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1、2 0 2 1年度中国对外直接投资统计公报一、中国对外直接投资综述二、中国对外直接投资流量、存量 三、中国对世界主要003经济体的直接投资四、中国对外直接投资者的构成 五、中国对外直接投资企业的构。07成六、附表0 3 3041 044 049附表1 20132021各年中国对外直接投资流量情况(分国家/地区)049附表2 20132021各年末中国对外直接投资存量情况(分国家/地区)。55附表32 0 1 3-2 0 2 1各年中国对外直接投资流量行业分布情况061附表42 0 1 3-2 0 2 1各年末中国对外直接投资存量行业分布情况062附表52 0 1 32 0 2 1各年中国对外非
2、金融类直接投资流量情况(分省市区)063附表62 0 132 0 2 1各年末中国对外非金融类直接投资存量情况(分省市区)064附表72 0 1 32 0 2 1各年中国对欧盟直接投资流量情况065附表82 0 1 32 0 2 1各年末中国对欧盟直接投资存量情况066附表92 0 1 32 0 2 1各年中国对东盟直接投资流量情况067附表1 0 2 0 1 32 021各年末中国对东盟直接投资存量情况067附表1 1 2 0 2 1年中国企业对“一带一路”沿线国家投资情况068073077078078085073077078078085附录 对外直接投资统计制度一、总说明二、统计报表目录三
3、、调查表式(略)四、主要指标解释及概念界定 五、附录(略)从双向投资情况看i 2 0 2 1年中国对外直接投资规模略低于吸引外资(18096亿美元)1注:2 0 0 9 2 0 2 1年中国实际使用外资数据来源于联合国贸发会议2 0 2 2世界投资报告,常2 ,对外投资并购企稳回升W对“一带一路”沿线国家投资并购显著增长M2 0 2 1年W中国对外投资并购总体规模企稳回升#实际交易总额31 8 3亿美元R比上年增长129%H其中彳直接投资2035亿美元占并购总额的6 3 9%i占当年中国对外直接投资总额的114%f境外融资1148亿美元占并购总额的361%口企业共实施对外投资并购项目5 0 5
4、起涉及5 9个国家(地区)“指境内投资者或其境外企业收购项目的款项来源于境内投资者的自有资金、境内银行贷款(不包括境内投资者担保的 外贷款)FTable 5 Composition ot Chinas Outward FD1 Flowst 2。06-2021(Billions ol US Doiafs)YearFlowsNew Equity InvestmentCurrent Reinvested EarningsDebt Instrument InvestmentAmountS h a r e (%)AmountSha r e (%)AmountS h a r e (%)2 0 0 621
5、165 172446653149344422 0 0 72 6 5 18 6932 89 7936 98 0330 32 0 0 85 5 9 12 8 3 65079 8917 717 6631 62 0 0 95 6 5 317 2530 516 1328 523 1541 020106 8 8 12 0 6 430 02 4 0 134924 1635 120117 4 6 531 3842 02 4 4 632 8188125 220128 7 8 031 1435 52 2 4 725 634 1938 920131 0 7 8 43 0 7 328 53 8 3 235 53 8
6、7 936 02014123 1255 7345 344436 12 2 9 918 620151 4 5 6 79 6 7 1664379126 011 05762016196 15114 1358 230 6615 651 3626 220171 5 8 2 96 7 9 942 96 9 6 444 02 0 6 613 120181 4 3 0 47 0 4 049 24 2 5 329 730 1121 120191 3 6 9 24 8 3 535 36 0 6 344 32 7 9 420 42 0 2 01 5 3 7 163 0341 071 6446 6190412 42
7、0 2 11 7 8 8 253 1529 799 3055 52 6 3 7148Debt Inurnment Investment Reinvested Earnings New Equity InvestmentFigure 9 Composition of Chinas Outward FD1 Flows,2006-20212 1 4 8 0% of the investment went to leasing and business services wholesale and retaiitra dM manuiacturingil finance and transpoital
8、ion industries.In 2 0 2 1 ( Chinas ouiwafd FDI flows covered 18 industry calegofies ol the national economy. Among ihemf the investment in leasing and business services wholesale and retail traded manufacturingf finance and tr anspor tat ion/stoiage and posta 1 services indust ri es al 1 exceeded $
9、10 bi 11 i on. Leasi ng and business services( emained the fifsti while wholesale and fetail trade ranked second.investment in the leasing and business services sector was $ 4 9 3 6 billionii with a 2 7 5 % yea(on-yea f incfeaseS accounting ;of 2 7 6% o! the to:al flows of that yeafrt mainy distfibu
10、ted in Hong Kong(China) the Cay man Islands the British Virgin Islands Singapore Austfalia and other counifies(fe-gions).The wholesale and retail trade industry teceived $2815 billiont with a yea(on-yeaf increase of 2 2 4% (accounting fof 15 7%, investment iiows mainy went to Hong Kong(China): Singa
11、poief the Unit-ed States Macao (China)f Gefmanyt Maaysial the United Kingdom! the Netheflandsl Austfaia etc.:nvesimenl in the manufactur:ng industry reached $ 2 6 8 7 bi,lionf with an incfease of 4% compa-ring wit h the previous year account ng :o( 15%, Investment main,y Cowed Io automobile manufact
