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1、2023年动物课演讲稿6篇 一份优秀的演讲稿对于语言的推究是特别看重的,胜利的演讲必定少不了一份优秀的演讲稿,要想演讲流畅,就不得不仔细考虑你的演讲稿,我今日就为您带来了动物课演讲稿6篇,信任肯定会对你有所帮助。 动物课演讲稿篇1 敬重的老师,敬爱的同学们: 大家好! 我想请问在座的各位,您是否留意到:当今社会发生了一种怪异的现象?党的政策越来越好了,存折上的钱越来越多了,然而,有些人的爱心却越来越少了。 不信请看:国家三令五申地禁止捕杀野生动物,而那些暴富的人却想方设法、几经周折、不惜耗费巨资大摆野生动物宴。前不久,不是有人别出心裁烧烤幼猴吃吗?真不知他们是怎样想的!当他们撕着那酷似孩童的猴
2、肉往嘴里塞的时候,他们的爱心何在!还有一些人,开着车去偷藏羚羊,被护羚员发觉后,驱车追逐,残酷的偷猎者竟然在车上把藏羚羊活活地剥下皮,扔到路上,任血淋淋、赤条条的藏羚羊在苦痛中哀嚎,挣扎,有的羚羊腹中还怀着幼仔呀!那些利欲熏心,贪得无厌的偷猎者,他们的怜悯心,怜悯心,博爱心哪里去了? 地球是我们人类和其他生物共有的家园,同是大地之子,相煎何太急!让世界充溢爱吧!爱惜野生动物就等于爱惜我们自己! 或许有人认为幼猴、羚羊事务终归是少数人所为,不会影响野生动物的生存发展,然而我要告知您,别过份的以为我们地大物博吧!近些年来,我国各种野生动物都在锐减,我国鹤类数量原来居世界之首,但现在主要鹤类一共也只
3、有1000多只,就连我们身边常见的麻雀都成为国家爱护的野生动物了,由此可见我国野生动物削减得多么惊人! 这还只是野生动物一方面的事情,让我们留心视察和品尝一下四周环境和自然界的反常现象吧!气候的变异、森林资源的枯竭、水资源的短缺、生物链的紊乱、生态环境的恶化等等不祥之兆,究其缘由,都是自然环境遭到人为的严峻破坏,都是人们缺乏爱心所致啊! 假如生态环境的破坏,再得不到有效的限制和改善,势必爆发可怕的生态危机,其后果不可思议啊!或许有人认为,我一个小小的毛孩子在这里危言耸听,或许有人认为,我国政府已实行措施,环境正在好转。中国之大,环境破坏之严峻,仅靠政府和部分人的努力,“好转”谈何简单?殊不知我
4、国乃至整个世界的环境都是局部好转,整体恶化呀! 人无远虑,必有近优;居安思危,防患未然。莫非我们非要等到“头上不见日月星辰,脚下洪浪淘天,人间无处不飞沙”,莫非我们非要等到“千山鸟飞绝”,才悔不当时吗? “地球兴亡,匹夫有责”,只要世界充溢爱,我们的地球之母就会健康如初,让世界充溢爱吧!从捡起一个塑料袋,爱护一只青蛙,栽种一棵树木做起,那么,不远的将来,大自然就会回报给我们一个阳光明媚、山清水秀、鸟语花香、万象更新的家园。 我的演讲完毕,感谢大家! 动物课演讲稿篇2 my favourite animal is the panda,is ournational treasure,bacause
5、 pandas nive,lovable and lively, it was very likr it. panda is an ancient animal, is a zoologist called living fossile long ago there were many pandas in china, panda bamoo living area has large flowers, dead,threatening the survival of giant pandas. the whole world is extremely concerned about the
6、rare giant panda rescue and transfer work. due to the destruction of the natural balance, climate warming, fewer and fewer panda. panda is one of endangered animals, now only found in china, sichuan, shaanxi, gansu, people began to conserve this endangered species. today, the number of pandas has in
7、creased, but there is still a long way to go. care for animals, is to protect human, we should be animals as mans best friend, to care, to protect them. protection of animals is a duty of each person, let us work together to protect the giant pandas, giving them a good home. 动物课演讲稿篇3 there are many
8、animals around us, such as: kittens, puppies, birds . they are all objects of our love. i keep a lovely puppy, and i call it black. he is my most faithful friend. every time i came home from school, the dog will squat on the ground to shake my tail, mimi smile, very cute! at night, i finished the me
9、al, went to feed the dog to eat. puppy eat with relish, but also kept wang! wang! wang! as if to say: this meal is delicious, thank you friends! puppy still have a skill, you know? that is to catch the thief. at night the dog is my home police. once the thief into our village, the puppy will issue a
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- 2023 动物 演讲