《最为C与C的头文件大全.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最为C与C的头文件大全.docx(46页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、最为完整C与C+的头文件大全C/C+头文件览c、传统C+include /设定插入点 tinclude 字符处理 #include 定义错误码ttinclude 浮点数处理ttinclude 文件输入/输出 finclude 参数化输入/输 出tinclude 数据流输入/输出#include 定义各种数据类型最值常量#tinclude 定义本地化函数#include 定义数学函数ttinclude 定义输入/输出函数ttinclude 定义杂项函数及内存分配函数finclude 字符 串处理ttinclude /基于数组的输入/输出tinclude 定义关于时 间的函数include 宽字符
2、处理及输入/输出ttinclude /宽字符分类 标准C语言头文件ISO C标准定义的头文件(24项)验证程序断言errno. h出错码支持复数算术运算浮点环境字符类型浮点常量实现常量整型格式转换局部类别signal. h信号替代关系操作符宏数学常量 非局部 goto布尔类型和值可变参数表 标准定义 整型 标准 I/O 库通用类型数学宏实用程序库函数时间和日期字符串操作宽字符支持宽字符分类和映射支持POSIX标准定义的必须的头文件(26项)目录项文件控制文件名匹配类型nctdb. h网络数据库操作 tar归档值文件时间路径名模式匹配类型组文件 令文件正则表达式符号常量 终端 I/O 字扩展类型
3、 Internet 定义 套接字本地接口 Internet 地址族 传输控制协议 内存 管理声明 select 函数 套接字接口 进 程时间sys/utsname. h系统名文件状态 UNIX域套接字定义基本系统数据类型进程控制POSIX标准定义的XSI扩展头文件(26项) cpio归档值动态链接消息显示结构w. h文件树漫游iconv.h代码集转换实用程序语言信息常量数据库操作搜索表 用户上下文 I PC 信号量 时间类型模式匹配函数定义货币类型消息类别 字符串操作 用户限制 消息队列 sys/shm. h 共 享存储轮询函数系统出错日志记录用户帐户数据库 资源操作文件系统信息附加的时间矢量
4、I/O操 作POSIX标准定义的可选头文件(8项) aio.h异步I/O消息队列执行调度semaphore. h 信号量 XSI STREAMS 接口时间跟踪 线程实时spawn接口标准C+语言头文件(54个其中16个用于构建STL, 3个为 附加非必须) STL通用算法字符处理 STL位集容器错误码用于在程序运行时执行断言用于测试浮点类型属性 IS0646变体字符集climits测试整数类型属性cmath数学函数复数类本地化函数执行非内部的goto语句信号cstdarg访问参数数量变化的函数cstdlib杂项函数及内存分配用于定义实用的类型和宏cstring字符串宽字符分类 输入/输出 时间
5、宽字符处理及输入/输出 STL双端队列容器functionalSTL函数对象异常处理类文件流参数化输入/输出数据流输入/输出基本输入/输出支持istream基本输入流输入/输出前置声明iterator)遍历序列的类国际化支持各种数据类型最值常量mapSTL映射容器 STL线性列表容器专用内存分配器ostrcam基本输出流基于字符串的流 iostream 的缓冲区类基本内存分配和释放queueSTL队列容器通用的数字操作 STL集合容器 STL堆栈容器字符串类标准异常类非内存字符序列的流类运行时类型标识支持值 数组的类和模版类 STL动态数组容器 STL通用模板类标准C+附加的头文件(3个)非必
6、须The Standard C+ library consists of 51 required headers.This implementation also includes three additionalheaders, , , and , not required by the C+ Standard, for a total of 54 headers. Of these 54 headers, 16 constitute the Standard Template Library, or STL. These are indicated below with the notat
7、ion (STL) for defining numerous templates that implement useful algorithms - for defining a template class that administers sets of bits for defining a template class that supports complex arithmetic (STL) for defining a template class that implements a deque container for defining several functions
8、 that control exception handling 一一 for defining several iostreams template classes that manipulate exteral files - (STL) for defining several templates that help construct predicates for the templates defined in and 一一 (STL) for defining template classes that implement hashed associative containers
9、 (STL) for defining template classes that implement hashed associative containers that map keys to values fordeclaring several iostreams manipulators that take an argument for defining the template class that serves as the base for many iostreams classes for declaring several iostreams template clas
10、ses before they are necessarily defined - for declaring the iostreams objects that manipulate the standard streams - (STL) for defining several templates that help define and manipulate iterators - (STL) for defining a template class that implements a doubly linked list container for defining the te
11、mplate class that performs extractions - for testing numeric type properties - for defining several classes and templates that controllocale-specific behavior, as in the iostreams classes 一一 (STL) for defining template classes that implement associative containers that map keys to values (STL) for d
12、efining several templates that allocate and free storage for various container classes 一一 for declaring several functions that allocate and free storage (STL) for defining several templates that implement useful numeric functions - for defining the template class that performs insertions (STL) for d
