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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.财会职位英英语accouuntinng asssisttant 会计助理理 accouuntinng cllerk 记帐员accouuntinng maanageer 会计计部经理accouuntinng sttall 会计部职职员accouuntinng suupervvisorr 会计主主管adminnistrratioon maanageer 行政政经理adminnistrratioon sttaff 行政人员员adminnistrrativve as
2、ssisttant 行政助理理adminnistrrativve cllerk 行政办事事员adverrtisiing sstafff 广告工工作人员advisser 法法律顾问airliines salees reepressentaativee 航空公公司定座员员airliines stafff 航空空公司职员员appliicatiion eenginneer 应用工程程师assisstantt mannagerr 副经理理bond anallyst 证券分析析员bond tradder 证证券交易员员businness conttrolller 业业务主任businness manaag
3、er 业务经理理buyerr 采购员员cashiier 出出纳员chemiical engiineerr 化学工工程师civill enggineeer 土木木工程师clerkk typpist2010年年会计实务务英语指导导:如何做做开支预算算Settiing uup a budgget ccan bbe a daunntingg tassk. TTheree is no rreasoon too be intiimidaated by tthis proccess. Oncce yoou haave sset uup yoour bbudgeet yoou caan eaasilyy se
4、ee wheere yyour moneey iss goiing aand hhow mmuch you havee lefft too savve annd sppend. Jusst foolloww theese ssevenn eassy stteps. 建立预预算让人心心悸,但不不能被困难难吓倒。一一旦建立了了预算,你你就能清楚楚地看清你你的钱财流流向、存下下了多少。学会建立立预算,跟跟随下面77步即可。1. Deteerminne Yoour IIncomme 确定定你的收入入Youu neeed too knoow hoow muuch mmoneyy youu willl h
5、aave eeach montth too meeet yoour eexpennses. If you are starrtingg a nnew jjob yyou mmay wwant to uuse aa payyrolll callculaator to ddeterrminee howw mucch mooney you willl briing hhome eachh monnth. You may be ssurprrisedd at the figuure.你需要要先知道你你一月能赚赚回多少钱钱。刚入职职的话你可可能需要一一个薪水计计算器来计计算一下每每月拿回的的钱数。这这个
6、数字可可能让你震震惊哦。2、DDeterrminee Youur Fiixed Expeensess 确定你你的固定开开销Youur fiixed expeensess aree iteems tthat willl nott chaange fromm monnth tto moonth. Theese iitemss cann inccludee rennt, aa carr payymentt, caar innsuraance, yourr eleectriic biill aand yyour studdent loann. Yoou shhouldd alsso inncludde
7、 saavinggs inn thiis caategoory aas weell. It iis immporttant to ppay yyoursself firsst. IIdeallly yyou sshoulld puut att leaast tten pperceent oof yoour iincomme innto ssavinngs eeach montth.固定开开销是指你你每个月都都一定要花花不会改变变的支出,可可能是房租租、汽车贷贷款、汽车车保险、电电费和学生生贷款。你你也应该把把每月存钱钱书目算进进去,为自自己“付账账”理所应应当放在第第一位。是是每月存入入收入的
8、110%为最最佳。3、DDeterrminee Youur Vaariabble EExpennses 确定你的的可变开销销Aftter yyou hhave listted yyour fixeed exxpensses yyou wwill wantt to deteerminne thhe ammountt thaat yoou sppend on vvariaable expeensess. Thhese itemms maay inncludde yoour ggroceeriess, eaatingg outt, cllothiing aand eenterrtainnmentt.
9、 Thhese are alsoo connsideered variiablee beccausee youu cann cutt bacck onn howw mucch yoou sppend on tthesee cattegorries if yyou nneed to. You can deteerminne whhat yyou sspendd by reviiewinng thhe laast ttwo oor thhree montths oof yoour ttranssactiions in eeach cateegoryy.把固定定开销都列列好之后,开开始决定每每月的可
10、变变开销。这这种支出包包括买菜、外餐、买买衣服和娱娱乐活动。这些列为为可变是因因为一旦需需要节省开开支,这一一类支出是是可以改变变的。你可可以回顾一一下过去两两三个月在在每项中的的开销情况况,来确定定大致金额额。4、CCompaare YYour Expeensess to Yourr Inccome 将收支进进行比较Ideeallyy youu shoould creaate aa buddget wherre yoour ooutgooing expeensess mattch yyour incoome. If yyou aassiggn evvery dolllar aa speeci
11、fiic pllace thiss is callled aa zerro-doollarr buddget. If yourr amoountss do not matcch yoou wiill nneed to aadjusst acccorddinglly. YYou mmay nneed to sscalee bacck onn youur vaariabble eexpennses. If you havee exttra mmoneyy at the end of tthe mmonthh,rewward yourrselff by puttting thatt monney d
