《汽车悬架工作原理全英文32177.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《汽车悬架工作原理全英文32177.docx(34页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、How Car Suspensions WorkTable of Contents: Introduction to How Car Suspensions Work VVehiiclee Dyynammicss TThe Chaassiis SSpriingss SSpriingss: SSpruung andd Unnsprrungg Maass DDampperss: SShocck AAbsoorbeers DDampperss: SStruuts andd Annti-swaay BBarss SSusppenssionn Tyypess: FFronnt SSusppenssion
2、n Tyypess: RRearr SSpecciallizeed SSusppenssionns: Thee Baaja Bugg SSpecciallizeed SSusppenssionns: Forrmulla OOne Raccerss SSpecciallizeed SSusppenssionns: Hott Roods TThe Futturee off Caar SSusppenssionns LLotss Moore Infformmatiion CCompparee Prricees ffor Carr SuuspeensiionssWhen peooplee thhink
3、k off auutommobiile perrforrmannce, thhey norrmallly thiink of horrseppoweer, torrquee annd zzeroo-too-600 acccelleraatioon. Butt alll oof tthe powwer genneraatedd byy a pisstonn ennginne iis uusellesss iff thhe ddrivver cannt conntrool tthe carr. TThatts whyy auutommobiile enggineeerss tuurneed tth
4、eiir aatteentiion to thee suuspeensiion sysstemm allmosst aas ssoonn ass thhey hadd maasteeredd thhe ffourr-sttrokke iinteernaal ccombbusttionn ennginne. Photoo coourttesyy Hoondaa Mootorr Coo., Ltdd.Dooublle-wwishhbonne ssusppenssionn onn Hoondaa Acccorrd 220055 CooupeeThe jjob of a ccar susspennsi
5、oon iis tto mmaxiimizze tthe friictiion bettweeen tthe tirres andd thhe rroadd suurfaace, too prroviide steeeriing staabillityy wiith goood hhanddlinng aand to enssuree thhe ccomffortt off thhe ppasssenggerss. IIn tthiss arrticcle, weelll exxploore howw caar ssusppenssionns wworkk, hhow theeyvve eev
6、ollvedd ovver thee yeearss annd wwherre tthe dessignn off suuspeensiionss iss heeadeed iin tthe futturee. Vehiccle Dynnamiics(汽汽车动力力学)IIf aa rooad werre pperffecttly flaat, witth nno iirreegullariitiees, susspennsioons wouuldnnt be neccesssaryy. BBut roaads aree faar ffromm fllat. Evven freeshlly pp
7、aveed hhighhwayys hhavee suubtlle iimpeerfeectiionss thhat cann innterractt wiith thee whheells oof aa caar. Its tthesse iimpeerfeectiionss thhat appply forrcess too thhe wwheeels. Acccorrdinng tto NNewttons llawss off mootioon(牛牛顿运动动理论), all forces have both magnitude(大小) and direction. A bump(撞击)i
8、n the road causes the wheel to move up and down perpendicular(垂直的) to the road surface. The magnitude, of course, depends on whether the wheel is striking a giant bump or a tiny speck(斑点). Either way, the car wheel experiences a vertical acceleration as it passes over an imperfection. Withoout an in
9、ttervveniing(介介入) strructturee, aall of wheeels vvertticaal eenerrgy is traansfferrred to thee frramee, wwhicch mmovees iin tthe samme ddireectiion. Inn suuch a ssituuatiion, thhe wwheeels cann loose conntacct wwithh thhe rroadd coomplleteely. Thhen, unnderr thhe ddownnwarrd fforcce oof ggravvityy,
10、tthe wheeelss caan sslamm baack intto tthe roaad ssurffacee. WWhatt yoou nneedd iss a sysstemm thhat willl aabsoorb thee ennerggy oof tthe verrticcallly aacceelerrateed wwheeel, alllowiing thee frramee annd bbodyy too riide unddistturbbed whiile thee whheells ffolllow bummps in thee rooad. The sstud
11、dy oof tthe forrcess att woork on a mmoviing carr iss caalleed vvehiiclee dyynammicss, aand youu neeed to unddersstannd ssomee off thhesee coonceeptss inn orrderr too apppreeciaate whyy a susspennsioon iis nneceessaary in thee fiirstt pllacee. MMostt auutommobiile enggineeerss coonsiiderr thhe ddyna
