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1、2022年ACCA/CAT历模拟考试题姓名:年级:学号:题型选择题填空题解答题判断题计算题附加题总分得分评卷人得分1 x (b) (i) Exp la i n, by reference to Coral1 s residence, ordinary residence and domici Ie position, how the rentaI1 ncome arising i n respect of the property i n the country of Ka I ani a will be taxed i n the UK i n the tax year2007/08. St
2、ate the strategy that Cora I shouId adopt i n order to minimise the totaI i ncome tax sufferedon the rentaI i ncome. (7 marks)正确答案:(b) (i) UK tax on the rentaI incomeI Cora I i s UK res i dent i n 2007/08 because she i s present i n the UK for more than 182 days. Accordingly, she wiI I beI Isub ject
3、 to UK i ncome tax on her Kalani an rentaI i ncome.ICoral is ordinarily resident in the UK in 2007/08 as she is habitually resident in the UK.I Cora I wi I I have acqu i red a domici Ie of origin in Kalani a from her father. She has not acqu i red a domiciIe of choice in theIUK as she has not severe
4、d her t i es with Ka I an i a and does not i ntend to make her permanent home in the UK.Accordingly, the rentaI income wi I I be taxed in the UK on the remittance basis.Any rentaI i ncome remitted to the UK wiI I fa I I i nto the bas ic rate band and wi I I be subject to i ncome tax at 22% on thegro
5、ss amount (before deduct i on of Kalani an tax). Un i I atera I doub I e tax re I i ef wi I I be ava i table i n respect of the 8% tax suffered i n Ka I an i a such that the effect i ve rate of tax suffered by Cora I i n the UK on the grossed up amount of i ncome remitted wi I I be 14%. In order to
6、minimise the totaI i ncome tax suffered on the rentaI i ncome Cora I shouId ensure that it is not brought into or used in the UK such that it wiI I not be subject to income tax in the UK.Coral shouId reta i n ev i dence, for examp Ie bank statements, to show that the rentaI i ncome has not been remo
7、ved fromiKa I an i a. Cora I can use the money wh i 1st she i s on ho I i day i n Ka I an i a with no UK tax imp I i cat ions. 2、(i i i) assesses TSC in terms of f inancia I performance, compet i t i veness, service qua I i ty, resource ut iIi sat i on,fI ex i b iIi ty and i nnovat i on and d i scus
8、ses the i nterre I at i onsh i ps between these terms, i ncorporat i ngexamp Ies from within TSC; and (10 marks)正确答案:(i i i) The terms Iisted may be seen as representative of the dimensions of performance. The d i mens i ons may be ana Iysed i nto results and determinants.The resu I ts may be measur
9、ed by focus i ng on f i nanc i a I performance and compet i t i veness. F i nanc i a I performance maybe measured in terms of revenue and profit as shown in the data in the appendix of the question i n respect of TSC. Thepoints system in part (a) of the answer shows which depots have achieved or exc
10、eeded the target set. In addition,II iquidity i s another aspect of the measurement of f i nanci a I performance. The poi nts totaI in part (a) showed thatI iLeonardotown and MichaeIangeIotown depots appear to have the best current record in aspects of credit control. 15I Compet it i veness may be m
11、easured i n terms of saIes growth but a I so i n terms of market share, number of newcustomers, etc. In the TSC statistics avai IabIe in (a) we only have data for the current quarter. Th i s shows that three ofthe four depots Ii sted have achieved increased revenue compared to target.iThe determinan
12、ts are the factors which may be seen to contr ibute to the achievement of the results. Qua Iity, resource uti I isation, f lexibi I ity and innovation are cited by Fitzgerald and Moon as examples of factors that should contr ibute tothe ach i evement of the resuIts i n terms of f i nanc i a I perfor
13、mance and compet i t i veness. In TSC a main qua Iity i ssueappears to be customer care and service delivery. The statistics in the points table in part (a) of the answer show thatthe RaphaeI town depot appears to have a major prob Iem i n this area. It has on Iy ach i eved one point out of the sixa
14、vai I able i n th i s part i cu I ar segment of the stat i sties._iResource ut i I i sat i on for TSC may be measured by the I eve I of effect i ve use of dr i vers and veh i c I es. To some extent, th i s i s h i ghIi ghted by the stat i st ics re I at i ng to customer care and service de Ii very.
15、For examp Iet I ate co I Iect i on of cons i gnmentsOfrom customers may be caused by a shortage of vehicles and/or dr i vers. Such shortages could be due to staff turnover,Os ickness, etc or prob I ems with veh ic I e ma i ntenance.OF I ex i b i I i ty may be an i ssue. There may, for examp I et be
16、a prob I em with veh i c I e ava i I ab i I i ty. Poss i bIy an i ncreased focusOon sources for short-term sub_contract ing of vehicles/collections/deliveries mi ght he Ip overcome de I ay prob Iems.The target v actua I po i nts system may be seen as an examp I e of i nnovat i on by the company. Thi
17、s gives a detaiIed setof measures that shouId prov i de an i ncent i ve for improvement at a I I depots. The points system may iI Iustrate the extentof ach i evement/non-ach i evement of company strateg i es for success. For examp Ie TSC may have a customer carecommitment policy which identifies fac
18、tors that should be achieved on a continuing basis. For example, timely col lectionI of cons i gnments, mi sd i rected cons i gnments re-deIi vered at no extra charge, prompt responses to customer claims andIcompensat i on for customers.3、(i i) the d i rectors agree to d i sc lose the note. (4 marks
19、)正确答案:(i i) If the d i rectors agree to d i sc lose the note, it shouId be rev i ewed by the aud i tors to ensure that it is sufficiently detai led.ln evaIuating the adequacy of the disciosure in the note, the auditor should consider whether the d i sc Iosure exp Iic i11yIdraws the reader s attentio
20、n to the possibi I ity that the entity may not be able to continue as a go i ng concern i n the foreseeabIe future. The note should i ncIude a descr i pt i on of cond it i ons giving r i se to s ignificant doubt, and the di rectorsplans to dea I wi th the cond i t i ons. If the note prov i ded conta
21、 i ns adequate i nformat i on then there i s no breach of f i nanc i a I report ing standards, and so no di sagreement with the di rectors. If the disci osure i s cons i dered adequate, then the opinion shou Id not be qua I if ied. The aud i tors should consider amod i f i cat i on by add i ng an em
22、phas i s of matter paragraph to h i gh I i ght the ex i stence of the mater i a I uncerta i nt i es, and to_Id raw attent i on to the note to the f i nanc i a I statements. The emphas i s of matter paragraph shou I d firstly conta i n a br i efZUdescr i pt i on of the uncerta i nt i es, and a I so r
23、efer exp Ii c i 11y to the note to the f i nanc i a I statements where the s ituat i on hasbeen fully descr i bed. The emphas i s of matter paragraph shou I d re-i terate that the audit opinion i s not qua Ii fied.I However, it could be the case that a note has been given in the f i nanc i a I state
24、ments, but that the deta iIs are i nadequateland do not fully explain the significant uncertainties affecting the going concern status of the company. In th i s s i tuat i onthe auditors should express a qua I if ied opinion, di sagreeing with the preparat ion of the financial statements, as the d i
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