12、uring: compuief/comm unication and other election ic equipment man ufa ct ufingt melal p(oductsf special equipment man u fa ci u fin gf non-le “on,melal smelting and foiling pfocessingrt chemical law materials and chemica-productsi pharmaceutical manulactufingi other manufactufingt rubber and p,asti
13、c pfoductsi electfical ma-chiner y and equipment manufactufingi texlilet papef and paper pioduclst general equipment manufacturingf nonmeiai lie mineral pfoducis: lood manufactufingS chemical fiber manufaciufingl ailway/shipbuild-ing/aeO$pace and oih er if an spoftation equipment man ufa ct uringi I
14、e fous metal smelting and foiling pfocesfingl furniture manufacturingj etc. Among themi the investment in equipment manufacturing was S 1412bi-lion( up 187% yea(on-yeafi accounting for 5 2 5 % o; the in vestment in man uiaciufing industry.Flows to the financial industry were $ 2 6 8 billioni with a
15、yeaTon-year deciease of 36 3%( accounFing lof 1 5%, in 2 0 2 1 : the difec tin vestment o: domestic investors in Chinas fin a ncia- industry to ovefseas fi-n an cia entefpfises eached S 2 5 5 7 billionS accounting ;of 9 5 4%j domestic investors in Chinas nonffnanci al industry invested 1 23 billion
16、in overseas finanei al ent erpri sesi accounting for 4 6%.The transportation/ storage and postal services industry received $ 12 23 biUi on R with a year on-y e ai n cea s e o f 9 6 3%$ a c cou n 11ng fo r 6 8%.The toia- inve sime nisi n the above five afeas we fe $ 14341 biTionii accouniingfor 8 0
17、2 % o;theton Manufacturing 202 1tai flows.In addition invesimentin the mining industry in 2 0 2 1 was $ 841 billion! with a yea-on-yearin-cfea$e of 37 2%f accounting lor 47% ol the loial flows.The information transmission/software and information technology services industry received$ 513bMioM with
18、a 4 4 2 % year-on-yeaf decfease accounting foi 2 9% of the total flows.The scienti f ic reseaich and techno1ogy services industry received $ 5 0 7 billioni up 3 5 9%yea r on-yea rf accounting for 2 8%.The construction industry received $ 4 6 2 billionS with a yeaf-on-yeaf decfease o: 4 2 9% accounti
19、 ng f o r 2 6%.Investment in the production and supply of electricity/ heat/ gas and Avater industry was $ 439billion with a yeaf-on-year decfease of 23 9%i accounting for 2 5%.The real estate industry teceived $ 41 billiont with a 21% yeaf-on-yeaf decieaset accounting 2 3%.The resident services / r
20、epairs and other services industry received $ 181 billionf with a year on y e a r d e c r e a s e o f 16 2% accounti ng for 1%.Investments in the agriculture/ forestry/ animal husbandry and fishery industry reached $ 9 3 0 millio n with a 139% year-on-year decrease! accounting for 05%.Other industri
21、es received S 0 9 5 billion accounting (of 06%.Table 6 Industrial Disiiibution of Chinas Outward FDI Flows) 202 1(Billions of US Dollars)IndustryFlowsYear-onYea r Growih Rai e (%)Share (%)Total178 821631OOOLeasing and Business Services49362752 7 6 1Wholesae and Retail Trade281522415 7Manufacturing2
22、6 8 74015 0 1Finance2 6 8036315 0Transportation/Storage and Postal Services122396368 1Mining84137247Iniofmaiion Tfansmission/Soltwareand Informalion Technology Services513-4422 9 1Scientific Research and Technical Services5073592 8Conshuciion462-4292 6 1Produclion and Supply ot E-ectficity/Heat/Gas
23、and Watef439-2392 5Real estate410-2102 3Resident Seivi(e$/Repairs and Other Services181-1621 0Agficultufe/Forestfy/Animal Husbandry and Fisheiy093-13905Health and Social Work034-46902Accommodation and Catefing027125002Watef/Envifonment and Pubic Facilires Management0223750 1Cultufe/SpofH and Entefia
