值得表扬。”这话虽然听上去像是讽刺,但我还是挺兴奋的。 其实,一个人要想成才,就得不断地挑战自己,战胜自己
6、的弱点。我找到了志气,你是不是该庆贺一下我呢? 谈志气演讲稿篇3 good morning everyone, its my pleasure to be here and talk about dreams and ambitions with you. when i was a primary school student i wrote in my composition that i want to be a scientist when i grow up. at that age i didnt know what is a scientist, nor did i know wh
7、at is dream. i wrote it because its a standard answer for a composition test. and i know if i wrote that i want to be a peasant i would be criticized and laughed at, no matter what reason i gave it. but now in university, one of my classmates changed my idea. at the career planning class when asked
8、about our dreams, one of my classmates stood up and said, i want to be a peasant because i grow up in a peasant family and i love it. no laughter, no criticism, he was the only who winned a clapping. it sets me thinking, which should be a mans dream? a scientist, or a peasant? its not a simple quest
9、ion and my answer is both. this is exactly my understanding of this topic. dreams are something we really want and are willing to try every effort to achieve, no matter how great or how small, no matter how others think, it depends on you. life is long, and we are just on the starting point. finally
10、 well understand life is not just about making a living. therere something much more important than money and material enjoyment, that is spiritual wealth, that is dream. its the process of your pursuit of dream, the process when you are trying, when you are seeking, when you are struggling, when yo
11、u failed and restarted again and again with your determination, hardwork, and perseverance that make you, build you, and help you to lead a worthy and significative life, whether youll achieve your dream or not, the result is not that important. thanks for listening! 谈志气演讲稿篇4 i heard a worddont give
12、 , just be you.because lifes too short tobe anybody else.i think what this word express is so yeah,so i wanna you to memorize it. everyone has a beautiful dream and personal life principle.but on the way that we hunt for the keys of acheving our dreams,there are many difficulties appearing,thus,seve
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- 2023 勇气 演讲