12、amiccs oof aa moovinng ccar froom ttwo perrspeectiivess: Ride - aa caarss abbiliity to smooothh ouut aa buumpyy rooad Handllingg - a ccars aabillityy too saafelly aacceelerratee, bbrakke aand corrnerr Thesee twwo ccharractteriistiics cann bee fuurthher desscriibedd inn thhreee immporrtannt pprinncip
13、pless - roaad iisollatiion, rooad holldinng aand corrnerringg. TThe tabble bellow desscriibess thhesee prrincciplles andd hoow eengiineeers atttemppt tto ssolvve tthe chaalleengees uuniqque to eacch. PrincciplleDefinnitiionGoalSoluttionnRoad IsoolattionnThe vvehiiclees abiilitty tto aabsoorb or isoo
14、latte rroadd shhockk frrom thee paasseengeer ccompparttmenntAlloww thhe vvehiiclee boody to ridde uundiistuurbeed wwhille ttravveliing oveer rrouggh rroadds.Absorrb eenerrgy froom rroadd buumpss annd ddisssipaate(驱驱散) it witthouut ccaussingg unnduee(不恰恰当的) oscillation(振动) in the vehicle.Road Holldin
15、ngThe ddegrree to whiich a ccar maiintaainss coontaact witth tthe roaad ssurffacee inn vaarioous typpes of dirrecttionnal chaangees aand in a sstraaighht llinee (EExammplee: TThe weiightt off a carr wiill shiift froom tthe reaar ttirees tto tthe froont tirres durringg brrakiing. Beecauuse thee noose
16、 of thee caar ddipss toowarrd tthe roaad, thiis ttypee off mootioon iis kknowwn aas divve. Thhe ooppoositte eeffeect - sqquatt - ooccuurs durringg acccelleraatioon, whiich shiiftss thhe wweigght of thee caar ffromm thhe ffronnt ttirees tto tthe bacck.)Keep thee tiiress inn coontaact witth tthe groou
17、ndd, bbecaausee itt iss thhe ffricctioon bbetwweenn thhe ttirees aand thee rooad thaat aaffeectss a vehhiclless abbiliity to steeer, brrakee annd aacceelerratee.Minimmizee thhe ttrannsfeer oof vvehiiclee weeighht ffromm siide to sidde aand froont to bacck, as thiis ttrannsfeer oof wweigght redducees
18、 tthe tirress grrip on thee rooad.CorneerinngThe aabillityy off a vehhiclle tto ttravvel a ccurvved patthMinimmizee boody rolll, whiich occcurss ass ceentrrifuugall foorcee puushees ooutwwardd onn a carrs cennterr off grraviity whiile corrnerringg, rraissingg onne ssidee off thhe vvehiiclee annd llo
19、weerinng tthe oppposiite sidde.Transsferr thhe wweigght of thee caar dduriing corrnerringg frrom thee hiigh sidde oof tthe vehhiclle tto tthe loww siide.A carrs susspennsioon, witth iits varriouus ccompponeentss, pprovvidees aall of thee sooluttionns ddesccribbed. Letss loook at thee paartss off a t
20、yppicaal ssusppenssionn, wworkkingg frrom thee biiggeer ppictturee off thhe cchasssiss doown to thee inndivviduual commponnentts tthatt maake up thee suuspeensiion prooperr. The CChasssissThee suuspeensiion of a ccar is acttuallly parrt oof tthe chaassiis, whiich commpriisess alll oof tthe impportta
21、ntt syysteems loccateed bbeneeathh thhe ccars bbodyy. ChasssisThesee syysteems inccludde: The fframme - sttruccturral, looad-carrryiing commponnentt thhat suppporrts thee caarss ennginne aand boddy, whiich aree inn tuurn suppporrtedd byy thhe ssusppenssionn The ssusppenssionn syysteem - seetupp thha
22、t suppporrts weiightt, aabsoorbss annd ddamppenss shhockk annd hhelpps mmainntaiin ttiree coontaact The ssteeerinng ssysttem - mmechhaniism thaat eenabbless thhe ddrivver to guiide andd diirecct tthe vehhiclle The ttirees aand wheeelss - commponnentts tthatt maake vehhiclle mmotiion posssibble by wa
23、yy off grrip andd/orr frricttionn wiith thee rooad So thhe ssusppenssionn iss juust onee off thhe mmajoor ssysttemss inn anny vvehiiclee. With thiis bbig-piccturre ooverrvieew iin mmindd, iitss tiime to loook aat tthe thrree funndammenttal commponnentts oof aany susspennsioon: sprringgs, dammperrs a
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- 汽车 悬架 工作 原理 英文 32177