13、efining a template class that implements a queue container - (STL) for defining template classes that implement associative containers - (STL) for defining a template class that implements a singly linked list container for defining several iostreams template classes that manipulate string container
14、s - (STL) for defining a template class that implements a stack container 一一 for defining several classes useful for reporting exceptions - for defining template classes that buffer iostreams operations - for defining a template class that implements a string container for defining several iostreams
15、 classes that manipulate inmemory character sequences一一 for defining class type_info, the result of the typeid operator for defining several classes and template classes that support value- oriented (STL) for defining several templates of general utility arrays - (STL) for defining a template class
16、that implements a vector container新的C标准库 for enforcing assertions when functions execute - for classifying characters for testing error codes reported by library functions - for testing floating-point type properties - for programming in ISO 646 variant character sets for testing integer type proper
17、ties - for adapting to different cultural conventions - for computing common mathematical functions forexecuting nonlocal goto statements 一一 forcontrolling various exceptional conditions - foraccessing a varying number of arguments fordefining several useful types and macros for performing input and
18、 output for performing a variety of operations for manipulating several kinds of strings for converting between various time and date formats 一一 for manipulating wide streams and several kinds of strings - for classifying wide characters旧的C标准库 for enforcing assertions when functions execute - for cl
19、assifying characters for testing error codes reported by library functions 一一 for testing floating-point type properties for programming in ISO 646 variant character sets for testing integer type properties for adapting to different cultural conventions for executing nonlocal goto statements for con
20、trolling various exceptional conditions - for accessing a varying number of arguments 一一 for defining several useful types and macros - for performing a variety of operations 一一 for manipulating several kinds of strings for computing common mathematical functions 一一 for performing input and output f
21、or converting between various time and date formats for manipulating wide streams and several kinds of stringsFinally, in this implementation, the Standard C+ library also includes several headers for compatibility with traditional C+ 1ibraries: - for defining several iostreams template classes that
22、 manipulate exteral files - for declaring several iostreams manipulators that take an argument for declaring the iostreams objects that manipulate the standard streams - for declaring several functions that allocate and free storage for declaring several template classes that aid migration from olde
23、r versions of the Standard Template Library - for classifying wide characters/标准C+ (同上的不再注释)ttinclude /STL通用算法include /STL 位集容器#include ttinclude ttinclude ttinclude ttinclude 复数类ttinclude ttinclude ttinclude ttinclude ttinclude /STL 双端队列容器ttinclude 异常处理类include ttinclude /STL定义运算函数(代替运算符)ttinclude
24、include /STL 线性列表容器#include /STL 映射容器ttinclude ttinclude 基本输入/输出支持ttinclude 输入/输出系统使用的前置声明include ttinclude 基本输入流ttinclude 基本输出流ttinclude /STL 队列容器ttinclude /STL 集合容器ttinclude 基于字符串的流ttinclude /STL 堆栈容器#include 标准异常类ttinclude 底层输入/输出支持include 字符串类ttinclude /STL 通用模板类ttinclude /STL 动态数组容器include ttin
25、clude using namespace std;/C99增加ttinclude 复数处理#include 浮点环境#include 整数格式转换include 布尔环境ttinclude 整型环境ttinclude 通用类型数学宏C头文件大全分类函数,所在函数库为ctype. hint isalpha(int ch)若 ch 是字母(A,Z, a,z)返回非 值,否则返回。int isalnum(int ch)若ch是字母(AZ, az)或数字(9)返回非。值, 否则返回int isascii (int ch)若ch是字符(ASCII码中的。T27)返回非。值,否则返回。int iscnt
