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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.赏析版2012年5月经济学人文章(英汉双语对照)汇集Contents2012.05.26A South African cartoon: No joke 绝非玩笑12012.005.26Once in a lifettime 一一生一次22012.005.26Homerric wiisdom荷荷马式智慧72012.005.26Banglladeshhs tooxic ppolitiics 毒雾雾弥漫的孟加加拉国政治92012.005.26The ffeeli
2、nngs mmutuall 共同的感感觉122012.005.26Pedallling prospperityy 中国经济济:一路骑行行,繁华似锦锦152012.005.26Triasssic llark 嬉嬉戏三叠纪212012.005.26Azerbbaijann and Eurovvisionn 阿塞拜疆疆与欧洲歌唱唱大赛232012.005.26Collaaterall manaagemennt: Seecuritty serrvicess 资产抵押押业务262012.005.26Everyybody was kkung ffu figghtingg 人人都有有功夫282012.005
3、.19Worldd,heree we ccome 世世界,该我们们大展拳脚了了312012.005.21Foreiignerss in CChina 外国人在中中国362012.005.19The bbig enngine that coulddnt 力不不从心的大引引擎412012.005.19Duellling tthe duuopoliies商用飞飞机:与垄断二强强一较高下512012.005.19Countty jaiils: WWorst case 加州郡级监监狱糟糕透顶顶542012.005.18JP Moorgan & Spaain: CConfiddence game 摩根大通
4、和和西班牙痛苦苦552012.005.15TRANSSLATORR IN TTHE SPPOTLIGGHT 聚光光灯下的译者者572012.005.12Aviattion iin Chiina:Sooaringg ambiition 凌云壮志582012.005.12The eeuro ccrisiss希腊很可能能退出欧元区区602012.005.12Amariillo SSlim 悼悼一代赌侠622012.005.12The eeconommy: Unnequall painn 美国经济济不平等的痛痛652012.005.12Sometthing to waatch oover uus 注视
5、着着地球的天眼眼672012.005.12Graphhene sshows its ccolourrs 石墨烯烯露出真容692012.005.12Turniing a line 化学元素周周期表将出现现新的一行722012.005.12Luxurry gooods inn Chinna: Riiding the ggildedd tigeer 中国奢奢侈品.752012.005.05Postaal Serrvice: Waitting ffor deeliverrance 美国邮政企企盼改革772012.005.05That day tthat cchangeed eveerythiing 改
6、变变一切的日子子792012.005.05Chineese caarmakeers 中国国汽车制造商商:初级阶段段822012.005.05A tillted pplayinng fieeld 现任任总统在大选选中的优势872012.005.05Privaate sppace fflightt: Staar truuck 民营营航天时代即即将来临912012.005.05Goingg for growtth, buut howw? 到底如如何实现增长长?942012.005.05Payinng whaat youu wantt: Connsciennce v commeerce 当当良心遭遇私
7、私利972012.005.05Keep on trruckinn驾剑长飞飞八亿里,遥遥看银河九重重天992012.005.05Nucleear-pooweredd cropps 经过核核改造的农作作物1032012.005.26A Souuth Affricann carttoon: No jooke 绝非非玩笑【导读】:一幅幅南非总统祖祖玛的肖像画画在约翰内斯斯堡美术馆展展出,由于画画中祖玛的私私处暴露,该该画疯传,引引发总统支持持者的强烈抗抗议。A SSouth Africcan caartoonn引发南非举举国关注的一一幅讽刺画No joke绝绝非玩笑A cartooon off Pre
8、ssidentt Jacoob Zumma hass provvoked a stoorm off outrrage关于于南非总统雅雅克比祖玛玛的一幅讽刺刺画引发强烈烈不满Mayy 26thh 20122 | CAAPE TOOWN | from the pprint editiionHARRDLY aanyonee woulld havve heaard abbout BBrett Murraays ssatiriical pportraait off Soutth Afrricass pressidentt, Jaccob Zuuma, hhad thhe rulling AAfricaa
