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1、2023年工作心得体会结构(精选多篇) 推荐第1篇:结构游戏心得体会 认识自我,不断成长 中六班 苏 敏 12年期新教师结构游戏比赛在阳光幼儿园按时举行了,我作为参赛者,看到了这个活动中精彩的一面:在活动中,7所幼儿园的新教师巧妙构思,大胆创新,合理布局,各个享受着建构的快乐。短短一个小时的时间,老师们便建构出了一个个别具一格,动静交替的主题。尤其是金蔷薇幼儿园的老师,他们所建构的每一样物品都让人为之钦佩,小马拉雪车、圣诞老人和圣诞树等这些作品都体现了老师的横插、斜插等一系列拼插技能。看到这些作品,我不禁感慨万千: 一、认识自我,寻求不足之处 对于我这个以前从来没有接触过雪花片的人来说,要参加
2、这么一个比赛,我开始查找网上资料、向有经验的老师请教,渐渐地我学会了鸭子、小桥、房子等简单的物体。有空的时间里我都会拿着雪花片研究,从单层的到立体的;从简单的到复杂的;从颜色不统一到注意颜色搭配。终于功夫不负有心人,我在我园举行的新教师结构游戏比赛中得到了三等奖。 可是当我对我的拼插技能满怀信心的去参加阳光幼儿园的结构游戏比赛时,我却发现一山还比一山高!我的作品在他们的作品之中显得多么微不足道,我深刻体会到自己有很多的不足之处的:我的作品没有任何挑战性,只是用长方形连接起来的一幢房子,我感觉到自己的技能是如此缺乏,我的技能只是来源于孩子,我们班孩子们会插什么,我就插什么。孩子们会插房子,我就在
3、幼儿插的基础上,插得更立体更牢固而已;孩子们插小桥,我只是把小桥变成大桥,变得更高更宽而已,导致我在比赛中只能拼搭出简单的物体,一点也没有想象的空间,经过这次比赛,我知道教师的技能不能仅停留于此,就像金蔷薇幼儿园的老师那样,可以把马车、圣诞树都能完美的呈现出来! 二、梳理巩固,理论结合实践 自从知道要开展这次结构游戏比赛,我不仅强化自己的雪花片技能,我也结合自己小小的经验教授孩子拼插雪花片,但是效果并不是很好,我也做了深刻的反思,最严重的问题是我对结构游戏的理论知识并不了解。 但是在这次的比赛中,曹利华老师给我们上了一课,让我学到了很多结构游戏的理论知识,通过理论梳理之后,让我对结构游戏有了更
4、深的了解。特别是自己所带的是中班幼儿,结合这次以雪花片为主的建构和所学的理论,明确了中班幼儿该掌握些什么技能,能让我更明确的教授孩子搭建雪花片。自从比赛回来后,我在教授的过程中开始注重幼儿搭建雪花片的堆高、围拢、增宽等基本技能,并且在颜色方面也进行了重视,我还会从各方面去评价幼儿的结构游戏水平如建构的形式、主题的目的性、创造表现力等。这些理论知识对我来说无疑是一种“财富”,将这笔“财富”付诸于“生活”,对我来说也是一种教学经验的提升,对幼儿来说更是一种能力的提高! 三、不断成长,开辟成功之路 光有理论知识的支撑,自己不努力,那也只是一个空壳,我需要不断成长,必须自己开辟新的道路:首先,从自己的
5、身边做起,园领导分发给我们的雪花片中,发现小号和大号的雪花片探索图是不一样的,我可以先把这些收集起来,把里面的作品先一一学会,更加巩固自己雪花片拼插技能;其次,从生活中寻找构思,平时多观察生活中的细节,除了房子和桥,可以试着把各种各样所见物体尝试拼搭。在探索和拼搭过程中提高自己的拼插技能,丰富自己的想象力。最后,学会温故知新,我并不是一个聪明的人,也不是一个动手能力强的人,我有的只是一份执着,只会靠自己不断地重复练习才能真正掌握一样技能,所以对于这样的我,更需要多多练习,别人练习一遍,我就要练习2遍甚至更多,帮助我熟练掌握。 总之,这次的结构游戏比赛不仅仅是次比赛,它也是一面镜子,让我更加看清
6、自己的能力,让我有决心继续努力,不断向成功之路前进! 推荐第2篇:结构力学心得体会 心得体会 结构力学(Structural Mechanics)是固体力学的一个分支,它主要研究工程结构受力和传力的规律,以及如何进行结构优化的学科。结构力学研究的内容包括结构的组成规则,结构在各种效应作用下的响应,包括内力的计算,位移计算,以及结构在动力荷载作用下的动力响应的计算等。 结构力学通常有三种分析的方法:能量法,力法,位移法,由位移法衍生出的矩阵位移法后来发展出有限元法 ,成为利用计算机进行结构计算的理论基础。 而对结构力学半年的学习,也让我对这门学科有了很大的认识。结构力学是力学的分支,它主要研究工
7、程结构受力和传力的规律以及如何进行结构优化的学科。工程力学是机械类工种的一门重要的技术基础课,许多工程实践都离不开工程力学,工程力学又和其它一些后绪课程及实习课有紧密的联系。所以,工程力学是掌握专业知识和技能不可缺少的一门重要课程。 学习工程力学要注意几点。1.注意掌握公理、定理、定律、基本概念工程力学的公理、定理、基本概念很多,如:二力平衡公理,力的平行四边形公理,作用与反作用公理,三力平衡汇交定理,合力矩定理,胡克定律,力的概念,约束的概念,力矩的概念等,这些我们必须熟记,同时对其内涵、要素、适用条件等要反复理解,做到真正掌握,这样我们在分析力学问题时不致于无从下手。2.注意理论联系实际工
8、程力学是人类认识自然和改造自然的结晶。 力学的基本规律,是人们通过长期生产实践和大量科学实验,经过综合、分析和归纳总结出来的。生产的需要促进了力学的发展,同时,力学理论又反过来推动生产不断发展。所以,学习工程力学必须注意理论联系实际,在生活和生产实践中,认真观察,勤于思考,将感性认识上升为理性认识,并将理论应用到实践中去加以检验。如:我们用板手拧紧螺母时,用大板手省劲,而用小板手很费劲,这用力矩理论很容易解释:又如一直径不同的钢杆,两端受外力作用而拉伸,当力F增大到一定值时,由经验可知,断裂必发生在直径较小的一段上,这验证了衡量构件强度的物理量是应力。3.注意比较学习工程力学的概念、公理、基本
9、规律很多,我们在学习中要注意它们之间的联系,比较它们的含义和表达形式,找到它们的异同点,以利于真正理解和掌握。 推荐第3篇:数据结构心得体会 Experience The data structure design subject, it needs to change the theory to the computer debugging.At the beginning of the first leon of the subject, Mr.Lu explained the importance of it for us.It has some difficulty for us.It
10、 is a basic subject of other programming languages.Many students say that the data structure is not good to learn, I deeply understand this.When I first started learning, there were a lot of places I didnt understand.Every time I was in cla, the teacher gave us different design questions.It was a bi
11、g challenge for us as a beginner.I remember walking through the contents of two trees in a cla, preorder, preorder, and preorder.Teacher Lu said, the content of this leon is very important.No matter whether you have understood it or not, listen carefully now.To tell the truth, I didnt really underst
12、and what I had done before, but I listened to the teacher carefully.Preorder traversal is very simple, is the three traversal, the simplest.And in order to traverse, listen to a little fuzzy, after the order traversal, also half understand, half understand, I thought, if the teacher once again, I ce