26、rl(int ch)若ch是作废字符(0x7F)或普通控制字符(Ox。xlF)返回非。值,否则 返回。int isdigit (int ch)若ch是数字(。-9)返回非。值,否则返回。int isgraph(int ch)若ch是可打印字符(不含空格)(0x21。x7E)返回非。值,否则返 回。int islower (int ch)若ch是小写字母(a-z)返回非。值,否则返回int isprint(int ch)若ch是可打印字符(含空格)(0x2。x7E)返回非。值,否则返回。int ispunct (int ch)若ch是标点字符(Ox。xlF)返回非。值,否则返回。int issp
27、ace(int ch)若ch是空格(),水平制表符(t),回车符(r),走纸换行 (f),垂直制表符C v),换行符(n)返回非值,否则返回。int isupper(int ch)若ch是大写字母(AZ)返回非值,否则返回0int isxdigit(int ch)若ch是16进制数(9,AF,f)返回非值,否 则返回int tolower (int ch)若ch是大写字母(A-Z)返回相应的小写字母(a-z)int toupper(int ch)若ch是小写字母(a-z)返回相应的大写字母(A- Z)数学函数,所在函数库为 math, h stdlib. h string. h float,
28、hint abs(int i)返回整型参数i的绝对值double cabs (struct complex znum)返回复数 znum 的绝对值double fabs (double x)返回双精度参数x的绝对值long labs (long n)返回长整型参数n的绝对值double exp (double x)返回指数函数ex的值double frexp (double value, int *eptr)返回 value=x*2n 中 x 的值,n 存贮在 eptr 中double Idexp(double value, int exp);返回 value*2exp 的值double lo
29、g(double x)返回 logex 的值double loglO (double x)返回 loglOx 的值double pow(double x,double y)返回 xy 的值double powlO(int p)返回 lOp 的值double sqrt (double x)返回+Jx 的值double acos (double x)返回x的反余弦cosT (x)值,x为弧度double asin(double x)返回x的反正弦sin-1 (x)值,x为弧度double atan (double x)返回x的反正切tanT (x)值,x为弧度double atan2 (doubl
30、e y, double x)返回 y/x 的反正切 tanT (x)值,y 的 x 为弧度double cos (double x)返回x的余弦cos (x)值,x为弧度double sin(double x)返回x的正弦sin(x)值,x为弧度double tan (double x)返回x的正切tan (x)值,x为弧度double cosh (double x)返回x的双曲余弦cosh (x)值,x为弧度double sinh (double x)返回x的双曲正弦sinh(x)值,x为弧度double tanh(double x)返回x的双曲正切tanh(x)值,x为弧度double h
31、ypot (double x, double y)返回直角三角形斜边的长度(z), x和y为直角边的 长度,z2=x2+y2 double ceil (double x)返回不小于x的最小整数double floor (double x)返回不大于x的最大整数void srand(unsigned seed)初始化随机数发生器int rand()产生一个随机数并返回这个数double poly (double x, int n, double c)从参数产生一个多项式double modf (double value, double *iptr)将双精度数 value 分解成尾数和阶doubl
32、e fmod (double x, double y)返回 x/y 的余数double frexp (double value, int *eptr)将双精度数 value 分成尾数和阶double atof (char *nptr)将字符串nptr转换成浮点数并返回这个浮点数double atoi (char *nptr)将字符串nptr转换成整数并返回这个整数double atol (char *nptr)将字符串nptr转换成长整数并返回这个整数char *ecvt (double value, int ndigit, int *decpt, int *sign)将浮点数 value 转
33、换 成字符串并返回该字符串 char *fcvt (double value, int ndigit, int *decpt, int *sign) 将浮点数value转换成字符串并返回该字符串char *gcvt (double value, int ndigit, char *buf)将数 value 转换成字符串并存于 buf中,并返回buf的指针char *ultoa(unsigned long value, char *string, int radix)将无符号整型数 value 转换成字符串并返回该字符串,radix为转换时所用基数char *ltoa(long value, c
34、har *string, int radix)将长整型数 value 转换成字符串并 返回该字符串,radix为转换时所用基数char *itoa(int value, char *string, int radix)将整数 value 转换成字符串存入 string, radix为转换时所用基数double atof (char *nptr)将字符串nptr转换成双精度 数,并返回这个数,错误返回int atoi (char *nptr)将字符串nptr转换成整型数,并返回这个数,错误返回。long atol (char *nptr)将字符串nptr转换成长整型数,并返回这个数,错误返回Od
35、ouble strtod (char *str, char *endptr)将字符串str转换成双精度数,并返回这个 数,long strtol (char *str, char *endptr, int base)将字符串 str 转换成长整型数,并 返回这个数,int matherr(struct exception *e)用户修改数学错误返回信息函数(没有必要使用)double matherr( mexcep why, char *fun, double *arglp, double *arg2p, double retval)闲户修改数季错误返回信息函数(没有必要使用)unsigned
36、 int _clear87()清除浮点状态字并返回原来的浮点状态void _fpreset ()重新初使化浮点数学程序包unsigned int _status87()返回浮点状态字目录函数,所在 函数库为dir. h、dos. hint chdir(char *path)使指定的目录path (如:C:WPS)变成当前的工作目录,成 功返回int findfirst (char *pathname, struct ffblk *ffblk, int attrib)查找指定的文件, 成功返回pathname为指定的目录名和文件名,如C:WPSTXrffblk为指定的保存文件信息的个结构,定义如
37、下:struct ffblkchar ff_reserved21; ( char ff_attrib; | int ff_ftime; | int ff_fdate; | long ff_fsize; | char ff_name13; |attrib为文件属性,由以下字符代表| FA_RDONLY只读文件| FA_LABEL卷标号| FA_HIDDEN 隐藏文件 ! FA_DIREC 目录 |I FA_SYSTEM 系统文件 | FA_ARCH 档案 |例:struct ffblk ff;findfirst(. wps”, &ff, FA_RDONLY);int findnext (struct ffblk *ffblk)取匹配 finddirst 的文件,成功返回 void fumerge(char *path, char *drive, char *dir, char *name, char *ext)此函数通过盘符drive(C:、A:等),路径dir(TC、BCLIB等),文件名name(TC、WPS等),扩展名ext (EXE、,COM等)组成一个文件名存与path中.int fnsplit(char