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1、2022年ACCA/CAT考试历模拟考试题精选姓名:年级:学号:题型选择题填空题解答题判断题计算题附加题总分得分评卷人得分1、(b) What research techniques couId Mark use to get an accurate assessment of staff attitudes to the proposedchanges? (8 marks)正确答案:(b) As the term i nternaI market i ng imp I ies, the methods of ascerta i n i ng staff react i ons to the
2、proposed growth strategy have closeIparallels with the ways you find out about customer reaction to the company or its products. The benefits of taking aj structured research approach are considerable and often f i rms may prefer that attitude surveys are carr i ed out by outs i deconsultants i n or
3、der to improve ob ject i v i ty and to remove some of the prob Iems with Mark1 s power and position. As withlexternaI market research you are Iooking to see whether staff wi I I buy into the proposed strategy and the accuratemeasurement of attitudes and consequent behaviour is very important.Creatin
4、g the framework for undertaking the research involves defining the issue to be researched - in this case staff attitudestowards the growth strategy, des i gn i ng the research methods, including the use of quest i onna i res and interviews, determiningthe samp I e of staff to be i nvol ved, the use
5、or otherwise of focus groups and ways of ensur i ng the data co I Iected gives anaccurate p i cture of staff att i tudes. The data generated must be ana I ysed and presented to Mark i n an appropr i ate way. Howthe i ns i ghts i nto staff att i tudes are ga i ned through the research i s i mportant,
6、 as i s the commun i cat i on of the resuIts to theQstaff. Mark shou I d be aware that such research wi I I i nev i tab I y create expectat i ons among staff and manag i ng those expectations wiI I be a test of his leadership powers.2、(b) Router has a number of fiIm studios and off ice bui Idings. T
7、he off ice buiIdings are in prest i gi ous areas whereasthe f i Im studios are Iocated in out of town locations. The management of Router wish to apply the revaIuationmode I to the office bu i Id i ngs and the cost model to the film stud i os i n the year ended 31 May 2007. At presentboth types of b
8、u i I d i ngs are va I ued us i ng the reva I uat i on mode I . One of the film stud i os has been converted to atheme park. I n th i s case on I y, the I and and bu i I d i ngs on the park are I eased on a single I ease from a thi rd party.The lease term was 30 years i n 1990. The lease of the land
9、 and bu i I d i ngs was c I ass i f i ed as a f i nance I ease eventhough the financial statements purport to comp Iy with IAS 17 Leases,.The terms of the I ease were changed on 31 May 2007. Router i s now going to terminate the lease early in 2015i n exchange for a payment of $10 mi I I ion on 31 M
10、ay 2007 and a reduct i on i n the month Iy lease payments.Router i ntends to move from the site i n 2015. The rev i sed I ease terms have not resulted i n a change ofclassification of the I ease i n the f i nanc i a I statements of Router. (10 marks)Requ i red:D i scuss how the above i terns shouId
11、be dealt with i n the group f i nanc i a I statements of Router for the year ended31 May 2007.正确答案:(b) IAS16 Property, Plant and Equipment permits assets to be revalued on a class by class bas i s. The d i fferent character i st ics of the buiIdi ngs allow them to be classified separately. Different
12、 measurement mode Is can, therefore, be used for the officebuildings and the film studios. However, IAS8 Accounting poIicies, changes in accounting estimates and errors says thatonce an entity has dec i ded on its account i ng policies, it shouId appIy them cons i stent Iy from period to per iod and
13、 across a I IOre Ievant transact ions. An ent i ty can change i ts account i ng polic ies but on Iy i n specif icc i rcumstances. These c i rcumstancesare: (a) where there i s a new account i ng standard or i nterpretat i on or changes to an account i ng standard (b) where the change resuIts i n the
14、 f i nanc i a I statements prov i d i ng re Ii abIe and more re Ievant i nformat i on about the effects_I of transact i ons, other events or cond i t i ons on the ent i ty s f i nanc i a I pos i t i on, f i nanc i a I performance, or cash flowsVoIuntary changes in accounting policies are quite uncom
15、mon but may occur when an accounting policy is no longerHappropr iate. Router wi I I have to ensure that the change i n account i ng pol icy meets the cr iter ia in IAS8. Additionally,Ideprec i ated h i stor i ca I cost wi I I have to be ca leu I ated for the f i Im stud i os at the commencement of
16、the per i od and the open i ngba lance on the revaIuat ion reserve and any other affected component of equi ty adjusted. The comparat i ve amounts for eachprior per i od shou I d be presented as i f the new account i ng po I i cy had a I ways been app I i ed. There are Iimits on retrospectiveapp I i
17、 cat i on on the grounds of impract icabi I ity. It i s surpr i s i ng that the lease of the land i s considered to be a finance lease under IAS17 Leases . Land i s cons i dered to havean indefinite Ii fe and should, therefore norma I Iy be classified as an operat i ng lease unless ownersh i p passe
18、s to the Iesseedur ing the lease term. The I ease of the land should be separated out from the lease and treated i nd i vidua I Iy. The vaIue of the11 and so determined wouId be taken off the ba Iance sheet i n terms of the liability and asset and the lease payments treatedlas rentals i n the income
19、 statement. A pr i or per i od adjustment shou I d a I so be made. The bu i I d i ngs would continue to beItreated as property, pI ant and equ i pment (PPE) and the carry i ng amount not ad justed. However, the remaining usefuI Iife ofthe bui Id ing shou I d be rev i sed to ref I ect the shorter I e
20、ase term. Th i s wi I I result i n the carry i ng amount be i ng deprec i ated overIthe shorter per iod. Thi s change to the depreciat ion policy i s appIied prospect i vely not retrospect i veIy.The I ease liability must be assessed for derecogn it i on under IAS39 Fi nanc i a I Instruments: Recogn
21、ition and Measurement,ZUbecause of the rev i s i on of the I ease terms, i n order to determi ne whether the new terms are substant i a I Iy d i fferent from theId. The purpose of this is to determine whether the change in terms is a modification or an ext i ngu i shment. The change seems to const i
22、 tute a mod i f i cat i on because there i s Ii ttIe change to the terms. The I ease liability i s, therefore, amended bydeducting the one off payment ($10 mi I I ion) from the carrying amount (after adjustment for the lease of land) together withZlany transact i on costs. The I ease liability i s t
23、hen remeasured to the present va I ue of the rev i sed future cash fIows, d i scounted us i ng the original effect i ve i nterest rate. Any adjustment made i n remeasur i ng the I ease liability will be taken to the i ncome statement.3、(a) Contrast the role of i nternaI and externa I aud i tors. (8
24、marks)(b) Conoy Co designs and manufactures Iuxury motor vehicIes. The company employs 2, 500 staff and cons i stent I y makes a net profit of between 10% and 15% of sales. Conoy Co i s not I i sted; its shares are held by 15 individuaIs, most of them from the same fami ly. The maximum shareholding
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