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1、2023年幼儿英语颜色教案模板(精选多篇) 推荐第1篇:幼儿英语教案.颜色 幼儿英语教案:大班英语:colours 设计意图:本学期我班拟定了贴近幼儿生活和感兴趣的活动主题-颜色,围绕主题我们开展一系列的教学活动。本节课是其中的一部分,揉合了英语、常识、音乐、舞蹈等学科,综合了表演、唱歌、舞蹈、游戏等手段进行教学。让幼儿在唱唱、跳跳、玩玩中认识生活中的颜色。 Teaching key points: A 认识几种常见的颜色 B 鼓励幼儿积极参与游戏,大胆开口说英语 C 提高幼儿对英语的理解能力及反应能力 D Words:orange purple brown等 Sentences:what c
2、olor is it?Its 等 Teaching preparation:小白兔头饰一个、篮子一个、透明瓶子二个、橙色、紫色颜料、咖啡、抽纸玩具、各种颜色的花若干、蝴蝶头饰若干、VCD Teaching procedure: 1Greeting T:Good morning, boys and girls.What day is today? S:Good morning, Mi Lin.Its Wednesday. T:Whats the weather like today? S:Its raining. T:Yes, its raining now.The floor is wet.L
3、ets sing the song weather. 2Scene: (A rabbit carrying a basket is jumping into the claroom) T:Hello, little rabbit.Whats the matter with you? R:Hello, Mi Lin.Im very tired.Im very thirsty. T:Here is some water for you. R:No, I dont like to drink water.I like orange juice. T:Orange juice.OK.Let me pr
4、actice magic.But first you may tell us what color orange juice is? R:Orange juice is orange. T:OK.Please say orange together. (teacher and children say orange together while teacher shake the bottle)T:Look, here is a bottle of orange juice.What color is it? S:Orange./ Orange juice is orange./ Its or
5、ange. T:Yes its orange (Face to little rabbit).Here you are. R:Thank you (little rabbit pretended to drink).Yummy, Yummy, I like to drink grape juice too. T:Grape juice.Boys and girls, do you know the color of grape juice? (No) Lets ask little rabbit. T&S:What color is it? R:Its purple.Grape juice i
6、s purple. T:Purple. S:Purple (Teacher shakes the bottle). T:OH, grape juice.Do you want to drink? T&S:Yes. T:Tell me what color is it? S:Its purple.Grape juice is purple. T:Do you like orange juice?(Yes) Do you like grape juice?(Yes) I like coffee.What color is coffee?Its not orange.Its not purple.I
7、ts brown.(Point to childrens clothes.Where is brown?Please show us.) S:Here is brown.Its brown.(Guide them to answer.) (Review the other colors in the same way) 3Play toy T:I have a toy here.Its very funny.Do you want to play? S:Yes, I do. T:It can change color.What color is it?Ask me, please. S:Wha
8、t color is it?(Teacher show them one kind of colors) T:Its orange. (Boys ask, girls answer.And then, girls ask, boys answer.) 4Game:Colorful flowers T:Look, here are so many beautiful flowers.beautiful? S:Yes, they are beautiful. T:Are they colorful? S:Yes, they are colorful. T:What color are they?(
9、point to the flowers one by one) S:Its red / yellow / pink. They are orange / purple / white.(Guide children to answer) T:Who is coming? S:Butterfly. T:Im a butterfly.I can fly here and there.I like flowers. T:Can you fly like a butterfly?(Yes) Do you like flowers?(Yes).Do you want to play a game? S