9、n Nattionall Conggress (ANC) not put oout a stateement on Maay 17tth exppressiing itts “ouutragee” oveer thee “dissgustiing” ddepicttion oof itss reveered lleaderr and demannding its iimmediiate rremovaal froom thee Johaannesbburg ggallerry wheere itt was hung and ffrom tthe weebsitee of tthe onnly
10、neewspapper thhat haad notticed it. WWhen bboth rrefuseed, thhe parrty prromptlly appplied for aa highh-courrt ordder too forcce theem to do soo.南非执政政党非洲国民民大会(ANNC)在5月月17日发表表了一份声明明称,约翰内内斯堡美术馆馆展出的一幅幅“恶心”的的肖像画丑化化了他们备受受尊敬的领导导人,对此他他们表示“极极度愤慨”并并要求美术馆馆马上撤下这这幅画。在声声明中他们还还要求唯一一一家报道该事事件的报纸把把肖像画从网网站上立即撤撤下。要不是是
11、这份声明,几几乎没人会知知道到布雷特特穆雷(BBrett Murraay)所作的的关于南非总总统雅克比祖玛的这幅幅讽刺画。当当上述要求遭遭到美术馆及及报纸的拒绝绝之后,非洲洲国民大会随随即向高等法法院提出申请请,要求法院院下令强制执执行。Thiis, off courrse, ssent tthousaands oof Souuth Affricanns russhing to thhe intternett to ssee whhat thhe fusss wass abouut. Thhere tthey ffound a carrtoon of a fullyy clotthed, be
12、speectaclled Mrr Zumaa, virrtuallly unrrecognnisablle savve forr the charaacteriistic bump at thhe bacck of his sshavenn headd, in a herroic LLenineesque pose, but with his ggenitaals haangingg out of hiis troouserss. Sooon eveery neewspapper inn the land was ccarryiing thhe porrtraitt, enttitledd “
13、Thee Speaar”. IIt proomptlyy wentt viraal, evven eaarningg its own ppage oon Wikkipediia.正是这份声明明引得成千上上万名南非民民众争相上网一探究竟。他他们看到一幅幅肖像画,画画中人物衣着着整齐,戴着着一副眼镜,摆摆出一幅列宁宁式的英雄站站姿,但生殖殖器却露在了了裤子外面。要要不是他标志志性的后脑勺勺,几乎认不不出来画中人人物就是总统统祖玛。不久久,全国所有有的报纸都刊刊登了这幅名名为矛的的讽刺画。这这幅画很快便便传疯了,甚甚至在维基百百科上都出现现了专属词条。In his aaffidaavit, Mr Z
14、uuma, wwho haas fouur wivves, ttwo exx-wivees andd somee 22 cchildrren, aarguedd thatt the paintting cconstiitutedd a grrave vviolattion oof hiss consstituttionall righht to digniity “aas it depiccts mee withh my pprivatte parrts shhowingg”. Hee feltt “offfendedd and violaated”, as iit sugggesteed h
15、e was aa “phiilandeerer, a wommaniseeran abuseer of powerr”. Itt alsoo, he said, tarnnishedd the ANCss imagge as a libberatiion moovemennt.总统祖祖玛除了两位位前任配偶之之外,现在有有四个妻子,大大概22个子子女。他在书书面陈述中称称,这幅画严严重侵害了他他受宪法保护护的人格权,“因因为在画中我我的私处露在在了外面”。他他觉得 “被被冒犯,而且且权利受到侵侵害”,因为为这幅画暗示示他是一个“玩玩弄女性、花花心及滥用职职权的人”。他还说这幅画玷污了非洲国民大会
16、作为解放运动组织的形象。The work, said Gwede Mantashe, the ANCs secretary-general, was racist, suggesting that “black people were objects and inferior to whites.” Zwelinzima Vavi, leader of the main trade union federation, said it could “only be the work of a very sick mind, full of hatred.” No white leader, th
