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2、标准,并并通过五五份样卷卷作一个个详细说说明。(一) 作作文评分分原则1.CEET是检检查考生生是否达达到大学学英语教教学大纲纲规定的的六级教教学要求求,对作作文的评评判应以以此要求求为准则则。2.CEET作文文题采用用总体评评分(GGlobbal Scoorinng)方方法。阅阅卷人员员就总的的印象给给出奖励励分(RRewaard Scooress),而而不是按按语言点点的错误误数目扣扣分。3.从内内容和语语言两个个方面对对作文进进行综合合评判。内内容和语语言是一一个统一一体,作作文应表表达题目目所规定定的内容容,而内内容要通通过语言言来表达达。要考考虑作文文是否切切题,是是否充分分表达思思
3、想,也也要考虑虑是否用用英语清清楚而确确切地表表达思想想,也就就是要考考虑语言言上的错错误是否否造成理理解上的的障碍。4.避免免趋中倾倾向。该该给高分分的给高高分,包包括满分分;该给给低分的的给低分分,包括括0分,一一名阅卷卷人员在在所阅的的全部作作文卷中中不应只只给中间间的几种种分数。(二)作文文评分标标准1. 本题题满分为为15分分。2.阅卷标标准共分分五等:2分、55分、88分、111分及及14分分。各有有标准样样卷一至至二份。3. 阅卷卷人员根根据阅卷卷标准,对对照样卷卷评分,若若认为与与某一分分数(如如8分)相相似,即即定为该该分数(即即8分),若认为稍优或稍劣于该分数,即可加一分(
4、即9分)或减一分(即7分),但不得加或减半分。4. 评分分标准:2分条条理不清清,思路路紊乱,语语言支离离破碎或或大部分分句子均均有错误误,且多多数为严严重错误误。5分基本切切题。表表达思想想不清楚楚,连贯贯性差。有有较多的的严重语语言错误误。8分基基本切题题。有些些地方表表达思想想不够清清楚,文文字勉强强连贯;语言错错误相当当多,其其中有一一些是严严重错误误。11分切题。表表达思想想清楚,文文字连贯贯,但有有少量语语言错误误。14分切题。表表达思想想清楚,文文字通顺顺,连贯贯性好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。注: 白白卷,作文文与题目目毫不相相关,或或只有几几个孤立立的词而而无法表表达思
5、想想,则给给0分。5. 字数不足应应酌情扣扣分累计字数140-1149130-1139120-1129110-1119100-110990-99980-89979扣 分12345679注:11.如题目目中给出出主题句句,起始始句,结结束句,均不得得计入所所写字数数2.规定定内容未未写全者者,按比比例扣分分。实例一2003年年1月真真题Direcctioons: Foor tthiss paart, yoou aare allloweed tthirrty minnutees tto wwritte aa coompoosittionn onn thhe ttopiic IIt PPayss t
6、oo Bee Hoonesst. Youu shhoulld wwritte aat lleasst 1150 worrds andd baase youur ccompposiitioon oon tthe outtlinne (givven in Chiinesse) bellow:1. 当今社会上上存在着着很多不不诚实的的现象。2. 诚实利人利利己,做做人应该该诚实。It Paays to Be HonnesttIn oour moddernn soociaal llifee, ttherre aare manny eexammplees aarouund us shoow mmanyy
7、 peeoplle aare cheeateed. Advverttiseemennts cheeat peooplee, ssaleesmeen ccheaat ppeopple, evven onees cloosesst ffrieendss chheatt hiim oor hher. Soo maany heaartbbreaaks aree heeardd evveryydayy thhat we cannnott heelp askkingg: wwherre iis oour honnestt exxistt?Evveryyboddy iis ttaugght honnestt
8、 inn thhe pprimmaryy scchoool oor eevenn inn thhe kkindderggartten. Hoonessty doees ggoodd noot oonlyy too ouurseelvees, butt too ottherrs aas wwelll. IIf wwe aare honnestt too ottherrs. We willl bbe hhapppierr annd bbe iin aa beetteer mmoodd. OOtheerwiise, weelll feeel guiilt at lasst. To a ccomppa
9、nyy annd iits advverttiseemennt, honnestty wwilll brringg itt moore connsummer andd moore proofitt. IIf wwe ccheaat ootheers, frriennds willl nneveer bbeliievee yoou aand theey wwilll leeavee yoou aalonne. To a ccomppanyy, nno cconssumeer wwilll buuy yyourr prroduuct agaain.So, ass thhe aabovve iis
10、ssaidd, iit ppayss too bee hoonesst. Letts creeatee a morrallly ooutsstanndinng ssociial.Althhouggh hhoneestyy iss beelieevedd too bee a virrtuee, ttherre aare stiill disshonnestt peeoplle iin oour soccietty. Forr exxampple, soome bussineessmmen selll ffakee prroduuct to theeir connsummerss; ssomee
11、sttudeentss chheatt inn thhe eexamms.Dishoonesst ppeopple aree shhortt-siightted. Thhosee whho sselll faake prooduccts mayy maake monney at firrst, buut cconssumeers wonnt buyy thheirr prroduuctss anny mmoree. AAs aa reesullt, theey wwilll loose theeir forrtunne oor eevenn bee seent to priisonn. BBy
12、 cconttrasst, honnestt peeoplle ggainn a lott. TThosse wwho alwwayss teell truuth or keeep tto ttheiir pprommisee noot oonlyy leet ootheers truust theem bbut gaiin rresppectt frrom othher peooplee ass weell. Suuch perrsonns aare surre tto hhavee a lott off goood friiendds. Beccausse ttheyy arre ttru
13、sstabble andd reespeectaablee, eeverryonne iis eeageer tto mmakee frriennds witth tthemm. BBesiidess, iit iis eeasiier forr a perrsonn wiith a ggoodd reecorrd tto gget a ggoodd joob. Genneraallyy sppeakkingg, eeverry eemplloyeer wwantts hhis empployyeess too bee hoonesst. So we cann saay tthatt anny
14、onne wwho is honnestt wiill be paiid bbackk laaterr.In a wwordd, hhoneestyy wiins truust, reespeect andd hoonorr. SSo iit iis iimpoortaant thaat wwe sshouuld be honnestt.Withh thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof mmodeern ecoonommic andd inndusstryy, ccomppetiitivve iis bbecoominng mmoree annd mmoree obbvioous.
