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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 Revision)A. GENEERAL PPROVISSIONS AND DDEFINIITIONSS Artiicle 11. Appplicattion oof UCPP The Unifoorm Cuustomss and Practtice ffor Doocumenntary Crediits, 11993 RRevisiion,
2、 IICC Puublicaation No. 5500, sshall applyy to aall doocumenntary Crediits (iincludding tto thee exteent too whicch theey mayy be aappliccable, Stanndby LLetterr(s) oof Creedit) wheree theyy are incorrporatted innto thhe texxt of the CCreditt. Theey aree bindding oon alll partties ttheretto, unnless
3、 otherrwise expreessly stipuulatedd in tthe Crredit. Artiicle 22. Meaaning of Crredit For tthe puurposees of thesee Artiicles, the expreessionns Doocumenntary Crediit (s) andd Staandby Letteer(s) of Crredit (herreinaffter rreferrred too as Crediit (s) ), mean aany arrrangeement, howeever nnamed or d
4、eescribbed, wwherebby a bbank(tthe IIssuinng Bannk) aactingg at tthe reequestt and on thhe insstructtions of a custoomer (the Appliicant) or on itts ownn behaalf, i) iis to make a payyment to orr to tthe orrder oof a tthird partyy(the Beneeficiaary), or iis to acceppt andd pay billss of eexchannge(D
5、rraft(ss) drrawn bby thee Beneeficiaary, oor iii) auuthoriizes aanotheer bannk to effecct succh payyment, or tto acccept aand paay succh billls off exchhange(Draftt(s), or iii) authhorizees anoother bank to neegotiaate, aagainsst stiipulatted doocumennt(s), provvided that the tterms and ccondittions
6、 of thhe Creedit aare coomplieed witth. Foor thee purpposes of thhese AArticlles, bbranchhes off a baank inn diffferentt counntriess are consiideredd anotther bbank. Articcle 3. Creddits vv. Conntractts a. Crediits, bby theeir naature, are separrate ttransaactionns froom thee salees or otherr conttr
7、act(s) onn whicch theey mayy be bbased and bbanks are iin no way cconcerrned wwith oor bouund byy suchh conttract(s), eeven iif anyy refeerencee whattsoeveer to such contrract(ss) is incluuded iin thee Creddit. CConseqquentlly, thhe unddertakking oof a bbank tto payy, acccept aand paay Draaft(s) or
8、nnegotiiate aand/orr to ffulfilll anyy otheer oblligatiion unnder tthe Crredit, is nnot suubjectt to cclaimss or ddefensses byy the Appliicant resullting from his rrelatiionshiips wiith thhe Isssuing Bank or thhe Benneficiiary. b. A Beeneficciary can iin no case availl himsself oof thee conttractuua
9、l reelatioonshipps exiistingg betwween tthe baanks oor bettween the AAppliccant aand thhe Isssuing Bank. Artiicle 44. Doccumentts v. Goodss/Servvices/Perfoormancces Inn Creddit opperatiions aall paartiess conccernedd deall withh docuumentss, andd not with goodss, serrvicess and/or otther pperforrman
10、cees to whichh the documments may rrelatee. Artticle 5. Innstrucctionss to IIssue/Amendd Creddits aa. Insstructtions for tthe isssuancce of a Creedit, the CCreditt itseelf, iinstruuctionns forr an aamendmment ttheretto, annd thee amenndmentt itseelf, mmust bbe commpletee and preciise. IIn ordder too
11、 guarrd agaainst confuusion and mmisundderstaandingg, bannks shhould discoouragee any attemmpt i) too incllude eexcesssive ddetaill in tthe Crredit or inn any amenddment thereeto; ii) to giive innstrucctionss to iissue, adviise orr conffirm aa Creddit byy refeerencee to aa Creddit prreviouusly iissu
12、edd (simmilar Crediit) whhere ssuch pprevioous Crredit has bbeen ssubjecct to acceppted aamendmment(ss), annd/or unaccceptedd amenndmentt(s), b. Alll insstructtions for tthe isssuancce of a Creedit aand thhe Creedit iitselff and, wherre appplicabble, aall innstrucctionss for an ammendmeent thheretoo