10、:Yes, I do. T:(Some of you imitate to be flowers, some 推荐第2篇:幼儿园英语教案(颜色) 幼儿园英语教案:颜色 教学目标: 1、能听懂会说有关颜色的单词。要求发音准确,理解词义,语调自然。 2、激发兴趣,培养幼儿大声讲话的习惯及自信。 教学内容: 1、单词: red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白black黑orange橙。 教具:一个七彩魔术盒,彩色绳,花瓣似的色片。 Step1:师生互致问候。 Step2:引入课题。 1)问小朋友喜欢什么颜色。 2)了解是否有小朋友知道各种颜色用英语怎么说。 Step3: 学习新单词
11、 1)学习单词:red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白black黑orange橙。 依次出示彩色花片(组成一朵花)学习单词。分全班男孩女孩小组读。 2)教师指色片,幼儿读单词。 3)教师读单词,幼儿指出色片。 Step4: 复习单词。 1)出示彩盒。 2)请幼儿猜颜色说对单词,即拉出同色的绳子。 猜对了就欢呼“Yes”,猜错了,就说“No, sorry”。 3)将绳子系在椅子两边,走钢丝。 教师示范,走到什么颜色上,幼儿齐读单词。 请一名幼儿来走,剩下的幼儿读。 推荐第3篇:英语颜色教案 Unit Welcome What color is this? 南靖第一职业技术学校
12、魏芳 一、教学目标 A.学生能够听、说、读、写十个表示颜色的词语 “red/blue/green/brown/yellow/orange/pink/black/white/purple”。 B.学生可以运用句型简单描述事物颜色。 a.what color is this? b.Its. 二、教学重点 词汇red/blue/green/brown/yellow/orange/pink/black/white/purple 三、教学难点 词汇red/blue/green/brown/yellow/orange/pink/black/white/purple, 句型Its. 四、教具准备 颜色教学p
13、pt、各色水粉 五、教学过程 1.Greetings 2.引入red/blue/green/brown/yellow/orange/pink/black/white/purple ( 15min )并复习与此类颜色相关的单词 3.单词发音练习(5min) 通过水粉颜料,让学生快速反应,说出颜色,可以小组比赛的形式。 4.颜色游戏(15 min ) a.水粉颜色添加游戏 b.国旗颜色游戏 c.颜色字体游戏 5.彩图找颜色(5min) 在PPT上呈现多种颜色的图片,然后问what color is this?引导同学们一起回答。 6.课堂练习(5 min ) 通过这些课堂练习加深对颜色词语的理解
14、六、教学反思 基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴 趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。以各类颜色词语为主线,在课中精心创设尽量真实的语言环境,开展“动手调色、字体游戏、抢答比赛、”等一系列活动,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣,让学生在感受,体验,参与、合作过程中来学习语言, 感受用英语交流的乐趣和愉悦感,培养学生初步用英语进行交流的能力。极大地调动了学生的学习主动性,同时他们对色彩的敏感度和审美能力也得到了提高,促进了英语和美术课的整合。 推荐第4篇:英语颜色教案 明德风暑期支教甘肃队英语教案 授课人:安新 英语教案1颜
15、色认知 教学内容:常见五种颜色的认识与记忆 教学目标:a.能听说认读单词“red/blue/green/brown/yellow”。 b.初步理解what color is this?熟练运用句型Its.教学重点:词汇red/blue/green/brown/yellow 教学难点:词汇red/blue/green/brown/yellow,句型Its.教具准备:彩色卡纸、各色粉笔和彩纸纸片、PPT、奖品小星星 教学过程: 1.课程导入:(5min) 同学们知道多少种颜色呢?有没有人想要和大家分享一下呢? 那大家知道怎么用英语说一些我们常见的颜色吗?我们今天要学习的就是常见的颜色。 开始之前我
16、们先学习一下怎么提问“这是什么颜色?” 2.开始授课:(10min) 板书解释朗读记忆What color is this? 引入回答句型It is red/blue/green/brown/yellow.用五种不同颜色的粉笔,展示给小朋友,然后在黑板上画出每种颜色的一样东西,引出颜色的各个单词。 3.颜色辨别(5 min ) 每个小朋友发到一种颜色的纸片,老师说,show me red/blue/green/brown/yellow,小朋友举纸片示意。(可以从单一颜色到多个。) 4.单词发音练习(10min) 通过PPT上快速闪现的不同颜色的图片,让学生快速反应,说出颜色,可以小组比赛的形式
17、。(从单一颜色的图片到多种颜色的图片。) 5.互相提问(5min) 两人一组,随机抽取卡片一人提问一人回答。 6.彩图找颜色(5min) 在PPT上呈现多种颜色的图片,然后问what color is this?引导小朋友一起回答。 7.观看视频。(5mi) 推荐第5篇:英语颜色单词教案 一课题内容:Colours 二教学目标:1.认识颜色单词(red、yellow、green、blue、pink、black、white、orange、brown、purple)并会拼写。 2.会运用句型-What colour is it? -Its. -What colour do you like? -I