24、inmeni0090 1Educalion003-76902 15 In addition Io the decrease in investment io Europe compared wilh he previous ye ad investment Io other regions increased to varying degrees.In 2 0 2 H FDI flows io Asia were $ 128 1 billionf up 14% yeaf-on-yeaf accoutring 716% oihe FDl ou i;ows ofthe year, Amongthe
25、m: in vesime nt in Hong Kong (Chin a) was $ 10119 bflionil with a 13 5% yea(-on-yea i ncreasef accounting ;of 79% olinvestment in Asia) invesimenl in the 10 AS E AN cou nHies amounted io $ 19 73 bi llion( with a yeaf-on-yeafincfease of 2 2 8%f accounting for 15 4% ofinvestment in Asia.Investment in
26、Latin America was $ 26 16 billionf up 57% yeafonyeaff accounting for 14 6% olFDl outl lows that year. The flows mainly went to the Cayman Islands the British Virgin Islands Peui Afgeniinaf P anam a( Mexico! Barbadosf Bfazili Chilef eic.Investment in North America was $ 6 5 8 billiont with a 3 8% yea
27、f-on-yeaf incfeasef accounting :of 3 7% o: F D?ows o: the year. Among ihem the investment in the United Slates was $ 5 5 8 billion with a 13% yeaf-ony ear decrease# investment in Canada was $930 million! with a yeaf-on-year in-c r ease of 3 4 2 9%.Investment in Africa reached $ 4 9 9 billioni up 18%
28、 year-on-yeafS accounting fof 2 8% o: the FDl ;iow s of the year. Flows mainly we nt Io Congo (DR C)? Zambia? Guinea South Alfica Kenyai Ni-ge(S Mauritius Nfge fiai Egyptf Algefiai Congo! etc.Flows to Oceania was $212 billion with a yeaf-on-yeaf increase ol4 6 2 %i accounting for 12% o;the FDi o utf
29、lows that yeaf, li mainly went to Australia New Zealand! Fiji Samoa( etc.FDI flows Io Europe were $ 1 0 8 7 billion! with a 14 4% year-on-yeaf decreased accounting for 61% of I he F DI outflows of the yea(.MoU:ows went to Germa ny the United Kingdom- Switzeflandii the Netheflandsf Luxem boufgt Swede
30、n IfelandS Seibiai etc.Table 7 Regional Distribution of Chinas Outward FD1 Flowsi 20 2 1(Billions of US Dollars)ContinentAmountYear-on-Year Growth Rate(% )S h a r e (%)Asia128 1014 071 6Europe10 87-1446 1Ahica4991802 8Noiih Amefica6 583 83 71Latin America26 1657014 6Oceania2 1246 21 2Total1 78 8 216
31、 3100 0Tabe 8 Top 20 Countries (Regions) of Chinas Outward FD1 Flows 20 2 1(Billions oi US Dollais)RankCountry (Reg:on)FlowsShare of Total (%)1Hong Kong (China)10119566|2British Vifgin Islands13 977813Cayman Islands1075604Singapore84147n5United Slates5 583 1r 6Indonesia4372 57Germany2 711 51 8Vietna
32、m2 211 2I9Austfalia1 921 110Uniled Kingdom1 9011n11Switzerland1 821 012Netherlands1 701 o n13Luxembouig1 5008|14Thailand1 49os n15Maaysia1 3408|16Laos12 807n17Sweden1 280718C o n g o (D R C)1 0506 n19Canada0 9305|20Untied Aiab Emiiales0 89os nTotal1 6 6 2 993 O2 1 6 The investment in countries along
33、 the the Bell and Road covers a wide range offiel dswith a record amount.At the end o; 2 0 2 H Chinese domestic in vest of$ had set up moie than 11 thousand ovei seas entefpfC ses along aihe Belt and Road f involving 18 industry categories o; national economyf amounting to $2415 billiomi which ha$ d
34、oubled compared with 2012, There is a 11% yea(on-yeaf incfeasei accounting io 【13 5% of Chinas outwafd F DI fowsin ihe same period.In tefms ofindusHy compositionf in-vestmentin manufaciuri ng was S 9 4 3 billioni up 2 2 8% yea(on-yeafft accounting fof 3 9% j flows Io the wholesae and fetail Hade ind