17、ey said, would ever be portrayed like that. (In fact Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Stephen Harper, Canadas prime minister, haveamong othersbeen depicted naked in abusive cartoons.)南非国民大会总书记格维德曼德谢(Gwede Mantashe)称这幅画带有种族主义色彩,因为它暗示 “黑人只是被嘲笑的对象,而且低白人一等”。总工会常务秘书长瓦维(Zwelinzima Vavi)称可能“只有神智不清、脑中充满仇恨的人
18、才能画出这种东西”。他们说白人领导从来不会被刻画成那种形象。(实际上,包括比尔克林顿、乔治W布什及加拿大总理史蒂芬哈伯在内的一些白人领导人,他们都有过一丝不挂地出现在侮辱性漫画中的类似遭遇。)On May 22nd the Zuma painting was all but destroyed with red and black paint by two enraged supporters of the president. One of South Africas biggest churches, the Nazareth Baptist Church, has called for
19、Mr Murray, a well-known anti-apartheid campaigner, to be stoned to death.5月22日,两名愤怒的总统支持者用红色和黑色油漆几乎毁掉了那幅肖像画。该画的作者穆雷是著名的反种族隔离活动家,南非最大教派之一的拿撒勒浸信会(the Nazareth Baptist Church)要求石刑处死穆雷。2012.005.26Once in a lifettime 一一生一次导读:英女皇伊伊丽莎白二世世于19522年登基,今今年满六十周周年,本文把把这次的庆典典和19777年的二十五五周年庆典以以及20022年的五十周周年庆典加以以对比,
20、讨论论了这些庆典典反映出的英英国国民心境境转变。Baagehott白芝浩Oncce in a liffetimee一生一次Whhat thhree rroyal jubillees rreveall abouut Briitain通通过三次皇室室登基庆典看看英国Mayy 26thh 20122 | frrom thhe priint edditionnBEFORRE Queeen Ellizabeeths Silveer Jubbilee in 19977, tthe viillageers off Westt Hoatthly iin Susssex wwere pplacedd undee
21、r seccret oobservvationn. A ffile wwas drrawn uup, nooting theirr viewws on the mmonarcchy, tthe coountryy and the iimpendding ccelebrrationns. Thhe royyal faamily was mmarvelllous but tthese festiivitiees hadd bettter noot cosst tooo muchh, saiid onee villlager, recoorded as “NNurse, femaale, 550”,
22、 eexplaiining: “Peoople aare noot in the mmood.”在1977年英女皇伊丽莎白二世登基二十五周年庆典之前,萨塞克斯地区西霍斯利村的村民当了一回被暗中观察的目标。那次观察结果被总结成了一份文件,其中记录了当时村民对于皇室、英国和即将到来的庆典的看法。文件中一位“50岁的女护士”指出,皇室棒极了,但是庆典最好不要花费过巨,她对此作了进一步的说明:“大家现在没有庆贺的心情。”West Hoathly was reliably monarchist, the file records, with anti-republican sentiment boost
23、ed by recent American elections (“Fancy having Jimmy Carter,” a villager shuddered). But still its Jubilee enthusiasts sounded a bit bleak. Were due a celebration, said “Male, 53”weve made it to 1977 without a nuclear war.据文件记载,当时的西霍斯利村是君主制的忠实拥护者,受到刚过去的美国大选影响,村里反共和制的情绪进一步高涨(“想想让吉米卡特来管理英国会是什么样子”,一位村民
24、边说边打了个冷颤)。但即使在这样一个亲皇室的村庄里,那些登基庆典热衷分子的话听上去还是有些沮丧。一位“53岁男子”说,是时候庆祝一下了,我们终于迎来了1977年,核战争至今还没发生。The files were commissioned by Mass Observation, a private social-research project that has studied the British since the 1930s. In all, 107 volunteers were recruited to record the Silver Jubilee. Their diarie
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