18、 like.三教学重点:1.颜色单词的拼读与拼写; 2.句型-What colour is it? -Its. -What colour do you like? -I like.四教学难点:句型的运用:-What colour is it? -Its. -What colour do you like? -I like. 五教具准备:PPT、气球(各种颜色)、卡纸(各种颜色)、积分卷、白纸、抽奖箱(含各种颜色的球) 六.教学过程: 第一节课: 1、自我介绍、课程导入 和学生打招呼。 T:Good morning/Good afternoon.Boys and girls!Welcome to
19、 Qihang to take apart in the English course.Im your English teacher Today.欢迎来到佳英来参加试听课程,今天我是你们的英语老师。Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你们。 Ss:Nice to meet you too.T:Do you know me? 你们认识我吗? Ss:No.T:Of course you dont know me.我还是有自知之明滴。我还没有出名到那种程度哈。(学生笑了) OK!说了那么多让我来介绍下我自己吧。Im Mi Chen.My English name is Maggie.我的英
20、文名字叫Maggie.Do you have an English name?你们有英文名字吗?If you dont have.Nerver mind.如果你没有,也没关系。I will help you to find your English name.I hope we will have a good time here.OK?希望大家都能玩得愉快哈!合作愉快!(和学生握手) 2、T:Next,I want to know all of you.我想认识你们。 Lets play a game:Make new friends.叫做认识新朋友。我给你们每个人一张纸。在我刚发的白纸的左
21、边写上你们自己的姓名,然后在右边写上记住的别人的姓名。看谁写得多,写得多的就有积分卷奖。 Ss:好。 T:Are you ready? Ss:Yes. 3、播放动画 第二节课: 4、(准备各种颜色的气球)T:Look here.Ive got many ballons.Ss:Wow! T:同学们喜欢各种各样的颜色吗?这些颜色美丽吗?What colours are they?They are.(学生回答)送积分。 5、学习颜色单词。 6、T:What colour do you like?你喜欢什么颜色? (老师先回答:)I like orange、blue and green.(边说边指气球
22、。语速慢而清晰。重复一两次,以便学生理解。) T:(然后提问学生)What colour do you like? S s:I like blue.(学生说喜欢什么颜色就给什么颜色的气球他当礼物送他。) 老师可换种方式提问:Do you like blue?让学生记住其他学生喜欢什么颜色。提问,送积分。 7、教师让穿各种颜色衣服的学生上来站成一排然后站成一个圆圈,背朝里。然后学生慢慢转动。教师指着对着大家的那个颜色问:“What colour is it?学生回答。回答正确送积分卷。 8、播放The colour song. 9、T:同学们玩得开心吗? Ss: 开心。 T:好。我们游戏继续。我
23、们来玩八宝箱游戏:在箱子里随机抽一个球出来,抽到什么颜色就要说出他的英文单词并拼写出来。颜色单词读对了,有两积分。读对也拼对的话就三积分。谁还敢来挑战的? 10、猜球大王:一人当裁判,一人闭上眼睛,另一个人抓住他的手伸进八宝箱摸球,问该学生:What colour is it?如果闭上眼睛同学说:Its red.由裁判来说Yes or No.猜中了,裁判也得分。共猜5次,看谁猜的分数多。 七作业布置 第三节课: 总结、布置作业。情感谈话。 作业:教爸妈教会一个1积分,教会2个2积分,教会3个6积分,翻倍。我会打电话给你爸妈教会他了没。 推荐第6篇:幼儿颜色教学设计英语 篇1:幼儿英语教案.颜色
24、 幼儿英语教案:大班英语:colours 设计意图:本学期我班拟定了贴近幼儿生活和感兴趣的活动主题-颜色,围绕主题我们开展一系列的教学活动。本节课是其中的一部分,揉合了英语、常识、音乐、舞蹈等学科,综合了表演、唱歌、舞蹈、游戏等手段进行教学。让幼儿在唱唱、跳跳、玩玩中认识生活中的颜色。 teaching key points: a 认识几种常见的颜色 b 鼓励幼儿积极参与游戏,大胆开口说英语 c 提高幼儿对英语的理解能力及反应能力 d words:orange purple brown等 sentences:what color is it?its 等 teaching preparation
25、:小白兔头饰一个、篮子一个、透明瓶子二个、橙色、紫色颜料、咖啡、抽纸玩具、各种颜色的花若干、蝴蝶头饰若干、vcd teaching procedure: 1greeting t:good morning, boys and girls.what day is today? s:good morning, mi lin.its wednesday. t:whats the weather like today? s:its raining. t:yes, its raining now.the floor is wet.lets sing the song weather. 2scene: (a
26、 rabbit carrying a basket is jumping into the claroom) t:hello, little rabbit.whats the matter with you? r:hello, mi lin.im very tired.im very thirsty. t:here is some water for you. r:no, i dont like to drink water.i like orange juice. t:orange juice.ok.let me practice magic.but first you may tell u