13、 and the aamendmment iitselff, musst staate prreciseely thhe doccumentt(s) aagainsst whiich paaymentt, accceptannce orr negootiatiion iss to bbe madde. B. FORMM AND NOTIFFICATIIOIN OOF CREEDITS Articcle 6. Revoocablee v. IIrrevoocablee Creddits aa. A CCreditt may be eiither i) revoccable, or ii) irr
14、evvocablle. b. The Crediit, thherefoore, sshouldd cleaarly iindicaate whhetherr it iis revvocablle or irrevvocablle. c. In tthe abbsencee of ssuch iindicaation the CCreditt shalll be deemeed to be irrrevoccable. Articlee 7. AAdvisiing Baanks Liabiility a. A Crediit mayy be aadviseed to a Benneficiia
15、ry tthrouggh anoother bank(the Advissing BBank) withhout eengageement on thhe parrt of the AAdvisiing Baank, bbut thhat baank, iif it electts to advisse thee Creddit, sshall take reasoonablee caree to ccheck the aappareent auuthentticityy of tthe Crredit whichh it aadvisees. Iff the bank electts not
16、t to aadvisee the Crediit, itt mustt so iinformm the Issuiing Baank wiithoutt delaay. b. If tthe Addvisinng Bannk cannnot eestabllish ssuch aappareent auuthentticityy it mmust iinformm, witthout delayy, thee bankk fromm whicch thee insttructiions aappearr to hhave bbeen rreceivved thhat itt has been
17、 unablle to estabblish the aauthennticitty of the CCreditt and if itt eleccts noonetheeless to addvise the CCreditt it mmust iinformm the Benefficiarry thaat it has nnot beeen abble too estaablishh the autheenticiity off the Crediit. Arrticlee 8. RRevocaation of a Crediit a. A revvocablle Creedit mm
18、ay bee amennded oor canncelleed by the IIssuinng Bannk at any mmomentt and withoout prrior nnoticee to tthe Beeneficciary. b. HHoweveer, thhe Isssuing Bank must: i) reimmbursee anotther bbank wwith wwhich a revvocablle Creedit hhas beeen maade avvailabble foor sigght paaymentt, accceptannce orr nego
19、otiatiion-foor anyy paymment, accepptancee or nnegotiiationn madee by ssuch bbank-pprior to reeceiptt by iit of noticce of amenddment or caancelllationn, agaainst documments whichh appeear onn theiir facce to be inn comppliancce witth thee termms andd condditionns of the CCreditt, ii) rreimbuurse aa
20、notheer bannk witth whiich a revoccable Crediit hass beenn madee avaiilablee for deferrred ppaymennt, iff suchh a baank haas, prrior tto recceipt by itt of nnoticee of aamendmment oor canncellaation, takeen up documments whichh appeear onn theiir facce to be inn comppliancce witth thee termms andd c
21、ondditionns of the CCreditt. Artticle 9. Liiabiliity off Issuuing aand Coonfirmming BBanks a. Ann irreevocabble Crredit consttitutees a ddefiniite unndertaaking of thhe Isssuing Bank, provvided that the sstipullated documments are ppresennted tto thee Nomiinatedd Bankk or tto thee Issuuing BBank aan
22、d thhat thhe terrms annd connditioons off the Crediit aree compplied with: i) if tthe Crredit proviides ffor siight ppaymennt-to pay aat sigght; ii) if the CCreditt provvides for ddeferrred paaymentt-to ppay onn the maturrity ddate(ss) detterminnable in acccordaance wwith tthe sttipulaationss of tth
23、e Crredit; iiii) iff the Crediit proovidess for accepptancee; (a) by thhe Isssuing Bank-to acccept Draftt(s) ddrawn by thhe Benneficiiary oon thee Issuuing BBank aand paay theem at maturrity, or (b) by aanotheer draawee bbank-tto acccept aand paay at maturrity DDraft(s) drrawn bby thee Beneeficiaary
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- 信用证 统一 惯例 500 英文 biwo