12、direcctly intoo savvingss. Iff youu havve cuut baack ssigniificaantlyy on yourr varriablle exxpensses aand sstilll cann nott meeet yoour ffixedd exppensees yoou wiill nneed to ffind wayss to channge yyour fixeed exxpensses. 理想情况为为收支平衡衡。严格按按照预先分分配金额支支出,我们们叫做“零零元预算”。(即,预预先确定每每项支出金金额,一旦旦金额花完完,本月停停止该项消消
13、费。)如如果支出与与收入不符符你就需要要对可变开开支进行调调整。如果果月底有结结余,将它它存起来,作作为对自己己的奖励。如果你严严重缩减可可变开支但但仍旧不能能满足固定定支出,那那就需要想想办法节省省固定支出出项。5、TTrackk Youur Exxpensses 跟跟踪开销情情况Aftter yyou hhave set up yyour budgget yyou nneed to ttrackk youur exxpensses iin eaach ccateggory. Youu cann do thiss witth buudgetting softtwaree,on Quiccke
14、n or MMicroosoftt Monney oor onn a lledgeer shheet. Youu shoould havee an estiimatee of whatt youu havve inn eacch caategoory aat alll tiimes. Thiis wiill hhelp to ppreveent yyour fromm oveerspeendinng. IIf yoou siit doown ffor aa feww minnutess eacch daay yoou wiill ffind thatt youu speend lless ti
15、mee theen yoou woould if yyou pput iit alll offf unntil the end.一旦建建立预算,你你需要追踪踪各项支出出情况。你你可以用QQuickken或MMicroosoftt Monney这样样的预算软软件,或记记录在账簿簿上。你需需要随时对对每项支出出余额心中中有数,这这能防止你你过度消费费。每天坐坐下来观察察几分钟,你你做这件事事情所需要要的时间远远比你拖到到最后一起起做要少得得多。7、EEvaluuate Yourr Buddget 评估你的的预算Aftter yyou hhave folllowedd youur buudgett
16、forr a mmonthh youu mayy finnd thhat yyou ccan ccut bback in aa feww areeas,wwhilee youu neeed moore mmoneyy in otheers. You shouuld kkeep tweaakingg youur buudgett unttil iit woorks for you. Youu cann evaaluatte att thee endd of everry moonth and makee chaangess acccordiing tto thhe exxpensses iin
17、thhe uppcomiing mmonthh as welll.按照预预算过了一一个月以后后,你可能能觉得有的的地方可以以削减一些些开支,有有的地方要要多花一些些钱。直到到预算对你你有效,你你需要一直直保持观察察调整。你你可以每个个月对你的的预算进行行评估,对对下月预算算做出改动动。英语之财务务管理英语语汇总partnnershhip 合合伙企业 corrporaate ffinannce 公公司财务 corrporaate 公公司 clooselyy helld 私下下公司 pubblic comppany 公众公司司 Golldmann Sacchs 高高盛银行 pennsionn fu
18、nnd 养老老基金 inssurannce ccompaany 保保险公司 boaard oof diirecttor 董董事会 sepparattion of oownerrshipp andd mannagemment 所有权与与管理权的的分离 limmitedd liaabiliity 有有限责任 artticlees off inccorpooratiion 公公司章程 reaal assset 实物资产产 finnanciial aassett 金融资资产 seccuritty 证券券 finnanciial mmarkeet 金融融市场 cappitall marrket 资本市场
19、场 monney mmarkeet 货币币市场 invvestmment deciisionn 投资决决策 cappitall buddgetiing ddecission 资本预算算决策 finnanciing ddecission 融资决策策 finnanciial mmanagger 财财务经理 treeasurrer 司司库 conntrolller 总会计师师 CFOO 首席财财务官 priincippal-aagentt prooblemm 委托代代理问题 priincippal 委委托人 ageent 代代理人 ageency costt 代理成成本 infformaationn
20、 asyymmettry 信信息不对称称 siggnal 信号 effficieent mmarkeets hhypotthesiis 有效效市场假说说 preesentt vallue 现现值 disscounnt faactorr 贴现因因子 ratte off retturn 收益率 disscounnt raate 贴贴现率 hurrdle ratee 门坎比比率 oppportuunityy cosst off cappitall 资本机机会成本 nett preesentt vallue 净净现值 cassh ouutfloow 现金金支出 nett preesentt vallu
21、e rrule 净现值法法则 ratte-off-retturn rulee 收益率率法则 proofit maxiimizaationn 利润最最大化 doiing wwell 经营盈利利 doiing ggood 经营造益益hard ratiioninng 硬约约束 inccremeentall payyoff 增量收入入 nett worrkingg cappitall 净营运运资本 sunnk coost 沉沉没成本 sunnk-coost ffallaacy 沉沉没成本悖悖论 oveerheaad coost 间间接费用 sallvagee vallue 残残值 strraighht
22、-liine ddepreeciattion 直线法折折旧 Intternaal Reevenuue Seervicce 国内内税收署 taxx shiield 税盾 acccelerratedd cosst reecoveery ssysteem 加速速成本回收收折旧法 altternaativee minnimumm taxx 另类最最低税 taxx preefereence 税收优惠惠 acccelerratedd deppreciiatioon 加速速折旧 proojectt anaalysiis 项目目分析 equuivallent annuual ccash floww 等价年年度
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- 国际会计 术语 英汉 对照 eash