27、s what color orange juice is? r:orange juice is orange. t:ok.please say orange together. (teacher and children say orange together while teacher shake the bottle)t:look, here is a bottle of orange juice.what color is it? s:orange./ orange juice is orange./ its orange. t:yes its orange (face to littl
28、e rabbit).here you are. r:thank you (little rabbit pretended to drink).yummy, yummy, i like to drink grape juice too. t:grape juice.boys and girls, do you know the color of grape juice? (no) lets ask little rabbit. t&s:what color is it? r:its purple.grape juice is purple. t:purple. s:purple (teacher
29、 shakes the bottle). t:oh, grape juice.do you want to drink? t&s:yes. t:tell me what color is it? s:its purple.grape juice is purple.t:do you like orange juice?(yes) do you like grape juice?(yes) i like coffee.what color is coffee?its not orange.its not purple.its brown.(point to childrens clothes.w
30、here is brown?please show us.) s:here is brown.its brown.(guide them to answer.) (review the other colors in the same way) 3play toy t:i have a toy here.its very funny.do you want to play? s:yes, i do. t:it can change color.what color is it?ask me, please. s:what color is it?(teacher show them one k
31、ind of colors) t:its orange. (boys ask, girls answer.and then, girls ask, boys answer.) 4game:colorful flowers t:look, here are so many beautiful flowers.beautiful? s:yes, they are beautiful. t:are they colorful? s:yes, they are colorful. t:what color are they?(point to the flowers one by one) s:its
32、 red / yellow / pink. they are orange / purple / white.(guide children to answer) s:butterfly. t:im a butterfly.i can fly here and there.i like flowers. t:can you fly like a butterfly?(yes) do you like flowers?(yes).do you want to play a game? s:yes, i do. t:(some of you imitate to be flowers, some
33、篇2:幼儿园英语教案(颜色) 幼儿园英语教案:颜色 教学目标: 1、能听懂会说有关颜色的单词。要求发音准确,理解词义,语调自然。 2、激发兴趣,培养幼儿大声讲话的习惯及自信。 教学内容: 1、单词: red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白black黑orange橙。 教具:一个七彩魔术盒,彩色绳,花瓣似的色片。 step1:师生互致问候。 step2:引入课题。 1)问小朋友喜欢什么颜色。 2)了解是否有小朋友知道各种颜色用英语怎么说。 step3: 学习新单词 1)学习单词:red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白black黑orange橙。 依次出示彩色花
34、片(组成一朵花)学习单词。分全班男孩女孩小组读。 2)教师指色片,幼儿读单词。 3)教师读单词,幼儿指出色片。 step4: 复习单词。 1)出示彩盒。 2)请幼儿猜颜色说对单词,即拉出同色的绳子。 猜对了就欢呼“yes”,猜错了,就说“no, sorry”。 3)将绳子系在椅子两边,走钢丝。 教师示范,走到什么颜色上,幼儿齐读单词。 请一名幼儿来走,剩下的幼儿读。 推荐第7篇:幼儿园小班英语教案 颜色篇 小班英语 颜色篇 小班英语:颜色篇 颜色篇 (一小时) 一热身游戏 贴膏药,揪尾巴 二.课堂指令的学习 当老师说 OK? 时要求学生回答 OK! 并加手势 反复大声练习几次 Who want
35、s to try? - Let me try! 反复大声练习几次 up ,down Stand up ! Sit down! 反复操练几次后学习儿歌 Left, left, right, right, up and dow Left, left, right, right, turning around; Left, left, right, right, jump, jump, jum Left, left, right, right, we are strong. 三.问候: Hello, hi , how are you 手偶模仿 表演 :Hello, hello, how are yo