15、 Att thhe ssamee tiime, thhe pperfformmancce oof ddishhoneest is beccomiing morre aand morre ccleaarlyy.Nowaddayss, ttherre aare manny ddishhoneest perrforrmannce in ourr soocieety. Foor eexammplee, ssomee peeoplle ffounnd tthatt hee saaledd gooodss haad ppastt thhe ppresservvatiion datte. Nott thhr
16、oww thhem awaay, theey rreviisedd thhe ppersservvatiion datte, andd saaledd thhem agaain aftter sevveraal ddayss. AAnottherr caase in thee poointt, aa paair of shooes wass maade froom ggoatt. HHoweeverr, iin oordeer tto ssalee att a higgh ppricce, thee saalerrs wwoulld ssay theey wweree maade froom
17、ccow whiich hass goood quaalitty.Froom tthe forregooingg, wwe ccan seee thhat disshonnestt doose nott onnly harrm tto yyourrsellvess buut aalsoo haarm to othherss. AAnd it is no usee onnly reaalisse tthe harrmneess of disshonnestt. WWe sshouuld be honnestt frrom noww onn annd bbe hhoneest in ourr da
18、ailyy liife. Itt iss onnly thaat ppeopple alll ovver thee woorldd arre hhoneest theem oour couuntrry wwilll bee beeauttifuul aand weaalthhy.Now in ourr soocieety, maany peooplee arre nnot honnestt inn dooingg soominng. We oftten cann meeet wwithh soominng hhapppeneed ccausse bby ppeopple whoo arre n
19、not honnestt. FFor exaamplle, Noww wee taake thee buus nneedd caarryy ceentss owwn, andd whhen youu uppstaairss thhe bbus, yoou sshouuld putt thhe ccentt innto thee mooneyy boox. Eveery peooplee doo thhat, buut ssomee off thhe ppeopple putt thhe ootheer tthinngs inssteaad tthe cennts. FFor anootheer
20、 eexammplee, iit iis mmoree noormaal tthatt inn thhe eexamms wwe ccan alwwayss fiind somme sstuddentts ssee othherss.I cconssideer tthatt evveryy peeoplle sshouuld be honnestt. AAs aa peeoplle, honnestt shhoulld bbe ffirsst, beccausse iit ccan makke uus tto bbe iincrreasse aand makke oour soccityy d
21、eevellop. Inn dooingg evveryy thhingg wee shhoulld bbe hhoneest alll, sstuddy, worrd, liffe aand so on. Iff yoou aare honnestt, eeverry ppeopple willl bbe ffrieend to youu, aand whoo wiill reggardd yoou aare goood ppeopple. But iif yyou donnt be honnestt, ppeopple musst uunwiilliing to traath witth
22、yyou. Soo iff yoou aare wannt tto bbe aa goood peooplee, rremeembeer hhoneest firrst.Nowaadayys, manny ppeopple chooosee noot tto bbe hhoneest in ourr mooderrn ssociietyy. WWe aalmoost cann fiind succh tthinngs eveery dayy off ouur llifee: ssomee sttudeentss chheatt inn thhe eexamm foor hhighher mar
23、rks; soome corrporratiionss teell wroong datta tto tthe pubblicc inn orrderr too geet mmoree innvesstmeent; annd ssomee dooctoors treeat theeir pattiennts witth uunneecesssarry aand exppenssivee meediccinees iin oordeer tto mmakee mooneyy, ssomeetimmes dammageed tthe pattiennts heealtth, eveen tthei
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- 大学 英语六级 考试 短文 写作 技巧 传授 10434