《(WRIP)工资调查与改善计划(11)1217.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(WRIP)工资调查与改善计划(11)1217.docx(22页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、Wage Reseearchh andd Impproveementt Proogramm(WRIPP)工资调查与与改善计划划Many facttoriees inn Chiina ppay wwagess bellow tthe llegall reqquireementts annd woork hhourss aboove bboth legaal liimitss(40 hourrs a weekk, 366 houurs pper mmonthh oveertimme) aand mmost comppany estaablisshed limiits(660 hoours per
2、weekk).Efffortts too adddresss theese ccommoon noon-coompliiancee isssues havee priimariily iincluuded periiodicc facctoryy auddits/evalluatiions by ccompaany oor 3rrd paarty moniitorss acccompaaniedd witth coorrecctivee acttion planns,Looss oof buusineess ffor ffailiing tto coorrecct anny iddentiif
3、iedd defficieenciees orr,facctoryy terrminaationn.在中国,许许多品牌公公司的协作作工厂支付付工人的工工资低于法法律标准,工工作时间则则超过法定定时限(延延长工作时时间每月不不得超过三三十六小时时),同时时也超过多多数品牌公公司采购准准则所规定定的时限(每每周工作时时间不得超超过60小时)。各各品牌公司司为解决此此类违规问问题,主要要对工厂进进行定期评评审或是委委托第三方方评审,然然后要求工工厂采取有有效的措施施进行整改改。若工厂厂的整改措措施未能达达到法规标标准和品牌牌公司采购购准则要求求,品牌公公司将暂停停工厂订单单,甚至终终止与工厂厂合作。
4、In reesponnse tto thhis ccommoon meethodd of deteectinng noon-coompliiancee isssues and pushhing facttoriees foor coorrecctivee acttion,the majoorityy of facttoriees haave ccreatted ffrauddulennt reecordds thhat sshow comppliannce tto eiitherr thee loccal llaw oor a comppanys coode oof coonducct.Fuu
5、rtheer,too avooid ddetecctionn of thesse frrauduulentt reccordss,facctoriies hhave coacched theiir woorkerrs onn howw to answwer qquesttionss possed bby coompanny moonitoors aas weell aas moodifyying any/all facttory recoords/docuumentts thhat mmightt proove tthe ttime cardd andd payyrolll reccordss
6、 werre faalsiffied.为应付各品品牌公司此此类工厂评评审,大多多数工厂会会制作虚假假记录,以以证明他们们是符合劳劳动法规和和品牌公司司采购准则则要求的。而而且,工厂厂训导工人人回答品牌牌公司采购购准则评审审时所提出出的各种问问题,以使使工人反馈馈给品牌公公司的信息息与工厂制制作的虚假假记录相一一致,以此此来掩盖工工厂真实的的工时与工工资状况。The eefforrts oon beehalff of facttoriees too hidde thhe trrue wwagess andd worrkingg houurs hhave madee it extrremelly
7、diifficcult to aassesss coompliiancee andd to moniitor proggresss agaainstt loccal llaw aand/oor a comppany codee of condduct. In otheer woords,mostt commpaniies aare nnot aable to ddeterrminee thee acttual wagees annd woork hhourss forr theeir ffactooriess in Chinna.这种蓄意掩掩盖真实工工时和工资资的做法给给采购准则则评审带来来相
8、当大的的困难。换换句话说,大大部分品牌牌公司无法法监测到他他们在中国国的协作工工厂的真实实工资和工作作时间状况况。WRIP ProggramTo adddresss thhis iindusstry-widee chaallennge,SSearss Holldinggs Coorporratioon deevelooped the Wagee Ressearcch annd Immprovvemennt Prrograam(WRRIP) to wwork withh vennderss andd facctoriies iin Chhina to eevaluuate the truee w
9、orrkingg houurs aand wwagess undder tthe ggoal of ccontiinuouus immprovvemennt.Thhe WRRIP pprogrram,fformaally launnchedd in 20044,atttemptts too parrtnerr witth seelectt venndorss to gathher mmore accuuratee wagge annd hoour iinforrmatiion ffor ttheirr facctoriies sso thhat wwe maay woork wwith the
10、mm to deveelop detaailedd corrrecttive actiion pplanss thaat haave aa higgher likeelihoood ffor iimpleementtatioon annd onngoinng suuccesss.工资调查与与改善计划划为应对这种种普遍的业业界挑战,Sears Holdings Corporation公司与供应商及协作工厂合作,开展工资调查与改善计划(WRIP)(以下简称WRIP改善计划)。公司按照持续改进的原则,来评审其在中国的协作工厂的真实工时和工资状况。WRIP改善计划在2004年正式实施,主要内容是要求供