36、u? Fine, fine, fine, thank you Hello,hello, how are you ? Oh, oh, just so so. Hello,hello, how are you ? No, no, Im terrible. 四: 认颜色: red yellow blue green 拿出颜色卡片逐次认识,让学生跟读. 小游戏: 将卡片放在地上,让两个学生根据老师说出的单词,以最快速度拍击相应的颜色卡片,并大声读出来.胜者发小奖品.玩两到三组.不能决出胜负者用 rock paper sci ors 老师提问:What color is it? 学生回答:Its (回答
37、时击打卡片.one by one) 歌: lets learn a tongue twister. Red, red, touch your head; Blue, blue, tie your shoes Yellow, yellow, draw a circle; Green, green, stamp your foot. 复习一遍单词 Game: cow boy. 五Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John? Brother John? Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ri
38、nging, ding ,ding dong, ding, ding dong. 推荐第8篇:幼儿园小班英语活动教案:颜色篇 幼儿园小班英语活动教案:颜色篇 一热身游戏 贴膏药,揪尾巴 二.课堂指令的学习 当老师说 OK? 时要求学生回答 OK! 并加手势 反复大声练习几次 Who wants to try? - Let me try! 反复大声练习几次 up ,down Stand up ! Sit down! 反复操练几次后学习儿歌 Left, left, right, right, up and dow Left, left, right, right, turning around;
39、Left, left, right, right, jump, jump, jum Left, left, right, right, we are strong. 三.问候: Hello, hi , how are you 手偶模仿 表演 :Hello, hello, how are you? Fine, fine, fine, thank you Hello,hello, how are you ? Oh, oh, just so so. Hello,hello, how are you ? No, no, Im terrible. 四: 认颜色: red yellow blue gree
40、n 拿出颜色卡片逐次认识,让学生跟读. 小游戏: 将卡片放在地上,让两个学生根据老师说出的单词,以最快速度拍击相应的颜色卡片,并大声读出来.胜者发小奖品.玩两到三组. 不能决出胜负者用 rock paper sci ors 老师提问:What color is it? 学生回答:Its (回答时击打卡片.one by one) 歌: lets learn a tongue twister. Red, red, touch your head; Blue, blue, tie your shoes Yellow, yellow, draw a circle; Green, green, stam
41、p your foot. 复习一遍单词 Game: cow boy. 五Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John? Brother John? Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing, ding ,ding dong, ding, ding dong. 推荐第9篇:小学英语颜色特色教案 小学生关于颜色的英语教案 教学内容: What color is it? 教学目标:a.能听说认读单词“red/blue/green/brown/yellow”。 b.初步理解 what c
42、olor is it?熟练运用句型Its.教学重点:词汇red/blue/green/brown/yellow 教学难点:词汇red/blue/green/brown/yellow,句型Its.教具准备:卡片、各色粉笔和彩纸纸片,可空白简笔画,我念他们涂颜色,一张彩虹图, 一张自己图的变色图, 教学过程: 1.Greetings T:Hello, boys and girls, nice to meet you.My name is Susan.Today, we will learn some colors.Please look at the write board 2.引入red/blu
43、e/green/brown/yellow 在黑板上贴一道美丽的彩虹。 T: Whats this? T: Yes.Its a rainbow T: Wow, how beautiful! The rainbow has seven colors, right? Do you want to know how to say them in English? Today well learn a leon about the colors of the rainbow. 3.单词发音练习 卡片按照彩虹的颜色贴在黑板上,然后领着读red T: What color is it? Its red 示范升降调读单词两遍。学生齐读、男女生分别读。 4句型练习: T: When you want to ask the color of things or want to introduce the colors, you can say What color is it? It is blue.What is your favorite color? My favorite color is yellow.5.颜色辨别 每个小朋友发到一种颜色的纸片,老师说,show me red/blue/green/brown/yellow,小朋友举纸片示意。 6句型运用