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《顾问原始提供模板-IPD17市场和发布主计划模板24011.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《顾问原始提供模板-IPD17市场和发布主计划模板24011.docx(266页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、说明:本文档的蓝色部分,是每个分标题的展开,请注意.MKT-Temmplatee-00.MMarkett and Launcch plaan(masster)市市场和发布主主计划模板-02.000.00Activitty ID:活动号: Controll Secttion文档控制Versionn版 本Date 日期Change and rreasonn 更 改 及 原原 因By 责任人V1.02001/077/01初版Initiall Verssion融合公司实践经经验Merge wwith 公公司 praacticeeV1.12001/088/16明确、细化对照照模板All morre de
2、ttails clariificattions to thhetemplatte双语化模板BilinguualV2.02002-011-17CR:MKT-H-0300-Corrrect tthe naame off Markket Sttrateggy ;CR:MKT-I-0322-Corrrect nname oof Marrket PPlan OOverviiew (PPrevioously Execuutitivve Oveeriew)-Fasttpath;文字修改 Woord moodify;Projectt Manaager: _ Projeect: _ 项目经理: _ 项目名名称:
3、 _Projectt Phasse / DDecisiion Chheckpooint:项目阶段 / 决策评审点点: X Conceptt 概念 X Developp 开 发 X Launch 发 布 Interimm 临时 X Plan 计划 X Qualifyy 验证 X Life Cyycle 生生命周期Introduuctionn:介绍:The objjectivve of the DDeveloop Marrket aand Laaunch Plan Templlate iis to proviide a singlle souurce ddocumeent foor commmun
4、iccationn of ddetailled sttrateggic annd taccticall planns. TThis ttemplaate coonsistts of a nummber oof secctionss thatt togeether will form the MMarkett and Launcch Plaan. 出台集成产品品开发(IPPD)流程市市场模板的目目的是在推行行和使用提供供IPD流程时时,开展具体体市场活动的的战略层、战战术层和操作作性参考。作作为唯一的文文档来源,该该模板是由一一些具体的子子模板构成的的,统称为“市场计划与与发布模板”(Marke
5、et andd Launnch Pllan teemplatte)。The Marrket PPlan sshouldd be iinitiaated dduringg the Conceept Phhase oof thee IPD proceess annd it becommes onne of the ccomponnents for bbusineess pllan deeveloppment. At the ssubseqquent phasees of the IIPD prrocesss, thee Markket Pllan shhould be uppdatedd and
6、refinned ass infoormatiion iss colllectedd alonng thee proccess. The Markeet Plaan turrns innto thhe Lauunch PPlan tthat ffaciliitatess prodduct aannounncemennt durring tthe Laaunch Phasee.“市场计划与与发布模板”开始于IPDD流程的概念念阶段,并且且它是产品开开发业务计划划的组成部分分,“市场计划与与发布模板”必须在产品品开发的其他他阶段(计划划、开发、验验证阶段)随随着信息的不不断收集和明明确而不断地地进
7、行更新和和修正, 到了产品开开发的发布阶阶段,产品的的市场和发布布计划转化为为实际的操作作 - 产品发布。The Marrket aand Laaunch Plan comprrises of diiffereent seectionns lissted iin thee folllowingg listt. Thhe dettails of soome seectionns aree provvided in seeparatte temmplatees as referrred iin thee folllowingg listt. Allthouggh thee finaal Lauun
8、ch PPlan wwill cconsisst of all tthe liisted sectiions, diffeerent sectiions, howevver, aare innitiatted att diffferentt phasses off the IPD pprocesss. AAlso nnoted that certaain seectionns shoould bbe upddated throuughoutt the proceess affter ttheir initiiationn. Foor insstancee, durring tthe Coonc
9、eptt Phasse a hhigh-llevel Markeet Strrategyy and Goalss is ddevelooped. Howeever, a morre dettailedd Markket Sttrateggy andd Goalls is needeed to substtantiaate thhe dettail pprojecct plaan thaat is requiired ffor thhe Plaan DCPP. Taable 11 provvides an illlustrrationn on tthe reelatioonshipps bett
10、ween the ddifferrent MMarkett and Launcch Plaan secctionss and the IIPD prrocesss phasses.“市场计划与与发布模板”由如下的一一系列子模板板构成,虽然然在最后的发发布阶段所有有的子模板的的活动都需完完成,但是不不同子模板的的内容开始于于产品开发的的不同阶段,并并且有些子模模板内容自开开始之后,需需要在后续的的阶段中不断断地更新和完完善。例如在在概念阶段制制定高层面的的市场目标和和策略,要在在计划阶段进进一步具体细细化成项目计计划,以便计计划DCP会议的的需要。表11给出了在IPPD不同阶段段,“市场计划与与
11、发布模板”不同子模板板的对应关系系。Sectionn Listting:子模板清单:1. Market Plan Overvview 1.市场计计划总览2. Guide tto Marrket RRequirrementts(Templlate 002. Guuide tto Marrket RRequirrementts.lwpp) This ssectioon doccumentts thee gathheringg of mmarkett requuiremeents ccolleccted ffrom aall thhe diffferennt meaans. If thhe Marr