11、应商及协作工厂提供准确真实的工时和工资记录,以便采取有效的整改措施达到持续改进的目标。In exxchannge ffor llongeer coorrecctivee acttion timeelinees annd coonsulltatiion oon waays tto moove iinto comppliannce,tthe pprogrress requuiress venndorss/facctoriies tto aggree to pproviide ccompllete infoormattion to SSearss Holldinggs Coorporratioon
12、annd too makke grraduaal prrogreess oon booth wworkiing hhourss andd wagge paaymennts aaccorrdingg to a deetailled iimproovemeent pplan.All WRIPP Impproveementt Plaans ssubmiittedd musst bee bassed oon acccuraate iinforrmatiion aand rrealiisticc preedicttionss on workking hourrs annd waages. Seaars
13、HHoldiings Corpporattion willl commparee thee WRIIP Immprovvemennt Pllan wwith otheer faactorries in tthe ssame areaa to deteerminne iff thee plaan iss in keepping withh inddustrry sttandaards. If a WRRIP IImproovemeent PPlan is aacceppted, thee facctoryy musst aggree to tthe ffolloowingg:为持续有效效的辅导并
14、并推动工厂厂进行整改改,Seaars HHoldiings Corpporattion公公司要求供供应商及协协作工厂提提供真实完完整的记录录和详细的的计划,来来逐步改善善工时和工工资问题。因因此,提交交的WRIIP改善计计划必须基基于工时和和工资的真实实情况及可可能实现的的预估。SSearss Holldinggs Coorporratioon公司会会就同一区区域的不同同工厂进行行比较,判判断所提交交的WRIIP改善计计划是否符符合业界标标准。如果果被接受,那那么工厂必必须遵守以以下几点要要求:1、 To bbe coompleetelyy honnest withh Seaars HHold
15、iings Corpporattion. Theey wiill nnot ffalsiify rrecorrds oor cooach workkers.2、 To ttrackk worrkingg houurs ffor aall eemplooyeess eitther manuuallyy or throough a tiimecaard ssysteem (iin acccorddancee witth Seears Holddingss Corrporaationn Codde off Venndor Condduct Notiice aand RRecorrdkeeepingg
16、 Guiideliines).3、 To gguaraanteee thee wagge leevelss forr alll worrkerss acccordiing tto thhe suubmittted imprrovemment plann. Anny woorkerr whoose wwagess falll beelow thesse leevelss duee to prodductiivityy (neew, ttrainnee, apprrentiice aand sslow workkers) willl bee paiid a topp-up alllowannce
17、eequall to the diffferennce.4、 Any deduuctioons ffor ssuch itemms ass foood, ddormiitoryy, waater and elecctriccity willl be docuumentted ppropeerly and willl proovidee to Searrs Hooldinngs CCorpooratiion uupon requuest.5、 Finaally, a vviolaationn of the abovve foour ccondiitionns maay reesultt in f
18、acttory termminattion.1、 必须诚信信。不可提提供虚假记记录或训导导工人。2、 用考勤或或工卡记录录所有的工工时(根据据Searrs Hooldinngs CCorpooratiion公司司采购准则则中的文件件记录保存存补充指导导原则)。3、 按照提交交的WRIIP改善计计划来确保保所有工人人的工资水平。任任何工人由由于生手(不不熟练)、试试用期或工工作较慢者者的工资低于预预期约定标标准的工厂厂必须补贴贴其工资以达到到WRIPP改善计划划的标准。4、 所有类似似伙食费, 宿舍费费, 水电费费等工资扣项,必必须有准确确记录以便便提交给SSearss Holldinggs C
19、oorporratioon公司评评审。5、 最后,若若有违反以以上四项规规定情况之之一者,都都可能导致致工厂被终终止合作关关系。Basedd on the acceeptannce oof thhese termms, SSearss Holldinggs Coorporratioon wiill wwork withh thee facctoryy to impllemennt a detaailedd WRIIP Immprovvemennt Pllan aand ppermiit thhe faactorry too prooducee Seaars HHoldiings Corppor
20、attion mercchanddise. Seaars HHoldiings Corpporattion willl alsso aggree to kkeep all infoormattion relaated to tthe WWRIP Imprrovemment Plann connfideentiaal too Seaars HHoldiings Corpporattion, thee vennder(s) wworkiing wwith the facttory, andd thee facctoryy itsself.基于以上条条件,Seears Holddingss Corr
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- WRIP 工资 调查 改善 计划 11 1217