35、ustry amounted io $ 3 33 billion accounting fof 13 8%i the consHuciion feceived $2 41 biTionf accounting ;of 10% f investment in leasing and business services was $229billion! accounting ;of 95%i the pfoduction and supply ol elecUicityS heati gas and watef indusify received $ 185 billiont accounting
36、 for 17% j $ 166 billion wenttoihetfanspoftadon siofage and postal services ac counting for 6 9%i Hows io financial industry wefe $139 billioni accounting lof 5 6%J fesidenl services! repai rs and other services feceived $ 6 0 0 millioni accounting for 2 5%j the scienlific feseaich and iechnicai ser
37、vices f eceived $ 5 4 0 million accounting fof 22%, From the peispective ofco unify compositiont flowsmainly wentto Singapoiei Indonesia Vietnam ThailandS Malaysia Laosf U-niled Ar ab Emnales Kazakhstani Pakistani Saudi Arabia! eic.From2013io 2 0 2 H Chinas F DI flows Io countfies along the Belt and
38、 Road ioiaed $ 1 64 0 billion.2 17 Nearly 60% of the investmenl came from ocal enterprisesi! and the investment of central enterprises and units increased by 30%.In 2 0 2 H the non-financia ouiwafd dneci investment by central enterptises and units was S 6 4 2 9 billion- with a 3 0 7 % yeaf-on-year i
39、ncfeasef accounting (of 42 3% of the nation a non-financial flows. Over 60% of in ve stment comes from reinvested eafnings. The outward di ie ct investment of local enter prfses reached $ 8 7 7 3 billion with a yeaf-on-year incfease of 3 4%j accounting fot 5 7 7 %, Amongihemf outflows from ihe easte
40、rn legion r eached $ 7181 billion。up 0 6% yeaf-on-yeaf accounting for81 9% o; the local investment oul:low$J $ 10 03 bi *lion was from the cenHa region up 4 4 6% yeaf-on-yeaf and accounting fof 114%I outflows irom the western ieg ion amounted Io $451 billion( with ayea-on-yea decease of 238%( accoun
41、ting for 51%i outflows hom the three northeast provinces reached $ 138bi 11 ionii up 1 2 6 2% and accounti ng for 16%,Guangdong( Zhej i angi Shanghaif Ji ang-su( Beij ingi Shandong F ujianS Anhuii Hebei and Tianjin fan Iced the top 10 in terms of outward direct(Billions of US Dollars )Figure 11 Chin
42、as Outward FD1 Flows to Countries along-the Belt and RoadM 20 1 3- 2 0 2 1inveslmenl flow$( with a total of $ 7 3 84 billionf accounting for 8 4 2% of the local outward direct in vesfme nt Hows. Shenzhens FD1 ouilows eached $ 8 7 2 bflion: fan king (if st among the cities se pa lately lis-ted on the
43、 state plan a (counting for 615% of the outwafd FD) ol Guangdong.Table 9 Regional Distribution of Chinas Local Outward FDI Flows( 2 0 2 1(Billions of US Dollars)RegionFlowsShare(%)Year-on-Year Growth Rat e (%)Easlern Region71 8181 906Cenlral Region100311 4446Western Region4515 1-238Thfee Nocheast Pr
44、ovinces1 381 61262Total87 73100 034an.Note: 1, The eastern region includes Beijingi Tianjini Hebeit Shanghai* Jiangsui Zhejiangf Fujiani Shandongi Guangdong and Hain-2, centra 1 rejita includes Shanxii Anhuiii liangxit Henani Hubei and Hunan.TheNingx3. wes:e(n reg,on incudes Inner Mongolia! Guangxif
45、 Sichuan- Chongqing- Guizhouf Yunnan:、Shaanxi! Gansu: Qinghaii 4.ia(加州邮“世用姆ton includesHefongjiangi lilin and Liaoning.Table 10Top 10 Provinces (Municipalities)in Terms of Local Outward FDI Flows( 20 2 1(Billions of US Dollars)No.Province (Municipality)FlowsShare of Local Flows(%)1Guangdong14171622Zhejiang133715 23Shanghai132215 14Jiangsu90610 35Beijng7058 16Shandong5025 77Fujian4 04468Anhui2843 29Hebei2753 110Tianjin2322 1Total7 3 8484 22 1 8 The growth rate of outward FDi by the public economic holding entities is highert han the non-public economic holding entities.Among Chinas