13、rtainly can understand.Later, the teacher drew a two tree, smoked the students to the blackboard sorting, this two fork tree seems complex, but with first order traversal to row, not difficult.So I lined up in the following, first order, first order traversal, very simple, I am a little complacent,
14、the teacher to the location of the point, I went up the row in the order, go up after a row in a me.Then the teacher spoke again, I just understand, Lu teacher and aured us that the two tree is hard, the order and post order are not good, want to learn that we sort, and ask the students to row out r
15、espectively, the teacher also had my name, call me up in order to distinguish the two row row which students answer correctly, I did not hesitate to answer.Because of this content, the first traversal of the two fork tree, the sequence traversal two fork tree, after the order traversal two fork tree
16、, I really understand, for the first time on this cla so succeful sense.Gradually interested in the course.I thought I would never understand the leon.Now I see, and if I listen carefully and try my best, this leon is not difficult.The degree of difficulty of data structure learning depends largely
17、on personal interest.Its painful to make a task as a task, and it will be fun to do it.Also hope that the teacher can see my change, in this also thank the teachers hard teaching.The teacher did not give up on me, several times my name go up, the teacher must see my progre.Later, I listened carefull
18、y every cla, although the teacher did not call the roll, but I still listened very seriously.The parents expre the children and the children and the brothers.I can understand them very well.I listen to the lectures almost every cla.Sometimes I also take claes in my spare time to read what Ive been d
19、oing before.So, when I first read the textbooks, I memorize the concepts in mind, and then build a knowledge framework.The data structure includes linear structure, tree structure, graph structure or network structure.Linear structure including linear list, stack, queue, string, array, generalized l
20、ist, stack and queue is a linear scale is limited, the data object constraint string for character set, and an array of generalized list of linear table: data element in the table is a data structure.In addition to linear tables, the stack is the focus, because the stack is closely related to recurs
21、ion, and recursion is an important tool in programming.Ive learned that Stack is a special linear list that can only be inserted and deleted at one end.It stores data in accordance with the principle of first in, first out.The incoming data is pushed to the bottom of the stack, and the last data pop
22、s up from the top of the stack at the top of the stack when it is neceary to read data; A special linear table that allows only deleting operations at the front of the table (front) and inserting operations at the back of the table (rear).The inserted operation end is called the queue tail, and the
23、deleted operation end is called the header.When there is no element in the queue, it is called an empty queue.The list is a discontinuous and non sequential storage structure on the physical storage unit, and the logical order of the data elements is achieved by the order of pointer linking in the l
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