12、ket MManageement proceess iss in pplace, the outpuut of the MMarkett Manaagemennt proocess will servee as tthe keey inpputs ffor thhis seectionn. Thhe marrket rrequirrementt is iinterppretedd and transslatedd intoo markket reequireement speciificattion tthat sservess as tthe maarket requiiremennt re
13、pport ffor prresenttationn purppose. (Notees:Thiis temmplatee provvides guidaance aand exxamplees.Thiis acttual llistinng of markeet rerruiremments, alonng witth othher offferinng reqquiremments from otherr domaains,iis conntaineed in the EE2E Offferinng Reqquiremments templlate.)2.市场需求指指导(Templlate
14、 002.Guiide too Markket Reequireementss.lwp)这部分记录来自自各个途径的的市场需求,请请直接引入“市场需求管管理”子流程的输输出,市场需需求被解释和和翻译为市场场规格,供产产品开发业务务计划使用。3. Market Strattegy aand Gooals(Templlate 003. Maarket Strattegy aand Gooals.llwp)Market Strattegy aand Gooals iidentiify thhe strrategyy for markeeting the pproducct undder deevelo
15、ppment basedd on tthe innputs on thhe marrket rrequirrementt. 3.行销策略和和目标(Templlate 003. Maarket Strattegy aand Gooals.llwp)行销策略和目标标确定产品的的市场策略,以以基于市场需需求来开发产产品。Introduuctionn:介绍:The marrket sstrateegy iss a veery immportaant paart off the markeet plaan. IIn thiis secction, expllanatiions oof howw the
16、produuct offferinng willl be posittionedd intoo the markeetplacce. TThe keey queestionns thaat musst be answeered iin marrket sstrateegy arre: How ddoes tthe prroductt offeering fit iinto tthe coompetiitive markeet?, Whatt is tthe pllan too gainn markket shhare oover tthe coompetiition?, HHow wiill
17、thhe prooduct offerring bbe diffferenntiateed amoongst like produucts?, Whhat vaalue ddoes tthe prroductt add to thhe cusstomerrs?, etc. 行销策略略是市场计划划的一个非常常重要的组成成部分。该部部分会对产品品如何在市场场中定位做出出说明。行销销策略必须回回答的关键问问题有:“怎样使产品品适应竞争市市场?”,“从竞争对手手手中抢夺市市场份额的计计划是什么样样的?”,“与类似产品品相比,本产产品的卖点在在哪里?”,“产品会给客客户带来哪些些价值?”,等等。The
18、marrket ggoals are tthe meeasurees thaat thee prodduct iis tarrgetedd to aachievve. UUsuallly, thhe meaasuress are quanttifiabble suuch ass reveenue ggeneraation and mmarkett sharre inccreasee. Inn somee situuationn, thee goalls cann alsoo be mmore qqualittativee suchh as iimprovve cusstomerr percce
19、ptioon on 公司 prroductts andd estaablishhing tthoughht leaadershhip poositioon. WWith tthe quualitaative goalss, it is immportaant allso too incllude tthe meethodss on wwhich the ggoals will be meeasurees. 行销目标标衡量产品目目标达到的程程度。通常,这这种程度被量量化为获得收收益及增加市市场份额。在在有些情况下下,这种目标标也会表现得得更加定性化化,如提升客客户对公司产产品的认知程程度并在他/
20、她们的心目目中建立市场场领导的地位位。对于定性性化的目标,将将对目标进行行衡量的方法法也加进来是是很重要的。 Instrucction:说明:In deveelopinng thee markket sttrateggy andd goalls, thhe teaam memmbersshoulld disscuss and ccreatee the Markeet strrategyy and goalss togeether basedd on ttheir underrstandding oof thee exissting markeet sittuatioon. 在制定市市场策略和目
21、目标时,团队队成员要根据据他/她们对当前前市场情形的的了解,一齐齐讨论和制定定行销策略和和目标。During the CConceppt Phaase, aa markket sttrateggy andd goalls is creatted baased oon thee markket reequireement. Duee to tthe faact thhat onnly prrelimiinary inforrmatioon is availlable at thhis phhase, the mmarkett straategy is onnly ann inittial oon
22、e baased oon avaailablle infformattion. For the mmarkett goalls, thhe teaam shoould oobtainn inpuuts frrom Saales FForecaast (ppleasee see Tempplate 09. SSales Foreccast.llwp). Thee markket sttrateggy andd goalls shoould bbe upddated throuugh ouut thee IPD proceess ass moree and new iinformmationn i
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- 顾问 原始 提供 模板 IPD17 市场 发布 计划 24011